Пример #1
        // [Fact(Skip = @"DbConnection timeout issue.")]
        // Ignored for now because even with Connection Timeout=1 the connection to a bad server
        // can still take over 20 seconds to fail. This is apparently because of the way timeouts work on
        // SqlConnection which is that the timeout specified is a minimum value and if the APIs being called
        // just take longer to fail than the timeout then so be it.
        // The code is left in place so it can be run manually to check this is working correctly anytime the
        // GetProviderManifestTokenChecked method is changed.
        public void Useful_exception_is_thrown_if_model_creation_happens_with_bad_MVC4_connection_string()
                MutableResolver.AddResolver <IDbConnectionFactory>(
                    k => new SqlConnectionFactory(
                        "Data Source=(localdb)\v11.0; Integrated Security=True; MultipleActiveResultSets=True; Connection Timeout=1;"));

                using (var context = new BadMvcContext())
                    Assert.Throws <ProviderIncompatibleException>(() => context.Database.Initialize(force: false)).ValidateMessage(
Пример #2
        // [Fact(Skip = @"DbConnection timeout issue.")]
        // Ignored for now because even with Connection Timeout=1 the connection to a bad server
        // can still take over 20 seconds to fail. This is apparently because of the way timeouts work on
        // SqlConnection which is that the timeout specified is a minimum value and if the APIs being called
        // just take longer to fail than the timeout then so be it.
        // The code is left in place so it can be run manually to check this is working correctly anytime the
        // GetProviderManifestTokenChecked method is changed.
        public void Useful_exception_is_thrown_if_model_creation_happens_with_bad_MVC4_connection_string()
            var previousConnectionFactory = DefaultConnectionFactoryResolver.Instance.ConnectionFactory;

                DefaultConnectionFactoryResolver.Instance.ConnectionFactory =
                    new SqlConnectionFactory(
                        "Data Source=(localdb)\v11.0; Integrated Security=True; MultipleActiveResultSets=True; Connection Timeout=1");

                using (var context = new BadMvcContext())
                    Assert.Throws <ProviderIncompatibleException>(() => context.Database.Initialize(force: false)).ValidateMessage(
                DefaultConnectionFactoryResolver.Instance.ConnectionFactory = previousConnectionFactory;