Пример #1
/// <summary>
/// Based on search criteria , method will search the different PMS KPIvalues and pivot the Monthwise values into columns
/// </summary>
    private void BindKPI()
            string sStartDate = txtStartDate.Text;
            string sEndDate   = txtEndDate.Text;
            if (sStartDate != "" && sEndDate != "")
                DateTime StartDate = Convert.ToDateTime(UDFLib.ConvertToDefaultDt(txtStartDate.Text));      //ConvertToDefaultDt() method is used to change the user selected date format to the default format, the format in which date is saved in database.
                DateTime EndDate   = Convert.ToDateTime(UDFLib.ConvertToDefaultDt(txtEndDate.Text));

                DateTime prevMonthLastDate = EndDate.AddDays(-EndDate.Day);
                string   lastMonth         = String.Format("{0:y}", prevMonthLastDate);
                hdnLastMonth.Value = lastMonth;
                DataSet   ds             = objKPI.Get_PM_Overdue((DataTable)Session["Vessel_Id"], StartDate, EndDate, null);
                DataTable dt             = ds.Tables[0];
                string[]  Pkey_cols      = new string[] { "VesselID", "KPI_ID" };
                string[]  Hide_cols      = new string[] { "ID", "KPI_ID", "Effective_Date" };
                DataTable dt1            = objKPI.PivotTable("MonthYear", "Value", "", Pkey_cols, Hide_cols, dt);
                DataView  dtVesselIDs    = new DataView(dt1);
                DataTable distinctValues = dtVesselIDs.ToTable(true, "VesselID");
                string    Vessel_Ids     = "";

                foreach (DataRow dr in distinctValues.Rows)
                    Vessel_Ids = Vessel_Ids + "," + dr["VesselID"].ToString();
                Vessel_Ids          = Vessel_Ids.Trim(',');
                hdnVessel_IDs.Value = Vessel_Ids;

                if (StartDate <= EndDate)
                    if ((EndDate - StartDate).TotalDays >= 28 || EndDate.Month != StartDate.Month)
                        if (dt1.Rows.Count > 0)
                            gvPMSOverdue.DataSource = dt1;

                            gvPMSOverdue.Visible = true;
                            string jsMethodName = null;
                            jsMethodName = "$(document).ready(function () {showChart('" + Vessel_Ids + "','" + Convert.ToDateTime(UDFLib.ConvertToDefaultDt(txtStartDate.Text)).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "','" + lastMonth + "' )  });";
                            ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(Page, Page.GetType(), "uniqueKey", jsMethodName, true);
                            gvPMSOverdue.Visible = false;
                            string msg2 = String.Format("showAlert('No record available! ')");

                            ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(Page, Page.GetType(), "uniqueKey", msg2, true);
                        gvPMSOverdue.Visible = false;
                        string msg2 = String.Format("showAlert('No record available between this date range! ')");

                        ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(Page, Page.GetType(), "uniqueKey", msg2, true);
                    gvPMSOverdue.Visible = false;
                    string msg2 = String.Format("showAlert('Start Date should not be greater than End Date ')");

                    ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(Page, Page.GetType(), "uniqueKey", msg2, true);
        catch (Exception ex)