public void Add(float key, int val)
        BTreeNode newNode = new BTreeNode(key, val);

        // add element to bottom of the array

        int index = mArray.Count - 1;

        //compare value to it's parent, swap if parent is larger
        while ( index > 0 && mArray[(index+1)/2 - 1].mKey > key )
            mArray[index] = mArray[(index+1)/2 - 1];
            mArray[(index+1)/2 - 1] = newNode;

            index = (index+1)/2 - 1; // set new index position
Пример #2
        /* static ModifiersKnot[,] GetResultMatrix(List<BTreeNode<Wave>> wayOfWave, float minAmplitude, int xSizeOfMatr, int xSizeOfMatr)

        static BTreeNode<Wave> CreateWave(Wave prevWave, List<Polygon> polygons, Polygon room, float minAmplitude, int iteration, int maxIter)
            if (prevWave == null || iteration> maxIter || prevWave.waveMod.AmpMod[0].Amplitude< minAmplitude)
                return null;

            BTreeNode<Wave> result = new BTreeNode<Wave>();
            BTreeNode<Wave> nextT;
            Wave nextReflWave = new Wave();
            Wave nextRefrWave = new Wave();
            FindNextWaves(prevWave,polygons,room, out nextReflWave, out nextRefrWave);
            result.Value = prevWave;
            if (nextReflWave != null)
                nextT = new BTreeNode<Wave>();
                nextT = CreateWave(nextReflWave, polygons, room, minAmplitude, iteration + 1, maxIter);
                if (nextT != null)
                    nextT.Value = nextReflWave;
                    result.L = nextT;
            if (nextRefrWave != null)
                nextT = new BTreeNode<Wave>();
                nextT = CreateWave(nextRefrWave, polygons, room, minAmplitude, iteration + 1, maxIter);
                if (nextT != null)
                    nextT.Value = nextRefrWave;
                    result.R = nextT;
            return result;
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Функция которая создает сетку модификаторов волны
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="polygons">список объектов в помещении</param>
        /// <param name="sourses"> источники звука</param>
        /// <param name="room"> комната</param>
        /// <param name="xSizeOfMatr">размер1 матрицы</param>
        /// <param name="ySizeOfMatr">размер2 матрицы</param>
        /// <param name="int">количество лучей для трассировки </param>
        /// <param name="float">порог энергии волны, поле которого она не рассматривается. </param>
        public static List<BTreeNode<Wave>> GetModifiersKnots(List<Polygon> polygons, 
            List<Sourse> sourses, Polygon room, int xSizeOfMatr, int ySizeOfMatr, int RaysCount, float minAmplitude, int reflCount)
            Vector vect = new Vector();
            //List<Wave> wayOfWave = new List<Wave>();
            Wave wave = new Wave();
            BTreeNode<Wave> wayOfWave = new BTreeNode<Wave>();
            List<BTreeNode<Wave>> r = new List<BTreeNode<Wave>>();
            ModifiersKnot[,] result = new ModifiersKnot[xSizeOfMatr + 2, ySizeOfMatr + 2];
            for (int i = 0; i < xSizeOfMatr+2; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < ySizeOfMatr+2; j++)
                    result[i, j] = new ModifiersKnot();
            xSizeOfMatr = xSizeOfMatr - 2;
            ySizeOfMatr = ySizeOfMatr - 2;

            float stepX = room.FindMaxDeltaX() / xSizeOfMatr;
            float stepY = room.FindMaxDeltaY() / ySizeOfMatr;
            float b=0;
            float temp;
            float koef;
            float x0, y0;
            float xEnd, yEnd;
            float d = 0.02f;

            for (int i = 0; i < sourses.Count; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < RaysCount; j++)
                  //  j = 36;
                    vect = new Vector((float)Math.Cos(2 * Math.PI * (float)j / (float)RaysCount),
                                      (float)Math.Sin(2 * Math.PI * (float)j / (float)RaysCount), sourses[i].Coords);
                    wave = new Wave(vect);
                    wave.speed = 331.2f;
                    wave.waveMod.soundSpeed = 331.2f;
                    wayOfWave = CreateWave(wave, polygons, room, minAmplitude, 0, reflCount);

                    //result = GetResultMatrix(wayOfWave, minAmplitude, xSizeOfMatr, xSizeOfMatr);
                    /* for (int k = 0; k < wayOfWave.Count; k++)

                        x0 = (wayOfWave[k].direct.nullP.x / stepX);
                        y0 = (wayOfWave[k].direct.nullP.y / stepY);
                        xEnd = (wayOfWave[k].end.x / stepX);
                        yEnd = (wayOfWave[k].end.y / stepY);

                        if (!(xEnd < x0 + 0.0001 && xEnd > x0 - 0.0001))
                            koef = (yEnd - y0) / (xEnd - x0);
                            b = y0 - koef * x0;
                            if (x0 > xEnd)
                                temp = x0;
                                x0 = xEnd;
                                xEnd = temp;
                            for (float a = x0; a < xEnd; a = a + 1)
                                wayOfWave[k].waveMod.SetAmp((float)wayOfWave[k].previousDist + Math.Abs(a * stepX - wayOfWave[k].direct.nullP.x));
                                wayOfWave[k].SetDelay(Math.Abs(wayOfWave[k].previousDist + Math.Abs(a * stepX - wayOfWave[k].direct.nullP.x)));
                                result[(int)a, (int)(a * koef + b)].AddModifier(wayOfWave[k].waveMod);
                            if (y0 > xEnd)
                                temp = y0;
                                y0 = yEnd;
                                yEnd = temp;
                            for (float a = y0; a < yEnd; a = a + 1)
                                wayOfWave[k].waveMod.SetAmp(wayOfWave[k].previousDist + Math.Abs(a * stepY - wayOfWave[k].direct.nullP.y));
                                wayOfWave[k].SetDelay(Math.Abs(wayOfWave[k].previousDist + Math.Abs(a * stepY - wayOfWave[k].direct.nullP.y)));
                                result[(int)x0, (int)a].AddModifier(wayOfWave[k].waveMod);

            return /*result*/ r;
Пример #4
 private void Paint_Wave(object sender, PaintEventArgs e, BTreeNode<Wave> A, float scale, Pen p)
     if (A.L != null)
         Paint_Wave(sender, e, A.L,scale, Pens.Green);
         Paint_Wave(sender, e, A.R, scale, Pens.Red);
     DrawWave(sender, e, A.Value, scale, p);
Пример #5
 public BTreeNodeCacheEntry(BTreeNode node)
     _node = node;
Пример #6
 protected override void AdjustSizeOnRemovalByOtherTransaction(BTree btree, BTreeNode
Пример #7
 public abstract object Commit(Transaction trans, BTree btree, BTreeNode node);
 public BTreeNodePrioritySelector(BTreeNode _parentNode, BTreeNodePrecondition _precondition = null)
     : base(_parentNode, _precondition)
Пример #9
    public int t;          // Minimum degree

// Constructor (Initializes tree as empty)
    Btree(int t)
        this.root = null;
        this.t    = t;
Пример #10
        }                          //minimum degree

        // Constructor (Initializes tree as empty)
        public BTree(int _t)
            root = null; t = _t;
Пример #11
 public abstract object Commit(Transaction trans, BTree btree, BTreeNode node);
Пример #12
        // 这个函数属于核心函数
        private bool insertPicture(BTreeNode <FontRectKey> node)
             * 拆分剩余rect为left和right两个分支。
             * ●---------●-----------------
             | picture |   right        |
             |         |                |
             | ●---------------------------
             |                          |
             |        left              |
             |                          |
             |                          |
             |                          |
             | ----------------------------
             | 例如.picture已经占据了【左上角】区域。剩下的区域分为left和right。点(●)的地方就是CGPoint了。
             | ● 优化点:如果picture是矩形,那么在生成left和right的时候。可以有两个选择:向下延伸,向右延伸。
             | 通常是向值小的一方延伸,这样保证值大的一方可以放进去更多的图片。
             | ● 上面的例子是向右延伸。

            if (node == null)

            if (!node.isFull &&
                node.virtualPic.width >= m_CurrentPic.width &&
                node.virtualPic.height >= m_CurrentPic.height)
                // 是否已经填充
                node.isFull = true;
                // 后面考虑用池来做
                node.left   = new BTreeNode <FontRectKey>();
                node.left.x = node.x;
                node.left.y = node.y + m_CurrentPic.height;
                // 后面考虑用池来做
                node.left.virtualPic = new PicNode <FontRectKey>();

                // 后面考虑用池来做
                node.right   = new BTreeNode <FontRectKey>();
                node.right.x = node.x + m_CurrentPic.width;
                node.right.y = node.y;
                // 后面考虑用池来做
                node.right.virtualPic = new PicNode <FontRectKey>();

                if (m_CurrentPic.width >= m_CurrentPic.height)
                    node.left.virtualPic.width  = node.virtualPic.width;
                    node.left.virtualPic.height = node.virtualPic.height - m_CurrentPic.height;

                    node.right.virtualPic.width  = node.virtualPic.width - m_CurrentPic.width;
                    node.right.virtualPic.height = m_CurrentPic.height;
                    node.left.virtualPic.width  = m_CurrentPic.width;
                    node.left.virtualPic.height = node.virtualPic.height - m_CurrentPic.height;

                    node.right.virtualPic.width  = node.virtualPic.width - m_CurrentPic.width;
                    node.right.virtualPic.height = node.virtualPic.height;

                node.virtualPic = m_CurrentPic;


Пример #13
 public void SetRightSubTree(BTreeNode sub)
     this.right = sub;
Пример #14
 public void SetLeftSubTree(BTreeNode sub)
     this.left = sub;
Пример #15
 public void SetData(BTreeNode data)
     this.data = data;
Пример #16
 public void GetIndexAtParentChildren_ParentIsNull_ThrowsException()
     var node  = new BTreeNode <int, string>(5);
     int index = node.GetIndexAtParentChildren();