public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; HttpRequest request = context.Request; BLL.Param_SysParam psp = new BLL.Param_SysParam(); Model.Param_SysParam model = new Model.Param_SysParam(); var cookie = context.Request.Cookies[FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName]; var ticket = FormsAuthentication.Decrypt(cookie.Value); string CoockiesID = ticket.UserData; BLL.hr_employee emp = new BLL.hr_employee(); int emp_id = int.Parse(CoockiesID); DataSet dsemp = emp.GetList("id=" + emp_id); string empname = dsemp.Tables[0].Rows[0]["name"].ToString(); string uid = dsemp.Tables[0].Rows[0]["uid"].ToString(); if (request["Action"] == "GetApp") { BLL.Param_SysParam_Type cpst = new BLL.Param_SysParam_Type(); DataSet ds = cpst.GetList(0, "", "params_order"); StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder(); str.Append("["); for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++) { str.Append("{id:" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["id"].ToString() + ",pid:0,text:'" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["params_name"] + "'},"); } str.Replace(",", "", str.Length - 1, 1); str.Append("]"); context.Response.Write(str); } if (request["Action"] == "GetParams") { string parentid = PageValidate.InputText(request["parentid"], 50); DataSet ds = psp.GetList(0, " parentid=" + int.Parse(parentid), "params_order"); string dt = Common.GetGridJSON.DataTableToJSON(ds.Tables[0]); context.Response.Write(dt); } //combo if (request["Action"] == "combo") { string parentid = PageValidate.InputText(request["parentid"], 50); DataSet ds = psp.GetList(0, " parentid=" + int.Parse(parentid), "params_order"); StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder(); str.Append("["); //str.Append("{id:0,text:'无'},"); for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++) { str.Append("{id:" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["id"].ToString() + ",text:'" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["params_name"] + "'},"); } str.Replace(",", "", str.Length - 1, 1); str.Append("]"); context.Response.Write(str); } //Form JSON if (request["Action"] == "form") { DataSet ds = psp.GetList("id=" + int.Parse(request["paramid"])); string dt = Common.DataToJson.DataToJSON(ds); context.Response.Write(dt); } //save if (request["Action"] == "save") { model.params_name = PageValidate.InputText(request["T_param_name"], 255); model.params_order = int.Parse(request["T_param_order"]); string id = request["paramid"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(id) && id != "null") { DataSet ds = psp.GetList("id=" + int.Parse(id)); model.parentid = int.Parse(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["parentid"].ToString()); = int.Parse(id); psp.Update(model); } else { model.parentid = int.Parse(request["parentid"]); psp.Add(model); } } //del if (request["Action"] == "del") { string parentid = request["parentid"]; string paramid = request["paramid"]; BLL.CRM_Customer customer = new BLL.CRM_Customer(); BLL.CRM_Follow follow = new BLL.CRM_Follow(); BLL.CRM_order order = new BLL.CRM_order(); BLL.CRM_invoice invoice = new BLL.CRM_invoice(); BLL.CRM_receive receive = new BLL.CRM_receive(); DataSet ds = null; switch (int.Parse(parentid)) { case 8: ds = customer.GetList("industry_id=" + int.Parse(paramid)); break; case 1: ds = customer.GetList("CustomerType_id=" + int.Parse(paramid)); break; case 2: ds = customer.GetList("CustomerLevel_id=" + int.Parse(paramid)); break; case 3: ds = customer.GetList("CustomerSource_id=" + int.Parse(paramid)); break; case 4: ds = follow.GetList("Follow_Type_id=" + int.Parse(paramid)); break; case 5: ds = order.GetList("pay_type_id=" + int.Parse(paramid)); if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0) { ds = receive.GetList("Pay_type_id=" + int.Parse(paramid)); } break; case 6: ds = order.GetList("Order_status_id=" + int.Parse(paramid)); break; case 7: ds = invoice.GetList("invoice_type_id=" + int.Parse(paramid)); break; } if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { context.Response.Write("false:data"); return; } bool isdel = psp.Delete(int.Parse(paramid)); if (isdel) { context.Response.Write("true"); } else { context.Response.Write("false"); } } if (request["Action"] == "validate") { string param_name = PageValidate.InputText(request["T_param_name"], 50); string parentid = PageValidate.InputText(request["parentid"], 50); string cid = PageValidate.InputText(request["T_cid"], 50); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cid) || cid == "null") { cid = "0"; } DataSet ds = psp.GetList(string.Format(" params_name='{0}' and parentid={1} and id!={2} ", param_name, parentid, cid)); //context.Response.Write(" Count:" + ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count); if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { context.Response.Write("false"); } else { context.Response.Write("true"); } } }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; HttpRequest request = context.Request; BLL.Param_SysParam psp = new BLL.Param_SysParam(); Model.Param_SysParam model = new Model.Param_SysParam(); BLL.hr_employee emp = new BLL.hr_employee(); int emp_id = int.Parse(request.Cookies["UserID"].Value); DataSet dsemp = emp.GetList("id=" + emp_id); if (request["Action"] == "GetApp") { BLL.Param_SysParam_Type cpst = new BLL.Param_SysParam_Type(); DataSet ds = cpst.GetList(0, " ISNULL(isDelete,0)=0", "params_order"); StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder(); str.Append("["); for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++) { str.Append("{id:" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["id"].ToString() + ",pid:0,text:'" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["params_name"] + "'},"); } str.Replace(",", "", str.Length - 1, 1); str.Append("]"); context.Response.Write(str); } if (request["Action"] == "GetParams") { string parentid = request["parentid"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(parentid)) { DataSet ds = psp.GetList(0, " parentid=" + int.Parse(Common.PageValidate.IsNumber(parentid) ? parentid : "-1"), "params_order"); string dt = Common.GetGridJSON.DataTableToJSON(ds.Tables[0]); context.Response.Write(dt); } } //combo if (request["Action"] == "combo") { string parentid = request["parentid"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(parentid)) { DataSet ds = psp.GetList(0, " parentid=" + (Common.PageValidate.IsNumber(parentid) ? parentid : "-1"), "params_order"); StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder(); str.Append("["); //str.Append("{id:0,text:'无'},"); for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++) { str.Append("{id:" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["id"].ToString() + ",text:'" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["params_name"] + "'},"); } str.Replace(",", "", str.Length - 1, 1); str.Append("]"); context.Response.Write(str); } } //Form JSON if (request["Action"] == "form") { DataSet ds = psp.GetList("id=" + int.Parse(request["paramid"])); string dt = Common.DataToJson.DataToJSON(ds); context.Response.Write(dt); } //save if (request["Action"] == "save") { model.params_name = Common.PageValidate.InputText(request["T_param_name"], 255); model.params_order = Common.PageValidate.InputText(request["T_param_order"], 255); string id = request["paramid"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(id) && id != "null") { DataSet ds = psp.GetList("id=" + int.Parse(id)); model.parentid = int.Parse(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["parentid"].ToString()); = int.Parse(id); psp.Update(model); } else { model.parentid = int.Parse(request["parentid"]); psp.Add(model); } } //del if (request["Action"] == "del") { bool isdel = psp.Delete(int.Parse(request["paramid"])); if (isdel) { context.Response.Write("true"); } else { context.Response.Write("false"); } } }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; HttpRequest request = context.Request; BLL.Param_SysParam psp = new BLL.Param_SysParam(); Model.Param_SysParam model = new Model.Param_SysParam(); BLL.hr_employee emp = new BLL.hr_employee(); int emp_id = int.Parse(request.Cookies["UserID"].Value); DataSet dsemp = emp.GetList("id=" + emp_id); if (request["Action"] == "GetApp") { BLL.Param_SysParam_Type cpst = new BLL.Param_SysParam_Type(); DataSet ds = cpst.GetList(0, "", "params_order"); StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder(); str.Append("["); for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++) { str.Append("{id:" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["id"].ToString() + ",pid:0,text:'" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["params_name"] + "'},"); } str.Replace(",", "", str.Length - 1, 1); str.Append("]"); context.Response.Write(str); } if (request["Action"] == "GetParams") { string parentid = request["parentid"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(parentid)) { DataSet ds = psp.GetList(0, " parentid=" + int.Parse(Common.PageValidate.IsNumber(parentid) ? parentid : "-1") , "params_order"); string dt = Common.GetGridJSON.DataTableToJSON(ds.Tables[0]); context.Response.Write(dt); } } //combo if (request["Action"] == "combo") { string parentid = request["parentid"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(parentid)) { DataSet ds = psp.GetList(0, " parentid=" + (Common.PageValidate.IsNumber(parentid) ? parentid : "-1") , "params_order"); StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder(); str.Append("["); //str.Append("{id:0,text:'无'},"); for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++) { str.Append("{id:" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["id"].ToString() + ",text:'" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["params_name"] + "'},"); } str.Replace(",", "", str.Length - 1, 1); str.Append("]"); context.Response.Write(str); } } //Form JSON if (request["Action"] == "form") { DataSet ds = psp.GetList("id=" + int.Parse(request["paramid"])); string dt = Common.DataToJson.DataToJSON(ds); context.Response.Write(dt); } //save if (request["Action"] == "save") { model.params_name = Common.PageValidate.InputText(request["T_param_name"], 255); model.params_order = Common.PageValidate.InputText(request["T_param_order"], 255); string id = request["paramid"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(id) && id != "null") { DataSet ds = psp.GetList("id=" + int.Parse( id)); model.parentid = int.Parse(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["parentid"].ToString()); = int.Parse(id); psp.Update(model); } else { model.parentid = int.Parse(request["parentid"]); psp.Add(model); } } //del if (request["Action"] == "del") { bool isdel = psp.Delete(int.Parse(request["paramid"])); if (isdel) { context.Response.Write("true"); } else { context.Response.Write("false"); } } }