Пример #1
        public void HydrateFromBinary(BTVersion version, byte[] btBuf, int offset, int len)
            var index = offset;
            RecipeSlot = btBuf[index++];
            var tempUnits = (Units == BTUnits.US) ? TemperatureUnitType.F : TemperatureUnitType.C;

            decimal dVal = btBuf[index++];
            Strike = new TemperatureType { Value = dVal, degrees = tempUnits };

            dVal = btBuf[index++];
            FirstStep = new TemperatureType { Value = dVal, degrees = tempUnits };
Пример #2
 public void HydrateFromParamList(BTVersion version, List<string> rspParams)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Пример #3
        public void HydrateFromBinary(BTVersion version, byte[] btBuf, int offset, int len)
            if (len != 95)
                throw new Exception("BTLog.HydrateFromBinary: Buffer Size Error.");
            var startIndex = offset;

            Schema = btBuf[offset++];
            TimeStamp = GetUInt32(btBuf, offset);
            offset += sizeof(UInt32);

            for (var i = 0; i < StepStatus.Length; i++)
                StepStatus[i] = btBuf[offset++];

            MashTimerValue = GetUInt32(btBuf, offset);
            offset += sizeof(UInt32);
            MashTimerStatus = btBuf[offset++] != 0;

            BoilTimerValue = GetUInt32(btBuf, offset);
            offset += sizeof(UInt32);
            BoilTimerStatus = btBuf[offset++] != 0;

            AlarmStatus = btBuf[offset++] != 0;

            //Vessel Vol & Flow
            for (var i = 0; i < VesselVolumeAvg.Length; i++)
                VesselVolumeAvg[i] = GetUInt32(btBuf, offset);
                offset += sizeof(UInt32);
                VesselFlowRate[i] = GetUInt32(btBuf, offset);
                offset += sizeof(UInt32);

            for (var i = 0; i < Temperature.Length; i++)
                Temperature[i] = GetInt16(btBuf, offset) / 100m;
                offset += sizeof(Int16);

            SteamPressure = GetUInt32(btBuf, offset);
            offset += sizeof(UInt32);

            for (var i = 0; i < HeatOutput.Length; i++)
                HeatOutput[i] = btBuf[offset++];

            for (var i = 0; i < HeatSetpoint.Length; i++)
                HeatSetpoint[i] = GetInt16(btBuf, offset);
                offset += sizeof(Int16);

            SteamPressure = GetUInt16(btBuf, offset);
            offset += sizeof(UInt16);

            SteamPressure = GetUInt32(btBuf, offset);
            offset += sizeof(UInt32);

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(offset == startIndex + len, "offset == startIndex + len");
Пример #4
 public List<string> EmitToParamsList(BTVersion version)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Пример #5
 public byte EmitToBinary(BTVersion version, byte[] cmdBuf, byte offset)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Пример #6
        public void HydrateFromParamList(BTVersion version, List<string> rspParams)
            Debug.Assert(rspParams.Count == 3, "rspParams.Count == 3");
                var index = 0;
                RecipeSlot = Convert.ToInt32(rspParams[index++]);
                var tempUnits = (Units == BTUnits.US) ? TemperatureUnitType.F : TemperatureUnitType.C;

                Strike = new TemperatureType { Value = Convert.ToDecimal(rspParams[index++]), degrees = tempUnits };
                FirstStep = new TemperatureType { Value = Convert.ToDecimal(rspParams[index++]), degrees = tempUnits };
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new BTComException("Error converting parameter list to BTCalcTemps.", ex);
Пример #7
        public void HydrateFromParamList(BTVersion version, List<string> rspParams)
            Debug.Assert(rspParams.Count == 23, "rspParams.Count == 23");

                // skip recipe slot
                var index = 1;

                Name = rspParams[index++].Trim();

                DoughIn.step_time = NewTimeType(Convert.ToDecimal(rspParams[index++]), TimeUnitType.min);
                DoughIn.step_temperature = NewTemperatureType(Convert.ToDecimal(rspParams[index++]), IsMetric);
                AcidRest.step_time = NewTimeType(Convert.ToDecimal(rspParams[index++]), TimeUnitType.min);
                AcidRest.step_temperature = NewTemperatureType(Convert.ToDecimal(rspParams[index++]), IsMetric);
                ProteinRest.step_time = NewTimeType(Convert.ToDecimal(rspParams[index++]), TimeUnitType.min);
                ProteinRest.step_temperature = NewTemperatureType(Convert.ToDecimal(rspParams[index++]), IsMetric);
                Sacch1Rest.step_time = NewTimeType(Convert.ToDecimal(rspParams[index++]), TimeUnitType.min);
                Sacch1Rest.step_temperature = NewTemperatureType(Convert.ToDecimal(rspParams[index++]), IsMetric);
                Sacch2Rest.step_time = NewTimeType(Convert.ToDecimal(rspParams[index++]), TimeUnitType.min);
                Sacch2Rest.step_temperature = NewTemperatureType(Convert.ToDecimal(rspParams[index++]), IsMetric);
                MashOut.step_time = NewTimeType(Convert.ToDecimal(rspParams[index++]), TimeUnitType.min);
                MashOut.step_temperature = NewTemperatureType(Convert.ToDecimal(rspParams[index++]), IsMetric);

                SpargeTemp = NewTemperatureType(Convert.ToDecimal(rspParams[index++]), IsMetric);
                HLTSetpoint = NewTemperatureType(Convert.ToDecimal(rspParams[index++]), IsMetric);
                BatchVolume = NewVolumeType(Convert.ToDecimal(rspParams[index++]) / 1000, IsMetric);
                GrainWeight = NewMassType(Convert.ToDecimal(rspParams[index++]), IsMetric);
                BoilTime = NewTimeType(Convert.ToDecimal(rspParams[index++]), TimeUnitType.min);
                MashRatio = Convert.ToDecimal(rspParams[index++]) / 100;
                PitchTemp = NewTemperatureType(Convert.ToDecimal(rspParams[index++]), IsMetric);
                Additions = Convert.ToUInt32(rspParams[index++]);
                if (!version.IsAsciiSchema0)
                    MashHeatSource = (BTVesselID)(Convert.ToInt32(rspParams[index++]));
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new BTComException("Error converting parameter list to BTRecipe.", ex);
Пример #8
        public void HydrateFromBinary(BTVersion version, byte[] btBuf, int offset, int len)
            var index = offset;
            if (len != 52)
                throw new Exception("BTRecipe.HydrateFromBinary: Buffer Size Error.");

            // recipe slot
            Slot = btBuf[index++];

            // recipe units
            Units = (BTUnits)btBuf[index++];

            // name
            byte[] nameArray = new byte[BTConfig.RecipeNameSize];
            int i;
            for (i = 0; i < BTConfig.RecipeNameSize; i++)
                nameArray[i] = btBuf[index++];
                if (nameArray[i] < 0x20)
                    nameArray[i] = (byte)' ';
            Debug.Assert(btBuf[index] == 0, "btBuf[index] == 0");
            ASCIIEncoding encoder = new ASCIIEncoding();
            Name = encoder.GetString(nameArray).Trim();

            // mash steps DoughIn, Acid Rest, Protein Rest, Sacch1 Rest, Sacch2 Rest, Mash Out
            //		PreHeat is handled separately
            foreach (var mashStep in MashSteps.Where(mashStep => mashStep.Key != MashStepID.PreHeat))
                mashStep.Value.step_temperature =
                    new TemperatureType
                            Value = btBuf[index++],
                            degrees = Units == BTUnits.US ? TemperatureUnitType.F
                                      	: TemperatureUnitType.C

                mashStep.Value.step_time =
                    new TimeType { Value = btBuf[index++], duration = TimeUnitType.min };

            // mash heat source
            MashHeatSource = (BTVesselID)btBuf[index++];

            // sparge temp
            SpargeTemp = new TemperatureType
                Value = btBuf[index++],
                degrees = Units == BTUnits.US
                                   ? TemperatureUnitType.F
                                   : TemperatureUnitType.C

            // pitch temp
            PitchTemp = new TemperatureType
                Value = btBuf[index++],
                degrees = Units == BTUnits.US
                                   ? TemperatureUnitType.F
                                   : TemperatureUnitType.C

            // HLT Setpoint
            HLTSetpoint = new TemperatureType
                Value = btBuf[index++],
                degrees = Units == BTUnits.US
                                  ? TemperatureUnitType.F
                                  : TemperatureUnitType.C

            // batch volume
            decimal dVal = (btBuf[index++] << 24) |
                            (btBuf[index++] << 16) |
                            (btBuf[index++] << 8) |
                            (btBuf[index++] << 0);
            BatchVolume = new VolumeType
                Value = dVal / 1000,
                volume = Units == BTUnits.US
                                   ? VolumeUnitType.gal
                                   : VolumeUnitType.l

            // grain weight
            dVal = (btBuf[index++] << 24) |
                    (btBuf[index++] << 16) |
                    (btBuf[index++] << 8) |
                    (btBuf[index++] << 0);
            GrainWeight = new MassType
                Value = dVal / 1000,
                mass = (Units == BTUnits.US)
                                ? MassUnitType.lb
                                : MassUnitType.kg
            // boil time
            BoilTime = new TimeType
                Value = (btBuf[index++] << 8) |
                        (btBuf[index++] << 0),
                duration = TimeUnitType.min

            // mash ratio
            dVal = (btBuf[index++] << 8) |
                    (btBuf[index++] << 0);
            MashRatio = dVal / 100;

            // boil additions
            Additions = (UInt16)((btBuf[index++] << 8) +
                                 (btBuf[index++] << 0));

            Debug.Assert(index == offset + len, "index == offset + len");
Пример #9
        public List<string> EmitToParamsList(BTVersion version)
            List<string> paramsList;
                paramsList = new List<string>
               				Convert.ToString(Slot),									// 1
               				Name,													// 2
               				Convert.ToString(DoughIn.step_temperature.Value),		// 3
               				Convert.ToString(DoughIn.step_time.Value),				// 4
               				Convert.ToString(AcidRest.step_temperature.Value),		// 5
               				Convert.ToString(AcidRest.step_time.Value),				// 6
               				Convert.ToString(ProteinRest.step_temperature.Value),	// 7
               				Convert.ToString(ProteinRest.step_time.Value),			// 8
               				Convert.ToString(Sacch1Rest.step_temperature.Value),	// 9
               				Convert.ToString(Sacch1Rest.step_time.Value),			// 10
               				Convert.ToString(Sacch2Rest.step_temperature.Value),	// 11
               				Convert.ToString(Sacch2Rest.step_time.Value),			// 12
               				Convert.ToString(MashOut.step_temperature.Value),		// 13
               				Convert.ToString(MashOut.step_time.Value),				// 14

               				Convert.ToString(SpargeTemp.Value),						// 15
               				Convert.ToString(HLTSetpoint.Value),					// 16
               				Convert.ToString(BatchVolume.Value * 1000),				// 17
               				Convert.ToString(GrainWeight.Value),					// 18
               				Convert.ToString(BoilTime.Value),						// 19
               				Convert.ToString(MashRatio * 100),						// 20
               				Convert.ToString(PitchTemp.Value),						// 21
               				Convert.ToString(Additions)								// 22
               				//Convert.ToString((int)Units)							// 23 not sent as command parameter, #define configured in BT

                if (!version.IsAsciiSchema0)
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new BTComException("Error converting BTRecipe to parameter list.", ex);
            return paramsList;
Пример #10
        public byte EmitToBinary(BTVersion version, byte[] cmdBuf, byte offset)
            var index = offset;

            // units
            cmdBuf[index++] = (byte)Units;

            // name
            ASCIIEncoding encoder = new ASCIIEncoding();
            var nameBuf = encoder.GetBytes(Name);
            for (var i = 0; i < 19; i++)
                if (i < nameBuf.Length)
                    cmdBuf[index++] = nameBuf[i];
                    cmdBuf[index++] = (byte)' ';
            cmdBuf[index++] = 0;

            // mash steps (PreHeat get sent separately)
            foreach (var mashStep in MashSteps.Where(mashStep => mashStep.Key != MashStepID.PreHeat))
                cmdBuf[index++] = (byte)mashStep.Value.step_temperature.Value;
                cmdBuf[index++] = (byte)mashStep.Value.step_time.Value;

            // mash heat source
            cmdBuf[index++] = (byte)MashHeatSource;

            // Sparge Temp
            cmdBuf[index++] = (byte)SpargeTemp.Value;

            // Pitch Temp
            cmdBuf[index++] = (byte)PitchTemp.Value;

            // HLT Setpoint
            cmdBuf[index++] = (byte)HLTSetpoint.Value;

            // Batch Volume
            UInt32 uiVal = (UInt32)(BatchVolume.Value * 1000);
            cmdBuf[index++] = uiVal.Byte3();
            cmdBuf[index++] = uiVal.Byte2();
            cmdBuf[index++] = uiVal.Byte1();
            cmdBuf[index++] = uiVal.Byte0();

            // Grain Weight
            uiVal = (UInt32)(BatchVolume.Value * 1000);
            cmdBuf[index++] = uiVal.Byte3();
            cmdBuf[index++] = uiVal.Byte2();
            cmdBuf[index++] = uiVal.Byte1();
            cmdBuf[index++] = uiVal.Byte0();

            // Boil Time
            uiVal = (UInt32)(BoilTime.Value);
            cmdBuf[index++] = uiVal.Byte1();
            cmdBuf[index++] = uiVal.Byte0();

            // Mash Ratio
            uiVal = (UInt32)(MashRatio);
            cmdBuf[index++] = uiVal.Byte1();
            cmdBuf[index++] = uiVal.Byte0();

            // Boil Adds
            uiVal = Additions;
            cmdBuf[index++] = uiVal.Byte1();
            cmdBuf[index++] = uiVal.Byte0();

            return (byte)(index - offset);
Пример #11
 public void HydrateFromParamList(BTVersion version, List<string> rspParams)
     Debug.Assert(rspParams.Count == 6, "rspParams.Count == 6");
         var index = 0;
         RecipeSlot = Convert.ToInt32(rspParams[index++]);
         var volUnits = (Units == BTUnits.US) ? VolumeUnitType.gal : VolumeUnitType.l;
         Grain = new VolumeType { Value = Convert.ToDecimal(rspParams[index++]) / 1000, volume = volUnits };
         GrainLoss = new VolumeType { Value = Convert.ToDecimal(rspParams[index++]) / 1000, volume = volUnits };
         Preboil = new VolumeType { Value = Convert.ToDecimal(rspParams[index++]) / 1000, volume = volUnits };
         Strike = new VolumeType { Value = Convert.ToDecimal(rspParams[index++]) / 1000, volume = volUnits };
         Sparge = new VolumeType { Value = Convert.ToDecimal(rspParams[index++]) / 1000, volume = volUnits };
     catch (Exception ex)
         throw new BTComException("Error converting parameter list to BTCalcVols.", ex);
Пример #12
        public void HydrateFromBinary(BTVersion version, byte[] btBuf, int offset, int len)
            var index = offset;
            var volUnits = (Units == BTUnits.US) ? VolumeUnitType.gal : VolumeUnitType.l;

            RecipeSlot = btBuf[index++];

            decimal dVal;
            dVal = (btBuf[index++] << 24) + (btBuf[index++] << 16) + (btBuf[index++] << 8) + (btBuf[index++] << 0);
            Grain = new VolumeType { Value = dVal / 1000, volume = volUnits };

            dVal = (btBuf[index++] << 24) + (btBuf[index++] << 16) + (btBuf[index++] << 8) + (btBuf[index++] << 0);
            GrainLoss = new VolumeType { Value = dVal / 1000, volume = volUnits };

            dVal = (btBuf[index++] << 24) + (btBuf[index++] << 16) + (btBuf[index++] << 8) + (btBuf[index++] << 0);
            Preboil = new VolumeType { Value = dVal / 1000, volume = volUnits };

            dVal = (btBuf[index++] << 24) + (btBuf[index++] << 16) + (btBuf[index++] << 8) + (btBuf[index++] << 0);
            Strike = new VolumeType { Value = dVal / 1000, volume = volUnits };

            dVal = (btBuf[index++] << 24) + (btBuf[index++] << 16) + (btBuf[index++] << 8) + (btBuf[index++] << 0);
            Sparge = new VolumeType { Value = dVal / 1000, volume = volUnits };