private void CreateM3uFromResults(DataTable dt, string m3uFileName, ref OperationResult op) { try { if (dt == null || dt.Rows.Count < 1) { return; } List <string> songs = new List <string>(); foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { songs.Add(Path.Combine((string)row["Path"], (string)row["File_Name"])); BCHFileIO.WriteFullFile(m3uFileName, songs, ref op); if (!op.Success) { return; } } } catch (Exception ex) { op.AddException(ex); return; } }
public static void CreatePdbTable(DataTable dt, string fileName, ref OperationResult op) { string pdbTable = AddColumnRow(dt, ref op); if (op.Success) { pdbTable += AddDataRows(dt, ref op); } if (op.Success) { List <string> list = new List <string>(); list.Add(pdbTable); BCHFileIO.WriteFullFile(fileName, list, ref op); } }
private void CreateDbFiles(ref OperationResult op) { if (!MP3DBExists()) { op.AddError("You must choose an Access 2000 to 2003 version database (mdb) file!"); return; } try { MP3DBManager mdbmgr = new MP3DBManager(); mdbmgr.SetDataStore(ddtbMp3DbFile.ItemText, ref op); if (!op.Success) { return; } string dirName = dddtbTargetDir.ItemText; string delimiter = rbtnTab.Checked ? "\t" : ","; List <string> tables = new List <string> { "tbFileInfo", "tbMp3Info", "tbArtist" }; foreach (var table in tables) { string sql = $"select * from {table}"; List <string> data = GetTableData(sql, table, delimiter, ref op); if (!op.Success) { return; } string fName = Path.Combine(dirName, $"{table}.txt"); BCHFileIO.WriteFullFile(fName, data, ref op); if (!op.Success) { return; } } } catch (Exception ex) { op.AddException(ex); rtbMessages.Text = op.GetAllErrorsAndExceptions("\n"); return; } }
private void btnCrtMu3FrmPlyLst_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { tbMessages.Text = ""; OperationResult op = new OperationResult(); try { if (this.iTuneSongs == null || iTuneSongs.iTunesSongList.Count < 1 || this.iTunesPlayLists == null || this.iTunesPlayLists.ITunesPlayLists.Count < 1) { GetiTunesLibXml(); } foreach (var pl in this.iTunesPlayLists.ITunesPlayLists) { List <string> songs = GetPlayListSongPathsList(pl); string path = this.dddtbOutputPath.ItemText; string fName = Path.Combine(path, pl.Name + ".m3u"); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(dddMusicDirPath.ItemText)) { songs = FormatSongsMusicDir(tbLibraryMusicPath.Text, songs, dddMusicDirPath.ItemText); } BCHFileIO.WriteFullFile(fName, songs, ref op); if (!op.Success) { tbMessages.Text = op.GetAllErrorsAndExceptionsWthNl(); return; } } } catch (Exception ex) { tbMessages.Text = ex.Message; return; } tbMessages.Text = "Finished"; }
public void CreateM3U(ref OperationResult op) { if (!IsSet) { op.AddError("M3U object not set. You must call the \"SetM3U(string fileNameAndPath, " + "ref OperationResult op)\" successfully before you can create an M3U file"); return; } if (this.M3USongList.Count < 1) { op.AddError("There are no songs in the M3U list. You must call the \"SetM3USongs(List<string> list, bool" + "addOrReplace, ref OperationResult op)\" successfully before you can create an M3U file"); return; } List <string> mList = new List <string>(); //mList.Add("#EXTM3U - Created by Barry Hill's M3U Editor"); //mList.Add("#EXTINF - "); mList.AddRange(this.M3USongList); string fname = this.M3UFileNameAndPath; if (!fname.EndsWith(".m3u", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { fname = fname + ".m3u"; } BCHFileIO.WriteFullFile(fname, mList, ref op); if (!op.Success) { return; } op.AddInformation("M3U file created successfully."); }
public static void CreateCsvTable(DataTable dt, string fileName, ref OperationResult op, string colDelim, string rowDelim) { try { string pdbTable = AddColumnRow(dt, ref op, colDelim); if (op.Success) { pdbTable += AddDataRows(dt, ref op, rowDelim); } if (op.Success) { List <string> list = new List <string>(); list.Add(pdbTable); BCHFileIO.WriteFullFile(fileName, list, ref op); } } catch (Exception ex) { op.AddException(ex); return; } }
private void btnExportSongList_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.iTuneSongs == null || iTuneSongs.iTunesSongList.Count < 1) { GetiTunesLibXml(); } List <string> list = GetSongsList(this.iTuneSongs); OperationResult op = new OperationResult(); string path = this.dddtbOutputPath.ItemText; string fName = Path.Combine(path, "iTunesSongs.txt"); BCHFileIO.WriteFullFile(fName, list, ref op); if (!op.Success) { tbMessages.Text = op.GetAllErrorsAndExceptionsWthNl(); return; } tbMessages.Text = "Finished"; }
private void btnExportPlayLists_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { tbMessages.Text = ""; OperationResult op = new OperationResult(); if (this.iTuneSongs == null || iTuneSongs.iTunesSongList.Count < 1 || this.iTunesPlayLists == null || this.iTunesPlayLists.ITunesPlayLists.Count < 1) { GetiTunesLibXml(); } List <Tuple <string, List <string> > > pls = GetPlayListSongsTuple(); foreach (var kv in pls) { string path = this.dddtbOutputPath.ItemText; string fName = Path.Combine(path, kv.Item1 + ".txt"); BCHFileIO.WriteFullFile(fName, kv.Item2, ref op); if (!op.Success) { tbMessages.Text = op.GetAllErrorsAndExceptionsWthNl(); return; } } if (!op.Success) { tbMessages.Text = op.GetAllErrorsAndExceptionsWthNl(); return; } tbMessages.Text = "Finished"; }