Пример #1
        public List<BarData> RetrieveData(Symbol symbol, int frequency, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate, BarConstructionType barConstruction)

            if (iqFeed == null)
                if (!CreateIQFeed())
                    lastError = "Unable to connect to IQFeed";
                    hadError = true;
                    return null;

            ReturnValue<List<BarData>> ret = iqFeed.GetHistoricalBarData(symbol, frequency, startDate, endDate);
            if (!ret.Success)
                lastError = ret.ReturnCode.Message;
                hadError = true;
                return null;

            //	Filter out bars outside of the time frame we requested.
            List<BarData> bars = new List<BarData>(ret.Value.Count);
            foreach (BarData bar in ret.Value)
                if (bar.BarStartTime >= startDate && bar.BarStartTime <= endDate)

            if (dropLastHistBar && bars.Count > 0)
                bars.RemoveAt(bars.Count - 1);

            return bars;
        public List <BarData> RetrieveData(Symbol symbol, int frequency, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate, BarConstructionType barConstruction)
            if (frequency != (int)BarFrequency.Daily && frequency != (int)BarFrequency.FiveMinute && frequency != (int)BarFrequency.OneMinute)
                return(new List <BarData>());

            if (startDate == DateTime.MinValue)
                // I think this is about as far back as Yahoo will go
                startDate = new DateTime(1960, 1, 1);

            int startMonth = startDate.Month - 1;
            int endMonth   = endDate.Month - 1;

            // Alphavantage API Demo
            // https://www.alphavantage.co/query?function=TIME_SERIES_DAILY&symbol=MSFT&apikey=XXPUTYOURKEYHERE

            string baseURL = "https://www.alphavantage.co/query?";
            string url     = baseURL + "function=TIME_SERIES_DAILY&symbol=" + symbol.Name + "&apikey=XXPUTYOURKEYHERE";

            if (frequency == (int)BarFrequency.Daily)
                // Use Above

            if (startDate.Date == DateTime.Today)
                // Alphavantage
                // https://www.alphavantage.co/query?function=GLOBAL_QUOTE&symbol=GSAT&apikey=XXPUTYOURKEYHERE

                baseURL = "https://www.alphavantage.co/query?";
                url     = baseURL + "function=GLOBAL_QUOTE&symbol=" + symbol.Name + "&apikey=XXPUTYOURKEYHERE";

            if (frequency == (int)BarFrequency.FiveMinute)
                // Alphavantage
                // https://www.alphavantage.co/query?function=TIME_SERIES_INTRADAY&symbol=MSFT&interval=5min&apikey=XXPUTYOURKEYHERE

                baseURL = "https://www.alphavantage.co/query?";
                url     = baseURL + "function=TIME_SERIES_INTRADAY&symbol=" + symbol.Name + "&interval=5min&outputsize=full&apikey=XXPUTYOURKEYHERE";

            if (frequency == (int)BarFrequency.OneMinute)
                // Alphavantage
                // https://www.alphavantage.co/query?function=TIME_SERIES_INTRADAY&symbol=MSFT&interval=1min&apikey=XXPUTYOURKEYHERE

                baseURL = "https://www.alphavantage.co/query?";
                url     = baseURL + "function=TIME_SERIES_INTRADAY&symbol=" + symbol.Name + "&interval=1min&outputsize=full&apikey=XXPUTYOURKEYHERE";

            WebResponse result = null;
            WebRequest  req    = WebRequest.Create(url);

            result = req.GetResponse();
            Stream       receiveStream = result.GetResponseStream();
            Encoding     encode        = System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("utf-8");
            StreamReader sr            = new StreamReader(receiveStream, encode);

            List <BarData> bars = new List <BarData>();

            if (frequency == (int)BarFrequency.OneMinute)
                PutRawDataInBarCollectionIntra1m(sr, bars);
            if (frequency == (int)BarFrequency.FiveMinute)
                PutRawDataInBarCollectionIntra5m(sr, bars);
            else if (startDate.Date == DateTime.Today)
                PutRawDataInBarCollectionRT(sr, bars);
                PutRawDataInBarCollectionJSON(sr, bars);


            List <BarData> ret = new List <BarData>();

            //	Sort bars and remove duplicates
            foreach (BarData bar in bars.OrderBy(b => b.BarStartTime))
                if (ret.Count > 0 && ret[ret.Count - 1].BarStartTime == bar.BarStartTime)
                    //	Avoid duplicate bars (but take the "later" one)
                    ret[ret.Count - 1] = bar;


            //return bars.OrderBy(b => b.BarStartTime).ToList();
Пример #3
        public List<BarData> RetrieveData(Symbol symbol, int frequency, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate, BarConstructionType barConstruction)
            if (_histRetrieval != null)
                lastError = "Historical data retrieval already in progress.";
                return null;

            if (Thread.CurrentThread.Name == null)
                Thread.CurrentThread.Name = "RetrieveData thread";
            Trace.WriteLine("RetrieveData: " + startDate.ToString() + "-" + endDate.ToString() + " Thread: " +

            if (!_connected)
                if (!Connect(ServiceConnectOptions.HistoricalData))
                    return null;

            EventHandler<HistoricalDataEventArgs> handler = null;
                BarSize barSize;
                //string TWSFreq;
                //	Legal ones are: 1 secs, 5 secs, 15 secs, 30 secs, 1 min, 2 mins, 3 mins, 5 mins, 15 mins, 30 mins, 1 hour, 1 day, 1 week, 1 month, 3 months, 1 year
                if (frequency == (int)BarFrequency.OneMinute)
                    //TWSFreq = "1 min";
                    barSize = BarSize.OneMinute;
                else if (frequency == 2)
                    //TWSFreq = "2 mins";
                    barSize = BarSize.TwoMinutes;
                else if (frequency == 3)
                    //TWSFreq = "3 mins";
                    barSize = BarSize.ThreeMinutes;
                else if (frequency == (int)BarFrequency.FiveMinute)
                    //TWSFreq = "5 mins";
                    barSize = BarSize.FiveMinutes;
                else if (frequency == (int)BarFrequency.FifteenMinute)
                    //TWSFreq = "15 mins";
                    barSize = BarSize.FifteenMinutes;
                else if (frequency == (int)BarFrequency.ThirtyMinute)
                    //TWSFreq = "30 mins";
                    barSize = BarSize.ThirtyMinutes;
                else if (frequency == (int)BarFrequency.SixtyMinute)
                    //TWSFreq = "1 hour";
                    barSize = BarSize.OneHour;
                else if (frequency == (int)BarFrequency.Daily)
                    //TWSFreq = "1 day";
                    barSize = BarSize.OneDay;
                else if (frequency == (int)BarFrequency.Weekly)
                    //TWSFreq = "1 week";
                    barSize = BarSize.OneWeek;
                else if (frequency == (int)BarFrequency.Monthly)
                    //TWSFreq = "1 month";
                    barSize = BarSize.OneMonth;
                else if (frequency == (int)BarFrequency.Yearly)
                    //TWSFreq = "1 year";
                    barSize = BarSize.OneYear;
                    lastError = "Frequency not supported for historical data retrieval.";
                    return null;

                DateTime accountTime = GetAccountTime("RetrieveData call");
                if (endDate > accountTime || endDate == DateTime.MinValue)
                    endDate = accountTime.AddHours(12);

                _histRetrieval = new HistRetrieval();
                _histRetrieval.client = client;
                _histRetrieval.twsPlugin = this;
                _histRetrieval.symbol = symbol;
                _histRetrieval.barSize = barSize;
                _histRetrieval.startDate = startDate;
                _histRetrieval.endDate = endDate;
                _histRetrieval.RTHOnly = _useRTH;
                _histRetrieval.BarConstruction = barConstruction;

                _histRetrieval.waitEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false);

                //if (_firstHistRequest)
                //    //	The first request for historical data seems to fail.  So we will submit a small request first and then wait a bit
                //    _histRetrieval.barSize = BarSize.OneDay;
                //    _histRetrieval.Duration = new TimeSpan(5, 0, 0, 0);
                //    _histRetrieval.SendRequest();

                //    Trace.WriteLine("TWS Plugin sleeping...");
                //    Thread.Sleep(2500);
                //    Trace.WriteLine("TWS Plugin done sleeping.");

                //    if (hadError)
                //    {
                //        return null;
                //    }

                //    _firstHistRequest = false;

                _histRetrieval.barSize = barSize;

                //	Requesting a duration which will return more than 2000 bars gives an "invalid step" error message
                //	See http://www.interactivebrokers.com/cgi-bin/discus/board-auth.pl?file=/2/39164.html
                //	So we need to find the largest duration which will return less than 2000 bars

                //	Since the trading day is from 9:30 to 4:00, there are 6.5 hours, or 390 minutes per trading day
                //	This means that 5 days will have a bit less than 2000 bars.

                if (frequency < (int)BarFrequency.Daily)
                    _histRetrieval.Duration = new TimeSpan(5, 0, 0, 0);
                    //_histRetrieval.Duration = new TimeSpan(7, 0, 0, 0);
                    //	Can only request up to 52 weeks at once
                    //	Requesting data that is more than a year old will reject the whole request
                    _histRetrieval.Duration = new TimeSpan(360, 0, 0, 0);

                handler = new EventHandler<HistoricalDataEventArgs>(
                    delegate(object sender, HistoricalDataEventArgs args)

                client.HistoricalData += handler;

                int pacingPause = 1000;

                while (!_histRetrieval.Done)
                    if (!CheckError())
                        return null;
                    if (_histRetrieval.bPaused)
                        Trace.WriteLine("Waiting " + pacingPause + " ms.");
                        Trace.WriteLine("Attempting to resume data collection.");
                        _histRetrieval.bPaused = false;

                        if (pacingPause < 30000)
                            pacingPause *= 2;
                        pacingPause = 1000;

                if (!CheckError())
                    return null;

                if (dropLastHistBar && _histRetrieval.ret.Count > 0)
                    _histRetrieval.ret.RemoveAt(_histRetrieval.ret.Count - 1);

                return _histRetrieval.ret;
                if (handler != null)
                    client.HistoricalData -= handler;
                _histRetrieval = null;