Пример #1
        private void ExportBoneAnimation(GLTFAnimation gltfAnimation, int startFrame, int endFrame, GLTF gltf, BabylonBone babylonBone, GLTFNode gltfNode)
            var channelList = gltfAnimation.ChannelList;
            var samplerList = gltfAnimation.SamplerList;

            if (babylonBone.animation != null && babylonBone.animation.property == "_matrix")
                logger.RaiseMessage("GLTFExporter.Animation | Export animation of bone named: " + babylonBone.name, 2);

                var babylonAnimation = babylonBone.animation;

                // --- Input ---
                var accessorInput = _createAndPopulateInput(gltf, babylonAnimation, startFrame, endFrame);
                if (accessorInput == null)

                // --- Output ---
                var paths = new string[] { "translation", "rotation", "scale" };
                var accessorOutputByPath = new Dictionary <string, GLTFAccessor>();

                foreach (string path in paths)
                    GLTFAccessor accessorOutput = _createAccessorOfPath(path, gltf);
                    accessorOutputByPath.Add(path, accessorOutput);

                // Populate accessors
                foreach (var babylonAnimationKey in babylonAnimation.keys)
                    if (babylonAnimationKey.frame < startFrame)

                    if (babylonAnimationKey.frame > endFrame)

                    var matrix = new BabylonMatrix();
                    matrix.m = babylonAnimationKey.values;

                    var translationBabylon  = new BabylonVector3();
                    var rotationQuatBabylon = new BabylonQuaternion();
                    var scaleBabylon        = new BabylonVector3();
                    matrix.decompose(scaleBabylon, rotationQuatBabylon, translationBabylon);

                    // Switch coordinate system at object level
                    translationBabylon.Z  *= -1;
                    translationBabylon    *= exportParameters.scaleFactor;
                    rotationQuatBabylon.X *= -1;
                    rotationQuatBabylon.Y *= -1;

                    var outputValuesByPath = new Dictionary <string, float[]>();
                    outputValuesByPath.Add("translation", translationBabylon.ToArray());
                    outputValuesByPath.Add("rotation", rotationQuatBabylon.ToArray());
                    outputValuesByPath.Add("scale", scaleBabylon.ToArray());

                    // Store values as bytes
                    foreach (string path in paths)
                        var accessorOutput = accessorOutputByPath[path];
                        var outputValues   = outputValuesByPath[path];

                        foreach (var outputValue in outputValues)

                foreach (string path in paths)
                    var accessorOutput = accessorOutputByPath[path];

                    // Animation sampler
                    var gltfAnimationSampler = new GLTFAnimationSampler
                        input  = accessorInput.index,
                        output = accessorOutput.index
                    gltfAnimationSampler.index = samplerList.Count;

                    // Target
                    var gltfTarget = new GLTFChannelTarget
                        node = gltfNode.index
                    gltfTarget.path = path;

                    // Channel
                    var gltfChannel = new GLTFChannel
                        sampler = gltfAnimationSampler.index,
                        target  = gltfTarget
        private GLTFSkin ExportSkin(BabylonSkeleton babylonSkeleton, GLTF gltf, GLTFNode gltfNode)
            // Skin
            GLTFSkin gltfSkin = new GLTFSkin
                name = babylonSkeleton.name

            gltfSkin.index = gltf.SkinsList.Count;

            var bones = new List <BabylonBone>(babylonSkeleton.bones);

            // Compute and store world matrix of each bone
            var bonesWorldMatrices = new Dictionary <int, BabylonMatrix>();

            foreach (var babylonBone in babylonSkeleton.bones)
                if (!bonesWorldMatrices.ContainsKey(babylonBone.index))
                    BabylonMatrix boneWorldMatrix = _getBoneWorldMatrix(babylonBone, bones);
                    bonesWorldMatrices.Add(babylonBone.index, boneWorldMatrix);

            // Buffer
            var buffer = GLTFBufferService.Instance.GetBuffer(gltf);

            // Accessor - InverseBindMatrices
            var accessorInverseBindMatrices = GLTFBufferService.Instance.CreateAccessor(
                GLTFBufferService.Instance.GetBufferViewFloatMat4(gltf, buffer),

            gltfSkin.inverseBindMatrices = accessorInverseBindMatrices.index;

            // World matrix of the node
            var invNodeWorldMatrix = BabylonMatrix.Invert(_getNodeWorldMatrix(gltfNode)); // inverted

            var gltfJoints = new List <int>();

            alreadyExportedBones = new Dictionary <BabylonBone, GLTFNode>();
            foreach (var babylonBone in babylonSkeleton.bones)
                // Export bone as a new node
                var gltfBoneNode = _exportBone(babylonBone, gltf, babylonSkeleton, bones);

                // Set this bone as skeleton if it is a root
                if (babylonBone.parentBoneIndex == -1)
                    gltfSkin.skeleton = gltfBoneNode.index;
                // Compute inverseBindMatrice for this bone when attached to this node
                var boneLocalMatrix = new BabylonMatrix();
                boneLocalMatrix.m = babylonBone.matrix;

                BabylonMatrix boneWorldMatrix = null;
                if (babylonBone.parentBoneIndex == -1)
                    boneWorldMatrix = boneLocalMatrix;
                    var parentWorldMatrix = bonesWorldMatrices[babylonBone.parentBoneIndex];
                    // Remove scale of parent
                    // This actually enable to take into account the scale of the bones, except for the root one
                    parentWorldMatrix = _removeScale(parentWorldMatrix);

                    boneWorldMatrix = boneLocalMatrix * parentWorldMatrix;

                var inverseBindMatrices = BabylonMatrix.Invert(boneWorldMatrix * invNodeWorldMatrix);

                // Populate accessor
                List <float> matrix = new List <float>(inverseBindMatrices.m);
                matrix.ForEach(n => accessorInverseBindMatrices.bytesList.AddRange(BitConverter.GetBytes(n)));
            gltfSkin.joints = gltfJoints.ToArray();
