private static void CloseAccount(Bank<Account> bank) { Console.WriteLine("Введите id счета, который надо закрыть:"); int id = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); bank.Close(id); }
// Write a program to model the bank system by classes and interfaces. // Identify the classes, interfaces, base classes and abstract actions // and implement the calculation of the interest functionality through overridden methods. private static void Main() { Client client1 = new ClientIndividual("Neo"); Client client2 = new ClientCompany("Office 1"); Client client3 = new ClientIndividual("Nakov"); Account acc1 = new DepositAccount(client1, 5, "BG13TLRK01"); Account acc2 = new LoanAccount(client2, 4.5m, "BG13TLRK02"); Account acc3 = new MortgageAccount(client3, 8.8m, "BG13TLRK03"); acc1.DepositMoney(1000); ((DepositAccount)acc1).WithdrawMoney(500); acc2.DepositMoney(10000); Bank bank = new Bank("New Bank"); bank.AddAccount(acc1); bank.AddAccount(acc2); bank.AddAccount(acc3); Console.WriteLine(bank.Accounts); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("IBAN: {0} ({1}), Interest: {2:F2}", acc1.IBAN, acc1.Owner.Name, acc1.CalculateInterest(5)); Console.WriteLine("IBAN: {0} ({1}), Interest: {2:F2}", acc2.IBAN, acc2.Owner.Name, acc2.CalculateInterest(6)); Console.WriteLine("IBAN: {0} ({1}), Interest: {2:F2}", acc3.IBAN, acc3.Owner.Name, acc3.CalculateInterest(18)); Console.WriteLine("\nRemoving account 1"); bank.RemoveAccount(acc1); Console.WriteLine(bank.Accounts); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { //start of if // if no session variable exists for HBos if (Session["HBos"] == null) { hBos = new Bank(); } else { hBos = (Bank)Session["HBos"]; } //using getters to set label values to that in bank class lblExRate.Text = Convert.ToString(hBos.getexchange()); lblAtmUsed.Text = Convert.ToString(hBos.gettimesused()); lblFailedLogins.Text = Convert.ToString(hBos.getfailedlogins()); lblBalanceAvailable.Text = Convert.ToString(hBos.gettotalbalance()); lblCards.Text = Convert.ToString(hBos.getcards()); lblId.Text = Convert.ToString(hBos.getatmid()); lblTotalWithdrawls.Text = Convert.ToString(hBos.getwithdrawls()); Session.Add("HBos", hBos); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Bank myBank = new Bank(); myBank.AddAccount(new DepositAccount(Customer.Company, 200m, 1.5m)); myBank.AddAccount(new LoanAccount(Customer.Individual, -20, 2m)); myBank.AddAccount(new MortgageAccount(Customer.Individual, -100m, 3m)); Account acc = new DepositAccount(Customer.Individual, 200m, 4m); myBank.AddAccount(acc); foreach (var account in myBank.Accounts) { Console.WriteLine("{0}(Money = {1})'s interest => {2}", account.GetType(), account.Balance, account.CalculateInterest(14)); } myBank.RemoveAccount(acc); if (acc is DepositAccount) { DepositAccount changeAcc = acc as DepositAccount; changeAcc.Deposit(1000); changeAcc.WithDraw(100); myBank.AddAccount(changeAcc); } Console.WriteLine(); foreach (var account in myBank.Accounts) { Console.WriteLine("{0}(Money = {1})'s interest => {2}", account.GetType(), account.Balance, account.CalculateInterest(14)); } }
static void Main() { var bank = new Bank("International Asset Bank"); bank.AddAccount( new DepositAccount(CustomerType.Individual, 2330, 45).WithDraw(250.23m), // Test WithDraw() new LoanAccount(CustomerType.Company, 250, 25).Deposit(250.23m), // Test Deposit() new LoanAccount(CustomerType.Individual, 444, 44), // Remove new MortgageAccount(CustomerType.Company, 2300, 15)); bank.RemoveAccount(new LoanAccount(CustomerType.Individual, 444, 44)); Console.WriteLine(bank); /* ------------ */ Console.WriteLine(new DepositAccount(CustomerType.Individual, 2330, 45).CalculateInterestAmount(20)); Console.WriteLine(new LoanAccount(CustomerType.Company, 250, 25).Deposit(250.23m).CalculateInterestAmount(15)); Console.WriteLine(new MortgageAccount(CustomerType.Company, 2300, 15).CalculateInterestAmount(45) + "\n\n"); /* ------------ */ Console.WriteLine(new DepositAccount(CustomerType.Individual, 2330, 45)); }
/// <summary> /// 实例化一个新的转账记录 /// </summary> /// <param name="comeFrom">来源银行</param> /// <param name="serialNumber">流水号</param> /// <param name="sum">金额</param> public TransferRecord(Bank comeFrom, string serialNumber, double sum) { this.ComeFrom = comeFrom; this.SerialNumber = serialNumber; this.Sum = sum; this.Status = TransferStatus.用户已经支付; }
// Delete Bank <bank> from database public static bool delete(Bank bank) { using (DataClasses1DataContext database = new DataClasses1DataContext(Globals.connectionString)) { var query = from a in database.Banks where (a.BankID == bank.BankID) select a; // It seems to me that a single account renders the foreach unnecessary. However, I can't // find another way to get the variable 'a' from 'query'. foreach (var a in query) { database.Banks.DeleteOnSubmit(a); try { database.SubmitChanges(); return true; } catch (Exception e) { return false; } } return false; } }
public void TestBankAccountIndexerInvalidRange() { var bank = new Bank(); var acc = new Account(); bank.AddAccount(acc); var accFromBank = bank[1]; }
public void ReduceSum() { IExpression sum = new Sum(Money.Dollar(3), Money.Dollar(4)); Bank bank = new Bank(); Money result = bank.Reduce(sum, "USD"); Assert.Equal(Money.Dollar(7), result); }
public void ReduceMoneyDifferentCurrency() { Bank bank = new Bank(); bank.AddRate("CHF", "USD", 2); Money result = bank.Reduce(Money.Franc(2), "USD"); Assert.Equal(Money.Dollar(1), result); }
public BankOutletsCreated(int provinceID, int cityID, Bank bank, string bankName) { this.ProvinceID = provinceID; this.CityID = cityID; this.Bank = bank; this.BankName = bankName; }
static void Main() { Bank bank = new Bank(); DepositAccount depAccC = new DepositAccount(new Company(), 300M, 0.4M); DepositAccount depAccI = new DepositAccount(new Individual(), 1000M, 0.4M); LoanAccount loanAccC = new LoanAccount(new Company(), 1000M, 0.4M); LoanAccount loanAccI = new LoanAccount(new Individual(), 1000M, 0.4M); MortgageAccount mortAccC = new MortgageAccount(new Company(), 1000M, 0.4M); MortgageAccount mortAccI = new MortgageAccount(new Individual(), 1000M, 0.4M); bank.AddAccount(depAccC); bank.AddAccount(depAccI); bank.AddAccount(loanAccC); bank.AddAccount(loanAccI); bank.AddAccount(mortAccC); bank.AddAccount(mortAccI); foreach (var acc in bank.Accounts) { Console.WriteLine(acc.CalculateInterestAmount(12)); } }
public static Bank BankAccount() { // Making instance of the Bank, with random values Bank account = new Bank("Pesho", "Ivanov", "Petrov", 200.22m, "TBI BANK", "BG80 BNBG 9661 1020 3456 78", 347443242294183, 344715318332002, 340121672891069); return account; }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { //start of if // if no session variable exists for HBos if (Session["Hbos"] == null) { hBos = new Bank(); } else { hBos = (Bank)Session["Hbos"]; } //initialising number of attempts session variable numberoffailedattempts = Convert.ToInt32(Session["numberoffailedattempts"]); cardsRetained = hBos.getcards(); timesused = hBos.gettimesused(); finalfailedattempts = hBos.getfailedlogins(); //start of if statement //checks if manager has logged in //if not, disable customer button if (Session["HBos"] == null) { rblChoose.Items[1].Enabled = false; } else { rblChoose.Items[1].Enabled = true; } }
static void Main(string[] args) { Bank b1 = new Bank(1000000); Console.WriteLine("Текущий бонусный процент: " + Bank.GetBonus()); Console.WriteLine("Ваш депозит на {0:C}, в кассе забрать: {1:C}", 10000, b1.GetPercents(10000)); }
public void TestFirstCustomerThrowsExceptionIfNoCustomersExist() { Bank bank = new Bank(); Assert.Throws<System.ArgumentException>(()=> { bank.getFirstCustomer(); }); }
public void TestSimpleAddition() { var five = Money.Dollar(5); ICurrencyExpression sum = five.Plus(five); Bank bank = new Bank(); Money reduced = bank.Reduce(sum, "USD"); Assert.AreEqual(Money.Dollar(10), reduced); }
public void TestBankRemoveInvalidAccount() { Bank bank = new Bank(); Account acc = new Account(); bank.AddAccount(acc); Account anotherAcc = new Account(); bank.RemoveAccount(anotherAcc); }
public void TestBankAddAccount() { Bank bank = new Bank(); Account acc = new Account(); bank.AddAccount(acc); Assert.AreEqual(bank.AccountsCount, 1); Assert.AreSame(bank[0], acc); }
/// <summary> /// Renders the bank summary in test /// </summary> /// <param name="bank">The bank.</param> /// <returns></returns> public string Render(Bank bank) { StringBuilder summary=new StringBuilder(); summary.Append("Customer Summary"); foreach (Customer c in bank.Customers) summary.Append("\n - " + c.getName() + " (" + format(c.getNumberOfAccounts(), "account") + ")"); return summary.ToString(); }
public void method_1() { this.Width = 293; Bank b = new Bank(0, "Noname", 0); b.MONEY = Convert.ToInt32(tbxMoney.Text); b.NAME = tbxName.Text; b.PERCENT = Convert.ToInt32(tbxPercent.Text); }
public CapitalAccountDisabled(int capitalAccountID, Bank bank, string bankAccount, string ownerName, int byUserID) { this.CapitalAccountID = capitalAccountID; this.Bank = bank; this.BankAccount = bankAccount; this.OwnerName = ownerName; this.ByUserID = byUserID; }
public CapitalAccountCreated(Bank bank, string bankAccount, string ownerName, int createBy, CapitalAccount capitalAccountEntity) { this.Bank = bank; this.BankAccount = bankAccount; this.OwnerName = ownerName; this.CreateBy = createBy; this.CapitalAccountEntity = capitalAccountEntity; }
public void Save(Bank bank) { DAL.Bank pd = new DAL.Bank(); pd.AccountNbr = bank.AccountNumber; pd.Balance = bank.Balance; db.Banks.InsertOnSubmit(pd); db.SubmitChanges(); }
public Person(string person_live_id, string person_name, string token, Bank bankInstance, FriendManager friendManager) { this.person_live_id = person_live_id; this.person_name = person_name; this.token = token; this.bankInstance = bankInstance; this.friendManagerInstance = friendManagerInstance; }
/// <summary> /// 实例化一个新的充值记录 /// </summary> /// <param name="owner">用户</param> /// <param name="comeFrom">来源银行</param> /// <param name="serialNumber">流水号</param> public RechargeRecord(Author owner, Bank comeFrom, string serialNumber) { this.Owner = owner; this.ComeFrom = comeFrom; this.SerialNumber = serialNumber; this.Sum = 0; this.Status = RechargeStatus.等待银行确认; }
public Card(Bank.Bank bank_, Client.Client client) { Random ran = new Random(); pinCode = Convert.ToString(ran.Next(1000, 9999)); cardNumber = Convert.ToString(ran.Next(1000000, 9999999)); bank = bank_; clientName = client.Name; }
public void Test_Addition_Of_Money() { var bank = new Bank(); ICurrencyExpression sum = Money.Dollar(15).Plus(Money.Dollar(10)); var reduced = bank.Reduce(sum, "USD"); Assert.AreEqual(Money.Dollar(25), reduced); }
public void TestBankAddRemoveAccount() { Bank bank = new Bank(); Account acc = new Account(); bank.AddAccount(acc); Assert.AreEqual(bank.AccountsCount, 1); bank.RemoveAccount(acc); Assert.AreEqual(bank.AccountsCount, 0); }
public void Test_Bank_Reduces_Sum() { var bank = new Bank(); var five = Money.Dollar(5); ICurrencyExpression sum = five.Plus(five); Money reduced = bank.Reduce(sum, "USD"); Assert.AreEqual(Money.Dollar(10), reduced); }
private void Awake() { bank = FindObjectOfType <Bank>(); materialChanger = GetComponentInChildren <MaterialChanger>(); }
private void btOpslaan_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (CheckFields()) { if (this.lid == null) { Adres adres = new Adres(straatnaam, huisnummer, postcode, woonplaats); adres.SetEmail("Geen Email"); //string str = bankrekening.Substring(4, 4); //BankNaamEnum bankNaam = (BankNaamEnum)Enum.Parse(typeof(BankNaamEnum), str); //Bank bank = new Bank(CheckBankCode(bankNaam), tbBankrekening.Text); //tbBankrekening.Text = CheckBankCode(bankNaam); Oudercontact oc; if (tbOVoornaam.Text == "" && tbOAchternaam.Text == "") { oc = null; } else { oc = new Oudercontact(tbOVoornaam.Text, tbOTussenvoegsel.Text, tbOAchternaam.Text, tbOTel1.Text, tbOTel2.Text, tbOEmail1.Text, tbOTel2.Text); } Lid lid = new Lid(lidvanaf, bondsnummer, voornaam, tussenvoegsel, achternaam, emailadres, geslacht, geboortedatum, adres, telefoonnummer, mobielnummer); //lid.SetBank(bank); lid.SetOuderContact(oc); App.AddLid(lid); } else { Adres adres = new Adres(straatnaam, huisnummer, postcode, woonplaats); adres.SetEmail("Geen Email"); string str = bankrekening.Substring(4, 4); BankNaamEnum bankNaam = (BankNaamEnum)Enum.Parse(typeof(BankNaamEnum), str); Bank bank = new Bank(CheckBankCode(bankNaam), tbBankrekening.Text); tbBankrekening.Text = CheckBankCode(bankNaam); Oudercontact oc; if (tbOVoornaam.Text == "" && tbOAchternaam.Text == "") { oc = null; } else { oc = new Oudercontact(tbOVoornaam.Text, tbOTussenvoegsel.Text, tbOAchternaam.Text, tbOTel1.Text, tbOTel2.Text, tbOEmail1.Text, tbOTel2.Text); } Lid nieuwLid = new Lid(lidvanaf, bondsnummer, voornaam, tussenvoegsel, achternaam, emailadres, geslacht, geboortedatum, adres, telefoonnummer, mobielnummer); lid.SetBank(bank); lid.SetOuderContact(oc); App.EditLid(nieuwLid, lid); } } } catch (Exception exception) { MessageBox.Show(exception.Message); } }
public IHttpActionResult UpdateBank(Bank bank) { var NewBank = _repository.UpdateBank(bank); return(Ok(NewBank)); }
/// <summary> /// Input connections to device /// </summary> /// <param name="bankID">BankID of the device</param> /// <param name="cycle">Zero-based program cycle number</param> /// <returns></returns> private static List <Connection> Connections(Bank bankID, int cycle) { var conns = new List <Connection>(); DevicePort mux1PortOut = DevicePort.Default; DevicePort dataRamPortOut = DevicePort.Default; DevicePort mux2Mux1PortIn = DevicePort.Default; DevicePort mux2DataRamPortIn = DevicePort.Default; PortStatus mux1PortOut_Stat; PortStatus dataRamPortOut_Stat; PortStatus mux2Mux1PortIn_Stat; PortStatus mux2DataRamPortIn_Stat; var mux1_label = Mux1Model.OutputCalc(bankID, cycle).FormattedValue; var dataRam_label = DataRamModel.OutputCalc(bankID, cycle).FormattedValue; InputsUsed(bankID, cycle, out mux1PortOut_Stat, out dataRamPortOut_Stat, out mux2Mux1PortIn_Stat, out mux2DataRamPortIn_Stat); switch (bankID) { case Bank.Bank_A: mux1PortOut = DevicePort.Mux_1A; dataRamPortOut = DevicePort.DataRam_A; mux2Mux1PortIn = DevicePort.Mux_2A; mux2DataRamPortIn = DevicePort.Mux_2A; break; case Bank.Bank_B: mux1PortOut = DevicePort.Mux_1B; dataRamPortOut = DevicePort.DataRam_B; mux2Mux1PortIn = DevicePort.Mux_2B; mux2DataRamPortIn = DevicePort.Mux_2B; break; default: break; } conns.Add(new Connection( BusType.Data, mux1PortOut, mux1PortOut_Stat, mux1_label, null, mux2Mux1PortIn, mux2Mux1PortIn_Stat)); conns.Add(new Connection( BusType.Data, dataRamPortOut, dataRamPortOut_Stat, dataRam_label, null, mux2DataRamPortIn, mux2DataRamPortIn_Stat)); return(conns); }
/// <summary> /// Inputs used by the device in the active instruction /// </summary> /// <param name="bankID">BankID of the device</param> /// <param name="cycle">Zero-based program cycle number</param> /// <param name="mux1PortOut_Stat">Port status</param> /// <param name="dataRamPortOut_Stat">Port status</param> /// <param name="mux2Mux1PortIn_Stat">Port status</param> /// <param name="mux2DataRamPortIn_Stat">Port status</param> private static void InputsUsed( Bank bankID, int cycle, out PortStatus mux1PortOut_Stat, out PortStatus dataRamPortOut_Stat, out PortStatus mux2Mux1PortIn_Stat, out PortStatus mux2DataRamPortIn_Stat) { mux1PortOut_Stat = PortStatus.Inactive; dataRamPortOut_Stat = PortStatus.Inactive; mux2Mux1PortIn_Stat = PortStatus.Inactive; mux2DataRamPortIn_Stat = PortStatus.Inactive; // active instruction (pipeline delayed) var instrWord = CodeStoreModel.Instruction(cycle - PIPELINE_DELAY); if (instrWord != null) { var instr = bankID == Bank.Bank_A ? instrWord.MuxA : instrWord.MuxB; switch (instr) { case "ba": // Bus to ALU case "sa": // Shifter to ALU case "bm": // Bus to MAC, MAC to ALU case "sm": // Shifter to MAC, MAC to ALU mux1PortOut_Stat = PortStatus.Active; mux2Mux1PortIn_Stat = PortStatus.Active; break; case "bra": // Bus to RAM, RAM to ALU case "sra": // Shifter to RAM, RAM to ALU case "brm": // Bus to RAM, to MAC case "srm": // Shifter to RAM to MAC dataRamPortOut_Stat = PortStatus.Active; mux2DataRamPortIn_Stat = PortStatus.Active; break; default: break; } } // current instruction instrWord = CodeStoreModel.Instruction(cycle); if (instrWord != null) { var instr = bankID == Bank.Bank_A ? instrWord.MuxA : instrWord.MuxB; switch (instr) { // ignore - not latched in until [cycle - PIPELINE_DELAY] case "ba": // Bus to ALU case "sa": // Shifter to ALU case "bm": // Bus to MAC, MAC to ALU case "sm": // Shifter to MAC, MAC to ALU break; // latched in now case "bra": // Bus to RAM, RAM to ALU case "sra": // Shifter to RAM, RAM to ALU case "brm": // Bus to RAM, to MAC case "srm": // Shifter to RAM to MAC dataRamPortOut_Stat = PortStatus.Active; mux2DataRamPortIn_Stat = PortStatus.Active; break; default: break; } } }
public WithdrawBankData(ushort step, Bank data) { Step = step; Data = data; }
public void ChangeCurrency(Bank bank, string currencyName, float rates) { bank.currency = currencyName; bank.ChangeRates(rates); }
public void Remove(Bank bank, Account account) { BankToAccounts.TryGetValue(bank, out var bankAccounts); bankAccounts !.Remove(account); }
public CreditAccount(Client client, Bank bank, double overdraftLimit, double initDeposit = 0) : base(client, bank, 0, initDeposit) { OverdraftLimit = overdraftLimit; }
private static void Debug() { ConsoleHandler.Start(); Game = new Game(); Game.Load(); Game.Current = new Round(1); Game.UpdateStatic(); ToolTipService.ShowDurationProperty.OverrideMetadata(typeof(DependencyObject), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(Int32.MaxValue)); GameInterface = new GameInterface(); ((Interface.GameWindow)GameInterface.Window).grid.Children.Add(Map = Map.TileGenerator.CreateTiles()); #region Debug //- Player CurrentPerson = (Person)Game.FindCitizen(0); CurrentPerson.ImageName = "person_geecku"; CurrentPerson.Culture = Game.FindCulture(History.Cultures.Cultures.Deutsch); CurrentPerson.Ideology = Game.FindIdeology(1); CurrentPerson.Party = CurrentPerson.Location.CountryOwner.Government.RegisteredParties[0]; //- Banks Bank test_bank = new Bank("Bank von Bayern"); test_bank.GoldQuanity = 7; Game.Banks.Add(test_bank, test_bank.ID); //- Provinces Game.FindProvince(1).SetOwner(Game.FindCountry(1)); Game.FindProvince(2).SetOwner(Game.FindCountry(1)); Game.FindProvince(5).SetOwner(Game.FindCountry(1)); //- Eckard Person person = (Person)Game.FindCitizen(10); person.Ideology = Game.FindIdeology(1); person.Culture = Game.FindCulture(History.Cultures.Cultures.Deutsch); CurrentPerson.TalkTo(person); CurrentPerson.ChangeFollower(person); //- Göring person = (Person)Game.FindCitizen(11); person.JoinArmy(Game.FindArmy(1)); person.Army.PromotePerson(person, 8); //- von Kahr person = (Person)Game.FindCitizen(12); person.Party.DefineNewLeader(person); //- von Lossow person = (Person)Game.FindCitizen(13); person.JoinArmy(Game.FindArmy(1)); person.Army.PromotePerson(person, 2); person.Army.DefineNewLeader(person); //- Röhm person = (Person)Game.FindCitizen(14); person.JoinArmy(Game.FindArmy(1)); person.Army.PromotePerson(person, 9); //- Hitler person = (Person)Game.FindCitizen(16); person.JoinArmy(Engine.Game.FindArmy(1)); person.Army.PromotePerson(person, 19); //- Mayer person = (Person)Game.FindCitizen(15); person.JoinArmy(Engine.Game.FindArmy(1)); person.Army.PromotePerson(person, 8); #endregion #region Historical OOB //- 'Infanterieführer VII (Reichswehr)' (17. Infanterie-Division) Person franz_epp = (Person)Game.FindCitizen(17); franz_epp.JoinArmy(Game.FindArmy(1)); franz_epp.Army.PromotePerson(franz_epp, 3); Division inf_vii = new Division(franz_epp.LocationID); Game.Units.Add(inf_vii, inf_vii.ID); inf_vii.Name = "Infanterieführer VII. (Reichswehr)"; inf_vii.DefineNewCommander(franz_epp); inf_vii.ClearLocalUnits(); inf_vii.Owner = Game.FindCountry(0); inf_vii.HQ.Name = "Divisions Kommando VII. der Reichswehr"; #region Division LocalUnits RegularCavalry cav2 = new RegularCavalry(inf_vii); cav2.Name = "Divisions-Kavallerie 302"; cav2.SetUnitType(UnitTypes.Platoon); inf_vii.AddLocalUnit(cav2); RegularInfantry inf = new RegularInfantry(inf_vii); inf.Name = "Guard Infanterie 'Landwehr'"; inf.SetUnitType(UnitTypes.Group); inf_vii.AddLocalUnit(inf); RegularCavalry cav1 = new RegularCavalry(inf_vii); cav1.Name = "Kavalleriestand Reichswehr"; cav1.SetUnitType(UnitTypes.Team); inf_vii.AddLocalUnit(cav1); #endregion #region Regiments //- 19. Infanterie-Regiment "Friedrich von Haack" Person p1 = (Person)Game.FindCitizen(18); p1.JoinArmy(Game.FindArmy(1)); p1.Army.PromotePerson(p1, 5); Regiment reg1 = Regiment.CreateDefault(p1.LocationID); inf_vii.AddSubUnit(reg1); reg1.Name = "19. Infanterie-Regiment"; reg1.Owner = Game.FindCountry(0); reg1.DefineNewCommander(p1); reg1.Parent = inf_vii; //- 20. Infanterie-Regiment "Ludwig Leupold" Person p2 = (Person)Game.FindCitizen(19); p2.JoinArmy(Game.FindArmy(1)); p2.Army.PromotePerson(p2, 5); Regiment reg2 = new Regiment(p2.LocationID); inf_vii.AddSubUnit(reg2); reg2.Name = "20. Infanterie-Regiment"; reg2.Owner = Game.FindCountry(0); reg2.DefineNewCommander(p2); reg2.Parent = inf_vii; Game.Units.Add(reg2, reg2.ID); #region 20. Inf-Regiment Person c = (Person)Game.FindCitizen(14); Bataillon b1 = Bataillon.CreateDefault(p2.LocationID); b1.Name = "1. Bataillon 'Rheinmayer-Köln'"; b1.Owner = Game.FindCountry(0); b1.Parent = reg2; b1.DefineNewCommander(c); reg2.AddSubUnit(b1); reg2.LinkUp(b1); Bataillon b2 = Bataillon.CreateDefault(114); b2.Name = "2. Bataillon 'Pait'"; b2.Owner = Game.FindCountry(0); b2.Parent = reg2; reg2.AddSubUnit(b2); Bataillon b3 = Bataillon.CreateDefault(151); b3.Name = "3. Bataillon 'Kaiser'"; b3.Owner = Game.FindCountry(0); b3.Parent = reg2; reg2.AddSubUnit(b3); #endregion //- 21. Infanterie-Regiment "Leonhard Haussel" Person p3 = (Person)Game.FindCitizen(20); p3.JoinArmy(Game.FindArmy(1)); p3.Army.PromotePerson(p3, 5); Regiment reg3 = Regiment.CreateDefault(p3.LocationID); inf_vii.AddSubUnit(reg3); reg3.Name = "21. Infanterie-Regiment"; reg3.Owner = Game.FindCountry(0); reg3.DefineNewCommander(p3); reg3.Parent = inf_vii; #endregion #endregion Game.AfterMapLoad(); }
static private Bank LoadBank(string path) { string bankTitle = path.Substring(path.LastIndexOf('\\') + 1, path.Length - path.LastIndexOf('\\') - 1); string usersPath = path + @"\Users"; string depositsPath = path + @"\Deposits"; string localDepositsPath = path + @"\LocalDeposits"; List <SerializationUser> serializationUsers = new List <SerializationUser>(); List <SerializationDeposit> serializationDeposits = new List <SerializationDeposit>(); List <SerializationLocalDeposit> serializationLocalDeposits = new List <SerializationLocalDeposit>(); if (Directory.Exists(usersPath)) { DirectoryInfo directoryInfo = new DirectoryInfo(usersPath); FileInfo[] fileInfos = directoryInfo.GetFiles(); foreach (FileInfo fileInfo in fileInfos) { using (StreamReader streamReader = fileInfo.OpenText()) { string userJson = streamReader.ReadToEnd(); SerializationUser serializationUser = SerializationUser.Deserialize(userJson); serializationUsers.Add(serializationUser); } } } if (Directory.Exists(depositsPath)) { DirectoryInfo directoryInfo = new DirectoryInfo(depositsPath); FileInfo[] fileInfos = directoryInfo.GetFiles(); foreach (FileInfo fileInfo in fileInfos) { using (StreamReader streamReader = fileInfo.OpenText()) { string depositJson = streamReader.ReadToEnd(); SerializationDeposit serializationDeposit = SerializationDeposit.Deserialize(depositJson); serializationDeposits.Add(serializationDeposit); } } } if (Directory.Exists(localDepositsPath)) { DirectoryInfo directoryInfo = new DirectoryInfo(localDepositsPath); FileInfo[] fileInfos = directoryInfo.GetFiles(); foreach (FileInfo fileInfo in fileInfos) { using (StreamReader streamReader = fileInfo.OpenText()) { string localDepositJson = streamReader.ReadToEnd(); SerializationLocalDeposit serializationLocalDeposit = SerializationLocalDeposit.Deserialize(localDepositJson); serializationLocalDeposits.Add(serializationLocalDeposit); } } } Bank bank = Bank.GetObject(bankTitle, serializationUsers, serializationDeposits, serializationLocalDeposits); return(bank); }
public static void Calculate(Vector3 size, float torque, float weight, float cost) { for (int i = 0; i < CrankshaftVariations.Length; i++) { //some rules: // - all banks are same Vector2[] bankVectors = new Vector2[CrankshaftVariations[i].numBanks]; //Calculate normalized max size of engine from crankshaft Vector2 normalizedMinMaxX = new Vector2(-0.05f, 0.05f); //crankshaft takes 10% of space Vector2 normalizedMinMaxY = new Vector2(-0.05f, 0.05f); //crankshaft takes 10% of space for (int bank = 0; bank < CrankshaftVariations[i].numBanks; bank++) { Vector2 normalizedBankVector = new Vector2(1, 0); float bankAngle = Mathf.Deg2Rad * CrankshaftVariations[i].rotations[bank]; float x = Mathf.Sin(bankAngle); float y = Mathf.Cos(bankAngle); bankVectors[bank] = new Vector2(x, y); if (x < normalizedMinMaxX.x) { normalizedMinMaxX.x = x; } if (x > normalizedMinMaxX.y) { normalizedMinMaxX.y = x; } if (y < normalizedMinMaxY.x) { normalizedMinMaxY.x = y; } if (y > normalizedMinMaxY.y) { normalizedMinMaxY.y = y; } //fix because of precision if (Mathf.Abs(normalizedMinMaxX.x) < 0.001f) { normalizedMinMaxX.x = 0f; } if (Mathf.Abs(normalizedMinMaxX.y) < 0.001f) { normalizedMinMaxX.y = 0f; } if (Mathf.Abs(normalizedMinMaxY.x) < 0.001f) { normalizedMinMaxY.x = 0f; } if (Mathf.Abs(normalizedMinMaxY.y) < 0.001f) { normalizedMinMaxY.y = 0f; } } float spread = normalizedMinMaxX.y - normalizedMinMaxX.x; normalizedMinMaxX.x = normalizedMinMaxX.x / spread; normalizedMinMaxX.y = normalizedMinMaxX.y / spread; spread = normalizedMinMaxY.y - normalizedMinMaxY.x; normalizedMinMaxY.x = normalizedMinMaxY.x / spread; normalizedMinMaxY.y = normalizedMinMaxY.y / spread; float maxBankHeight = float.PositiveInfinity; Vector2 crankshaft =; Rect engineRect = new Rect(normalizedMinMaxX.x * size.x, normalizedMinMaxY.y * size.y, size.x, size.y); for (int bank = 0; bank < CrankshaftVariations[i].numBanks; bank++) { float t1 = (engineRect.xMin - crankshaft.x) / bankVectors[bank].x; float t2 = (engineRect.xMax - crankshaft.x) / bankVectors[bank].x; float t3 = (engineRect.yMin - crankshaft.y) / bankVectors[bank].y; float t4 = (engineRect.yMax - crankshaft.y) / bankVectors[bank].y; //Debug.Log("ENGINE"+engineRect.xMin + " " + engineRect.xMax + " " + engineRect.yMin + " " + engineRect.yMax); //Debug.Log(t1 + " " + t2 + " " + t3 + " " + t4); float t = float.PositiveInfinity; if (t1 > 0 && t1 < t) { t = t1; } if (t2 > 0 && t2 < t) { t = t2; } if (t3 > 0 && t3 < t) { t = t3; } if (t4 > 0 && t4 < t) { t = t4; } Vector2 bankIntersect = new Vector2(crankshaft.x + t * bankVectors[bank].x, crankshaft.y + t * bankVectors[bank].y); float bankHeight = Vector2.Distance(crankshaft, bankIntersect); if (bankHeight < maxBankHeight) { maxBankHeight = bankHeight; } //Debug.LogWarning(CrankshaftVariations[i].rotations[bank] + " " + bankIntersect.x + " " + bankIntersect.y + " "); } Debug.LogError("Max bank height " + CrankshaftVariations[i].name + " " + maxBankHeight); Bank.Calculate(bankVectors, maxBankHeight, engineRect, crankshaft, size.z, CrankshaftVariations[i]); //Debug.LogError(CrankshaftVariations[i].name + " X" + normalizedMinMaxX + " Y" + normalizedMinMaxY.x + " " + normalizedMinMaxY.y); } }
public void EditBankDetail(Bank bank) { repository.EditBank(bank); }
public void CreateAccount(Bank bank) { int password = new Random().Next(1000, 9999); int id = new Random().Next(100000000, 999999999); int isPassword; WriteLine("Введите фамилию:"); string lastName = ReadLine(); WriteLine("\nВведите имя:"); string firstName = ReadLine(); Clear(); if (lastName.Length > 0 && firstName.Length > 0) { WriteLine("Номер вашего лицевого счёта: " + id); WriteLine("\nВаш ПИН-КОД: " + password); WriteLine("\nДля продолжение нажимите на любую клавишу. "); ReadKey(); } else { WriteLine("\nНе коректный ввод данных, пожалуйста в следущий раз введите данные коректно."); ReadKey(); Environment.Exit(0); } int count = 3; bool stop = true; while (stop == true) { WriteLine("\nВведите ваш ПИН-КОД, у вас есть " + count + " попытки"); bool isPars = int.TryParse(ReadLine(), out isPassword); if (isPars == true) { if (isPassword == password) { WriteLine("\nВсё коректно."); WriteLine("\nДля продолжение нажимите на любую клавишу. "); ReadKey(); stop = false; } if (count == 0) { WriteLine("\nВы исчерпали количество попыток. "); WriteLine("\nДля продолжение нажимите на любую клавишу. "); ReadKey(); Environment.Exit(0); } count--; } else { WriteLine("\nНе коректный ввод данных, пожалуйста в следущий раз введите данные коректно."); WriteLine("\nДля продолжение нажимите на любую клавишу. "); ReadKey(); Environment.Exit(0); } Clear(); } }
public static void Main() { Bank.CreateBank(); }
/// <summary> /// Input to the device for the given cycle /// </summary> /// <param name="bankID">BankID of the device</param> /// <param name="cycle">Zero-based program cycle number</param> /// <param name="input0">First input</param> /// <param name="input0src">First input source</param> /// <param name="input1">Second input</param> /// <param name="input1src">Second input source</param> private static void InputCalc(Bank bankID, int cycle, out LabeledValue <long?> input0, out LabeledValue <DevicePort?> input0src, out LabeledValue <long?> input1, out LabeledValue <DevicePort?> input1src) { var valLabel = "In:"; var srcLabel = "Src:"; input0 = new LabeledValue <long?>(valLabel); input1 = new LabeledValue <long?>(valLabel); input0src = new LabeledValue <DevicePort?>(srcLabel); input1src = new LabeledValue <DevicePort?>(srcLabel); // Input latching occurs as follows (variant pipeline): // Pipeline [t-1] [now] // Cycle cycle cycle-1 // dmux(_r_, _r_) ->ram in output-> // dmux(__, __) ->mux1in & output-> var ramSource = bankID == Bank.Bank_A ? DevicePort.DataRam_A : DevicePort.DataRam_B; var mux1Source = bankID == Bank.Bank_A ? DevicePort.Mux_1A : DevicePort.Mux_1B; // Get [now] / cycle-1 input values var instr1 = InstrForCycle(bankID, cycle - 1); switch (instr1) { // These inputs latched from data ram in [t-1] case "bra": case "sra": case "brm": case "srm": input1.Value = DataRamModel.OutputCalc(bankID, cycle - 1).Value; input1.FormattedValue = FormatValue(VALUE_WIDTH, input1.Value); input1src.Value = ramSource; input1src.FormattedValue = input1src.Value.ToString(); break; // These inputs latch from mux1 [now] case "ba": case "sa": case "bm": case "sm": input1.Value = Mux1Model.OutputCalc(bankID, cycle).Value; input1.FormattedValue = FormatValue(VALUE_WIDTH, input1.Value); input1src.Value = mux1Source; input1src.FormattedValue = input1src.Value.ToString(); break; } // Get [t-1] / cycle input values var instr0 = InstrForCycle(bankID, cycle); switch (instr0) { case "bra": case "sra": case "brm": case "srm": input0.Value = DataRamModel.OutputCalc(bankID, cycle).Value; input0.FormattedValue = FormatValue(VALUE_WIDTH, input0.Value); input0src.Value = ramSource; input0src.FormattedValue = input0src.Value.ToString(); break; // no op: case "ba": case "sa": case "bm": case "sm": default: break; } }
public Customer CustomerLogIn(Bank bank, string username, string password) { return(bank.customers.Find(element => element.IsValidOrNot(username, password))); }
public Account?Get(Bank bank, int id) { BankToAccounts.TryGetValue(bank, out var bankAccounts); return(bankAccounts !.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == id)); }
public Customer CustomerExistsOrNotByAccId(Bank bank, string accId) { Customer customer = bank.customers.Find(element => element.GetAccount().AccountId.Equals(accId)); return(customer); }
public void Add(Bank bank, Account account) { BankToAccounts.TryGetValue(bank, out var bankAccounts); bankAccounts !.Add(account); }
public Staff StaffExistsOrNot(Bank bank, string userId, string password) { Staff staff = bank.staffs.Find(element => element.UserId.Equals(userId) && element.ValidatePassword(password)); return(staff); }
public BrankBank() { Bank = new Bank(); }
public static void GameTown() { Dungeon d = Dungeon.DungeonList[0]; Console.Clear(); Utilities.ColourText(Colour.SPEAK, "You are in the town of Marburgh. It is a small town, but is clearly growing. Who knows what will be here in a month?\n\n"); Console.WriteLine("[W]eapon shop [A]rmor shop [I]tem shop [D]ungeon"); Console.WriteLine("[T]avern [Y]our house [B]ank "); Console.WriteLine("[C]haracter [H]eal [L]evel Master [O]ther Places"); Console.WriteLine("[S]ave [?]Help [Q]uit "); Utilities.ColourText(Colour.SPEAK, "\n\nWhat would you like to do?\n\n"); Utilities.EmbedColourText(Colour.TIME, Colour.TIME, Colour.TIME, Colour.TIME, "It is day ", $"{}", ", the ", $"{Time.weeks[Time.week]}", " week of ", $"{Time.months[Time.month]}", ", ", $"{Time.year}", "\n\n"); string choice = Console.ReadKey(true).KeyChar.ToString().ToLower(); if (choice == "w") { Shop.GameShop(Shop.WeaponShop, Create.p); } else if (choice == "a") { Shop.GameShop(Shop.ArmorShop, Create.p); } //else if (choice == "s") Data.Save(p); else if (choice == "d") { Explore.DungeonCheck(d, Create.p); } else if (choice == "h") { Utilities.Heal(Create.p); } else if (choice == "i") { Shop.ItemShop(Create.p); } else if (choice == "?") { Utilities.Help(); } else if (choice == "c") { Utilities.CharacterSheet(Create.p); } else if (choice == "l") { LevelMaster.VisitLevelMaster(Create.p); } else if (choice == "t") { Tavern.Inn(Create.p); } else if (choice == "y") { House.YourHouse(Create.p); } else if (choice == "b") { Bank.GameBank(Create.p); } else if (choice == "q") { Utilities.Quit(); } else if (choice == "x") { += 900; } else if (choice == "o") { OtherPlaces.Other(Create.p); } GameTown(); }
/** 更新。 */ public void Main() { int t_request_index = this.request_index; if (this.load_work != null) { //ロード中。 = this.load_work; this.load_work = null; } if (this.unload_work != null) { //アンロード中。 t_request_index = -1; if (this.mode == Mode.Wait) { if (this.unload_work.UnloadMain() == true) { this.unload_work = null; } } } switch (this.mode) { case Mode.Wait: { if (t_request_index >= 0) { if ( != null) { //オーディオクリップ。 UnityEngine.AudioClip t_audioclip = null; float t_data_volume = 0.0f; if ( != null) {, out t_audioclip, out t_data_volume); } //再生。 this.status_list[0].time = 0.0f; //設定。 this.audiosource[0].SetDataVolume(t_data_volume); this.audiosource[0].SetOperationVolume(1.0f); this.audiosource[0].SetAudioClip(t_audioclip); this.audiosource[0].ApplyVolume(); this.audiosource[0].PlayDirect(); this.play_index = t_request_index; this.mode = Mode.Play0; this.loopcount = 0; this.playposition = 0.0f; } } } break; case Mode.Play0: case Mode.Play1: { int t_index; int t_index_next; if (this.mode == Mode.Play0) { t_index = 0; t_index_next = 1; } else { t_index = 1; t_index_next = 0; } if (this.play_index != t_request_index) { //クロスフェード開始。 this.fadetime = 0.0f; //ボリューム。 if (Config.BGM_PLAY_FADEIN == true) { this.audiosource[t_index_next].SetOperationVolume(0.0f); this.audiosource[t_index_next].ApplyVolume(); } else { this.audiosource[t_index_next].SetOperationVolume(1.0f); this.audiosource[t_index_next].ApplyVolume(); } //再生。 if (t_request_index >= 0) { //オーディオクリップ。 UnityEngine.AudioClip t_audioclip = null; float t_data_volume = 0.0f; if ( != null) {, out t_audioclip, out t_data_volume); } //設定。 this.audiosource[t_index_next].SetDataVolume(t_data_volume); this.audiosource[t_index_next].SetAudioClip(t_audioclip); this.audiosource[t_index_next].PlayDirect(); this.status_list[t_index_next].time = 0.0f; } this.play_index = t_request_index; if (this.mode == Mode.Play0) { this.mode = Mode.Cross0To1; } else { this.mode = Mode.Cross1To0; } this.loopcount = 0; this.playposition = 0.0f; } else { //再生中。 float t_old_time = this.status_list[t_index].time; this.status_list[t_index].time = this.audiosource[t_index].GetTime(); this.playposition = this.status_list[t_index].time; if (t_old_time > this.status_list[t_index].time) { Tool.Log("Bgm", "loop : " + t_old_time.ToString() + " : " + this.status_list[t_index].time.ToString()); this.loopcount++; } } } break; case Mode.Cross0To1: case Mode.Cross1To0: { int t_index; int t_index_next; if (this.mode == Mode.Cross0To1) { t_index = 0; t_index_next = 1; } else { t_index = 1; t_index_next = 0; } this.playposition = this.audiosource[t_index_next].GetTime(); if (Config.BGM_PLAY_FADEIN == true) { this.fadetime += Config.BGM_CROSSFADE_SPEED; } else { this.fadetime = 1.0f; } if (this.fadetime < 1.0f) { //ボリューム。 this.audiosource[t_index_next].SetOperationVolume(this.fadetime); this.audiosource[t_index_next].ApplyVolume(); this.audiosource[t_index].SetOperationVolume(1.0f - this.fadetime); this.audiosource[t_index].ApplyVolume(); //再生位置。 this.status_list[t_index_next].time = this.audiosource[t_index_next].GetTime(); } else { //ボリューム。 this.audiosource[t_index_next].SetOperationVolume(1.0f); this.audiosource[t_index_next].ApplyVolume(); this.audiosource[t_index].SetOperationVolume(0.0f); this.audiosource[t_index].ApplyVolume(); //停止。 this.status_list[t_index].time = 0.0f; this.audiosource[t_index].Stop(); this.audiosource[t_index].SetAudioClip(null); this.audiosource[t_index].SetTime(0.0f); if (this.play_index < 0) { this.mode = Mode.Wait; } else if (this.mode == Mode.Cross0To1) { this.mode = Mode.Play1; } else { this.mode = Mode.Play0; } } } break; } }
public void AddBankDetail(Bank bank) { repository.AddBank(bank); }
public DebitAccount(Client.Client client, double balance, Bank bank, double percent) : base(client, balance, bank) { _percent = percent; }
public BankItemViewModel(Bank entity) { this.entity = entity; }
public async Task <IActionResult> OnPostAsync(string returnUrl = null) { returnUrl = returnUrl ?? Url.Content("~/"); if (ModelState.IsValid) { var user = new ApplicationUser { UserName = Input.Email, Email = Input.Email, Nickname = Input.Nickname }; var result = await _userManager.CreateAsync(user, Input.Password); if (result.Succeeded) { _logger.LogInformation("User created a new account with password."); //var code = await _userManager.GenerateEmailConfirmationTokenAsync(user); //var callbackUrl = Url.Page( // "/Account/ConfirmEmail", // pageHandler: null, // values: new { userId = user.Id, code = code }, // protocol: Request.Scheme); //await _emailSender.SendEmailAsync(Input.Email, "Confirm your email", // $"Please confirm your account by <a href='{HtmlEncoder.Default.Encode(callbackUrl)}'>clicking here</a>."); //Create PlayerModel PlayerModel NewPlayer = new PlayerModel(); NewPlayer.Nickname = Input.Nickname; NewPlayer.Email = Input.Email; string playerclass = Request.Form["rdUserRole"].ToString(); NewPlayer.Class = playerclass; NewPlayer.DateCreated = (DateTime.Now).ToString(); Inventory NewInventory = new Inventory(); await _db.Inventory.AddAsync(NewInventory); NewPlayer.InventoryId = NewInventory.Id; Bank NewBank = new Bank(); await _db.Bank.AddAsync(NewBank); NewPlayer.BankId = NewBank.Id; await _db.PlayerModel.AddAsync(NewPlayer); await _db.SaveChangesAsync(); // HttpContext.Session.SetObject("ssPlayerModel", NewPlayer); await _signInManager.SignInAsync(user, isPersistent : false); return(LocalRedirect(returnUrl)); } foreach (var error in result.Errors) { ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, error.Description); } } // If we got this far, something failed, redisplay form return(Page()); }
public override Task DivideLine(string line) { if (line.Length < 5) { Console.WriteLine("Line too small, skipped."); } else if (line.Contains("'s application. (")) { Applications.Add(line); } else if (line.Contains(" has submitted an application.")) { Applications.Add(line); } else if (line.Contains(" is promoting ")) { RankChanges.Add(line); } else if (line.Contains(" is demoting ")) { RankChanges.Add(line); } else if (line.Contains(") joined the group")) { JoinsDepartures.Add(line); } else if (line.Contains(" has kicked ")) { JoinsDepartures.Add(line); } else if (line.Contains(") left the group as ")) { JoinsDepartures.Add(line); } else if (line.Contains(" deposited to ")) { Bank.Add(line); } else if (line.Contains(" in the group bank")) { Bank.Add(line); } else if (line.Contains(" group bank for reason:")) { Bank.Add(line); } else if (line.Contains(" withdrew ")) { Bank.Add(line); } else if (line.Contains(") updated the group info")) { Management.Add(line); } else if (line.Contains(" has updated group application.")) { Management.Add(line); } else if (line.Contains(" blacklist.")) { Management.Add(line); } else if (line.Contains("updated the group whitelist")) { Management.Add(line); } else if (line.Contains(") warned ")) { Warnings.Add(line); } else if (line.Contains(") rewarded ")) { Warnings.Add(line); } else if (line.Contains(") has promoted group: ")) { Management.Add(line); } else if (line.Contains(") updated rank: ")) { Management.Add(line); } else if (line.Contains(") added rank: ")) { Management.Add(line); } else if (line.Contains(") removed rank: ")) { Management.Add(line); } else if (line.Contains("custom title")) { CustomTitle.Add(line); } else { Other.Add(line); } return(Task.CompletedTask); }
protected void Login1_Authenticate(object sender, AuthenticateEventArgs e) { //If current session variable exists if (Session["BankDB"] == null) { //if not create one CoGB = new Bank(); } else { //if there is store in variable CoGB = (Bank)Session["BankDB"]; } login = Login1.UserName; inputPin = Login1.Password; //If Manager selected if (rblChoose.SelectedValue.Equals("Manager")) { //If login and pin are valid for a manager if (CoGB.isValidManagerLogin(login, inputPin)) { //if login successful reset attempts attempts = 0; //Store CoGB, login & pin in Session Session["BankDB"] = CoGB; Session["login"] = login; Session["pin"] = inputPin; //Go to Manager Home Page Response.Redirect("~/Manager/ManagerHome.aspx"); } else { //if login fails check previous attaempts if (Session["Attempts"] != null) { attempts = (int)Session["Attempts"]; } //show error message Login1.FailureText = "incorrect Manager details"; //increase number of failed attempts attempts++; CoGB.FailedLogins++; //if failed 3 times if (attempts == 3) { //display account locked error Login1.FailureText = "Invalid login. Your account has been locked"; //disable check boxes Login1.Enabled = false; } Session["BankDB"] = CoGB; Session["Attempts"] = attempts; } } //else if Customer selected else if (rblChoose.SelectedValue.Equals("Customer")) { if (CoGB.isValidAccountLogin(login, inputPin)) { //if login successful reset attempts attempts = 0; //update the number of successful logins CoGB.TimesUsed++; //Store CoGB, login & pin in Session Session["BankDB"] = CoGB; Session["Login"] = login; Session["Pin"] = inputPin; //Go to Customer Home Page Response.Redirect("~/Customer/CustomerHome.aspx"); } else { //if login fails check previous attaempts if (Session["Attempts"] != null) { attempts = (int)Session["Attempts"]; } //show error message Login1.FailureText = "Invalid login - try again!"; //increase number of failed attempts attempts++; CoGB.FailedLogins++; //if failed 3 times if (attempts == 3) { //display account locked error Login1.FailureText = "Invalid login. Your account has been locked"; //update number of locked customer accounts CoGB.CardsRetained++; //reset attempts for next customer attempts = 0; } Session["BankDB"] = CoGB; Session["Attempts"] = attempts; } } }