Пример #1
        // This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to configure the HTTP request pipeline.
        public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IWebHostEnvironment env)
            app.UseForwardedHeaders(new ForwardedHeadersOptions
                ForwardedHeaders = ForwardedHeaders.XForwardedFor | ForwardedHeaders.XForwardedProto

            //  SQLitePCL.raw.SetProvider(new SQLite3Provider_e_sqlite3());
            if (env.IsDevelopment())
            //  logger.LogError("Test Testovich");


            //  app.UseAuthorization();

            app.UseEndpoints(endpoints =>

            //Bot Configurations
            //  DBHelper.ConnectionString = new string(@"C:\Users\Администратор\source\repos\VeldeBotTelegram\VeldeBotTelegram\bin\Debug\netcoreapp3.1\DataBase.db");
            DBHelper.ConnectionString = new string("./DataBase/DataBase.db");
            //  Question[] first = { new Question(0, "hello", new Answer("!", 1)), new Question(1, "12423", new Answer("2", 0)) };
            //   foreach(Question q in first)
            // DBHelper.AddQuestion(q);
            // DBHelper.GetQuestion(0);

        private async Task ExecuteCommand(Message message, Telegram.Bot.TelegramBotClient botClient, string copymessage)
            var commands = Bot.Commands;

            foreach (var command in commands)
                if (command is TextMessageCommand || command is ImageMessageCommand || command is InlineImageGalleryCommand)
                    await command.Execute(message, botClient, client);

                    client.Stage = command.NextStage(message, client);
                    UpdateClient(client, ref message);

                    await ExecuteCommand(message, botClient, copymessage);
                else if (command is QuestionCommand || command is QuestionKitchenCommand)
                    if (!command.Contains(message))
                        await command.Execute(message, botClient, client);
                    if (command.Contains(message))
                        client.Stage = command.NextStage(message, client);
                        UpdateClient(client, ref message);

                        if (command is QuestionKitchenCommand)
                            Kitchen kitchen = DBHelper.GetKitchen(client);
                            if (kitchen.Lenght == -1)
                                kitchen.Lenght = int.Parse(copymessage);
                            else if (kitchen.TypeFace == "null")
                                kitchen.TypeFace = copymessage;
                            else if (kitchen.TypeTable == "null")
                                kitchen.TypeTable = copymessage;
                            if (kitchen.Lenght != -1 && kitchen.TypeFace != "null" && kitchen.TypeTable != "null")
                                var    culture     = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("ru-RU");
                                string messageTEXT = "Базовая стоимость: " + kitchen.GetFullPrice("./DataBase/price.xlsx").ToString("#,#", culture) + "р. минус ваша скидка 10% = " + kitchen.GetSalePrice("./DataBase/price.xlsx", 1.2).ToString("#,#", culture) +
                                                     "р. (Кухня длиной " + kitchen.Lenght + " метра, фасады: "
                                                     + kitchen.TypeFace + ", фурнитура Blum, " +
                                                     "столешница: " + kitchen.TypeTable.ToLower() + ". В цену включены: замеры, создание прототипа, доставка, разгрузка, сборка и клининг.)";
                                string text = "Хорошие новости, при заказе кухни у Стаса, персональный бонус – скидка 10% 🎁";
                                await botClient.SendTextMessageAsync(message.Chat.Id, text, parseMode : Telegram.Bot.Types.Enums.ParseMode.Html);

                                await botClient.SendTextMessageAsync(message.Chat.Id, messageTEXT, parseMode : Telegram.Bot.Types.Enums.ParseMode.Html);

                                DBHelper.AddMessageTEXT(client, messageTEXT);
                                DBHelper.AddMessageTEXT(client, text);

                        await ExecuteCommand(message, botClient, copymessage);

                else if (command is NameMessageCommand)
                    await command.Execute(message, botClient, client);
                else if (command is PhoneMessageCommand)
                    if (message.Contact != null)
                        if (client.Name == "-1")
                            client.Name = message.Contact.FirstName + " " + message.Contact.LastName;
                        client.PhoneNumber = message.Contact.PhoneNumber;
                        client.Stage       = command.NextStage(message, client);
                        UpdateClient(client, ref message);
                        await BItrix24CRM.Start(client);
                        await ExecuteCommand(message, botClient, copymessage);

                    else if (message.Text == "Не буду")
                        client.Stage = command.NextStage(message, client);
                        UpdateClient(client, ref message);

                        await ExecuteCommand(message, botClient, copymessage);
                        // if (client.Name == null)
                        //   client.Name = message.Text;
                        Bot.AddMessage(client, message);
                        await command.Execute(message, botClient, client);