Пример #1
    public override void DataBind()
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["mode"]))
            string StrSql = @" Select M.MasterID, M.Term, M.StudyYear, D.DeptName, D.DeptCode, SD.MainSubDeptCode, SD.MainSubDeptName, MD.MainDeptCode, MD.MainDeptName 
                        From ftYearMaster M Inner Join Department D On M.DeptCode = D.DeptCode
                        Inner Join MainSubDepartment SD On D.MainSubDeptCode = SD.MainSubDeptCode
                        Inner Join MainDepartment MD ON SD.MainDeptCode = MD.MainDeptCode
                        Where M.DelFlag = 0 ";

            if (ddlSearchYear.SelectedIndex != 0)
                StrSql += " And M.StudyYear = '" + ddlSearchYear.SelectedValue + "' ";
            if (ddlSearchMainDept.SelectedIndex != 0)
                StrSql += " And MD.MainDeptCode = '" + ddlSearchMainDept.SelectedValue + "'";
            if (ddlSearchMainSubDept.SelectedIndex != 0)
                StrSql += " And SD.MainSubDeptCode = '" + ddlSearchMainSubDept.SelectedValue + "'";
            if (ddlSearchDept.SelectedIndex != 0)
                StrSql += " And D.DeptCode = '" + ddlSearchDept.SelectedValue + "'";
            if (txtSearch.Text != "")
                StrSql += " And M.Term Like '%" + txtSearch.Text + "%' Or M.StudyYear Like '%" + txtSearch.Text + "%'  ";
            DataView dv = Conn.Select(string.Format(StrSql + " Order By M.StudyYear Asc, M.Term "));

            GridView1.DataSource = dv;
            lblSearchTotal.InnerText = dv.Count.ToString();
            if (Request.QueryString["mode"] == "5")
                string StrSql = @" Select M.MasterID, M.Term, M.StudyYear, MD.ItemID, MD.Price, MD.Amount, IsNull(MD.SetMoney, 0) + (IsNull(MD.Price, 0) * IsNull(MD.Amount, 0)) As TotalAmount, 
                        C.ClassName, BD.BudgetDetailTypeName, BT.BudgetTypeName, IsNull(MD.SetMoney, 0) SetMoney, IsNull(MD.Amount2, 0) Amount2, 
                        IsNull(MD.Price2, 0) Price2, IsNull(MD.Price2, 0) * IsNull(MD.Amount2, 0) As TotalAmount2, MD.WithdrawUser, MD.WithdrawDate, MD.BudgetDetailTypeID 
                        From ftYearMaster M Inner Join ftYearMasterDetail MD On M.MasterID = MD.MasterID
                        Inner Join ftYearClass C On MD.ClassID = C.ClassID
                        Inner Join ftYearBudgetTypeDetail BD On MD.BudgetDetailTypeID = BD.BudgetDetailTypeID   
                        Inner JOin ftYearBudgetType BT On BD.BudgetTypeID = BT.BudgetTypeID 
                        Inner Join Department D On M.DeptCode = D.DeptCode
                        Inner Join MainSubDepartment SD On D.MainSubDeptCode = SD.MainSubDeptCode
                        Inner Join MainDepartment MDt ON SD.MainDeptCode = MDt.MainDeptCode
                        Where M.DelFlag = 0 And M.MasterID = '" + Request.QueryString["mid"] + "' ";

                if (ddlSearchClass.SelectedIndex != 0)
                    StrSql += " And C.ClassID = '" + ddlSearchClass.SelectedValue + "' ";
                if (ddlSearchBudgetType.SelectedIndex != 0)
                    StrSql += " And BT.BudgetTypeID = '" + ddlSearchBudgetType.SelectedValue + "' ";
                if (ddlSearchMainDept2.SelectedIndex != 0)
                    StrSql += " And MDt.MainDeptCode = '" + ddlSearchMainDept2.SelectedValue + "' ";
                if (ddlSearchMainSubDept2.SelectedIndex != 0)
                    StrSql += " And SD.MainSubDeptCode = '" + ddlSearchMainSubDept2.SelectedValue + "' ";
                if (ddlSearchDept2.SelectedIndex != 0)
                    StrSql += " And D.DeptCode = '" + ddlSearchDept2.SelectedValue + "'";
                if (txtSearch2.Text != "")
                    StrSql += " And (C.ClassName Like '%" + txtSearch2.Text + "%' Or BD.BudgetDetailTypeName Like '%" + txtSearch2.Text + "%'  Or BT.BudgetTypeName Like '%" + txtSearch2.Text + "%') ";
                DataView dv = Conn.Select(string.Format(StrSql + " And BD.BudgetDetailTypeID <> 5 Order By M.StudyYear Asc, M.Term, C.ClassID, BT.BudgetTypeID, BD.BudgetDetailTypeID"));

                GridView2.DataSource = dv;
                lblSearchTotal2.InnerText = dv.Count.ToString();

                DataView dvAc = Conn.Select(string.Format(StrSql + " And BD.BudgetDetailTypeID = 5 Order By M.StudyYear Asc, M.Term, C.ClassID, BT.BudgetTypeID, BD.BudgetDetailTypeID"));

                GridView3.DataSource = dvAc;

                StrSql = @" Select IsNull(Sum(IsNull(MD.Amount, 0)), 0) TotalStudent, IsNull(Sum(IsNull(MD.Price, 0)), 0) TotalPrice, 
                IsNull(Sum((IsNull(MD.Amount, 0) * IsNull(MD.Price, 0))), 0) SumTotal
		        From ftYearMaster M Inner Join ftYearMasterDetail MD On M.MasterID = MD.MasterID
		        Where M.DelFlag = 0 And M.MasterID = '{0}' And MD.BudgetDetailTypeID = 5 "        ;
                DataView dvMoneyActivity = Conn.Select(string.Format(StrSql, Request.QueryString["mid"]));
                if (dvMoneyActivity.Count > 0)
                    lblTotalStudent.Text = Convert.ToInt32(dvMoneyActivity[0]["TotalStudent"]).ToString("#,##0");
                    lblTotalPrice.Text   = Convert.ToDecimal(dvMoneyActivity[0]["TotalPrice"]).ToString("#,##0.00");
                    lblSumTotal.Text     = Convert.ToDecimal(dvMoneyActivity[0]["SumTotal"]).ToString("#,##0.00");

                    decimal SumToal        = 0;
                    decimal SetMoneyAcType = 0;
                    if ((!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lblSumTotal.Text)) && (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lblSetMoneyAcType.Text)))
                        SumToal        = Convert.ToDecimal(lblSumTotal.Text);
                        SetMoneyAcType = Convert.ToDecimal(lblSetMoneyAcType.Text);
                    lblSumTotalAll.Text = (SumToal + SetMoneyAcType).ToString("#,##0.00");

                StrSql = @" Select IsNull(Sum(CD.TotalMoney2), 0) As MoneyAcType From Activity A 
                Inner Join dtAcDept dt On A.ActivityCode = dt.ActivityCode 
		        Inner Join CostsDetail CD On A.ActivityCode = CD.ActivityCode
		        Where A.DelFlag = 0 And A.ApproveFlag = 1 And A.Status = 3 
		        And A.StudyYear = '{0}' And A.Term = '{1}' And dt.DeptCode = '{2}'
		        And CD.BudgetTypeCode = 'b27b079f-5da5-4278-a172-b974be1ed317' "        ;
                DataView dvMoneyAcType = Conn.Select(string.Format(StrSql, lblStudyYear.Text, lblTerm.Text, ddlSearchDept2.SelectedValue));
                if (dvMoneyAcType.Count > 0)
                    lblMoneyAcType.Text = Convert.ToDecimal(dvMoneyAcType[0]["MoneyAcType"]).ToString("#,##0.00");

                lblTotalBalance.Text = (Convert.ToDecimal(lblSumTotalAll.Text) - Convert.ToDecimal(lblMoneyAcType.Text)).ToString("#,##0.00");
                if (Request.QueryString["mode"] == "7")
                    string   strSql = @"Select s.SubsidyID, s.SubsidyName, Sd.ItemID, IsNull(Sd.Money, 0) Money, Sd.BudgetTypeID 
                        From ftYearSubsidy s Left Join ftYearSubsidyDetail Sd On s.SubsidyID = Sd.SubsidyID And SD.BudgetTypeID = 1 And Sd.SubsidyItemID = '{0}'
                        Where s.Delflag = 0  
                        Order By s.SubsidyID ";
                    DataView dv     = Conn.Select(string.Format(strSql, Request.QueryString["id"]));
                    GridSubsidy.DataSource = dv;