/// <summary>
        /// Populate the page with database queries
        /// </summary>
        private void InitCreationData()
            RaceDAO raceDAO = new RaceDAO();

            races = raceDAO.GetAllRaces();

            ClassDAO classDAO = new ClassDAO();

            classes = classDAO.GetAllClasses();

            BackgroundDAO backgroundDAO = new BackgroundDAO();

            backgrounds = backgroundDAO.GetAllBackgroundTypes();
        private void BackgroundLinks()
            string            backgroundIDstr = "";
            BackgroundDAO     bDAO            = new BackgroundDAO();
            List <Background> backgroundList  = bDAO.GetAllBackgroundTypes();

            if (Request.QueryString.AllKeys.Contains("backgroundID"))
                backgroundIDstr = Request.QueryString.Get("backgroundID");

            //checks to make sure that the string isn't null
            if (backgroundIDstr.Length > 0)
                int backID  = int.Parse(backgroundIDstr);
                int counter = 0;
                while (backID != backgroundList[counter].BackgroundId)
                Background pulledBackground = backgroundList[counter];

                name.InnerHtml         = pulledBackground.Name;
                description.InnerHtml  = pulledBackground.Description;
                descriptor2.InnerHtml  = "<br>Personality Traits:";
                descriptor2.InnerHtml += "<br>";
                foreach (String pulledBackgroundPersonalityTrait in pulledBackground.Personality)
                    descriptor2.InnerHtml += pulledBackgroundPersonalityTrait;
                    descriptor2.InnerHtml += "<br>";
                descriptor3.InnerHtml  = "<br>Ideals:";
                descriptor3.InnerHtml += "<br>";
                foreach (String pulledBackgroundIdeal in pulledBackground.Ideals)
                    descriptor3.InnerHtml += pulledBackgroundIdeal;
                    descriptor3.InnerHtml += "<br>";
                descriptor4.InnerHtml  = "<br>Bonds:";
                descriptor4.InnerHtml += "<br>";
                foreach (String pulledBackgroundBond in pulledBackground.Bonds)
                    descriptor4.InnerHtml += pulledBackgroundBond;
                    descriptor4.InnerHtml += "<br>";
                descriptor5.InnerHtml  = "<br>Flaws:";
                descriptor5.InnerHtml += "<br>";
                foreach (String pulledBackgroundFlaw in pulledBackground.Flaws)
                    descriptor5.InnerHtml += pulledBackgroundFlaw;
                    descriptor5.InnerHtml += "<br>";
            //connect to db and populate the links div with 1 link for each entry to DB
            links.InnerHtml = "";
            links.InnerHtml = "<a href='EncyclopaediaOverview.aspx' class='text-dark'>> Back</a><br>";
            foreach (Background lBackground in backgroundList)
                int    bgID   = lBackground.BackgroundId;
                string bgName = lBackground.Name;
                links.InnerHtml += "<a href=\"EncyclopaediaOverview.aspx?encyclopaediaReq=backgroundTypes&backgroundID=" + bgID + "\" class='text-dark'>" + bgName + "</a><br /> ";