private BarChartViewModel GetBarChart() { BarDataSet dataset = new BarDataSet() { label = "Buy", data = new int[] { 65, 59, 80, 81, 56, 55, 40 }, backgroundColor = "#42A5F5", borderColor = "borderColor" }; BarDataSet dataset2 = new BarDataSet() { label = "Borrow", data = new int[] { 28, 48, 40, 19, 86, 27, 90 }, backgroundColor = "#9CCC65", borderColor = "7CB342" }; BarChartViewModel vm = new BarChartViewModel() { labels = new string[] { "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July" }, datasets = new BarDataSet[] { dataset, dataset2 } }; return(vm); }
public MainPage() { InitializeComponent(); var entries = new List <EntryChart>(); entries.Add(new EntryChart(0, 5)); entries.Add(new EntryChart(1, 7)); entries.Add(new EntryChart(2, 10)); entries.Add(new EntryChart(3, 3)); entries.Add(new EntryChart(4, 1)); entries.Add(new EntryChart(5, 7)); entries.Add(new EntryChart(6, 2)); var dataSet = new BarDataSet(entries, "Line Chart") { DataColor = Color.Red, DrawValue = false, }; var entries2 = new List <EntryChart>(); entries2.Add(new EntryChart(0, 1)); entries2.Add(new EntryChart(1, 4)); entries2.Add(new EntryChart(2, 9)); entries2.Add(new EntryChart(3, 6)); entries2.Add(new EntryChart(4, 3)); entries2.Add(new EntryChart(5, 1)); entries2.Add(new EntryChart(6, 7)); var dataSet2 = new BarDataSet(entries2, "Line Chart 2") { DataColor = Color.Blue, }; var entries3 = new List <PieEntry>(); entries3.Add(new PieEntry(10, "col1", Color.Accent)); entries3.Add(new PieEntry(30, "col2", Color.AliceBlue)); entries3.Add(new PieEntry(25, "col3", Color.AntiqueWhite)); entries3.Add(new PieEntry(25, "col4", Color.Aqua)); entries3.Add(new PieEntry(10, "col5", Color.Aquamarine)); var dataSet3 = new PieDataSet(entries3, "Pie Chart 2"); var data = new PieChartData(dataSet3, null) { ValueDisplaySize = 13, ValueDisplayColor = Color.Blue, TextDisplaySize = 10, TextDisplayColor = Color.Green }; pieChart.ChartData = data; //lineChart.ChartData = data; //lineChart.XAxisLabels = new List<string> //{ // "Col1","Col2","Col3","Col4","Col5","Col6","Col7", //}; //lineChart2.ChartData = data; }
public object GerarDataProvincias() { try { var data = new Charts.Data(); var connString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["Conn"].ConnectionString; var qry = @"Select p.Nome as Provincia, COUNT(*) as Total, SUM(Case When (Febre = 1 and Viagem = 1 and Contacto = 1) then 1 else 0 End) as AltoRisco from Resultado r inner join Municipio m on r.IdMunicipio = m.IdMunicipio inner join Provincia p on m.IdProvincia = p.IdProvincia Group by p.Nome, p.IdProvincia Order By p.IdProvincia"; using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(connString)) { var cmd = new SqlCommand(qry, conn); conn.Open(); var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); var ds = new BarDataSet { label = "Reportes", backgroundColor = "#e1bcc3", hoverBackgroundColor = "#b9e5e8" }; var dsRisco = new BarDataSet { label = "Reportes de Risco", backgroundColor = Color.Brown.Name, hoverBackgroundColor = Color.Red.Name }; if (reader.HasRows) { while (reader.Read()) { data.labels.Add(reader["Provincia"].ToString());["Total"]));["AltoRisco"])); } } conn.Close(); data.datasets.Add(ds); data.datasets.Add(dsRisco); } return(data); } catch (Exception e) { SystemLog.Erro(e); return(null); } }
private List <BarDataSet> getDataSet() { List <BarDataSet> dataSets = null; List <BarEntry> valueSet1 = new List <BarEntry>(); BarEntry v1e1 = new BarEntry(110.000f, 0); // Jan valueSet1.Add(v1e1); BarEntry v1e2 = new BarEntry(40.000f, 1); // Feb valueSet1.Add(v1e2); BarEntry v1e3 = new BarEntry(60.000f, 2); // Mar valueSet1.Add(v1e3); BarEntry v1e4 = new BarEntry(30.000f, 3); // Apr valueSet1.Add(v1e4); BarEntry v1e5 = new BarEntry(90.000f, 4); // May valueSet1.Add(v1e5); BarEntry v1e6 = new BarEntry(100.000f, 5); // Jun valueSet1.Add(v1e6); List <BarEntry> valueSet2 = new List <BarEntry>(); BarEntry v2e1 = new BarEntry(150.000f, 0); // Jan valueSet2.Add(v2e1); BarEntry v2e2 = new BarEntry(90.000f, 1); // Feb valueSet2.Add(v2e2); BarEntry v2e3 = new BarEntry(120.000f, 2); // Mar valueSet2.Add(v2e3); BarEntry v2e4 = new BarEntry(60.000f, 3); // Apr valueSet2.Add(v2e4); BarEntry v2e5 = new BarEntry(20.000f, 4); // May valueSet2.Add(v2e5); BarEntry v2e6 = new BarEntry(80.000f, 5); // Jun valueSet2.Add(v2e6); BarDataSet barDataSet1 = new BarDataSet(valueSet1, "1"); barDataSet1.Color = (Color.Rgb(0, 155, 0)); BarDataSet barDataSet2 = new BarDataSet(valueSet2, "2"); //barDataSet2.SetColor(ColorTemplate.ColorfulColors); dataSets = new List <BarDataSet>(); dataSets.Add(barDataSet1); dataSets.Add(barDataSet2); return(dataSets); }
private void Init() { finalBalance = SumIncomes - SumOutcomes; if (finalBalance > 0) { tvStatus.Text = GetString(Resource.String.we_still_have_money); tvFinalBalance.SetTextColor(Context.GetColorStateList(Resource.Color.text_color_blue)); tvFinalBalance.Text = $"+{finalBalance.ToCurrency()}"; } else { tvStatus.Text = GetString(Resource.String.We_are_broke_now); tvFinalBalance.SetTextColor(Context.GetColorStateList(Resource.Color.text_color_red)); tvFinalBalance.Text = finalBalance.ToCurrency(); } tvIncome.Text = $"+{SumIncomes.ToCurrency()}"; tvOutcome.Text = $"-{SumOutcomes.ToCurrency()}"; barChart.Description.Enabled = false; barChart.Legend.Enabled = false; barChart.AxisRight.Enabled = false; barChart.AxisLeft.Enabled = false; barChart.AxisLeft.AxisMinimum = 0; barChart.XAxis.Position = XAxis.XAxisPosition.Bottom; barChart.XAxis.SetDrawGridLines(false); barChart.XAxis.Granularity = 1; barChart.SetExtraOffsets(0, 0, 0, 10); barChart.SetScaleEnabled(false); var labels = new List <string>() { GetString(Resource.String.income), GetString(Resource.String.outcome) }; var barGroup = new List <BarEntry>() { new BarEntry(0, SumIncomes / 1000f), new BarEntry(1, SumOutcomes / 1000f) }; var barDataSet = new BarDataSet(barGroup, null); barDataSet.SetColors(new int[] { Resource.Color.income_color, Resource.Color.outcome_color }, Context); barDataSet.SetDrawValues(false); barChart.XAxis.ValueFormatter = new IndexAxisValueFormatter(labels); barChart.XAxis.TextColor = ContextCompat.GetColor(Context, Resource.Color.text_color_blue); barChart.XAxis.TextSize = Resources.GetDimension(Resource.Dimension.text_size_normal); barChart.Data = new BarData(barDataSet);; barChart.Invalidate(); }
private void SetData(int count, float range) { float start = 1f; IList <BarEntry> values = new List <BarEntry>(); for (int i = (int)start; i < start + count; i++) { float val = random.Next((int)range + 1); if (random.Next(100) < 25) { values.Add(new BarEntry(i, val)); } else { values.Add(new BarEntry(i, val)); } } BarDataSet set1; BarData data = Chart.Data; if (data != null && data.DataSetCount > 0) { set1 = (BarDataSet)data[0]; set1.Entries = values; data.NotifyDataChanged(); Chart.NotifyDataSetChanged(); } else { set1 = new BarDataSet(values, "The year 2017") { IsDrawIconsEnabled = false, Colors = ColorTemplate.MaterialColors }; IList <IBarDataSet> dataSets = new List <IBarDataSet> { set1 }; data = new BarData(dataSets); data.SetValueTextSize(10f); data.SetValueTypeface(FontManager.Default); data.BarWidth = 0.9f; Chart.Data = data; } }
protected override void OnAppearing() { base.OnAppearing(); var entries = new List <EntryChart>(); var entries2 = new List <EntryChart>(); var labels = new List <string>(); Random random = new Random(); for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { entries.Add(new EntryChart(i, random.Next(20))); entries2.Add(new EntryChart(i, random.Next(20))); labels.Add("Entry" + i); } var dataSet4 = new BarDataSet(entries, "Bar DataSet 1") { Colors = new List <Color>() { Color.Accent, Color.Azure, Color.Bisque, Color.Gray, Color.Green, Color.Chocolate, Color.Black }, }; var dataSet5 = new BarDataSet(entries2, "Bar DataSet 2") { Colors = new List <Color> { Color.Green }, }; var data4 = new BarChartData(new List <IBarDataSet>() { dataSet4 }); chart.ChartData = data4; chart.DescriptionChart.Text = "Test label chart description"; chart.AxisLeft.DrawGridLines = false; chart.AxisLeft.DrawAxisLine = true; chart.AxisLeft.Enabled = true; chart.AxisRight.DrawAxisLine = false; chart.AxisRight.DrawGridLines = false; chart.AxisRight.Enabled = false; chart.XAxis.XAXISPosition = XAXISPosition.BOTTOM; chart.XAxis.DrawGridLines = false; chart.XAxis.AxisValueFormatter = new TextByIndexXAxisFormatter(labels); chart2.ChartData = data4; }
private void SetChartData() { if (!ViewModel.StatisticItems.Any()) { return; } var chart = FindViewById <BarChart>(Resource.Id.chart); var dataSetdExpenses = new BarDataSet(new List <BarEntry> { new BarEntry(0, (float)ViewModel.StatisticItems[0].Value) }, ViewModel.StatisticItems[0].Label); dataSetdExpenses.SetColors(Resources.GetColor(Resource.Color.color_income, Theme)); var dataSetIncome = new BarDataSet(new List <BarEntry> { new BarEntry(1, (float)ViewModel.StatisticItems[1].Value) }, ViewModel.StatisticItems[1].Label); dataSetIncome.SetColors(Resources.GetColor(Resource.Color.color_expense, Theme)); var dataSetRevenue = new BarDataSet(new List <BarEntry> { new BarEntry(2, (float)ViewModel.StatisticItems[2].Value) }, ViewModel.StatisticItems[2].Label); dataSetRevenue.SetColors(Resources.GetColor(Resource.Color.color_revenue, Theme)); var barData = new BarData(dataSetdExpenses, dataSetIncome, dataSetRevenue) { BarWidth = 0.9f }; chart.Data = barData; chart.Description.Enabled = false; chart.SetPinchZoom(false); chart.SetFitBars(true); var legend = chart.Legend; legend.TextSize = 12f; legend.Orientation = Legend.LegendOrientation.Horizontal; legend.SetDrawInside(true); legend.VerticalAlignment = Legend.LegendVerticalAlignment.Bottom; legend.HorizontalAlignment = Legend.LegendHorizontalAlignment.Left; legend.XEntrySpace = 7f; legend.YEntrySpace = 0; legend.YOffset = 0f; chart.Invalidate(); }
private View CreateUserScoresView(IEnumerable <AniListScoreDistribution> scores) { var detailView = LayoutInflater.Inflate(Resource.Layout.View_AniListObjectDetail, null); var detailContainer = detailView.FindViewById <LinearLayout>(Resource.Id.AniListObjectDetail_InnerContainer); detailView.FindViewById <TextView>(Resource.Id.AniListObjectDetail_Name).Text = "Scores"; var chartHeight = Resources.GetDimensionPixelSize(Resource.Dimension.Details_ChartHeight); var barColor = ContextCompat.GetColor(this, Resource.Color.MediaUserData_ScoreChartBar); var textColor = GetThemedColor(Resource.Attribute.Background_Text); var scoresChart = new BarChart(this) { LayoutParameters = new ViewGroup.LayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MatchParent, chartHeight) }; var bars = scores.OrderBy(x => x.Score).Select(x => new BarEntry(x.Score, x.Amount)) .ToList(); var dataSet = new BarDataSet(bars, "Scores"); dataSet.SetColor(barColor, 255); var data = new BarData(dataSet) { BarWidth = 9 }; scoresChart.Data = data; scoresChart.SetFitBars(true); scoresChart.SetDrawGridBackground(false); scoresChart.Description.Enabled = false; scoresChart.Legend.Enabled = false; scoresChart.AxisLeft.Enabled = false; scoresChart.AxisRight.Enabled = false; scoresChart.XAxis.SetDrawGridLines(false); scoresChart.XAxis.RemoveAllLimitLines(); scoresChart.SetScaleEnabled(false); scoresChart.SetTouchEnabled(false); scoresChart.XAxis.SetLabelCount(10, false); scoresChart.XAxis.Granularity = 10; scoresChart.XAxis.Position = XAxis.XAxisPosition.Bottom; scoresChart.XAxis.SetDrawAxisLine(false); scoresChart.XAxis.ValueFormatter = new ChartUtils.AxisValueCeilingFormatter(10); scoresChart.XAxis.TextColor = dataSet.ValueTextColor = textColor; detailContainer.AddView(scoresChart); return(detailView); }
/* * EXPORT FOR BAR */ public BarData ExportBarData(Widget.Charts.Models.BarChart.BarChartData bubbleChartData) { var dataSetItems = new List <BarDataSet>(); foreach (var item in bubbleChartData.DataSets) { var entryOriginal = item.IF_GetValues().Select(obj => new BarEntry(obj.GetXPosition(), obj.GetYPosition())); var dataSet = new BarDataSet(entryOriginal.ToArray(), item.IF_GetLabel()); OnIntializeDataSetBar(item, dataSet); dataSetItems.Add(dataSet); } var data = new BarData(dataSetItems.ToArray()); return(data); }
protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle) { base.OnCreate(bundle); // Set our view from the "main" layout resource SetContentView(Resource.Layout.Main); BarChart barChart = new BarChart(this); barChart.LayoutParameters = new Android.Views.ViewGroup.LayoutParams(LayoutParams.MatchParent, LayoutParams.MatchParent); var flag = new string[] { "First Bar,Second Bar", "93,93.15" }; //--this is response string[] strDate = flag[0].ToString().Split(','); string[] strValues = flag[1].ToString().Split(','); List <BarEntry> entries = new List <BarEntry>(); for (int i = 0; i < strValues.Length; i++) { entries.Add(new BarEntry(float.Parse(strValues[i]), i)); } BarDataSet dataset = new BarDataSet(entries, ""); dataset.ValueTextSize = 15.0f; List <string> labels = new List <string>(); for (int i = 0; i < strDate.Length; i++) { labels.Add(strDate[i].ToString()); } BarData data = new BarData(labels, dataset); barChart.Data = data; barChart.SetDescription(""); barChart.NotifyDataSetChanged(); barChart.Invalidate(); var root = FindViewById <LinearLayout>(Resource.Id.root); root.AddView(barChart); }
public override ChartDataBase GetChartData() { var data = GetData(); var chartData = new ChartDataBase { ChartType = ChartType.Bar }; var labels = new List <string[]>(); var chartDataSet = new List <BarDataSet>(); var residents = new BarDataSet { Label = "Национальные заявители", Data = new double[data.Rows.Count], BackgroundColor = "#2c8ebb", BorderColor = "#2c8ebb" }; var nonResidents = new BarDataSet { Label = "Иностранне заявители", Data = new double[data.Rows.Count], BackgroundColor = "#b56b2c", BorderColor = "#b56b2c" }; var dataNumber = 0; for (int i = 0; i < data.Rows.Count - 1; i++) { var row = data.Rows[i]; if (row.IsHeader == false) { residents.Data[dataNumber] = row.Cells[2].Value; nonResidents.Data[dataNumber] = row.Cells[3].Value; dataNumber++; string label = row.Cells[1].Value.ToString(); labels.Add(label.Split(new[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)); } } chartDataSet.Add(residents); chartDataSet.Add(nonResidents); chartData.Labels = labels; chartData.Datasets = chartDataSet.ToArray(); return(chartData); }
private BarData GetUpcomingBarData(List <TrackedPatient> trackedPatients) { BarData barData = new BarData(); BarDataSet babiesDue = new BarDataSet() { Label = "Babies Due" }; barData.Datasets.Add(babiesDue); // *** Set the starting working date *** DateTime workingDate = new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month, 1); // *** Do six months work *** for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { // *** Get the name of the month *** string monthName = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.DateTimeFormat.GetMonthName(workingDate.Month); // *** Add the name to the barData *** barData.Labels.Add(monthName); // *** Initialize count *** int count = 0; // *** If we have some tracked patients, count the ones that match month/year *** if (trackedPatients != null) { count = trackedPatients.Count(t => t.EDD.Year == workingDate.Year && t.EDD.Month == workingDate.Month); } // *** Add the count *** babiesDue.Data.Add(count); // *** Go to the next month *** workingDate = workingDate.AddMonths(1); } return(barData); }
private void InitializeChart() { if (supportChart != null && supportChart.ChartData != null && chartOriginal != null) { SupportChart.OnInitializeChart(supportChart, chartOriginal); var data = supportChart.ChartData; var dataSetItems = new List <BarDataSet>(); foreach (var itemChild in data.IF_GetDataSet()) { var entryOriginal = itemChild.IF_GetEntry().Select(item => new MikePhil.Charting.Data.BarEntry(item.GetXPosition(), item.GetYPosition())); BarDataSet lineDataSet = new BarDataSet(entryOriginal.ToArray(), itemChild.IF_GetTitle()); lineDataSet.Color = itemChild.IF_GetDataColor().ToAndroid(); lineDataSet.SetDrawValues(itemChild.IF_GetDrawValue()); dataSetItems.Add(lineDataSet); } BarData lineData = new BarData(dataSetItems.ToArray()); chartOriginal.Data = lineData; } }
private void setData(int count, float range) { float start = 1f; List <BarEntry> yVals1 = new List <BarEntry>(); for (int i = (int)start; i < start + count + 1; i++) { float mult = (range + 1); //random data float val = (float)(Java.Lang.Math.Random() * mult); yVals1.Add(new BarEntry(i, val)); } BarDataSet set1; if (mChart.Data != null && mChart.BarData.DataSetCount > 0) { set1 = (BarDataSet)mChart.BarData.GetDataSetByIndex(0); set1.Values = yVals1; mChart.BarData.NotifyDataChanged(); mChart.NotifyDataSetChanged(); mChart.BarData.AddDataSet(set1); } else { set1 = new BarDataSet(yVals1, "2017"); List <MikePhil.Charting.Interfaces.Datasets.IBarDataSet> dataSets = new List <MikePhil.Charting.Interfaces.Datasets.IBarDataSet>(); dataSets.Add(set1); BarData data = new BarData(dataSets); dataSets.Add(set1); mChart.Data = data; } }
private void ChartError() { mDicOfDataSets = new Dictionary <string, List <BarEntry> >(); List <StatsTables> searchedTable = (from table in mListStatsTables where table.big_deviation.Contains("YES", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) select table).ToList <StatsTables>(); foreach (StatsTables row in searchedTable) { if (!mListTableNames.Contains(row.table_name)) { mListTableNames.Add(row.table_name); } } int counter = 0; foreach (string table in mListTableNames) { List <BarEntry> barEntry = new List <BarEntry>(); foreach (StatsTables item in searchedTable) { if (table == item.table_name) { barEntry.Add(new BarEntry(counter, item.diff_last_trans)); counter++; } } mDicOfDataSets.Add(table, barEntry); } BarData data = new BarData(); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <BarEntry> > dicDataSet in mDicOfDataSets) { dataSet = new BarDataSet(dicDataSet.Value, dicDataSet.Key); dataSet.SetColors(Color.DarkRed); data.AddDataSet(dataSet); } XAxis xAxis = chartError.XAxis; xAxis.SetCenterAxisLabels(false); xAxis.SetDrawLabels(false); xAxis.Position = XAxis.XAxisPosition.BottomInside; xAxis.SetDrawGridLines(false); chartError.Data = data; chartError.AxisRight.SetDrawLabels(false); chartError.XAxis.SetDrawLabels(false); chartError.AnimateXY(2000, 2000); chartError.Legend.Enabled = false; chartError.SetTouchEnabled(true); chartError.SetPinchZoom(false); chartError.DoubleTapToZoomEnabled = false; chartError.Description.Enabled = true; chartError.Description.Text = "Tables with big deviation"; //chartError.SetBackgroundColor(Color.WhiteSmoke); chartError.Invalidate(); }
public override View OnCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) { mView = inflater.Inflate(Resource.Layout.ChartAllTablesDialog, container, false); chartSuccess = mView.FindViewById <BarChart>(Resource.Id.chartAllTablesDialog); dicOfDataSets = new Dictionary <string, List <BarEntry> >(); List <StatsTables> searchedTable = (from table in listStatsTables where table.big_deviation.Contains("NO", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) select table).ToList <StatsTables>(); foreach (StatsTables row in searchedTable) { if (!listTableNames.Contains(row.table_name)) { listTableNames.Add(row.table_name); } } int counter = 0; foreach (string table in listTableNames) { barEntry = new List <BarEntry>(); foreach (StatsTables item in searchedTable) { if (table == item.table_name) { barEntry.Add(new BarEntry(counter, item.diff_last_trans)); counter++; } } dicOfDataSets.Add(table, barEntry); } BarData data = new BarData(); int[] chartColors = { Color.ParseColor("#005571"), Color.ParseColor("#227691"), Color.ParseColor("#86B1C6"), Color.ParseColor("#BCD4E0"), Color.ParseColor("#FDB813"), Color.ParseColor("#FFC54E"), Color.ParseColor("#FFD27C"), Color.ParseColor("#FFE6B9") }; int counterColor = 0; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <BarEntry> > dicDataSet in dicOfDataSets) { dataSet = new BarDataSet(dicDataSet.Value, dicDataSet.Key); dataSet.SetColors(chartColors[counterColor]); data.AddDataSet(dataSet); counterColor++; } XAxis xAxis = chartSuccess.XAxis; xAxis.SetCenterAxisLabels(false); xAxis.SetDrawLabels(false); xAxis.Position = XAxis.XAxisPosition.BottomInside; xAxis.SetDrawGridLines(false); xAxis.SetAvoidFirstLastClipping(true); xAxis.XOffset = 10; Legend l = chartSuccess.Legend; l.VerticalAlignment = Legend.LegendVerticalAlignment.Top; l.HorizontalAlignment = Legend.LegendHorizontalAlignment.Right; l.Orientation = Legend.LegendOrientation.Vertical; l.WordWrapEnabled = true; l.SetDrawInside(true); chartSuccess.Data = data; chartSuccess.AxisRight.SetDrawLabels(false); chartSuccess.XAxis.SetDrawLabels(false); chartSuccess.AnimateXY(3000, 3000); chartSuccess.Description.Enabled = true; chartSuccess.Description.Text = "Tables without big deviation"; chartSuccess.Invalidate(); return(mView); }
private View CreateScoreDistributionView( IReadOnlyList <AniListScoreDistribution> animeScoreDistributions, IReadOnlyList <AniListScoreDistribution> mangaScoreDistributions) { var chartHeight = Resources.GetDimensionPixelSize(Resource.Dimension.Details_ChartHeight); var textColor = GetThemedColor(Resource.Attribute.Background_Text); var margin = Resources.GetDimensionPixelSize(Resource.Dimension.Details_MarginSmall); var detailView = LayoutInflater.Inflate(Resource.Layout.View_AniListObjectDetail, null); var detailContainer = detailView.FindViewById <LinearLayout>(Resource.Id.AniListObjectDetail_InnerContainer); detailView.FindViewById <TextView>(Resource.Id.AniListObjectDetail_Name).Text = "Score Distribution"; detailContainer.Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal; detailContainer.SetPadding(margin, 0, margin, 0); var typedColorArray = Resources.ObtainTypedArray(Resource.Array.Chart_Colors); var colorList = new List <int>(); for (var i = 0; i < typedColorArray.Length(); i++) { colorList.Add(typedColorArray.GetColor(i, 0)); } var scoreDistChart = new BarChart(this) { LayoutParameters = new ViewGroup.LayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MatchParent, chartHeight), }; var data = new BarData() { BarWidth = 4.5F }; var animeEntries = Enumerable.Range(1, 10).Select(x => new BarEntry(x * 10, animeScoreDistributions.Any(y => y.Score == (x * 10)) ? animeScoreDistributions.First(y => y.Score == (x * 10)).Amount : 0, (x * 10).ToString())).ToList(); var animeDataSet = new BarDataSet(animeEntries, "Anime") { Color = colorList[4] }; data.AddDataSet(animeDataSet); var mangaEntries = Enumerable.Range(1, 10).Select(x => new BarEntry(x * 10, mangaScoreDistributions.Any(y => y.Score == (x * 10)) ? mangaScoreDistributions.First(y => y.Score == (x * 10)).Amount : 0, (x * 10).ToString())).ToList(); var mangaDataSet = new BarDataSet(mangaEntries, "Manga") { Color = colorList[5] }; data.AddDataSet(mangaDataSet); data.SetValueFormatter(new ChartUtils.IntegerValueFormatter()); scoreDistChart.Data = data; scoreDistChart.SetTouchEnabled(false); scoreDistChart.SetScaleEnabled(false); scoreDistChart.GroupBars(5F, .6F, .2F); scoreDistChart.AxisLeft.Enabled = false; scoreDistChart.AxisRight.Enabled = false; scoreDistChart.Description.Enabled = false; scoreDistChart.XAxis.SetDrawGridLines(false); scoreDistChart.XAxis.SetDrawAxisLine(false); scoreDistChart.XAxis.Position = XAxis.XAxisPosition.BottomInside; scoreDistChart.XAxis.Granularity = 1; scoreDistChart.XAxis.LabelCount = 10; scoreDistChart.XAxis.TextColor = animeDataSet.ValueTextColor = mangaDataSet.ValueTextColor = scoreDistChart.Legend.TextColor = textColor; detailContainer.AddView(scoreDistChart); return(detailView); }
public override View OnCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) { mView = inflater.Inflate(Resource.Layout.ChartAllTablesDialog, container, false); mChartAllTables = mView.FindViewById <BarChart>(Resource.Id.chartAllTablesDialog); dicOfDataSets = new Dictionary <string, List <BarEntry> >(); foreach (StatsTables row in listStatsTables) { if (!listTableNames.Contains(row.table_name)) { listTableNames.Add(row.table_name); } } int counter = 0; foreach (string table in listTableNames) { List <BarEntry> barEntry = new List <BarEntry>(); foreach (StatsTables item in listStatsTables) { if (table == item.table_name) { barEntry.Add(new BarEntry(counter, item.diff_last_trans)); counter++; } } dicOfDataSets.Add(table, barEntry); } BarData data = new BarData(); int[] chartColors = { Color.ParseColor("#005571"), Color.ParseColor("#227691"), Color.ParseColor("#86B1C6"), Color.ParseColor("#BCD4E0"), Color.ParseColor("#FDB813"), Color.ParseColor("#FFC54E"), Color.ParseColor("#FFD27C"), Color.ParseColor("#FFE6B9") }; int colorCounter = 0; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <BarEntry> > dicDataSet in dicOfDataSets) { dataSet = new BarDataSet(dicDataSet.Value, dicDataSet.Key); dataSet.SetColors(chartColors[colorCounter]); data.AddDataSet(dataSet); colorCounter++; } LimitLine limitLine = new LimitLine(70f); limitLine.LineColor = Color.DarkRed; limitLine.Enabled = true; XAxis xAxis = mChartAllTables.XAxis; xAxis.SetCenterAxisLabels(false); xAxis.SetDrawLabels(false); xAxis.Position = XAxis.XAxisPosition.BottomInside; xAxis.SetDrawGridLines(false); YAxis yAxis = mChartAllTables.AxisLeft; yAxis.SetDrawGridLines(true); yAxis.AddLimitLine(limitLine); Legend l = mChartAllTables.Legend; l.VerticalAlignment = Legend.LegendVerticalAlignment.Top; l.HorizontalAlignment = Legend.LegendHorizontalAlignment.Right; l.Orientation = Legend.LegendOrientation.Vertical; l.WordWrapEnabled = true; l.SetDrawInside(true); mChartAllTables.Data = data; mChartAllTables.AxisRight.SetDrawLabels(false); mChartAllTables.XAxis.SetDrawLabels(false); mChartAllTables.AnimateXY(3000, 3000); mChartAllTables.Description.Enabled = true; mChartAllTables.Description.Text = "All tables chart"; mChartAllTables.Invalidate(); return(mView); }
private void UpdatePaidView(string year) { var sumMoneyPaidByYear = moneyStates.Sum(x => x.IsPaid && (x.MoneyModel.Time.Year.ToString().Equals(year) || year.Equals(Total)) ? x.MoneyModel.Amount : 0); tvPaid.Text = sumMoneyPaidByYear.ToCurrency(); if (sumMoneyPaidByYear == 0) { barChart.Visibility = ViewStates.Invisible; } else { barChart.Visibility = ViewStates.Visible; var labels = new List <string>(); var barGroup = new List <BarEntry>(); if (year.Equals(Total)) { var moneyYears = moneyStates .GroupBy(x => x.MoneyModel.Time.Year) .OrderBy(x => x.Key) .Select(x => new { lable = x.Key.ToString(), value = x.Sum(y => y.IsPaid ? y.MoneyModel.Amount : 0) }); labels = moneyYears.Select(x => x.lable).ToList(); barGroup = moneyYears .Select((x, index) => new BarEntry(index, x.value / 1000f)) .ToList(); } else { var moneyMonths = moneyStates.Where(x => x.MoneyModel.Time.Year.ToString().Equals(year)) .GroupBy(x => x.MoneyModel.Time.Month) .OrderBy(x => x.Key) .Select(x => new { lable = dateTimeFormatInfo.GetAbbreviatedMonthName(x.Key), value = x.Sum(y => y.IsPaid ? y.MoneyModel.Amount : 0) }).ToList(); labels = moneyMonths.Select(x => x.lable).ToList(); barGroup = moneyMonths .Select((x, index) => new BarEntry(index, x.value / 1000f)) .ToList(); } var barDataSet = new BarDataSet(barGroup, null); barDataSet.SetColors(ColorTemplate.ColorfulColors.ToArray()); barDataSet.ValueFormatter = new ValueFormatter(); barChart.XAxis.ValueFormatter = new IndexAxisValueFormatter(labels); barChart.Data = new BarData(barDataSet);; barChart.Invalidate(); } }
private void OnIntializeDataSetBar(UltimateXF.Widget.Charts.Models.BarChart.IBarDataSet source, BarDataSet original) { /* * Properties could not set * IF_GetStackSize * IF_GetEntryCountStacks */ OnSettingsBarLineScatterCandleBubbleDataSet(source, original); if (source.IF_GetBarShadowColor().HasValue) { original.BarShadowColor = source.IF_GetBarShadowColor().Value.ToAndroid(); } if (source.IF_GetBarBorderWidth().HasValue) { original.BarBorderWidth = source.IF_GetBarBorderWidth().Value; } if (source.IF_GetBarBorderColor().HasValue) { original.BarBorderColor = source.IF_GetBarBorderColor().Value.ToAndroid(); } if (source.IF_GetHighLightAlpha().HasValue) { original.HighLightAlpha = source.IF_GetHighLightAlpha().Value; } if (source.IF_GetStackLabels() != null && source.IF_GetStackLabels().Count > 0) { original.SetStackLabels(source.IF_GetStackLabels().ToArray()); } }
public override ChartDataBase GetChartData() { var data = GetData(); var chartData = new ChartDataBase { ChartType = ChartType.Bar }; var labels = new List <string[]>(); var chartDataSet = new List <BarDataSet>(); var residents = new BarDataSet { Label = "Национальные заявители", Data = new double[data.Rows.Count], BackgroundColor = "#2c8ebb", BorderColor = "#2c8ebb" }; var nonResidents = new BarDataSet { Label = "Иностранне заявители", Data = new double[data.Rows.Count], BackgroundColor = "#b56b2c", BorderColor = "#b56b2c" }; var sum = new BarDataSet { Label = "Всего", Data = new double[data.Rows.Count], BackgroundColor = "#cccccc", BorderColor = "#cccccc" }; var dataNumber = 0; for (int i = 0; i < data.Rows.Count; i++) { //Пропускаем общее количество if (i == 10) { continue; } var row = data.Rows[i]; //workaround для общеизвестных, отображал некорректно if (i == 11) { residents.Data[dataNumber] = row.Cells[3].Value ?? 0; nonResidents.Data[dataNumber] = row.Cells[4].Value ?? 0; sum.Data[dataNumber] = residents.Data[dataNumber] + nonResidents.Data[dataNumber]; dataNumber++; string label = row.Cells[1].Value.ToString(); labels.Add(label.Split(new[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)); continue; } //остальные типы if (row.IsHeader == false) { if (dataNumber < 5) { residents.Data[dataNumber] = row.Cells[2].Value ?? 0; nonResidents.Data[dataNumber] = row.Cells[3].Value ?? 0; } else { try { residents.Data[dataNumber] = row.Cells[4].Value ?? 0; nonResidents.Data[dataNumber] = row.Cells[5].Value ?? 0; } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } } sum.Data[dataNumber] = residents.Data[dataNumber] + nonResidents.Data[dataNumber]; dataNumber++; string label = row.Cells[1].Value.ToString(); labels.Add(label.Split(new[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)); } } chartDataSet.Add(residents); chartDataSet.Add(nonResidents); chartDataSet.Add(sum); chartData.Labels = labels; chartData.Datasets = chartDataSet.ToArray(); return(chartData); }
private void ChartsPage_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { LineDataSet lineDataSet1 = new LineDataSet(); LineDataSet lineDataSet2 = new LineDataSet(); BarDataSet barDataSet1 = new BarDataSet(); RadarDataSet radarDataSet1 = new RadarDataSet(); PolarAreaDataSet polarAreaDataSet1 = new PolarAreaDataSet(); DoughnutDataSet doughnutDataSet1 = new DoughnutDataSet(); PieDataSet pieDataSet1 = new PieDataSet(); lineDataSet1.BackgroundColor = Color.FromArgb(70, 255, 189, 0); lineDataSet1.BorderColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 46, 0); lineDataSet1.Data = new object[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 }; lineDataSet1.PointBorderColor = new[] { Color.FromArgb(0, 255, 0) }; lineDataSet1.PointBackgroundColor = new[] { Color.FromArgb(0, 255, 0) }; lineDataSet1.Fill = true; lineDataSet1.Label = "Data Set"; lineDataSet2.BorderColor = Color.FromArgb(0, 86, 255); lineDataSet2.Data = new object[] { 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2 }; lineDataSet2.Label = "Data Set 2"; lineDataSet2.PointStyle = new[] { PointStyle.RectRounded }; lineDataSet2.SteppedLine = SteppedLine.After; chartJS1.DataSets.Add(lineDataSet1); chartJS1.DataSets.Add(lineDataSet2); barDataSet1.BackgroundColor = new[] { Color.FromArgb(49, 255, 0, 0), Color.FromArgb(58, 102, 255, 0), Color.FromArgb(52, 0, 183, 255), Color.FromArgb(53, 247, 0, 255), Color.FromArgb(52, 191, 123, 63), Color.FromArgb(53, 191, 63, 86), Color.FromArgb(104, 255, 0, 118), Color.FromArgb(237, 130, 237), Color.FromArgb(88, 64, 224, 208), Color.FromArgb(84, 255, 98, 70), Color.FromArgb(60, 41, 69, 70), Color.FromArgb(98, 0, 0, 128) }; barDataSet1.BorderColor = null; barDataSet1.Data = new object[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 }; barDataSet1.HoverBackgroundColor = null; barDataSet1.Label = "Data Set"; chartJS2.DataSets.Add(barDataSet1); radarDataSet1.BackgroundColor = Color.FromArgb(72, 79, 191, 63); radarDataSet1.Data = new object[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 }; radarDataSet1.Label = "Data Set"; chartJS4.DataSets.Add(radarDataSet1); polarAreaDataSet1.BackgroundColor = new[] { Color.FromArgb(49, 255, 0, 0), Color.FromArgb(58, 102, 255, 0), Color.FromArgb(52, 0, 183, 255), Color.FromArgb(53, 247, 0, 255), Color.FromArgb(52, 191, 123, 63), Color.FromArgb(53, 191, 63, 86), Color.FromArgb(104, 255, 0, 118), Color.FromArgb(237, 130, 237), Color.FromArgb(88, 64, 224, 208), Color.FromArgb(84, 255, 98, 70), Color.FromArgb(60, 41, 69, 70), Color.FromArgb(98, 0, 0, 128) }; polarAreaDataSet1.BorderColor = null; polarAreaDataSet1.Data = new object[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 0 }; polarAreaDataSet1.HoverBackgroundColor = null; polarAreaDataSet1.Label = "Data Set"; chartJS6.DataSets.Add(polarAreaDataSet1); doughnutDataSet1.BackgroundColor = new[] { Color.FromArgb(49, 255, 0, 0), Color.FromArgb(58, 102, 255, 0), Color.FromArgb(52, 0, 183, 255), Color.FromArgb(53, 247, 0, 255), Color.FromArgb(52, 191, 123, 63), Color.FromArgb(53, 191, 63, 86), Color.FromArgb(104, 255, 0, 118), Color.FromArgb(237, 130, 237), Color.FromArgb(88, 64, 224, 208), Color.FromArgb(84, 255, 98, 70), Color.FromArgb(60, 41, 69, 70), Color.FromArgb(98, 0, 0, 128) }; doughnutDataSet1.BorderColor = null; doughnutDataSet1.Data = new object[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 0 }; doughnutDataSet1.HoverBackgroundColor = null; doughnutDataSet1.Label = "Data Set"; chartJS5.DataSets.Add(doughnutDataSet1); pieDataSet1.BackgroundColor = new[] { Color.FromArgb(49, 255, 0, 0), Color.FromArgb(58, 102, 255, 0), Color.FromArgb(52, 0, 183, 255), Color.FromArgb(53, 247, 0, 255), Color.FromArgb(52, 191, 123, 63), Color.FromArgb(53, 191, 63, 86), Color.FromArgb(104, 255, 0, 118), Color.FromArgb(237, 130, 237), Color.FromArgb(88, 64, 224, 208), Color.FromArgb(84, 255, 98, 70), Color.FromArgb(60, 41, 69, 70), Color.FromArgb(98, 0, 0, 128) }; pieDataSet1.BorderColor = null; pieDataSet1.Data = new object[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 }; pieDataSet1.HoverBackgroundColor = null; pieDataSet1.Label = "Data Set"; chartJS3.DataSets.Add(pieDataSet1); Randomize(); }
protected override void OnAppearing() { base.OnAppearing(); var entrieLine = new List <EntryChart>(); var entries = new List <BubbleEntry>(); var entries2 = new List <BubbleEntry>(); var labels = new List <string>(); Random random = new Random(); for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { entrieLine.Add(new EntryChart(i, random.Next(20))); entries.Add(new BubbleEntry(i, random.Next(8), random.Next(20))); entries2.Add(new BubbleEntry(i, random.Next(8), random.Next(20))); labels.Add("Entry" + i); } var entriesCandle = new List <CandleStickEntry>(); entriesCandle.Add(new CandleStickEntry(0, 4.62f, 2.02f, 2.70f, 4.13f)); entriesCandle.Add(new CandleStickEntry(1, 5.50f, 2.70f, 3.35f, 4.96f)); entriesCandle.Add(new CandleStickEntry(2, 5.25f, 3.02f, 3.50f, 4.50f)); entriesCandle.Add(new CandleStickEntry(3, 6f, 3.25f, 4.40f, 5.0f)); entriesCandle.Add(new CandleStickEntry(4, 5.57f, 2f, 2.80f, 4.5f)); var dataSetBubble = new BubbleDataSet(entries, "Bubble DataSet 1") { Colors = new List <Color>() { Color.Accent, Color.Azure, Color.Bisque, Color.Gray, Color.Green, Color.Chocolate, Color.Black }, }; var dataBubble = new BubbleChartData(new List <IBubbleDataSet>() { dataSetBubble }); var dataSetCandle = new CandleStickDataSet(entriesCandle, "Candle Stick DataSet 1") { DecreasingColor = Color.Red, IncreasingColor = Color.Green }; var dataCandle = new CandleStickChartData(new List <ICandleStickDataSet>() { dataSetCandle }); var dataSetLine = new LineDataSetXF(entrieLine, "Line DataSet 1") { CircleRadius = 10, CircleHoleRadius = 4f, CircleColors = new List <Color>() { Color.Accent, Color.Azure, Color.Bisque, Color.Gray, Color.Green, Color.Chocolate, Color.Black }, CircleHoleColor = Color.Green, Mode = LineDataSetMode.CUBIC_BEZIER }; var dataLine = new LineChartData(new List <ILineDataSetXF>() { dataSetLine }); var dataSetbar = new BarDataSet(entrieLine, "Bar DataSet 1") { Colors = new List <Color>() { Color.Accent, Color.Azure, Color.Bisque, Color.Gray, Color.Green, Color.Chocolate, Color.Black }, }; var dataBar = new BarChartData(new List <IBarDataSet>() { dataSetbar }); var combinData = new CombinedChartData(null); combinData.BubbleChartData = dataBubble; combinData.CandleStickChartData = dataCandle; combinData.LineChartData = dataLine; combinData.BarChartData = dataBar; chart.ChartData = combinData; chart.XAxis.AxisValueFormatter = new TextByIndexXAxisFormatter(labels); }
public void LoadBarChart() { try { var entries = new List <EntryChart>(); var entries2 = new List <EntryChart>(); var labels = new List <string>(); Random random = new Random(); for (int i = 0; i < 36; i++) { entries.Add(new EntryChart(i, random.Next(20))); entries2.Add(new EntryChart(i, random.Next(20))); labels.Add(states[i]); } var dataSet4 = new BarDataSet(entries, "Product Summary") { Colors = new List <Color>() { Color.FromHex("#3696e0"), Color.FromHex("#9958bc"), Color.FromHex("#35ad54"), Color.FromHex("#2d3e52"), Color.FromHex("#e55137"), Color.FromHex("#ea9940"), Color.FromHex("#3696e0"), Color.FromHex("#9958bc"), Color.FromHex("#35ad54"), Color.FromHex("#2d3e52"), Color.FromHex("#e55137"), Color.FromHex("#ea9940"), Color.FromHex("#3696e0"), Color.FromHex("#9958bc"), Color.FromHex("#35ad54"), Color.FromHex("#2d3e52"), Color.FromHex("#e55137"), Color.FromHex("#ea9940"), Color.FromHex("#3696e0"), Color.FromHex("#9958bc"), Color.FromHex("#35ad54"), Color.FromHex("#2d3e52"), Color.FromHex("#e55137"), Color.FromHex("#ea9940"), Color.FromHex("#3696e0"), Color.FromHex("#9958bc"), Color.FromHex("#35ad54"), Color.FromHex("#2d3e52"), Color.FromHex("#e55137"), Color.FromHex("#ea9940"), Color.FromHex("#3696e0"), Color.FromHex("#9958bc"), Color.FromHex("#35ad54"), Color.FromHex("#2d3e52"), Color.FromHex("#e55137"), Color.FromHex("#ea9940"), Color.FromHex("#3696e0"), Color.FromHex("#9958bc"), Color.FromHex("#35ad54"), Color.FromHex("#2d3e52"), Color.FromHex("#e55137"), Color.FromHex("#ea9940"), Color.FromHex("#3696e0"), Color.FromHex("#9958bc"), Color.FromHex("#35ad54"), Color.FromHex("#2d3e52"), Color.FromHex("#e55137"), Color.FromHex("#ea9940"), Color.FromHex("#3696e0"), Color.FromHex("#9958bc"), Color.FromHex("#35ad54"), Color.FromHex("#2d3e52"), Color.FromHex("#e55137"), Color.FromHex("#ea9940"), Color.FromHex("#3696e0"), Color.FromHex("#9958bc"), Color.FromHex("#35ad54"), Color.FromHex("#2d3e52"), Color.FromHex("#e55137"), Color.FromHex("#ea9940"), Color.FromHex("#3696e0"), Color.FromHex("#9958bc"), Color.FromHex("#35ad54"), Color.FromHex("#2d3e52"), Color.FromHex("#e55137"), Color.FromHex("#ea9940"), Color.FromHex("#3696e0"), Color.FromHex("#9958bc"), Color.FromHex("#35ad54"), Color.FromHex("#2d3e52"), Color.FromHex("#e55137"), Color.FromHex("#ea9940"), Color.Black }, }; var data4 = new BarChartData(new List <IBarDataSet>() { dataSet4 }); chart.ChartData = data4; chart.DescriptionChart.Text = "Product chart description"; chart.AxisLeft.DrawGridLines = false; chart.AxisLeft.DrawAxisLine = true; chart.AxisLeft.Enabled = true; chart.AxisRight.DrawAxisLine = false; chart.AxisRight.DrawGridLines = false; chart.AxisRight.Enabled = false; chart.XAxis.XAXISPosition = XAXISPosition.BOTTOM; chart.XAxis.DrawGridLines = false; chart.XAxis.AxisValueFormatter = new TextByIndexXAxisFormatter(labels); } catch (Exception ex) { } }
private BarData GetOutcomesBarData() { BarData barData = new BarData(); BarDataSet liveDataSet = new BarDataSet() { Label = "Live Deliveries" }; BarDataSet otherDataSet = new BarDataSet() { Label = "Other Outcomes" }; barData.Datasets.Add(liveDataSet); barData.Datasets.Add(otherDataSet); // *** Create From Date *** DateTime fromDate = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-6); fromDate = new DateTime(fromDate.Year, fromDate.Month, 1); fromDate = fromDate.AddDays(-1); // *** Create To Date *** DateTime toDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1); // *** Get data from VistA *** PregnancyOutcomeResult outcomeResult = this.DashboardRepository.Pregnancy.GetPregnancyOutcomes(fromDate, toDate, 1, 100); // *** Set the starting working date *** DateTime workingDate = fromDate.AddDays(1); // *** Do six months work *** for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { // *** Get the name of the month *** string monthName = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.DateTimeFormat.GetMonthName(workingDate.Month); // *** Add the name to the barData *** barData.Labels.Add(monthName); // *** Initialize counts *** int live = 0; int other = 0; // *** If we have some tracked patients, count the ones that match month/year *** if (outcomeResult.Success) { if (outcomeResult.PregnancyOutcomes != null) { // *** Get count for live deliveries *** live = outcomeResult.PregnancyOutcomes.Count(p => p.EndDate.Month == workingDate.Month && ((p.OutcomeType == PregnancyOutcomeType.FullTermDelivery) || (p.OutcomeType == PregnancyOutcomeType.PretermDelivery))); // *** Get count for all other outcomes *** other = outcomeResult.PregnancyOutcomes.Count(p => p.EndDate.Month == workingDate.Month && (p.OutcomeType != PregnancyOutcomeType.FullTermDelivery) && (p.OutcomeType != PregnancyOutcomeType.PretermDelivery)); } } // *** Add the counts *** liveDataSet.Data.Add(live); otherDataSet.Data.Add(other); // *** Go to the next month *** workingDate = workingDate.AddMonths(1); } return(barData); }
private void ChartAllTables() { mDicOfDataSets = new Dictionary <string, List <BarEntry> >(); foreach (StatsTables row in mListStatsTables) { if (!mListTableNames.Contains(row.table_name)) { mListTableNames.Add(row.table_name); } } int counter = 0; foreach (string table in mListTableNames) { List <BarEntry> barEntry = new List <BarEntry>(); foreach (StatsTables item in mListStatsTables) { if (table == item.table_name) { barEntry.Add(new BarEntry(counter, item.diff_last_trans)); counter++; } } mDicOfDataSets.Add(table, barEntry); } BarData data = new BarData(); int[] chartColors = { Color.DarkRed, Color.DarkGreen }; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <BarEntry> > dicDataSet in mDicOfDataSets) { dataSet = new BarDataSet(dicDataSet.Value, dicDataSet.Key); foreach (BarEntry item in dicDataSet.Value) { if (item.GetY() > 70) { dataSet.SetColors(chartColors[0]); } else { dataSet.SetColors(chartColors[1]); } } data.AddDataSet(dataSet); } LimitLine limitLine = new LimitLine(70f); limitLine.LineColor = Color.DarkRed; limitLine.Enabled = true; XAxis xAxis = chartAllTables.XAxis; xAxis.SetDrawLabels(false); xAxis.Position = XAxis.XAxisPosition.BottomInside; xAxis.SetDrawGridLines(true); YAxis yAxis = chartAllTables.AxisLeft; yAxis.SetDrawGridLines(true); yAxis.AddLimitLine(limitLine); chartAllTables.Data = data; chartAllTables.AxisRight.SetDrawLabels(false); chartAllTables.AnimateXY(3000, 3000); chartAllTables.Legend.Enabled = false; chartAllTables.SetTouchEnabled(true); chartAllTables.SetPinchZoom(false); chartAllTables.DoubleTapToZoomEnabled = false; chartAllTables.Description.Enabled = true; chartAllTables.Description.Text = "All tables chart"; //chartAllTables.SetBackgroundColor(Color.WhiteSmoke); chartAllTables.Invalidate(); }