Пример #1
 public ActionResult EditCard(CreditCard creditCard)
     if (ModelState.IsValid && BankDAO.EditCreditCard(creditCard))
     ModelState.AddModelError("", "There were errors editing account. Ensure that account still exists.");
Пример #2
 public ActionResult AddCard(CreditCard creditCard)
     if (ModelState.IsValid && BankDAO.AddCreditCard(creditCard))
     ModelState.AddModelError("", "Card number already exists.");
Пример #3
 public Facade()
     _contingencyFundDAO    = FactoryDAO.CreateContigencyFundDAO();
     _monetaryFundDAO       = FactoryDAO.CreateMonetaryFundDAO();
     _extraFundDAO          = FactoryDAO.CreateExtraFundDAO();
     _employeeDAO           = FactoryDAO.CreateEmployeeDAO();
     _roleDAO               = FactoryDAO.CreateRoleDAO();
     _bankDAO               = FactoryDAO.CreateBankDAO();
     _departmentDAO         = FactoryDAO.CreateDepartmentDAO();
     _contractDAO           = FactoryDAO.CreateContractDAO();
     _employeeHistoryDAO    = FactoryDAO.CreateEmployeeHistoryDAO();
     _contingencyPastDAO    = FactoryDAO.CreateContigencyPastDAO();
     _contingencyAliquotDAO = FactoryDAO.createContingencyAliquotDAO();
Пример #4
 public ActionResult DeleteCard(string cardNo)
Пример #5
 public ActionResult EditCard(string cardNo) => View(BankDAO.GetCreditCard(cardNo));
Пример #6
 // GET: Bank
 public ActionResult Index()
        private void readDataFormExcel()
            Excel.Application xlApp;
            Excel.Workbook    xlWorkBook;

            // For "Employee Info data","Education & Working Experience","Work History & Bank Account","Parents & Sibling","Spouse & Family" WorkSheets
            Excel.Worksheet xlWSInfo;
            Excel.Worksheet xlWSEduWorkExp;
            Excel.Worksheet xlWSWorkHisBank;
            Excel.Worksheet xlWSParSib;
            Excel.Worksheet xlWSSpouFam;

            Excel.Range range, rangeEdu, rangeWHis, rangeParent, rangeSpouse;

            int rCnt = 0;
            int cCnt = 0;

            xlApp      = new Excel.Application();
            xlWorkBook = xlApp.Workbooks.Open(txtFileName.Text, 0, true, 5, "", "", true, Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlPlatform.xlWindows, "\t", false, false, 0, true, 1, 0);

            #region get sheet and define range
            xlWSInfo        = (Excel.Worksheet)xlWorkBook.Worksheets.get_Item(1);
            xlWSEduWorkExp  = (Excel.Worksheet)xlWorkBook.Worksheets.get_Item(2);
            xlWSWorkHisBank = (Excel.Worksheet)xlWorkBook.Worksheets.get_Item(3);
            xlWSParSib      = (Excel.Worksheet)xlWorkBook.Worksheets.get_Item(4);
            xlWSSpouFam     = (Excel.Worksheet)xlWorkBook.Worksheets.get_Item(5);

            range       = xlWSInfo.UsedRange;
            rangeEdu    = xlWSEduWorkExp.UsedRange;
            rangeWHis   = xlWSWorkHisBank.UsedRange;
            rangeParent = xlWSParSib.UsedRange;
            rangeSpouse = xlWSSpouFam.UsedRange;

            for (rCnt = 1; rCnt <= range.Rows.Count; rCnt++)
                if ((range.Cells[rCnt + 3, 3] as Excel.Range).Value != null)
                    #region Sheet to Array
                    // For Info
                    string[] Info = new string[range.Columns.Count - 1];
                    for (cCnt = 1; cCnt <= range.Columns.Count; cCnt++)
                        int i = cCnt;
                        if ((range.Cells[rCnt + 3, cCnt + 1] as Excel.Range).Value != null)
                            Info[i - 1] = (range.Cells[rCnt + 3, cCnt + 1] as Excel.Range).Value.ToString();

                    // For Education and Working Experience
                    string[] EduWEx = new string[rangeEdu.Columns.Count - 1];
                    for (cCnt = 1; cCnt <= rangeEdu.Columns.Count; cCnt++)
                        int i = cCnt;
                        if ((rangeEdu.Cells[rCnt + 3, cCnt + 1] as Excel.Range).Value != null)
                            EduWEx[i - 1] = (rangeEdu.Cells[rCnt + 3, cCnt + 1] as Excel.Range).Value.ToString();

                    // For Working History and Bank Information
                    string[] WorkHisBank = new string[rangeWHis.Columns.Count - 1];
                    for (cCnt = 1; cCnt <= rangeWHis.Columns.Count; cCnt++)
                        int i = cCnt;
                        if ((rangeWHis.Cells[rCnt + 3, cCnt + 1] as Excel.Range).Value != null)
                            WorkHisBank[i - 1] = (rangeWHis.Cells[rCnt + 3, cCnt + 1] as Excel.Range).Value.ToString();

                    // For Parent and Sibling
                    string[] ParSib = new string[rangeParent.Columns.Count - 1];
                    for (cCnt = 1; cCnt <= rangeParent.Columns.Count; cCnt++)
                        int i = cCnt;
                        if ((rangeParent.Cells[rCnt + 3, cCnt + 1] as Excel.Range).Value != null)
                            ParSib[i - 1] = (rangeParent.Cells[rCnt + 3, cCnt + 1] as Excel.Range).Value.ToString();

                    // For Spouse and Family
                    string[] SpoFam = new string[rangeSpouse.Columns.Count - 1];
                    for (cCnt = 1; cCnt <= rangeSpouse.Columns.Count; cCnt++)
                        int i = cCnt;
                        if ((rangeSpouse.Cells[rCnt + 3, cCnt + 1] as Excel.Range).Value != null)
                            SpoFam[i - 1] = (rangeSpouse.Cells[rCnt + 3, cCnt + 1] as Excel.Range).Value.ToString();


                    if (Info.Count() != 0)
                        #region Sheet1
                            #region For Inserting into Employee Table
                            EmployeeVO employee = new EmployeeVO();

                                //Get Employed Date
                                if (Info[0] != null)
                                    employee.EmployDate = DateTime.Parse(Info[0].ToString());
                                //Get Employee Name
                                if (Info[1] != null)
                                    employee.EmpName = Info[1].ToString();
                                //Get Position Name and use it to retrieve Position ID
                                if (Info[2] != null)
                                    string postName   = Info[2].ToString();
                                    int    PositionID = new EmployeeDAO().SelectIDByPositionName(postName);
                                    employee.PostID = PositionID;

                                    //employee.PostID = 1;
                                //Get Department name and use it to retrieve Deptment ID
                                if (Info[3] != null)
                                    string deptName = Info[3].ToString();
                                    int    DeptID   = new EmployeeDAO().SelectIDByDeptName(deptName);
                                    employee.DeptID = DeptID;
                                //Get fingerID
                                if (Info[4] != null)
                                    string fingerID = Info[4].ToString();
                                    employee.FingerID = Convert.ToInt32(fingerID);
                                //Get Date of Birth
                                if (Info[5] != null)
                                    string   dateOfBirth = Info[5].ToString();
                                    DateTime DateOfBirth = DateTime.Parse(dateOfBirth);
                                    employee.DOB = DateOfBirth;
                                //Get Employee NRC
                                if (Info[6] != null)
                                    employee.NRCNo = Info[6].ToString();
                                //Get Employed Date
                                if (Info[7] != null)
                                    string   employedDate = Info[7].ToString();
                                    DateTime EmployedDate = DateTime.Parse(employedDate);
                                    employee.EmployDate = EmployedDate;
                                //Get Approval Date
                                if (Info[8] != null)
                                    employee.ApprovalDate = DateTime.Parse(Info[8].ToString());
                                    employee.IsPermanent  = true;
                                    employee.IsPermanent = false;
                                //Get Father Name
                                if (Info[9] != null)
                                    employee.FatherName = Info[9].ToString();
                                //Get Race
                                if (Info[10] != null)
                                    employee.Race = Info[10].ToString();
                                //Get Religion
                                if (Info[11] != null)
                                    if (Info[10].ToString() == "ဗုဒ္ဓဘာသာ")
                                        employee.Religion = 1;
                                    else if (Info[10].ToString() == "မူဆလင်")
                                        employee.Religion = 2;
                                    else if (Info[10].ToString() == "ခရစ်ယာန်")
                                        employee.Religion = 3;
                                        employee.Religion = 4;
                                //Get Gender
                                if (Info[12] != null)
                                    if (Info[12].ToString() == "1")
                                        employee.Gender = true;
                                    else if (Info[12].ToString() == "0")
                                        employee.Gender = false;

                                //get Mariental Status
                                if (Info[13] != null)
                                    if (Info[13].ToString() == "1")
                                        employee.MaritalStatus = true;
                                    else if (Info[13].ToString() == "0")
                                        employee.MaritalStatus = false;
                                //get Passport Number
                                if (Info[14] != null)
                                    employee.PassportNo = Info[14].ToString();
                                //Get Social Security Number
                                if (Info[15] != null)
                                    employee.SSCode = Info[15].ToString();
                                //Get Driver License
                                if (Info[16] != null)
                                    employee.DriverLicence = Info[16].ToString();
                                //Get in Case of Death Name of beneficiary
                                if (Info[17] != null)
                                    employee.IncaseOfDeathNameOfBeneficiary = Info[17].ToString();
                                // Get Criminal
                                if (Info[18] != null)
                                    if (Info[13].ToString() == "1")
                                        employee.Criminal = true;
                                    else if (Info[13].ToString() == "0")
                                        employee.Criminal = false;

                                employee.ApplicantID = 1;
                                employee.PostID      = 1;
                                employee.EmpPhoto    = null;
                                employee.SalaryLvlID = 1;
                                //employee.Criminalrecord = null;
                                //employee.ReferencesName1 = null;
                                //employee.ReferencesName2 = null;
                                //employee.ReferencesPh1 = null;
                                //employee.ReferencesPh2 = null;

                                if (EduWEx[31] != null)
                                    employee.ReferencesName1 = EduWEx[31];
                                if (EduWEx[33] != null)
                                    employee.ReferencesPh1 = EduWEx[33];

                                employee.IsActive     = true;
                                employee.IsDeleted    = false;
                                employee.CreatedDate  = DateTime.Today;
                                employee.LastModified = DateTime.Today;
                                employee.IsBLO        = null;
                                employee.EmpPhoto     = new byte[0];
                                //Insert into employee table
                                EmployeeDAO employeeDAO = new EmployeeDAO();

                                //This is need to uncomment
                                int lastInsertId = employeeDAO.Insert(employee);
                                EMPLOYEEID = lastInsertId;

                            catch (Exception ex)
                                MessageBox.Show("Error Occurred in inserting to Employee Table!");
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            MessageBox.Show("Empoyee Insert Error:" + ex.ToString());

                            #region for inserting to employee address table Both Current Address and Permanent Address
                                AddressVO address = new AddressVO();
                                //Get Home  Number
                                if (Info[19] != null)
                                    address.HomeNo = Info[19];
                                //Get Street Number
                                if (Info[20] != null)
                                    address.Street = Info[20];
                                if (Info[21] != null)
                                    address.Quarter = Info[21];
                                //Get TownshipID by Name
                                if (Info[22] != null)
                                    string townshipName = Info[22].ToString();
                                    int    TownshipID   = new TownshipInfoDAO().SelectIDByTownshipName(townshipName);
                                    address.TownshipID = TownshipID;
                                if (Info[32] != null)
                                    address.Phone = Info[32].ToString();
                                //Get State Division ID by Name
                                if (Info[24] != null)
                                    string stateDivisionName = Info[24].ToString();
                                    System.Data.DataTable dt = new StateDivisionDAO().SelectByDivisionName(stateDivisionName);
                                    foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
                                        object value = row["ID"];
                                        if (value == DBNull.Value)
                                            MessageBox.Show("Can't Find Filled State Division!");
                                            var    Id = dt.Rows[0][0];
                                            string ID = Id.ToString();
                                            int    stateDivisionID = Convert.ToInt32(ID);
                                            address.StateDivisionID = stateDivisionID;

                                address.ApplicantID = 1;
                                address.IsPermanent = false;
                                //Get EmpID from FingerID
                                string figerID = Info[4].ToString();
                                int    FigerID = Convert.ToInt32(figerID);
                                System.Data.DataTable EmpIDDT = new EmployeeDAO().GetEmpIDFromFingerID(FigerID);
                                foreach (DataRow row in EmpIDDT.Rows)
                                    object value = row["ID"];
                                    if (value == DBNull.Value)
                                        MessageBox.Show("Can't Find EmpID from FingerID!");
                                        int EmpID = Convert.ToInt32(row["ID"].ToString());
                                        address.EmpID = EmpID;

                                AddressDAO addressDAO     = new AddressDAO();
                                int        lastInsertedId = addressDAO.Insert(address);
                                if (lastInsertedId > 0)
                                    // MessageBox.Show("Inserting to Address table for not permanent is success");
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                MessageBox.Show("Error Occurred in Employee Info!");

                                AddressVO vo = new AddressVO();
                                vo.EmpID       = EMPLOYEEID;
                                vo.ApplicantID = 1;
                                vo.IsPermanent = true;
                                if (Info[26] != null)
                                    vo.HomeNo = Info[26];
                                if (Info[27] != null)
                                    vo.Street = Info[27];
                                if (Info[28] != null)
                                    vo.Quarter = Info[28];

                                if (Info[29] != null)
                                    string townshipName = Info[29];
                                    int    TownshipID   = new TownshipInfoDAO().SelectIDByTownshipName(townshipName);
                                    vo.TownshipID = TownshipID;
                                if (Info[32] != null)
                                    vo.Phone = Info[32];
                                if (Info[31] != null)
                                    string stateDivisionName = Info[31];
                                    System.Data.DataTable dt = new StateDivisionDAO().SelectByDivisionName(stateDivisionName);
                                    foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
                                        object value = row["ID"];
                                        if (value == DBNull.Value)
                                            MessageBox.Show("Can't Find Filled State Division!");
                                            var    Id = dt.Rows[0][0];
                                            string ID = Id.ToString();
                                            int    stateDivisionID = Convert.ToInt32(ID);
                                            vo.StateDivisionID = stateDivisionID;

                                AddressDAO addressDAO     = new AddressDAO();
                                int        lastInsertedId = addressDAO.Insert(vo);
                                if (lastInsertedId > 0)
                                    // MessageBox.Show("Inserting to Address table for permanent is success");
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                MessageBox.Show("Error Occurred in Employee Info!");

                        catch (Exception ex)
                            MessageBox.Show("Address Insert Error:" + ex.ToString());

                    if (EduWEx.Count() != 0)
                        #region sheet2

                        #region for Inserting to Employee_Qualification
                            EmployeeQualificationVO quvo = new EmployeeQualificationVO();
                            //Database colums are EmpID, Degree, University, QYear
                            //Get string value from Excel
                            //EmpID should be declared as global variable
                            quvo.EmpID = EMPLOYEEID;
                            if (EduWEx[4] != null && EduWEx[5] != null && EduWEx[6] != null)
                                quvo.Degree = EduWEx[4]; quvo.University = EduWEx[5]; quvo.QYear = EduWEx[6];
                                EmployeeQualificationDAO dao = new EmployeeQualificationDAO();
                            if (EduWEx[7] != null && EduWEx[8] != null && EduWEx[9] != null)
                                quvo.Degree = EduWEx[7]; quvo.University = EduWEx[8]; quvo.QYear = EduWEx[9];
                                EmployeeQualificationDAO dao = new EmployeeQualificationDAO();
                            if (EduWEx[10] != null && EduWEx[11] != null && EduWEx[12] != null)
                                quvo.Degree = EduWEx[10]; quvo.University = EduWEx[11]; quvo.QYear = EduWEx[12];
                                EmployeeQualificationDAO dao = new EmployeeQualificationDAO();
                            if (EduWEx[13] != null && EduWEx[14] != null && EduWEx[15] != null)
                                quvo.Degree = EduWEx[13]; quvo.University = EduWEx[14]; quvo.QYear = EduWEx[15];
                                EmployeeQualificationDAO dao = new EmployeeQualificationDAO();
                            //MessageBox.Show("Inserting to Qualification Table is OK");
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            MessageBox.Show("Error Occurred in Inserting Data to Employee_Qualification!");

                        #region for Inserting Working Experience
                        EmployeeWorkingExperienceVO vo = new EmployeeWorkingExperienceVO();
                        vo.EmpID = EMPLOYEEID;
                        //17/18/19/20/21 - Array Index for Column
                        if (EduWEx[16] != null && EduWEx[17] != null && EduWEx[18] != null && EduWEx[19] != null && EduWEx[20] != null)
                            vo.Period = EduWEx[16]; vo.Company = EduWEx[17]; vo.Position = EduWEx[18]; vo.Address = EduWEx[19]; vo.Phone = EduWEx[20]; vo.RefName = EduWEx[31];
                            EmployeeWorkingExperienceDAO doa = new EmployeeWorkingExperienceDAO();
                        if (EduWEx[21] != null && EduWEx[22] != null && EduWEx[23] != null && EduWEx[24] != null && EduWEx[25] != null)
                            vo.Period = EduWEx[21]; vo.Company = EduWEx[22]; vo.Position = EduWEx[23]; vo.Address = EduWEx[24]; vo.Phone = EduWEx[25]; vo.RefName = EduWEx[31];
                            EmployeeWorkingExperienceDAO doa = new EmployeeWorkingExperienceDAO();
                        if (EduWEx[26] != null && EduWEx[27] != null && EduWEx[28] != null && EduWEx[29] != null && EduWEx[30] != null)
                            vo.Period = EduWEx[26]; vo.Company = EduWEx[27]; vo.Position = EduWEx[28]; vo.Address = EduWEx[29]; vo.Phone = EduWEx[30]; vo.RefName = EduWEx[31];
                            EmployeeWorkingExperienceDAO doa = new EmployeeWorkingExperienceDAO();
                        //MessageBox.Show("Inserting to Working Experience is OK");

                    if (WorkHisBank.Count() != 0)
                        #region sheet3

                        #region for Inserting Bank Information
                        //Insert employee bank info
                        EmployeeBankInfoVO vo = new EmployeeBankInfoVO();
                        //Cell Start From 15,16,17->18,19,20
                        vo.EmpID = EMPLOYEEID;
                        if (WorkHisBank[14] != null && WorkHisBank[15] != null && WorkHisBank[16] != null)
                            string bankName = WorkHisBank[14];
                            BankVO bvo      = new BankDAO().GetByBank(bankName);
                            vo.BankID        = bvo.Id;//Get BankID from Bank table
                            vo.AccountNumber = WorkHisBank[15];
                            vo.AccountType   = WorkHisBank[16];

                            EmployeeBankInfoDAO empdao = new EmployeeBankInfoDAO();
                        if (WorkHisBank[17] != null && WorkHisBank[18] != null && WorkHisBank[19] != null)
                            string bankName = WorkHisBank[17];
                            BankVO bvo      = new BankDAO().GetByBank(bankName);
                            vo.BankID        = bvo.Id;//Get BankID from Bank table
                            vo.AccountNumber = WorkHisBank[18];
                            vo.AccountType   = WorkHisBank[19];

                            EmployeeBankInfoDAO empdao = new EmployeeBankInfoDAO();
                            // MessageBox.Show("Inserting in to Employee bank Info is OK");

                    if (ParSib.Count() != 0)
                        #region sheet4
                        #region for Inserting Both Relative Information and Children Information
                        EmployeeRelativeVO vo = new EmployeeRelativeVO();
                        vo.EmpID = EMPLOYEEID;
                        if (ParSib[4] != null)
                            vo.RelativeName = ParSib[4];
                            vo.Relation     = "Partner";
                        if (ParSib[7] != null)
                            vo.NameOfCompany = ParSib[7];
                        if (ParSib[5] != null)
                            vo.Occupation = ParSib[5];
                        if (ParSib[8] != null)
                            vo.Address = ParSib[8];
                        if (ParSib[6] != null)
                            vo.Phone = ParSib[6];
                        EmployeeRelativeDAO redao = new EmployeeRelativeDAO();
                        if (ParSib[10] != null && ParSib[11] != null)
                            EmployeeRelativeVO childrenvo1 = new EmployeeRelativeVO();
                            childrenvo1.EmpID        = EMPLOYEEID;
                            childrenvo1.RelativeName = ParSib[10];
                            childrenvo1.Relation     = "Children";
                            string   dateOfBirth = ParSib[11].ToString();
                            DateTime DateOfBirth = DateTime.Parse(dateOfBirth);
                            string   DOB         = DateOfBirth.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
                            redao.InsertWithNoObject("INSERT INTO Employee_Children (EmpID, ChildrenName, DOB) VALUES (" + EMPLOYEEID + ", N'" + ParSib[10] + "'," + DOB + ")");
                        if (ParSib[12] != null && ParSib[13] != null)
                            EmployeeRelativeVO childrenvo2 = new EmployeeRelativeVO();
                            childrenvo2.EmpID        = EMPLOYEEID;
                            childrenvo2.RelativeName = ParSib[12];
                            childrenvo2.Relation     = "Children";
                            string   dateOfBirth = ParSib[13].ToString();
                            DateTime DateOfBirth = DateTime.Parse(dateOfBirth);
                            string   DOB         = DateOfBirth.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
                            redao.InsertWithNoObject("INSERT INTO Employee_Children (EmpID, ChildrenName, DOB) VALUES (" + EMPLOYEEID + ", N'" + ParSib[12] + "'," + DOB + ")");
                        if (ParSib[14] != null && ParSib[15] != null)
                            EmployeeRelativeVO childrenvo3 = new EmployeeRelativeVO();
                            childrenvo3.EmpID        = EMPLOYEEID;
                            childrenvo3.RelativeName = ParSib[14];
                            childrenvo3.Relation     = "Children";
                            string   dateOfBirth = ParSib[15].ToString();
                            DateTime DateOfBirth = DateTime.Parse(dateOfBirth);
                            string   DOB         = DateOfBirth.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
                            redao.InsertWithNoObject("INSERT INTO Employee_Children (EmpID, ChildrenName, DOB) VALUES (" + EMPLOYEEID + ", N'" + ParSib[14] + "'," + DOB + ")");
                        if (ParSib[16] != null && ParSib[17] != null)
                            EmployeeRelativeVO childrenvo4 = new EmployeeRelativeVO();
                            childrenvo4.EmpID        = EMPLOYEEID;
                            childrenvo4.RelativeName = ParSib[16];
                            childrenvo4.Relation     = "Children";
                            string   dateOfBirth = ParSib[17].ToString();
                            DateTime DateOfBirth = DateTime.Parse(dateOfBirth);
                            string   DOB         = DateOfBirth.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
                            redao.InsertWithNoObject("INSERT INTO Employee_Children (EmpID, ChildrenName, DOB) VALUES (" + EMPLOYEEID + ", N'" + ParSib[16] + "'," + DOB + ")");
                        //MessageBox.Show("Inserting into Employee Relative and Children is OK");
Пример #8
 public BankService()
     mObjBankDAO = new BankDAO();
Пример #9
 /// <summary>
 /// 构造函数
 /// </summary>
 public BankBLL(LoggingSessionInfo pUserInfo)
     this._currentDAO     = new BankDAO(pUserInfo);
     this.CurrentUserInfo = pUserInfo;
Пример #10
            public static bool run()
                // Incomplete (dependant on other systems)
                // Self contained

                // Full cycle unit test
                // Bank Creation/find
                Bank bank = new Bank();

                bank.BankAddress    = "TEST123";
                bank.BankName       = "TEST123";
                bank.BankRoutingNum = Int32.MaxValue;
                bank = BankDAO.find(Int32.MaxValue);
                Debug.Assert(bank != null && bank.BankName == "TEST123");
                // Bank update
                // ...

                // Account Creation
                Account acc = new Account();

                acc.AccountAddress    = "TEST123";
                acc.AccountFirstName  = "TEST123";
                acc.AccountLastName   = "TEST123";
                acc.AccountNum        = Int32.MaxValue;
                acc.AccountPhoneNum   = 0;
                acc.AccountRoutingNum = Int32.MaxValue;
                acc.BankID            = bank.BankID;
                acc = AccountDAO.find(Int32.MaxValue, Int32.MaxValue);
                Debug.Assert(acc != null && acc.AccountAddress == "TEST123");
                // Account update
                // ...

                // Store Creation
                Store store = new Store();

                store.StoreAddress       = "TEST123";
                store.StoreName          = "TEST123";
                store.StoreNum           = Int32.MaxValue;
                store.StoreServiceCharge = Int32.MaxValue;
                store = StoreDAO.find(Int32.MaxValue);
                Debug.Assert(store != null && store.StoreName == "TEST123");
                // Store update
                // ...

                // Check Creation
                Check check = new Check();

                check.AccountID       = acc.AccountID;
                check.BankID          = bank.BankID;
                check.StoreID         = Int32.MaxValue;
                check.CheckAmount     = float.MaxValue;
                check.CheckAmountOwed = float.MaxValue;
                check.CheckCashierID  = Int32.MaxValue;
                check.CheckDate       = DateTime.MinValue;
                check.CheckDeleted    = false;
                check.CheckNum        = Int32.MaxValue;
                var checks = CheckDAO.getChecksFromAcc(acc.AccountID);

                Debug.Assert(checks.Count > 0);
                // Check update
                // ...

                // Letter Creation
                // ...

                // Letter update
                // ...

                // Letter Deletion
                // ...

                // Check Deletion

                // Store Deletion

                // Account Deletion

                // Bank Deletion

Пример #11
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="databaseRecord"></param>
 public BankInventory(BankDAO databaseRecord)
     : base((int)EntityTypeEnum.TYPE_BANK, databaseRecord.Id)
     m_record = databaseRecord;