/// <param name="Autofill">If true, then when the player picks up an item that can be stored in this bag, it will automatically be stored if there is space for it.</param> public BoundedBag(BagType TypeInfo, ContainerSize Size, bool Autofill) : base(BagType.GetTranslatedName(TypeInfo), "", Size, TypeInfo.GetIconTexture(), TypeInfo.IconSourceRect, new Vector2(16, 16), 0.5f, 1f) { this.TypeInfo = TypeInfo; this.SizeInfo = TypeInfo.SizeSettings.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Size == Size); if (SizeInfo == null) // This should never happen but just in case... { SizeInfo = TypeInfo.SizeSettings.First(); } this.Autofill = Autofill; _MaxStackSize = ItemBagsMod.UserConfig.GetStandardBagCapacity(Size, TypeInfo); DescriptionAlias = string.Format("{0}\n({1})", BagType.GetTranslatedDescription(TypeInfo), ItemBagsMod.Translate("CapacityDescription", new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "count", MaxStackSize.ToString() } })); if (SizeInfo.Size != Size) { this.AllowedObjects = new ReadOnlyCollection <AllowedObject>(new List <AllowedObject>()); } else { this.AllowedObjects = new ReadOnlyCollection <AllowedObject>(SizeInfo.Items.Select(x => new AllowedObject(x)).ToList()); } this.ExcludedAutofillItems = new Dictionary <string, HashSet <ObjectQuality> >(); }
/// <param name="Autofill">If true, then when the player picks up an item that can be stored in this bag, it will automatically be stored if there is space for it.</param> public BoundedBag(BagType TypeInfo, ContainerSize Size, bool Autofill) : base(BagType.GetTranslatedName(TypeInfo), "", Size, TypeInfo.GetIconTexture(), TypeInfo.IconSourceRect, new Vector2(16, 16), 0.5f, 1f) { this.TypeInfo = TypeInfo; this.Autofill = Autofill; this.ExcludedAutofillItems = new Dictionary <string, HashSet <ObjectQuality> >(); OnSizeChanged += BoundedBag_OnSizeChanged; }
protected override void LoadSettings(BagInstance Data) { if (Data != null) { this.Size = Data.Size; this.Autofill = Data.Autofill; this.ExcludedAutofillItems = new Dictionary <string, HashSet <ObjectQuality> >(); foreach (var KVP in Data.ExcludedAutofillItems) { this.ExcludedAutofillItems.Add(KVP.Key, KVP.Value); } // Load the type this.TypeInfo = ItemBagsMod.BagConfig.BagTypes.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == Data.TypeId); if (TypeInfo == null) { string Warning = string.Format("Warning - no BagType with Id = {0} was found. Did you manually edit your {1} json file or delete a .json file from 'Modded Bags' folder? The saved bag cannot be properly loaded without a corresponding type!" + " To prevent crashes, this bag will be automatically converted to a default BagType.", Data.TypeId, ItemBagsMod.BagConfigDataKey); ItemBagsMod.ModInstance.Monitor.Log(Warning, LogLevel.Warn); // To prevent crashes, convert this bag into a different bag type that exists this.TypeInfo = ItemBagsMod.BagConfig.GetDefaultBoundedBagType(); } // Load the size configuration this.SizeInfo = TypeInfo.SizeSettings.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Size == Size); if (SizeInfo == null) { string Warning = string.Format("Warning - BagType with Id = {0} does not contain any settings for Size={1}. Did you manually edit your {2} json file?" + " The saved bag cannot be properly loaded without the corresponding settings for this size! To prevent crashes, this bag will be automatically converted to a default size for this BagType.", this.TypeInfo.Id, this.Size.ToString(), ItemBagsMod.BagConfigDataKey); ItemBagsMod.ModInstance.Monitor.Log(Warning, LogLevel.Warn); this.SizeInfo = TypeInfo.SizeSettings.First(); } _MaxStackSize = ItemBagsMod.UserConfig.GetStandardBagCapacity(Size, TypeInfo); this.BaseName = BagType.GetTranslatedName(TypeInfo); DescriptionAlias = string.Format("{0}\n({1})", BagType.GetTranslatedDescription(TypeInfo), ItemBagsMod.Translate("CapacityDescription", new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "count", MaxStackSize.ToString() } })); if (SizeInfo.Size != Size) { this.AllowedObjects = new ReadOnlyCollection <AllowedObject>(new List <AllowedObject>()); } else { this.AllowedObjects = new ReadOnlyCollection <AllowedObject>(SizeInfo.Items.Select(x => new AllowedObject(x)).ToList()); } this.Contents.Clear(); foreach (BagItem Item in Data.Contents) { this.Contents.Add(Item.ToObject()); } if (Data.IsCustomIcon) { this.Icon = Game1.objectSpriteSheet; this.IconTexturePosition = Data.OverriddenIcon; } else { ResetIcon(); } } }