Пример #1
        public static Dictionary <string, List <List <string> > > OutputByState(List <RegionSeries> listOfRegions)
            // Each dictionary entry consists of a file name and a list
            //   of string that indicate the rows.

            Dictionary <string, List <List <string> > > finalOutput = new Dictionary <string, List <List <string> > >();
            int lineCount   = 0;
            int columnCount = 1;

            foreach (RegionSeries rs in listOfRegions)
                List <List <string> > stateFile = new List <List <string> >();
                List <string>         header    = new List <string>();

                stateFile.Add(new List <string>());

                #region Add Labor Force Data
                if (rs.LaborForce != null)
                    stateFile[0].Add("Labor Force");
                    stateFile = GetRowHeaders(rs.LaborForce, stateFile);
                    for (int i = 0; i < rs.LaborForce.data.Count; i++)
                        BLSDataPoint bdp = rs.LaborForce.data[i];
                        if (i < stateFile.Count - 2)
                            string dataDate = bdp.period.Substring(1, 2) + "/" + bdp.year;
                            if (stateFile[i + 1][0] == dataDate)
                                stateFile[i + 1].Add(bdp.value);

                #region Add Employment Data
                if (rs.Employment != null)
                    stateFile = GetRowHeaders(rs.Employment, stateFile);
                    for (int i = 0; i < rs.Employment.data.Count; i++)
                        BLSDataPoint bdp = rs.Employment.data[i];
                        if (i < stateFile.Count - 2)
                            string dataDate = bdp.period.Substring(1, 2) + "/" + bdp.year;
                            if (stateFile[i + 1][0] == dataDate)
                                stateFile[i + 1].Add(bdp.value);

                #region Add Unemployment Data
                if (rs.Unemployment != null)
                    stateFile = GetRowHeaders(rs.Unemployment, stateFile);
                    for (int i = 0; i < rs.Unemployment.data.Count; i++)
                        BLSDataPoint bdp = rs.Unemployment.data[i];
                        if (i < stateFile.Count - 2)
                            string dataDate = bdp.period.Substring(1, 2) + "/" + bdp.year;
                            if (stateFile[i + 1][0] == dataDate)
                                stateFile[i + 1].Add(bdp.value);

                #region Add Unemployment Rate Data
                if (rs.UnemploymentRate != null)
                    stateFile[0].Add("Unemployment Rate");
                    stateFile = GetRowHeaders(rs.UnemploymentRate, stateFile);
                    for (int i = 0; i < rs.UnemploymentRate.data.Count; i++)
                        BLSDataPoint bdp = rs.UnemploymentRate.data[i];
                        if (i < stateFile.Count - 2)
                            string dataDate = bdp.period.Substring(1, 2) + "/" + bdp.year;
                            if (stateFile[i + 1][0] == dataDate)
                                stateFile[i + 1].Add(bdp.value);

                finalOutput[rs.RegionName] = stateFile;

Пример #2
        public static Dictionary <string, List <List <string> > > OutputByMeasure(List <RegionSeries> listOfRegions)
            Dictionary <string, List <List <string> > > finalOutput = new Dictionary <string, List <List <string> > >();

            // 1) find the measures, create a list of those measures
            // 2) go through each state and seperate out the measure data
            // 3) go through the measure list and build the files
            List <List <BlsSeries> > measures = new List <List <BlsSeries> >();

            List <BlsSeries> Employment       = new List <BlsSeries>();
            List <BlsSeries> Unemployment     = new List <BlsSeries>();
            List <BlsSeries> UnemploymentRate = new List <BlsSeries>();
            List <BlsSeries> LaborForce       = new List <BlsSeries>();

            List <string> header = new List <string>();


            #region Seperate out the series by measure type

            foreach (RegionSeries rs in listOfRegions)
                if (rs.Employment != null)
                if (rs.Unemployment != null)
                if (rs.UnemploymentRate != null)
                if (rs.LaborForce != null)


            #region Unmployment list population
            if (Unemployment.Count != 0)
                List <List <string> > unemploymentStrings = new List <List <string> >();
                bool isRowsSet = false;

                #region Set the Rows
                foreach (var blsData in Unemployment)
                    if (!isRowsSet)
                        unemploymentStrings = GetRowHeaders(blsData, unemploymentStrings);
                        isRowsSet           = true;

                    for (int i = 0; i < blsData.data.Count; i++)
                        BLSDataPoint bdp = blsData.data[i];
                        if (i < unemploymentStrings.Count - 1)
                            string dataDate = bdp.period.Substring(1, 2) + "/" + bdp.year;
                            if (unemploymentStrings[i + 1][0] == dataDate)
                                unemploymentStrings[i + 1].Add(bdp.value);

                finalOutput["Unemployment"] = unemploymentStrings;

            #region Employment list population
            if (Employment.Count != 0)
                List <List <string> > employmentStrings = new List <List <string> >();
                bool isRowsSet = false;
                foreach (var blsData in Employment)
                    if (!isRowsSet)
                        employmentStrings = GetRowHeaders(blsData, employmentStrings);
                        isRowsSet         = true;

                    for (int i = 0; i < blsData.data.Count; i++)
                        BLSDataPoint bdp      = blsData.data[i];
                        string       dataDate = bdp.period.Substring(1, 2) + "/" + bdp.year;
                        for (int k = 1; k < employmentStrings.Count; k++)
                            if (employmentStrings[k][0] == dataDate)
                // Add something to get rid of the M13 data
                finalOutput["Employment"] = employmentStrings;

            #region Labor Force list population
            if (LaborForce.Count != 0)
                List <List <string> > lfStrings = new List <List <string> >();

                bool isRowsSet = false;
                foreach (var blsData in LaborForce)
                    if (!isRowsSet)
                        lfStrings = GetRowHeaders(blsData, lfStrings);
                        isRowsSet = true;

                    for (int i = 0; i < blsData.data.Count; i++)
                        BLSDataPoint bdp = blsData.data[i];
                        if (i < lfStrings.Count - 1)
                            string dataDate = bdp.period.Substring(1, 2) + "/" + bdp.year;
                            if (lfStrings[i + 1][0] == dataDate)
                                lfStrings[i + 1].Add(bdp.value);
                // Add something to get rid of the M13 data
                finalOutput["Labor Force"] = lfStrings;

            #region Unemployment Rate list population
            if (UnemploymentRate.Count != 0)
                List <List <string> > urStrings = new List <List <string> >();

                bool isRowsSet = false;
                foreach (var blsData in UnemploymentRate)
                    if (!isRowsSet)
                        urStrings = GetRowHeaders(blsData, urStrings);
                        isRowsSet = true;

                    for (int i = 0; i < blsData.data.Count; i++)
                        BLSDataPoint bdp = blsData.data[i];

                        if (i < urStrings.Count - 1)
                            string dataDate = bdp.period.Substring(1, 2) + "/" + bdp.year;
                            if (urStrings[i + 1][0] == dataDate)
                                urStrings[i + 1].Add(bdp.value);
                // Add something to get rid of the M13 data
                finalOutput["Unemplpoyment Rate"] = urStrings;
