Пример #1
        public ActionResult ProTuiList()
            string type = Request.QueryString["type"] == null ? "ProTuiList" : Request.QueryString["type"].ToString();
            if (type == "ProTuiList" || string.IsNullOrEmpty(type) || type == "undefined")
                int pagerows = 4;
                string where = "";
                string sortby = "";
                string page = Request.QueryString["page"] == null ? "1" : Request.QueryString["page"].ToString();
                string tui = Request.QueryString["tui"] == null ? "" : Request.QueryString["tui"].ToString();
                string ptid = Request.QueryString["ptype"] == null ? "" : Request.QueryString["ptype"].ToString();
                string condition = Request.QueryString["condition"] == null ? "" : Request.QueryString["condition"].ToString();
                string price = Request.QueryString["price"] == null ? "" : Request.QueryString["price"].ToString();
                string brand = Request.QueryString["brand"] == null ? "" : Request.QueryString["brand"].ToString();
                string sort = Request.QueryString["sort"] == null ? "" : Request.QueryString["sort"].ToString();
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tui) && tui != "undefined")
                    where += " and p_ID in (select p_ID from ProductRecommendDetail where prt_ID=" + tui + " and prd_Status=0 and prd_IsDelete=0)   ";
                    string strptCon = "";
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ptid) && ptid != "undefined")
                        ptid = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(ptid);
                        var proType = new BLL.ProductTypeBase().GetModelList(" pt_IsDel = 0 and pt_StatusCode = 0 and pt_Name = '" + ptid +"'").FirstOrDefault();
                        if (proType != null)
                            strptCon = " and pt_ID=" + proType.pt_ID;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(condition) && condition != "undefined")
                        condition = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(condition);
                        where += " and p_ID in (select p_ID from ProductBase where p_Name like '%[" + condition + "]%' and p_SellStatus=1 and p_IsDel=0 and p_StatusCode=0 " + strptCon + ")    ";
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ptid) && ptid != "undefined")
                    where += " and pt_ID=" + ptid;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(brand) && brand != "undefined")
                    where += " and b_id=" + brand;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(price) && price != "undefined")
                    if (price == "5000以上")
                        where += "and sku_Price>=5000" + " and p_id not in(select p_id from skubase where sku_id in(select sku_id from GroupPurchaseBase where gp_pPric<5000 and sku_ID in(select  sku_ID from skubase where p_ID in( select p_ID from ProductRecommendDetail where prt_ID=1 and prd_Status=0 and prd_IsDelete=0))))";
                        string[] prilist = price.Split('-');
                        where += " and sku_Price>=" + prilist[0] + " and sku_Price<=" + prilist[1] + " and p_id not in(select p_id from skubase where sku_id in(select sku_id from GroupPurchaseBase where gp_pPric<" + prilist[0] + " or gp_pPric>"+prilist[1] +" and sku_ID in(select  sku_ID from skubase where p_ID in( select p_ID from ProductRecommendDetail where prt_ID=1 and prd_Status=0 and prd_IsDelete=0))))";
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sort) && sort != "undefined")
                    if (sort == "sku")
                        sortby = " order by sku_ID desc";
                    if (sort == "xliang")
                        sortby = " order by sku_SalesCount desc ";
                    if (sort == "spric")
                        sortby = " order by sku_Price desc";
                    if (sort == "pinglun")
                        sortby = " order by pinglun desc";
                    if (sort == "selltime")
                        sortby = " order by p_ModifyOn desc";
                var model = new ListModel();
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tui) && tui != "undefined")
                    model.blist = bbll.GetModelList("  b_IsDel=0 and b_StatusCode=0 and b_ID in(select b_ID from ProductTypeBrandBase where pt_ID in(select pt_ID from productbase where p_ID in(select p_ID from ProductRecommendDetail where prt_ID=" + tui + " and prd_IsDelete=0 and prd_Status=0)))");
                    model.ptlist = ptbll.GetModelList(" pt_IsDel=0 and pt_StatusCode=0 and pt_ID in(select pt_ID from productbase where p_ID in(select p_ID from ProductRecommendDetail where prt_ID=" + tui + "  and prd_IsDelete=0 and prd_Status=0))");
                    ViewData["typename"] = new BLL.ProductRecommendTypeBase().GetModel(int.Parse(tui)).prt_Name;
                    model.blist = new List<BrandBase>();
                    model.ptlist = new List<ProductTypeBase>();
                    ViewData["typename"] = "";
                model.vmpinfolist = new BLL.vw_PInfo().GetModelList(" p_IsDel=0 and p_StatusCode=0 and p_SellStatus=1   " + where, int.Parse(page), pagerows, sortby);
                List<Model.vw_PInfo> list = new BLL.vw_PInfo().GetModelList(" p_IsDel=0 and p_SellStatus=1 and p_StatusCode=0   " + where);

                ViewData["count"] = list.Count;
                ViewData["pagerows"] = pagerows;
                ViewData["page"] = page;
                ViewData["pagecount"] = Math.Ceiling((double)list.Count / (double)pagerows);
                return View(model);

                return View();
Пример #2
 private object GetProductRecommend(int id, string viewName, string ptIds = "")
     BLL.ProductRecommendTypeBase proRecType = new BLL.ProductRecommendTypeBase();
     var model = proRecType.GetModel(id);
     ViewData[viewName] = model.prt_Name;
     ViewData[viewName + "list"] = GetProductsList(id, ptIds);
     return ViewData[viewName];