/// <summary> /// 通过房型与和协议获得价格 /// </summary> private void GetPrice() { int cpid = Convert.ToInt32(context.Request.QueryString["cpid"]); int typeid = Convert.ToInt32(context.Request.QueryString["typeid"]); Model.cprotocol modelcp = bllcp.GetModel(cpid); if (!modelcp.Isdiscount) { //如果没有使用固定折扣值 List <Model.cprotocolPrice> listap = bllcprice.GetModelList("cpID=" + cpid + " and RoomType=" + typeid); if (listap.Count > 0) { string str = js1.Serialize(listap); Common.AjaxMsgHelper.AjaxMsg1("ok", "", str, ""); } else { decimal dc = Convert.ToDecimal(bllrt.GetModel(typeid).room_listedmoney); decimal zkz = Convert.ToDecimal(modelcp.discount); var obj = new { Price = dc, protoPrice = (dc * zkz).ToString() }; string str = js1.Serialize(obj); Common.AjaxMsgHelper.AjaxMsg1("err", "", str, ""); } } else //如果使用固定折扣值 { decimal dc = Convert.ToDecimal(bllrt.GetModel(typeid).room_listedmoney); decimal zkz = Convert.ToDecimal(modelcp.discount); var obj = new { Price = dc, protoPrice = (dc * zkz).ToString() }; string str = js1.Serialize(obj); Common.AjaxMsgHelper.AjaxMsg1("err", "", str, ""); } }
private void BindInfo(int id) { Model.cprotocol modelcp = bllcp.GetModel(id); Ptheme.Value = modelcp.Ptheme; pType.SelectedValue = modelcp.pType.ToString(); PNumber.Value = modelcp.PNumber; term.Value = modelcp.term.ToString(); period.Value = modelcp.period.ToString(); breakfast.Value = modelcp.breakfast.ToString(); Commission.Value = modelcp.Commission.ToString(); signatory.Value = modelcp.signatory; companysignatory.Value = modelcp.companysignatory; roomNumber.Value = modelcp.roomNumber; discount.Value = modelcp.discount.ToString(); Remark.Value = modelcp.Remark; ishire.Checked = modelcp.ishire; Dayhire.Checked = modelcp.Dayhire; prohire.Checked = modelcp.prohire; Isdiscount.Checked = modelcp.Isdiscount; Details.Value = modelcp.Details; }
/// <summary> /// 所有价格列表 /// </summary> private void Getpice() { System.Text.StringBuilder sbtext = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); int id = Convert.ToInt32(context.Request.QueryString["id"]); //判断是不是使用固定折扣值 BLL.cprotocol bllcp = new BLL.cprotocol(); Model.cprotocol modelcp = bllcp.GetModel(id); if (!modelcp.Isdiscount) { //如果使用自定义折扣 BLL.cprotocolPrice bllcpp = new BLL.cprotocolPrice(); List <Model.cprotocolPrice> listcpp = bllcpp.GetModelList("cpID=" + id); BLL.room_type bllty = new BLL.room_type(); List <Model.room_type> listrt = bllty.GetModelList(""); foreach (Model.room_type item in listrt) { List <Model.cprotocolPrice> newcpp = listcpp.Where(d => d.RoomType == item.id).ToList(); if (newcpp.Count > 0) { sbtext.Append("<tr><td>" + GetFxName(Convert.ToInt32(newcpp[0].RoomType)) + "</td><td>" + Convert.ToDecimal(newcpp[0].Price).ToString("0.##") + "</td><td>" + Convert.ToDecimal(newcpp[0].protoPrice).ToString("0.##") + "</td><td>" + Convert.ToDecimal(newcpp[0].mothPrice).ToString("0.##") + "</td></tr>"); } else { sbtext.Append("<tr><td>" + GetFxName(item.id) + "</td><td>" + Convert.ToDecimal(item.room_listedmoney).ToString("0.##") + "</td><td>" + Convert.ToDecimal(item.room_listedmoney).ToString("0.##") + "</td><td>" + Convert.ToDecimal(item.Room_Moth_price).ToString("0.##") + "</td></tr>"); } } } else { decimal duding = Convert.ToDecimal(modelcp.discount); BLL.room_type bllty = new BLL.room_type(); List <Model.room_type> listrt = bllty.GetModelList(""); foreach (Model.room_type item in listrt) { sbtext.Append("<tr><td>" + GetFxName(item.id) + "</td><td>" + Convert.ToDecimal(item.room_listedmoney).ToString("0.##") + "</td><td>" + Convert.ToDecimal(item.room_listedmoney * duding).ToString("0.##") + "</td><td>" + Convert.ToDecimal(item.Room_Moth_price * duding).ToString("0.##") + "</td></tr>"); } } context.Response.Write(sbtext.ToString()); }
/// <summary> /// 协议入住费用转 /// </summary> private void XieYi() { if (accounts.Value != "") //如果是协议单位入住,更新入住天数 并要把设置计算佣金 { Model.occu_infor modelocc = fmOc.GetModel(ids); TimeSpan ts = Convert.ToDateTime(modelocc.depar_time) - Convert.ToDateTime(modelocc.occ_time); int mydays = ts.Days; if (mydays <= 0) { mydays = 1; } Model.customer modelcus = bllcus.GetAccounts(accounts.Value); modelcus.occNum += mydays; bllcus.Update(modelcus); /*计算佣金*/ string accou = account.Value; if (modelocc.CpID != null) { Model.cprotocol modelcp = bllcp.GetModel(Convert.ToInt32(modelocc.CpID)); if (modelcp != null) { bool dayhire = modelcp.Dayhire; //是否每日计佣 int Commission = Convert.ToInt32(modelcp.Commission); //佣金 bool ishire = modelcp.ishire; //是否按房类计佣 int day = ts.Days; int sum = 0; //总佣金 if (ishire) //如果 是按房类记算佣金 { BLL.cprotocolPrice bllcpp = new BLL.cprotocolPrice(); List <Model.cprotocolPrice> listcpp = bllcpp.GetModelList("cpID=" + modelcp.ID + " and RoomType=" + modelocc.real_type_id); if (listcpp.Count > 0) { Commission = Convert.ToInt32(listcpp[0].commission); } } if (dayhire) { sum = Commission * day; } else { sum = Commission; } BLL.Commission bllcomm = new BLL.Commission(); Model.Commission modelcomm = new Model.Commission(); modelcomm.Accounts = accounts.Value; modelcomm.CommDesp = ""; modelcomm.CommDate = DateTime.Now; modelcomm.CommSum = sum; modelcomm.IsBack = false; modelcomm.GoodNumber = modelocc.occ_no; modelcomm.IsEveryDay = modelcp.Dayhire; modelcomm.DayComm = modelcp.Commission; modelcomm.CommRemark = ""; bllcomm.Add(modelcomm); } } } if (idids.Value != "") //如果是协议单位 { List <Model.goods_account> listga = bllga.GetModelList1("ID in (" + idids.Value + ")"); if (listga.Count > 0) { foreach (Model.goods_account item in listga) { item.Ga_Account = account.Value; item.ga_Type = 204; bllga.Update(item); } } } }