public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { string origin = context.Request.Headers["Origin"]; context.Response.AppendHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", string.IsNullOrEmpty(origin) ? "*" : origin); string requestHeaders = context.Request.Headers["Access-Control-Request-Headers"]; context.Response.AppendHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", string.IsNullOrEmpty(requestHeaders) ? "*" : requestHeaders); context.Response.AppendHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "POST"); context.Response.ContentType = "text/Json"; context.Response.HeaderEncoding = Encoding.UTF8; StringBuilder logParams = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var item in context.Request.Params.AllKeys) { logParams.AppendFormat("{0}:{1},", item, context.Request[item]); } int pid = 0; if (context.Request.Params["pid"] != null) { int.TryParse(context.Request.Params["pid"], out pid); } int total = 0; var list = new BandInfoDb().GetAllBrandBuyParentId(pid.ToString()); if (list != null) { total = list.Count; } ApiLogInfo log = new ApiLogInfo { LogType = "BrandApi", UserAgent = context.Request.UserAgent, Referer = context.Request.UrlReferrer == null ? "" : context.Request.UrlReferrer.ToString(), UserIp = getip(), Remark = "param:" + logParams + " result count" + total }; new ApiLogInfoDb().AddApiLogo(log); if (total == 0) { context.Response.Write("{ret:0, data:[],msg: 'empty'}"); return; } var blist = list.OrderBy(c => c.FirstChart).Select(bandInfo => new Tempbrand { FirstChart = bandInfo.FirstChart, BrandName = bandInfo.BrandName, BrandNum = bandInfo.BrandNum, LogoImg = bandInfo.LogoImg }).ToList(); string result = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(blist); var tempitem = "{ret:1, data:" + result + ",msg: 'sucessed'}"; context.Response.Write(tempitem); }
//public string ppz = ""; public SearchWhere(string id, bool islogin = true) { string key, value; Init(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(id)) { id = ""; } //分解条件 StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); Regex r = new Regex("\\d+\\.?\\d*"); MatchCollection mc = r.Matches(id + "Z"); for (int i = 0; i < mc.Count; i++) { if (mc[i].Index - 1 >= 0) { key = id[mc[i].Index - 1].ToString(); value = mc[i].ToString(); if (value != "0" && string.IsNullOrEmpty(value) == false) { where.Add(key, value); } } } if (!islogin) { where.Remove("q"); } string name = Getname("a"); string num = ""; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name) && where.TryGetValue("a", out num)) { //var ls1 = new CarDetialInfoDb().Exec(sb.ToString(), 1, 25, order, orderby, out TotalRecord, out TotalPage); var band = new BandInfoDb().getBrandByKey(num); var dic = Carwhere["a"]; dic.Add(band.BrandName, band.BrandNum); } //车系 if (where.TryGetValue("a", out value) == true) { Dictionary <string, string> dic = Carwhere["b"]; var ls = new BandInfoDb().GetAllBrandBuyParentId(value); dic.Clear(); dic.Add("不限", "0"); foreach (var v in ls) { dic.Add(v.BrandName, v.BrandNum); } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); year = DateTime.Now.Year; var str = Request["ac"]; carsort = Request["carsort"] ?? ""; p_no = Request["p_no"] ?? ""; p_brand = Request["p_brand"] ?? ""; p_subbrand = Request["p_subbrand"] ?? ""; startprice = Request["startprice"] ?? ""; endprice = Request["endprice"] ?? ""; startage = Request["startage"] ?? ""; endage = Request["endage"] ?? ""; p_transmission = Request["p_transmission"] ?? ""; keywords = Request["keywords"] ?? ""; var binfo = new BandInfoDb(); mlist = binfo.GetBandInfoByParentNum("0"); if (p_brand != "") { clist = binfo.GetBandInfoByParentNum(p_brand); } var carinfo = new CarTypeInfoDb(); tlist = carinfo.GetCarinfoList("0"); blist = carinfo.GetCarinfoList("1"); sb.Append("ac="); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str)) { sb.Append(str); } //str = Request["keywords"]; ////str= HttpUtility.UrlDecode(str,Encoding.Default); //string tmp1 = System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlDecode(str, Encoding.GetEncoding("gb2312")); //sb.Append("&keywords="); //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str)) // sb.Append(str); //winfo = sb.ToString(); Response.ContentEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("utf-8"); }
private void brandType(HttpContext context) { var id = context.Request.QueryString["brandid"].ToString(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(id)) { return; } var list = new BandInfoDb().GetBandInfoByParentNum(id); StringBuilder brands = new StringBuilder(); brands.Append("<option value=''>请选择型号</option>"); foreach (var item in list) { brands.AppendFormat("<option value='{0}'>{1}</option>", item.BrandNum, item.DisplayName); } context.Response.Write(brands.ToString()); }
private void addCar(prolog item) { string detial = item.proName.TrimStart('[').TrimEnd(']').Replace("\"", ""); var prolist = detial.Split(','); var spri = prolist[2].Substring(prolist[2].IndexOf(":") + 1).Replace("年", "-").Replace("月", ""); var Cartype = prolist[3].Substring(prolist[3].IndexOf(":") + 1); var typeitem = new CarTypeInfoDb().GetCarinfo(new CarTypeInfo { DisplayName = Cartype }); var p_sort = typeitem.CarTypeKey; //Request.Form["p_sort"]; var title = prolist[23]; title = title.Substring(title.IndexOf(":") + 1); var bramdName = Regex.Match(title, brandReg, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Value; var brand = brandList.FirstOrDefault(c => c.BrandName == bramdName); var catxinghao = new BandInfoDb().GetBandInfoByParentNum(brand.BrandNum); string xhReg = ""; foreach (var xh in catxinghao) { xhReg += xh.BrandName + "|"; } xhReg = xhReg.TrimEnd('|'); var tempxinghao = Regex.Match(title, xhReg, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Value; var tempbrandtype = catxinghao.FirstOrDefault(c => c.DisplayName == tempxinghao); var temppic = ""; foreach (var propic in prolist) { if (propic.Contains(".jpg")) { temppic += propic.Trim(' ') + ";"; } } var p_price = Regex.Match(prolist[0], ":(?<x>.*?)万元", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Groups["x"].Value; var p_color = prolist[5].Substring(prolist[5].IndexOf(":") + 1); var p_kilometre = prolist[8].Substring(prolist[8].IndexOf(":") + 1).Replace("万", ""); var p_gas = prolist[6].Substring(prolist[6].IndexOf(":") + 1); var p_country = prolist[4].Substring(prolist[4].IndexOf(":") + 1); var p_transmission = prolist[7].Substring(prolist[7].IndexOf(":") + 1); var p_fuel = prolist[10].Substring(prolist[10].IndexOf(":") + 1); var p_emissionstandards = prolist[9].Substring(prolist[9].IndexOf(":") + 1); var p_details = Regex.Match(detial, "车况说明:(?<x>.*?)$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Groups["x"].Value; var seller = prolist[12].Substring(prolist[12].IndexOf(":") + 1); var sellerphone = prolist[14].Substring(prolist[14].IndexOf(":") + 1); var selleradress = prolist[13].Substring(prolist[13].IndexOf(":") + 1); var proNum = prolist[1].Substring(prolist[1].IndexOf(":") + 1); CarDetialInfo pro = new CarDetialInfo(); pro.ProTitle = title; pro.CarType = p_sort; pro.BrandInfo = bramdName; pro.BrandType = tempxinghao; pro.ProNum = proNum; pro.OtherParam = ""; pro.ShangPaiTime = spri; //p_year + "-" + p_month; if (brand.BrandNum != null) { pro.BrandInfoKey = brand.BrandNum; } if (tempbrandtype != null) { pro.BrandTypeKey = tempbrandtype.BrandNum; } pro.ShangPaiMonth = int.Parse(spri.Split('-')[1]); pro.ShangPaiYear = int.Parse(spri.Split('-')[0]); pro.Images = temppic; pro.mianimg = "1"; pro.baojia = decimal.Parse(p_price); pro.CarColor = p_color; pro.LiCheng = decimal.Parse(p_kilometre); pro.PaiLiang = p_gas; = p_country; pro.BianShuQi = p_transmission; pro.RanYou = p_fuel; pro.Remark = p_details; pro.PaiFangBiaoZhun = p_emissionstandards; pro.SellerName = seller; pro.SellerPhone = sellerphone; pro.SellerName = proNum.Split(' ')[0]; pro.CarSellAddress = selleradress; new CarDetialInfoDb().AddCarinfo(pro); }
private List <CarDetialInfo> GetDbData(HttpRequest Request, out int TotalRecord, out int TotalPage) { List <CarDetialInfo> ls = new List <CarDetialInfo>(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); var str = Request["ac"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str)) { } str = Request["mod"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str)) { } str = Request["carsort"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str) && str != "0") { sb.Append(" CarType='" + str + "' and"); } str = Request["p_no"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str)) { // SellerName sb.Append(" SellerNumber='" + str + "' and"); } str = Request["p_brand"]; var str1 = Request["p_subbrand"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str) || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(str1)) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str1)) { str = str1; } BandInfo binfo = new BandInfoDb().getBrandByKey(str); sb.Append(" ( BrandType ='" + binfo.BrandName + "' or Brandinfo = '" + binfo.BrandName + "') and"); } str = Request["startprice"]; str1 = Request["endprice"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str) || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(str1)) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(str1)) { sb.Append(" ( baojia>=" + str + " and baojia<=" + str1 + " ) and"); } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str)) { sb.Append(" baojia>=" + str + " and"); } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str1)) { sb.Append(" baojia<=" + str1 + " and"); } } str = Request["startage"]; str1 = Request["endage"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str) || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(str1)) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(str1)) { sb.Append(" ( ShangPaiYear>=" + str + " and ShangPaiYear<=" + str1 + ") and"); } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str)) { sb.Append(" ShangPaiYear>=" + str + " and"); } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str1)) { sb.Append(" ShangPaiYear<=" + str1 + " and"); } } str = Request["p_transmission"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str) && str != "0") { sb.Append(" BianShuQi ='" + str + "' and"); } str = Request["keywords"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str)) { sb.Append("( BrandType ='" + str + "' or Brandinfo = '" + str + "' ) and"); } str = Request["s_type"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str) && str != "1") { } var page = Request["page"]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(page)) { page = "1"; } str = Request["order"]; var order = ""; var orderby = 0; switch (str) { case "1": order = "shangpaitime"; orderby = 1; break; case "2": order = "shangpaitime"; orderby = 0; break; case "3": order = "baojia"; orderby = 1; break; case "4": order = "baojia"; orderby = 0; break; case "5": order = "ShangPaiTime"; orderby = 1; break; case "6": order = "ShangPaiTime"; orderby = 0; break; case "7": order = "BrandInfo"; orderby = 1; break; case "8": order = "BrandInfo"; orderby = 0; break; default: order = "id"; orderby = 1; break; } str = Request["show"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str)) { } if (sb.Length > 3) { sb.Remove(sb.Length - 3, 3); } if (sb.Length == 0) { sb.Append("1=1"); } int pg; int.TryParse(page, out pg); var ls1 = new CarDetialInfoDb().Exec(" where " + sb.ToString(), pg, 25, order, orderby, out TotalRecord, out TotalPage); if (ls1 != null) { foreach (var l in ls1) { ls.Add(l); } } else { } return(ls); }
private void dataBind(int proid) { var proinfo = new CarDetialInfoDb().GetCarinfo(proid); Page.Title = "我的车源管理"; var list = new BandInfoDb().GetBandInfoByParentNum("0"); StringBuilder brands = new StringBuilder(); brands.Append("<option value=''>请选择品牌</option>"); string brandBind = ""; int yearBind = 0; int monthBind = 0; p_country = "<input type='radio' name='p_country' value='国产' checked='checked'>国产 <input type='radio' name='p_country' value='进口' >进口"; if (proinfo != null) { brandBind = proinfo.BrandInfo; yearBind = proinfo.ShangPaiYear; monthBind = proinfo.ShangPaiMonth; p_mainpic = proinfo.mianimg; p_color = proinfo.CarColor; p_name = proinfo.OtherParam; p_price = proinfo.baojia.ToString("0.00"); p_kilometre = proinfo.LiCheng; p_gas = proinfo.PaiLiang; p_details = proinfo.Remark.Replace("\n", ""); if ( == "进口") { p_country = "<input type='radio' name='p_country' value='国产' >国产 <input type='radio' name='p_country' checked='checked' value='进口' >进口"; } var imgs = proinfo.Images.Split(';'); foreach (var img in imgs) { var imgid = Regex.Match(img, "/carimg/small/(?<x>\\d+).jpg", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Value; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(imgid)) { imgid = "0"; } Imgli += string.Format("<li id='{0}'><img name='p_pics' src='{1}'><p><a href=\"javascript:delimg('{0}')\"> 删除</a></p></li>", imgid, img); } var secBrand = new BandInfoDb().GetBandInfoByParentNum(proinfo.BrandInfoKey); foreach (var item in secBrand) { if (proinfo.BrandTypeKey == item.BrandNum) { subbrand += string.Format("<option selected='selected' value='{0}'>{1}</option>", item.BrandNum, item.DisplayName); } else { subbrand += string.Format("<option value='{0}'>{1}</option>", item.BrandNum, item.DisplayName); } } } string[] pfbz = { "国一", "国二", "国三", "国三+OBD", "国四", "国五" }; foreach (var item in pfbz) { if (proinfo != null && proinfo.PaiFangBiaoZhun == item) { p_emissionstandards += string.Format("<option selected='selected' value='{0}'>{0}</option>", item); } else { p_emissionstandards += string.Format("<option value='{0}'>{0}</option>", item); } } string[] p_fuellist = { "汽油", "柴油", "混动", "电动" }; foreach (var item in p_fuellist) { if (proinfo != null && proinfo.RanYou == item) { p_fuel += string.Format("<option selected='selected' value='{0}'>{0}</option>", item); } else { p_fuel += string.Format("<option value='{0}'>{0}</option>", item); } } var typelist = new CarTypeInfoDb().GetAllCarType(); foreach (var item in typelist) { if (item.ParentCarTypeKey == "0") { if (proinfo != null && proinfo.BrandTypeKey == item.CarTypeKey) { p_sort += string.Format("<option selected='selected' value='{0}'>{1}</option>", item.CarTypeKey, item.DisplayName); } else { p_sort += string.Format("<option value='{0}'>{1}</option>", item.CarTypeKey, item.DisplayName); } } if (item.ParentCarTypeKey == "1") { if (proinfo != null && proinfo.BianShuQi == item.DisplayName) { p_transmission += string.Format("<input type='radio' name='p_transmission' checked='checked' value='{0}'>{0}", item.DisplayName); } else { p_transmission += string.Format("<input type='radio' name='p_transmission' value='{0}'>{0}", item.DisplayName); } } // } foreach (var item in list) { if (item.BrandName == brandBind) { brands.AppendFormat("<option selected='selected' value='{0}'>{1}</option>", item.BrandNum, item.DisplayName); } else { brands.AppendFormat("<option value='{0}'>{1}</option>", item.BrandNum, item.DisplayName); } } Brandinfo = brands.ToString(); StringBuilder Buyyear = new StringBuilder(); int currYear = DateTime.Now.Year; Buyyear.Append("<option value=''>请选择年份</option>"); for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { if (yearBind == (currYear - i)) { Buyyear.AppendFormat("<option selected='selected' value='{0}'>{0}</option>", currYear - i); } else { Buyyear.AppendFormat("<option value='{0}'>{0}</option>", currYear - i); } } BuyCarYear = Buyyear.ToString(); StringBuilder BuyMonth = new StringBuilder(); BuyMonth.Append("<option value=''>请选择月份</option>"); for (int i = 1; i < 13; i++) { if (monthBind == i) { BuyMonth.AppendFormat("<option selected='selected' value='{0}'>{0}</option>", i.ToString("00")); } else { BuyMonth.AppendFormat("<option value='{0}'>{0}</option>", i.ToString("00")); } } BuyCarMonth = BuyMonth.ToString(); var carType = new CarTypeInfoDb().GetAllCarType(); }
private void addCar(int id = 0) { ///static/carImg/load var p_sort = Request.Form["p_sort"]; var p_brand = Request.Form["p_brand"]; var p_brandName = ""; var probrand = new BandInfoDb().getBrandByKey(p_brand); if (probrand != null) { p_brandName = probrand.BrandName; } var p_name = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(Request.Form["p_name"]); var uptype = Request.Form["uptype"]; var pic = Request.Form["imgs"]; var piclist = pic.Split(','); var priallimg = ""; foreach (var tempimg in piclist) { priallimg = priallimg + string.Format("/carimg/small/{0}.jpg;", pic); } var mainpic = Request.Form["p_mainpic"]; var p_color = Request.Form["p_color"]; var p_price = Request.Form["p_price"]; var isfixprice = Request.Form["isfixprice"]; var p_year = Request.Form["p_year"]; var p_month = Request.Form["p_month"]; var p_kilometre = Request.Form["p_kilometre"]; var p_gas = Request.Form["p_gas"]; var p_country = Request.Form["p_country"]; var p_transmission = Request.Form["p_transmission"]; var p_emissionstandards = Request.Form["p_emissionstandards"]; var p_fuel = Request.Form["p_fuel"]; var p_details = Request.Form["p_details"]; var p_img = Request.Form[""]; var ac = Request.Form["ac"]; var pstate = Request.Form["pstate"]; var page = Request.Form["page"]; var subbrand2 = Request.Form["p_subbrand"]; string subbrandName = ""; var prosubbrand = new BandInfoDb().getBrandByKey(subbrand2); if (prosubbrand != null) { subbrandName = prosubbrand.BrandName; } CarDetialInfo pro = new CarDetialInfo(); pro.Id = id; pro.CarType = p_sort; pro.BrandInfo = p_brandName; pro.BrandInfoKey = p_brand; pro.BrandType = subbrandName; pro.BrandTypeKey = subbrand2; pro.OtherParam = p_name; pro.ShangPaiTime = p_year + "-" + p_month; pro.ShangPaiYear = int.Parse(p_year); pro.ShangPaiMonth = int.Parse(p_month); pro.Images = priallimg; pro.mianimg = mainpic; pro.baojia = decimal.Parse(p_price); pro.CarColor = p_color; pro.LiCheng = p_kilometre; pro.PaiLiang = p_gas; = p_country; pro.BianShuQi = p_transmission; pro.RanYou = p_fuel; pro.Remark = p_details; pro.ProTitle = pro.BrandInfo + " " + pro.BrandType + " " + pro.OtherParam; pro.PaiFangBiaoZhun = p_emissionstandards; if (Session["userid"] == null) { Response.Redirect("Login.aspx"); return; } string shopid = Session["userid"].ToString(); var shopinfo = new ShopInfoDb().getShopinfo(int.Parse(shopid)); if (shopid != null) { pro.SellerName = shopinfo.CompanyName; pro.SellerNumber = shopinfo.ShopNum; pro.SellerPhone = shopinfo.PhoneNumber; pro.CarSellAddress = shopinfo.CompanyAddress; } new CarDetialInfoDb().AddCarinfo(pro); Response.Redirect("UserCarList.aspx"); }