Пример #1
        // Creates a native shape and assignes it to prim.BSShape
        private bool GetReferenceToNativeShape(BSPrim prim, ShapeData shapeData,
                                               ShapeData.PhysicsShapeType shapeType, ShapeData.FixedShapeKey shapeKey,
                                               ShapeDestructionCallback shapeCallback)
            BulletShape newShape;

            shapeData.Type = shapeType;
            // Bullet native objects are scaled by the Bullet engine so pass the size in
            prim.Scale      = shapeData.Size;
            shapeData.Scale = shapeData.Size;

            // release any previous shape
            DereferenceShape(prim.BSShape, true, shapeCallback);

            // Native shapes are always built independently.
            newShape               = new BulletShape(BulletSimAPI.BuildNativeShape2(PhysicsScene.World.ptr, shapeData), shapeType);
            newShape.shapeKey      = (ulong)shapeKey;
            newShape.isNativeShape = true;

            // Don't need to do a 'ReferenceShape()' here because native shapes are not tracked.
            // DetailLog("{0},BSShapeCollection.AddNativeShapeToPrim,create,newshape={1}", shapeData.ID, newShape);

            prim.BSShape = newShape;
Пример #2
        // See that hull shape exists in the physical world and update prim.BSShape.
        // We could be creating the hull because scale changed or whatever.
        private bool GetReferenceToHull(BSPrim prim, ShapeData shapeData, PrimitiveBaseShape pbs,
                                        ShapeDestructionCallback shapeCallback)
            BulletShape newShape;

            float lod;
            ulong newHullKey = ComputeShapeKey(shapeData, pbs, out lod);

            // if the hull hasn't changed, don't rebuild it
            if (newHullKey == prim.BSShape.shapeKey && prim.BSShape.type == ShapeData.PhysicsShapeType.SHAPE_HULL)

                      prim.LocalID, prim.BSShape.shapeKey.ToString("X"), newHullKey.ToString("X"));

            // Remove usage of the previous shape. Also removes reference to underlying mesh if it is a hull.
            DereferenceShape(prim.BSShape, true, shapeCallback);

            newShape = CreatePhysicalHull(prim.PhysObjectName, newHullKey, pbs, shapeData.Size, lod);


            // hulls are already scaled by the meshmerizer
            prim.Scale   = new OMV.Vector3(1f, 1f, 1f);
            prim.BSShape = newShape;
            return(true);   // 'true' means a new shape has been added to this prim
Пример #3
        // Builds a mesh shape in the physical world and updates prim.BSShape.
        // Dereferences previous shape in BSShape and adds a reference for this new shape.
        // Returns 'true' of a mesh was actually built. Otherwise .
        // Called at taint-time!
        private bool GetReferenceToMesh(BSPrim prim, ShapeData shapeData, PrimitiveBaseShape pbs,
                                        ShapeDestructionCallback shapeCallback)
            BulletShape newShape = new BulletShape(IntPtr.Zero);

            float lod;
            ulong newMeshKey = ComputeShapeKey(shapeData, pbs, out lod);

            // if this new shape is the same as last time, don't recreate the mesh
            if (prim.BSShape.shapeKey == newMeshKey)

                      prim.LocalID, prim.BSShape.shapeKey.ToString("X"), newMeshKey.ToString("X"));

            // Since we're recreating new, get rid of the reference to the previous shape
            DereferenceShape(prim.BSShape, true, shapeCallback);

            newShape = CreatePhysicalMesh(prim.PhysObjectName, newMeshKey, pbs, shapeData.Size, lod);


            // meshes are already scaled by the meshmerizer
            prim.Scale   = new OMV.Vector3(1f, 1f, 1f);
            prim.BSShape = newShape;

            return(true);   // 'true' means a new shape has been added to this prim
Пример #4
        public override void RemovePrim(PhysicsActor prim)
            if (!m_initialized)

            BSPrim bsprim = prim as BSPrim;

            if (bsprim != null)
                DetailLog("{0},RemovePrim,call", bsprim.LocalID);
                // m_log.DebugFormat("{0}: RemovePrim. id={1}/{2}", LogHeader, bsprim.Name, bsprim.LocalID);
                    lock (PhysObjects) PhysObjects.Remove(bsprim.LocalID);
                catch (Exception e)
                    m_log.ErrorFormat("{0}: Attempt to remove prim that is not in physics scene: {1}", LogHeader, e);
                // bsprim.dispose();
                m_log.ErrorFormat("{0}: Attempt to remove prim that is not a BSPrim type.", LogHeader);
Пример #5
        // Routine used when rebuilding the body of the root of the linkset
        // Destroy all the constraints have have been made to root.
        // This is called when the root body is changing.
        // Returns 'true' of something eas actually removed and would need restoring
        // Called at taint-time!!
        public bool RemoveBodyDependencies(BSPrim child)
            bool ret = false;

            lock (m_linksetActivityLock)
                if (IsRoot(child))
                    // If the one with the dependency is root, must undo all children
                              child.LocalID, LinksetRoot.LocalID, m_taintChildren.Count);
                    foreach (BSPhysObject bpo in m_taintChildren)
                        PhysicallyUnlinkAChildFromRoot(LinksetRoot, LinksetRoot.BSBody, bpo, bpo.BSBody);
                        ret = true;
                              LinksetRoot.LocalID, LinksetRoot.BSBody.ptr.ToString("X"),
                              child.LocalID, child.BSBody.ptr.ToString("X"));
                    // Remove the dependency on the body of this one
                    if (m_taintChildren.Contains(child))
                        PhysicallyUnlinkAChildFromRoot(LinksetRoot, LinksetRoot.BSBody, child, child.BSBody);
                        ret = true;
Пример #6
        public override PhysicsActor AddPrimShape(string primName, PrimitiveBaseShape pbs, Vector3 position,
                                                  Vector3 size, Quaternion rotation, bool isPhysical, uint localID)
            // m_log.DebugFormat("{0}: AddPrimShape2: {1}", LogHeader, primName);
            BSPrim prim = new BSPrim(localID, primName, this, position, size, rotation, pbs, isPhysical);

            lock (m_prims) m_prims.Add(localID, prim);
Пример #7
 // Remove a prim from our list of vehicles.
 // Safe to call if the prim is not in the vehicle list.
 public void RemoveVehiclePrim(BSPrim vehicle)
     lock (m_vehicles)
         if (m_vehicles.Contains(vehicle))
Пример #8
 // Make so the scene will call this prim for vehicle actions each tick.
 // Safe to call if prim is already in the vehicle list.
 public void AddVehiclePrim(BSPrim vehicle)
     lock (m_vehicles)
         if (!m_vehicles.Contains(vehicle))
Пример #9
        // Create a body object in Bullet.
        // Updates prim.BSBody with the information about the new body if one is created.
        // Returns 'true' if an object was actually created.
        // Called at taint-time.
        private bool CreateBody(bool forceRebuild, BSPrim prim, BulletSim sim, BulletShape shape,
                                ShapeData shapeData, BodyDestructionCallback bodyCallback)
            bool ret = false;

            // the mesh, hull or native shape must have already been created in Bullet
            bool mustRebuild = (prim.BSBody.ptr == IntPtr.Zero);

            // If there is an existing body, verify it's of an acceptable type.
            // If not a solid object, body is a GhostObject. Otherwise a RigidBody.
            if (!mustRebuild)
                CollisionObjectTypes bodyType = (CollisionObjectTypes)BulletSimAPI.GetBodyType2(prim.BSBody.ptr);
                if (prim.IsSolid && bodyType != CollisionObjectTypes.CO_RIGID_BODY ||
                    !prim.IsSolid && bodyType != CollisionObjectTypes.CO_GHOST_OBJECT)
                    // If the collisionObject is not the correct type for solidness, rebuild what's there
                    mustRebuild = true;

            if (mustRebuild || forceRebuild)
                DereferenceBody(prim.BSBody, true, bodyCallback);

                BulletBody aBody;
                IntPtr     bodyPtr = IntPtr.Zero;
                if (prim.IsSolid)
                    bodyPtr = BulletSimAPI.CreateBodyFromShape2(sim.ptr, shape.ptr,
                                                                shapeData.ID, shapeData.Position, shapeData.Rotation);
                    // DetailLog("{0},BSShapeCollection.CreateBody,mesh,ptr={1}", prim.LocalID, bodyPtr.ToString("X"));
                    bodyPtr = BulletSimAPI.CreateGhostFromShape2(sim.ptr, shape.ptr,
                                                                 shapeData.ID, shapeData.Position, shapeData.Rotation);
                    // DetailLog("{0},BSShapeCollection.CreateBody,ghost,ptr={1}", prim.LocalID, bodyPtr.ToString("X"));
                aBody = new BulletBody(shapeData.ID, bodyPtr);

                ReferenceBody(aBody, true);

                prim.BSBody = aBody;

                ret = true;

Пример #10
        public override PhysicsObject AddPrimShape(ISceneChildEntity entity)
            bool isPhysical = ((entity.ParentEntity.RootChild.Flags & PrimFlags.Physics) != 0);
            bool isPhantom  = ((entity.ParentEntity.RootChild.Flags & PrimFlags.Phantom) != 0);
            bool physical   = isPhysical & !isPhantom;

            /*IOpenRegionSettingsModule WSModule = entity.ParentEntity.Scene.RequestModuleInterface<IOpenRegionSettingsModule> ();
             * if (WSModule != null)
             * if (!WSModule.AllowPhysicalPrims)
             *  physical = false;*/
            BSPrim prim = new BSPrim(entity, isPhysical, this);

            lock (m_prims) m_prims.Add(entity.LocalId, prim);
Пример #11
        // Routine called when rebuilding the body of some member of the linkset.
        // Destroy all the constraints have have been made to root and set
        //     up to rebuild the constraints before the next simulation step.
        // Returns 'true' of something was actually removed and would need restoring
        // Called at taint-time!!
        public override bool RemoveBodyDependencies(BSPrim child)
            bool ret = false;

                      child.LocalID, LinksetRoot.LocalID, LinksetRoot.PhysBody.AddrString);

            lock (m_linksetActivityLock)
                // Just undo all the constraints for this linkset. Rebuild at the end of the step.
                ret = PhysicallyUnlinkAllChildrenFromRoot(LinksetRoot);
                // Cause the constraints, et al to be rebuilt before the next simulation step.
Пример #12
        public override PhysicsActor AddPrimShape(string primName, PrimitiveBaseShape pbs, Vector3 position,
                                                  Vector3 size, Quaternion rotation, bool isPhysical, uint localID)
            // m_log.DebugFormat("{0}: AddPrimShape2: {1}", LogHeader, primName);

            if (!m_initialized)

            DetailLog("{0},AddPrimShape,call", localID);

            BSPrim prim = new BSPrim(localID, primName, this, position, size, rotation, pbs, isPhysical);

            lock (PhysObjects) PhysObjects.Add(localID, prim);
Пример #13
        private void ReportShapeGeom(BSPrim prim)
            if (prim != null)
                if (prim.PhysShape.HasPhysicalShape)
                    BSShape physShape = prim.PhysShape;
                    string  shapeType = physShape.GetType().ToString();
                    switch (shapeType)
                    case "OpenSim.Region.Physics.BulletSPlugin.BSShapeNative":
                        BSShapeNative nShape = physShape as BSShapeNative;
                        prim.PhysScene.DetailLog("{0}, type={1}", prim.Name, shapeType);

                    case "OpenSim.Region.Physics.BulletSPlugin.BSShapeMesh":
                        BSShapeMesh mShape = physShape as BSShapeMesh;
                        prim.PhysScene.DetailLog("{0}, mesh, shapeInfo={1}", prim.Name, mShape.shapeInfo);

                    case "OpenSim.Region.Physics.BulletSPlugin.BSShapeHull":
                        // BSShapeHull hShape = physShape as BSShapeHull;
                        // prim.PhysScene.DetailLog("{0}, hull, shapeInfo={1}", prim.Name, hShape.shapeInfo);

                    case "OpenSim.Region.Physics.BulletSPlugin.BSShapeConvexHull":
                        BSShapeConvexHull chShape = physShape as BSShapeConvexHull;
                        prim.PhysScene.DetailLog("{0}, convexHull, shapeInfo={1}", prim.Name, chShape.shapeInfo);

                    case "OpenSim.Region.Physics.BulletSPlugin.BSShapeCompound":
                        BSShapeCompound cShape = physShape as BSShapeCompound;
                        prim.PhysScene.DetailLog("{0}, type={1}", prim.Name, shapeType);

                        prim.PhysScene.DetailLog("{0}, type={1}", prim.Name, shapeType);
Пример #14
        // Routine called when rebuilding the body of some member of the linkset.
        // Since we don't keep in world relationships, do nothing unless it's a child changing.
        // Returns 'true' of something was actually removed and would need restoring
        // Called at taint-time!!
        public override bool RemoveBodyDependencies(BSPrim child)
            bool ret = false;

                      child.LocalID, LinksetRoot.LocalID, LinksetRoot.PhysBody.AddrString, IsRoot(child));

            if (!IsRoot(child))
                // Because it is a convenient time, recompute child world position and rotation based on
                //    its position in the linkset.
                RecomputeChildWorldPosition(child, true);

            // Cannot schedule a refresh/rebuild here because this routine is called when
            //     the linkset is being rebuilt.
            // InternalRefresh(LinksetRoot);

Пример #15
        // Called to update/change the body and shape for an object.
        // First checks the shape and updates that if necessary then makes
        //    sure the body is of the right type.
        // Return 'true' if either the body or the shape changed.
        // Called at taint-time!!
        public bool GetBodyAndShape(bool forceRebuild, BulletSim sim, BSPrim prim,
                                    ShapeData shapeData, PrimitiveBaseShape pbs,
                                    ShapeDestructionCallback shapeCallback, BodyDestructionCallback bodyCallback)
            bool ret = false;

            // This lock could probably be pushed down lower but building shouldn't take long
            lock (m_collectionActivityLock)
                // Do we have the correct geometry for this type of object?
                // Updates prim.BSShape with information/pointers to requested shape
                bool newGeom = CreateGeom(forceRebuild, prim, shapeData, pbs, shapeCallback);
                // If we had to select a new shape geometry for the object,
                //    rebuild the body around it.
                // Updates prim.BSBody with information/pointers to requested body
                bool newBody = CreateBody((newGeom || forceRebuild), prim, PhysicsScene.World, prim.BSShape, shapeData, bodyCallback);
                ret = newGeom || newBody;
                      prim.LocalID, forceRebuild, ret, prim.BSBody, prim.BSShape);

Пример #16
 // Routine used when rebuilding the body of the root of the linkset
 // This is called after RemoveAllLinksToRoot() to restore all the constraints.
 // This is called when the root body has been changed.
 // Called at taint-time!!
 public void RestoreBodyDependencies(BSPrim child)
     lock (m_linksetActivityLock)
         if (IsRoot(child))
                       child.LocalID, LinksetRoot.LocalID, m_taintChildren.Count);
             foreach (BSPhysObject bpo in m_taintChildren)
                 PhysicallyLinkAChildToRoot(LinksetRoot, LinksetRoot.BSBody, bpo, bpo.BSBody);
                       LinksetRoot.LocalID, LinksetRoot.BSBody.ptr.ToString("X"),
                       child.LocalID, child.BSBody.ptr.ToString("X"));
             PhysicallyLinkAChildToRoot(LinksetRoot, LinksetRoot.BSBody, child, child.BSBody);
Пример #17
        private float m_verticalAttractionTimescale  = 500f; // Timescale > 300  means no vert attractor.

        public BSDynamics(BSPrim myPrim)
            m_prim = myPrim;
            m_type = Vehicle.TYPE_NONE;
Пример #18
 // Companion to RemoveBodyDependencies(). If RemoveBodyDependencies() returns 'true',
 //     this routine will restore the removed constraints.
 // Called at taint-time!!
 public abstract void RestoreBodyDependencies(BSPrim child);
Пример #19
 // Routine used when rebuilding the body of the root of the linkset
 // Destroy all the constraints have have been made to root.
 // This is called when the root body is changing.
 // Returns 'true' of something was actually removed and would need restoring
 // Called at taint-time!!
 public abstract bool RemoveBodyDependencies(BSPrim child);
Пример #20
        // Create the geometry information in Bullet for later use.
        // The objects needs a hull if it's physical otherwise a mesh is enough.
        // No locking here because this is done when we know physics is not simulating.
        // if 'forceRebuild' is true, the geometry is rebuilt. Otherwise a previously built version is used.
        // Returns 'true' if the geometry was rebuilt.
        // Called at taint-time!
        private bool CreateGeom(bool forceRebuild, BSPrim prim, ShapeData shapeData,
                                PrimitiveBaseShape pbs, ShapeDestructionCallback shapeCallback)
            bool ret                 = false;
            bool haveShape           = false;
            bool nativeShapePossible = true;

            // If the prim attributes are simple, this could be a simple Bullet native shape
            if (nativeShapePossible &&
                ((pbs.SculptEntry && !PhysicsScene.ShouldMeshSculptedPrim) ||
                 (pbs.ProfileBegin == 0 && pbs.ProfileEnd == 0 &&
                  pbs.ProfileHollow == 0 &&
                  pbs.PathTwist == 0 && pbs.PathTwistBegin == 0 &&
                  pbs.PathBegin == 0 && pbs.PathEnd == 0 &&
                  pbs.PathTaperX == 0 && pbs.PathTaperY == 0 &&
                  pbs.PathScaleX == 100 && pbs.PathScaleY == 100 &&
                  pbs.PathShearX == 0 && pbs.PathShearY == 0)))
                if (pbs.ProfileShape == ProfileShape.HalfCircle && pbs.PathCurve == (byte)Extrusion.Curve1)
                    haveShape = true;
                    if (forceRebuild ||
                        prim.Scale != shapeData.Size ||
                        prim.BSShape.type != ShapeData.PhysicsShapeType.SHAPE_SPHERE
                        ret = GetReferenceToNativeShape(prim, shapeData, ShapeData.PhysicsShapeType.SHAPE_SPHERE,
                                                        ShapeData.FixedShapeKey.KEY_SPHERE, shapeCallback);
                                  prim.LocalID, forceRebuild, prim.BSShape);
                    haveShape = true;
                    if (forceRebuild ||
                        prim.Scale != shapeData.Size ||
                        prim.BSShape.type != ShapeData.PhysicsShapeType.SHAPE_BOX
                        ret = GetReferenceToNativeShape(prim, shapeData, ShapeData.PhysicsShapeType.SHAPE_BOX,
                                                        ShapeData.FixedShapeKey.KEY_BOX, shapeCallback);
                                  prim.LocalID, forceRebuild, prim.BSShape);
            // If a simple shape is not happening, create a mesh and possibly a hull.
            // Note that if it's a native shape, the check for physical/non-physical is not
            //     made. Native shapes are best used in either case.
            if (!haveShape)
                if (prim.IsPhysical)
                    // Update prim.BSShape to reference a hull of this shape.
                    ret = GetReferenceToHull(prim, shapeData, pbs, shapeCallback);
                              shapeData.ID, prim.BSShape, prim.BSShape.shapeKey.ToString("X"));
                    ret = GetReferenceToMesh(prim, shapeData, pbs, shapeCallback);
                              shapeData.ID, prim.BSShape, prim.BSShape.shapeKey.ToString("X"));
Пример #21
        private float m_verticalAttractionTimescale  = 500f;        // Timescale > 300  means no vert attractor.

        public BSDynamics(BSScene myScene, BSPrim myPrim)
            PhysicsScene = myScene;
            Prim         = myPrim;
            Type         = Vehicle.TYPE_NONE;
Пример #22
        [TestCase(7, 2, 5f, 5f, 32, 0f)] /* default hull parameters */
        public void GeomHullConvexDecomp(int maxDepthSplit,
                                         int maxDepthSplitForSimpleShapes,
                                         float concavityThresholdPercent,
                                         float volumeConservationThresholdPercent,
                                         int maxVertices,
                                         float maxSkinWidth)
            // Setup the physics engine to use the C# version of convex decomp
            Dictionary <string, string> engineParams = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            engineParams.Add("MeshSculptedPrim", "true");           // ShouldMeshSculptedPrim
            engineParams.Add("ForceSimplePrimMeshing", "false");    // ShouldForceSimplePrimMeshing
            engineParams.Add("UseHullsForPhysicalObjects", "true"); // ShouldUseHullsForPhysicalObjects
            engineParams.Add("ShouldRemoveZeroWidthTriangles", "true");
            engineParams.Add("ShouldUseBulletHACD", "false");
            engineParams.Add("ShouldUseSingleConvexHullForPrims", "true");
            engineParams.Add("ShouldUseGImpactShapeForPrims", "false");
            engineParams.Add("ShouldUseAssetHulls", "true");

            engineParams.Add("CSHullMaxDepthSplit", maxDepthSplit.ToString());
            engineParams.Add("CSHullMaxDepthSplitForSimpleShapes", maxDepthSplitForSimpleShapes.ToString());
            engineParams.Add("CSHullConcavityThresholdPercent", concavityThresholdPercent.ToString());
            engineParams.Add("CSHullVolumeConservationThresholdPercent", volumeConservationThresholdPercent.ToString());
            engineParams.Add("CSHullMaxVertices", maxVertices.ToString());
            engineParams.Add("CSHullMaxSkinWidth", maxSkinWidth.ToString());

            PhysicsScene = BulletSimTestsUtil.CreateBasicPhysicsEngine(engineParams);

            PrimitiveBaseShape pbs;
            Vector3            pos;
            Vector3            size;
            Quaternion         rot;
            bool isPhys;

            // Cylinder
            pbs   = PrimitiveBaseShape.CreateCylinder();
            pos   = new Vector3(100.0f, 100.0f, 0f);
            pos.Z = PhysicsScene.TerrainManager.GetTerrainHeightAtXYZ(pos) + 10f;
            ObjectInitPosition = pos;
            size      = new Vector3(2f, 2f, 2f);
            pbs.Scale = size;
            rot       = Quaternion.Identity;
            isPhys    = true;
            uint cylinderLocalID = 123;

            PhysicsScene.AddPrimShape("testCylinder", pbs, pos, size, rot, isPhys, cylinderLocalID);
            BSPrim primTypeCylinder = (BSPrim)PhysicsScene.PhysObjects[cylinderLocalID];

            // Hollow Cylinder
            pbs = PrimitiveBaseShape.CreateCylinder();
            pbs.ProfileHollow = (ushort)(0.70f * 50000);
            pos   = new Vector3(110.0f, 110.0f, 0f);
            pos.Z = PhysicsScene.TerrainManager.GetTerrainHeightAtXYZ(pos) + 10f;
            ObjectInitPosition = pos;
            size      = new Vector3(2f, 2f, 2f);
            pbs.Scale = size;
            rot       = Quaternion.Identity;
            isPhys    = true;
            uint hollowCylinderLocalID = 124;

            PhysicsScene.AddPrimShape("testHollowCylinder", pbs, pos, size, rot, isPhys, hollowCylinderLocalID);
            BSPrim primTypeHollowCylinder = (BSPrim)PhysicsScene.PhysObjects[hollowCylinderLocalID];

            // Torus
            // ProfileCurve = Circle, PathCurve = Curve1
            pbs = PrimitiveBaseShape.CreateSphere();
            pbs.ProfileShape = (byte)ProfileShape.Circle;
            pbs.PathCurve    = (byte)Extrusion.Curve1;
            pbs.PathScaleX   = 100; // default hollow info as set in the viewer
            pbs.PathScaleY   = (int)(.25f / 0.01f) + 200;
            pos   = new Vector3(120.0f, 120.0f, 0f);
            pos.Z = PhysicsScene.TerrainManager.GetTerrainHeightAtXYZ(pos) + 10f;
            ObjectInitPosition = pos;
            size      = new Vector3(2f, 4f, 4f);
            pbs.Scale = size;
            rot       = Quaternion.Identity;
            isPhys    = true;
            uint torusLocalID = 125;

            PhysicsScene.AddPrimShape("testTorus", pbs, pos, size, rot, isPhys, torusLocalID);
            BSPrim primTypeTorus = (BSPrim)PhysicsScene.PhysObjects[torusLocalID];

            // The actual prim shape creation happens at taint time

            // Check out the created hull shapes and report their characteristics
Пример #23
 // Companion to RemoveBodyDependencies(). If RemoveBodyDependencies() returns 'true',
 // this routine will restore the removed constraints.
 // Called at taint-time!!
 public override void RestoreBodyDependencies(BSPrim child)
     // The Refresh operation queued by RemoveBodyDependencies() will build any missing constraints.
Пример #24
 // Companion to RemoveBodyDependencies(). If RemoveBodyDependencies() returns 'true',
 //     this routine will restore the removed constraints.
 // Called at taint-time!!
 public override void RestoreBodyDependencies(BSPrim child)