public ActionResult Data_DB_News() { string[] keys = this.Request.Form.AllKeys; string page = this.Request.Form["page"]; string rows = this.Request.Form["rows"]; string where = this.Request.Form["where"]; string order = this.Request.Form["order"]; int _page = 0, _rows = 0; int.TryParse(page, out _page); int.TryParse(rows, out _rows); if (_page == 0) { _page = 1; } if (_rows == 0) { _rows = 50; } BLL.DB_News dal = new BLL.DB_News(); List <NModel.DB_News> inModel = new List <NModel.DB_News>(); inModel = dal.GetSortAndWherePagerList(_page, _rows, order, where); NModel.PageData <NModel.DB_News> outModel = BLL.Fun.SetJsonData <NModel.DB_News>(inModel); // inModel[0].Count_Show dal.Close(); return(View(outModel)); }
public ActionResult Edit_DB_News() { this.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; NModel.DB_News model = new NModel.DB_News(); BLL.DB_News dal = new BLL.DB_News(); String JsonStr = ""; bool isGet = Tool.NStr.PostForSetVal <NModel.DB_News>(ref model, ref JsonStr, ""); // 下面代码编写 if (isGet && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.News_Content) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.News_Num) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.News_Title) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.News_ClassifyName) && model.News_AddTime != null ) { //取默认值 model.News_EditTime = DateTime.Parse(DateTime.Now.ToString("s")); bool isEdit = dal.Edit(model) > 0 ? true : false; string msg = dal.ErrorMsg; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(msg)) { msg = "原因:" + msg; } if (isEdit) { this.Response.Write(Tool.NMsg.SetMsg("修改成功", "1")); this.Response.End(); } else { this.Response.Write(Tool.NMsg.SetMsg("修改失败" + msg, "0")); this.Response.End(); } dal.Close(); } else { this.Response.Write(Tool.NMsg.SetMsg("提交失败", "0")); this.Response.End(); } return(View()); }
public ActionResult Index() { NModel.NewsPager model_pager = LoadConfig("Index"); BLL.DB_News bll_news = new BLL.DB_News(); model_pager.IDctNewsList = new Dictionary <string, IList <NModel.DB_News> >(); LoadLeftRight(ref model_pager); IList <NModel.DB_News> model_news_num = null; IList <string> numList = new List <string>(); numList.Add("0101"); numList.Add("0102"); numList.Add("0103"); numList.Add("0201"); numList.Add("0202"); numList.Add("0203"); numList.Add("0301"); numList.Add("0302"); numList.Add("0303"); numList.Add("0401"); numList.Add("0402"); numList.Add("0403"); numList.Add("0501"); numList.Add("0502"); numList.Add("0503"); numList.Add("0504"); numList.Add("0601"); numList.Add("0602"); numList.Add("0603"); foreach (string val in numList) { model_news_num = bll_news.GetNewListByWhereAndTop(string.Format(" news_num=''{0}''and News_IsIndex=1", val), 6); model_pager.IDctNewsList.Add(val, model_news_num != null ? model_news_num : new List <NModel.DB_News>()); } model_pager.IDictListAd = new Dictionary <string, IList <NModel.DB_AD> >(); BLL.DB_AD bll_ad = new BLL.DB_AD(); string sql_ad = string.Format(" ''01'' "); IList <NModel.DB_AD> model_ad_list = bll_ad.GetListByNumAndTop(sql_ad, 8); model_pager.IDictListAd.Add("中间广告", model_ad_list != null ? model_ad_list : new List <NModel.DB_AD>()); bll_ad.Close(); bll_news.Close(); return(View(model_pager)); }
public void LoadLeftRight(ref NModel.NewsPager model_pager) { IList <NModel.DB_News> model_news_left = null; IList <NModel.DB_News> model_news_right = null; BLL.DB_News bll_news = new BLL.DB_News(); model_news_left = bll_news.GetNewListByWhereAndTop(" News_IsHot=1 ", 6); model_news_right = bll_news.GetNewListByWhereAndTop(" News_IsRecommend=1 ", 6); model_pager.IDctNewsList.Add("left", model_news_left != null ? model_news_left : new List <NModel.DB_News>()); model_pager.IDctNewsList.Add("right", model_news_right != null ? model_news_right : new List <NModel.DB_News>()); bll_news.Close(); }
public ActionResult Add_DB_News() { this.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; NModel.DB_News model = new NModel.DB_News(); BLL.DB_News dal = new BLL.DB_News(); String JsonStr = ""; bool isGet = Tool.NStr.PostForSetVal <NModel.DB_News>(ref model, ref JsonStr, ""); // 下面代码编写 if (isGet && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.News_Content) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.News_Num) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.News_Title) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.News_ClassifyName) ) { { model.News_EditTime = DateTime.Parse(DateTime.Now.ToString("s")); model.News_AddTime = DateTime.Parse(DateTime.Now.ToString("s")); // bool isAdd = dal.Add(model) > 0 ? true : false; if (isAdd) { this.Response.Write(Tool.NMsg.SetMsg("增加成功", "1")); this.Response.End(); } else { this.Response.Write(Tool.NMsg.SetMsg("增加失败" + dal.ErrorMsg, "1")); this.Response.End(); } } } else { this.Response.Write(Tool.NMsg.SetMsg("提交失败", "0")); } dal.Close(); return(View()); }
public ActionResult Del_DB_News() { this.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; string delList = this.Request.Form["delList[]"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(delList)) { string[] arrStr = delList.Split(','); int[] delIntArr = Tool.NTool.ArrayToAll <int, string>(arrStr); if (Tool.NTool.IsArrNULL <int>(delIntArr)) { BLL.DB_News dal = new BLL.DB_News(); long long_Result = dal.DelList(delIntArr); if (long_Result > 0) { this.Response.Write(Tool.NMsg.SetMsg(string.Format("删除成功!总共删除{0}条", long_Result), "1")); this.Response.End(); } else { this.Response.Write(Tool.NMsg.SetMsg("删除失败!", "0")); this.Response.End(); } dal.Close(); } else { this.Response.Write(Tool.NMsg.SetMsg("提交失败/填写数据不完整!", "0")); this.Response.End(); } } else { this.Response.Write(Tool.NMsg.SetMsg("提交失败/填写数据不完整!", "0")); this.Response.End(); } return(View()); }
public ActionResult Del_All_DB_News() { string num = this.Request.QueryString["Num"]; BLL.DB_News bll = new BLL.DB_News(); long delNumber = bll.DelAllByNum(num); if (delNumber > 0) { this.Response.Write(Tool.NMsg.SetMsg("删除成功", "1")); this.Response.End(); } else { this.Response.Write(Tool.NMsg.SetMsg("删除失败", "0")); this.Response.End(); } bll.Close(); return(View()); }
public ActionResult Detailed(long?id) { BLL.DB_News bll_news = new BLL.DB_News(); NModel.NewsPager model_pager = LoadConfig("Index"); model_pager.IDctNewsList = new Dictionary <string, IList <NModel.DB_News> >(); LoadLeftRight(ref model_pager); model_pager.IDictMenu = new Dictionary <string, IList <NModel.Admin_Menu> >(); model_pager.IDctNewsModel = new Dictionary <string, NModel.DB_News>(); NModel.DB_News model_news = new NModel.DB_News(); bll_news.UpdateClickRate(id); model_news = bll_news.GetModel(id); model_news = model_news != null ? model_news : new NModel.DB_News(); ViewBag.Index = model_news.News_Num; ViewBag.nIndex = model_news.News_Num; ViewBag.NewsNum = model_news.News_Num; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model_news.News_Num)) { if (model_news.News_Num.Length >= 2) { ViewBag.Index = ViewBag.NewsNum = model_news.News_Num.Substring(0, 2); } } BLL.Admin_Menu bll_Menu = new BLL.Admin_Menu(); IList <NModel.Admin_Menu> menuList = bll_Menu.GetNewListByWhereAndTop("menu_num like ''" + ViewBag.NewsNum + "%'' and len(menu_num)<=4 ", 12); menuList = menuList != null ? menuList : new List <NModel.Admin_Menu>(); model_pager.IDictMenu.Add("新闻分类", menuList); model_pager.IDctNewsModel.Add("新闻实体", model_news); bll_news.Close(); bll_Menu.Close(); return(View(model_pager)); }
public ActionResult Item_db_news() { BLL.DB_News dal = new BLL.DB_News(); string pagenum = this.Request.Form["pagenum"]; string numPerPage = this.Request.Form["numPerPage"]; string dbnewsdate = this.Request.Form["dbnewsdate"]; string dbnewsname = this.Request.Form["dbnewsname"]; string num = this.Request.QueryString["Num"]; string where = "", order = "news_addtime desc"; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(numPerPage)) { numPerPage = "20"; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pagenum)) { pagenum = "1"; } where += " 1=1 "; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(num)) { where += string.Format(" and news_num=''{0}'' ", num); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dbnewsdate)) { where += string.Format(" and ( CONVERT(varchar(100), news_addtime, 23)=''{0}'' )", dbnewsdate); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dbnewsname)) { where += string.Format(" and news_title like ''%{0}%'' ", dbnewsname); } string _where = Server.UrlDecode(this.Request.QueryString["nwhere"] + ""); bool HasOneEqOne = !((_where + "").Trim().Length <= 3); bool IsOneEqOne = ((where + "").Trim().Length <= 3); if (IsOneEqOne && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(_where) && HasOneEqOne) { _where = this.Server.UrlDecode(_where); where = _where; } else { _where = where; } NModel.PageData <NModel.DB_News> PD = new NModel.PageData <NModel.DB_News>() { NumPerPage = numPerPage, PageNum = pagenum, TotalPage = dal.GetWhereListTotal(where), Where = where, OrderField = order }; dal.Close(); return(View(PD)); }
public ActionResult List(string id) { ViewBag.Index = id; ViewBag.nIndex = id; ViewBag.NewsNum = id; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(id)) { if (id.Length >= 2) { ViewBag.Index = ViewBag.NewsNum = id.Substring(0, 2); } } int pageSize = 20; string order = "news_addtime desc"; StringBuilder where = new StringBuilder(); where.Append("1=1 "); where.AppendFormat("and news_num like ''{0}%''", id); NModel.NewsPager model_pager = LoadConfig("Index"); model_pager.IDctNewsList = new Dictionary <string, IList <NModel.DB_News> >(); LoadLeftRight(ref model_pager); model_pager.IDictMenu = new Dictionary <string, IList <NModel.Admin_Menu> >(); model_pager.IDctPagedNews = new Dictionary <string, IPagedList <NModel.DB_News> >(); BLL.Admin_Menu bll_Menu = new BLL.Admin_Menu(); IList <NModel.Admin_Menu> menuList = bll_Menu.GetNewListByWhereAndTop("menu_num like ''" + ViewBag.NewsNum + "%'' and len(menu_num)<=4 ", 12); menuList = menuList != null ? menuList : new List <NModel.Admin_Menu>(); model_pager.IDictMenu.Add("新闻分类", menuList); int pageIndex = 0; int.TryParse(this.Request.QueryString["pageindex"], out pageIndex); if (pageIndex <= 0) { pageIndex = 1; } BLL.DB_News bll_news = new BLL.DB_News(); List <NModel.DB_News> model_news_list = new List <NModel.DB_News>(); model_news_list = bll_news.GetSortAndWherePagerList(pageIndex, pageSize, order, where.ToString()); int totalItems = 0; int.TryParse(bll_news.GetWhereListTotal(where.ToString()) + "", out totalItems); if (model_news_list != null) { model_pager.IDctPagedNews.Add("新闻列表", new PagedList <NModel.DB_News>(model_news_list, pageIndex, pageSize, totalItems)); } else { model_pager.IDctPagedNews.Add("新闻列表", null); } bll_news.Close(); bll_Menu.Close(); return(View(model_pager)); }