public void Arrive_Act() { string ANo = Request.Form["ANo"]; string APwd = Request.Form["APwd"]; int uid = avBll.GetUserid(ANo);//uid=0 decimal mianzhi = avBll.GetOtherArrive(mu.UserID, ANo, APwd); //获得用户基本信息 M_Uinfo muinfo = buser.GetUserBaseByuserid(uid); avBll.UpdateState(ANo); avBll.UpdateUseTime(ANo); //优惠券的实例 M_Arrive avMod = avBll.SelReturnModel(ANo, APwd); if (avMod == null) { function.WriteErrMsg("优惠券不存在"); return; } string str = "优惠券激活成功" + "!此优惠券的面值为[" + avMod.Amount + "]"; function.WriteSuccessMsg(str, "ArriveJiHuo"); }
public string Arrive_API() { M_Store_Info storeMod = storeBll.SelModelByUser(mu.UserID); string action = Request.QueryString["action"]; string ids = Request.Form["ids"]; switch (action) { case "del": //只可删除未被领取的优惠券 { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ids)) { return(Failed.ToString()); } SafeSC.CheckIDSEx(ids); string where = "ID IN (" + ids + ") AND StoreID=" + storeMod.ID + " AND UserID=0"; DBCenter.DelByWhere("ZL_Arrive", where); } break; case "change": if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ids)) { return(Failed.ToString()); } SafeSC.CheckIDSEx(ids); int state = Convert.ToInt32(Request["state"]); if (state == 0) { //取消激活,只适用于已激活但未被用户领取的优惠券。 string where = "ID IN (" + ids + ") AND StoreID=" + storeMod.ID + " AND UserID=0"; DBCenter.UpdateSQL("ZL_Arrive", "State=0", where); } else { avBll.UpdateState(ids, state, storeMod.ID); } break; case "bind": int uid = Convert.ToInt32(Request["uid"]); avBll.GetUpdateUserIdByIDS(ids, uid, storeMod.ID); break; case "unbind": { //\\win10\D\Web\办酒网BAK if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ids)) { return(Failed.ToString()); } SafeSC.CheckIDSEx(ids); avBll.GetUpdateUserIdByIDS(ids, 0, storeMod.ID); } break; default: return("[" + action + "]未命中"); } return(M_APIResult.Success.ToString()); }