Пример #1
            /// <summary>
            /// Creates a new 3D object consiting of the provided octree.
            /// After creation, its transformation matrices reflect its position and
            /// orientation in the world space coordinate system.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="representation">The raw 3d data which represents the object in form of a BFSOctree.</param>
            /// <param name="rightHandedCoordinateSystem">Indicates whether the calling
            /// framework uses a right-handed coordinate system and if therefore the
            /// object needs to be translated into this system, if false nothing happens as
            /// octree data is always provided in a left-handed manner.</param>
            public Object3D(BFSOctree representation, bool rightHandedCoordinateSystem)
                this._representation = representation;

                _rotation = _translation = Matrix.Identity;

                if (rightHandedCoordinateSystem)
                    _rotation.M33 = -1.0f;

Пример #2
            /// <summary>
            /// Converts this trianlge mesh into a BFSOctree.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="maxLevel">The maximum node level/depth of any node in
            /// the created DynamicOctree.</param>
            /// <returns>A BFSOctree representing this triangle mesh.</returns>
            public BFSOctree toBFSOctree(byte maxLevel)
                System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator<AnimationClip> enum1;
                System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator<AnimationChannel> enum2;
                enum1 = _model.AnimationClips.Values.GetEnumerator();
                enum2 = enum1.Current.Channels.Values.GetEnumerator();
                Matrix[,] animation = new Matrix[enum2.Current.Count, enum1.Current.Channels.Count];

                AnimationClip clip;
                _model.AnimationClips.TryGetValue("Take 001", out clip);
                AnimationController c = new AnimationController(_model.SkeletonBones);

                for (long i = 0; i < enum2.Current.Count; ++i)
                    c.Update(new TimeSpan(clip.Duration.Ticks / enum2.Current.Count), Matrix.Identity);
                    for (int j = 0; j < enum1.Current.Channels.Count; ++j)
                        animation[i, j] = c.SkinnedBoneTransforms[j];

                _model = null;

                BFSOctree result = new BFSOctree(toDynamicOctree(maxLevel));
                result._animation = animation;
                result.frameCount = (uint)enum2.Current.Count;
                result.boneCount = (uint)enum1.Current.Channels.Count;

                return result;