Пример #1
        public ActionResult ShowLargestOrder()
            using (MainContext db = new MainContext())
                BIDashboardVM data = new BIDashboardVM();

Пример #2
        // GET: BIDashboard
        public ActionResult Index()
            //initialize db connection to maincontext
            using (MainContext db = new MainContext())
                //Linq query to join customer and order table
                var usersWithCount = (from c in db.Customers
                                      join o in db.Orders on c.CustomerId equals o.CustomerId
                                      into result
                                      from sub in result.DefaultIfEmpty()
                                      select new ViewModels.CustomerOrder
                    OrderId = sub != null ? sub.OrderId : (int?)null,
                    CustomerId = c.CustomerId,
                                      )   // Here we have the left join result.
                                     .GroupBy(g => g.CustomerId, (k, orders) => new
                    CustomerId = k,
                    //do count on number of orders per customer
                    OrderCount = orders.Count(t => t.OrderId != null),
                    //order the query result from highest number of orders to lowest.
                }).OrderByDescending(t => t.OrderCount).ToList();
                //select the top 3 customers from query results
                var top3Customers = usersWithCount.Take(3);

                //initialize new BIDashboard ViewModel
                BIDashboardVM data = new BIDashboardVM();
                //populate the view models with customer data from top 3 performers
                foreach (var item in top3Customers)
                    int cid      = item.CustomerId;
                    var customer = db.Customers.Find(cid);

                var allOrders = (from o in db.Orders
                                 select new OrderValue
                    OrderId = o.OrderId,
                    Amount = o.TotalAmount,
                    customerId = o.CustomerId
                                 ).OrderByDescending(t => t.Amount).ToList();

                var top3OrderValues = allOrders.Take(3);

                //Get top 3 values from order table save to orderLists
                foreach (var item in top3OrderValues)
                    decimal value = item.Amount;
                    int     cid   = item.customerId;
                    int?    oid   = item.OrderId;
                    var     order = db.Orders.Find(oid);

                foreach (var item in allOrders)
                    int?oid   = item.OrderId;
                    var order = db.Orders.Find(oid);
                //Load BIDashboardVM with all orders data.

                //OrderbyDecending(o => o.OrderId).ToList();

                //pass ViewModel data to the view