private void BindBBSGridView(UC_GridView grd_BBS, int BoardID) { string condition = "[Board] = " + BoardID + " AND SendTime BETWEEN DATEADD(Day,-15,GetDate()) AND GETDATE() ORDER by [SendTime] desc"; grd_BBS.BindGrid(BBS_ForumItemBLL.GetModelList(condition)); grd_BBS.Attributes["BoardID"] = BoardID.ToString(); }
public void BindData() { BBS_ForumItemBLL itembll = new BBS_ForumItemBLL(Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["ItemID"])); this.title1 = lblTitle.Text = itembll.Model.Title.ToString(); lblForumItemName.Text = itembll.Model.Title.ToString(); lblCatalog.Text = new BBS_CatalogBLL(new BBS_BoardBLL(itembll.Model.Board).Model.Catalog).Model.Name; lblBoardName.Text = new BBS_BoardBLL(itembll.Model.Board).Model.Name; board = new BBS_BoardBLL(itembll.Model.Board).Model.ID; #region 显示发布者信息 sendman.Text = DisplayFullInfo(itembll.Model.Sender); #endregion sendtime.Text = itembll.Model.SendTime.ToString(); browsetime.Text = itembll.Model.HitTimes.ToString(); replaytimes.Text = itembll.Model.ReplyTimes.ToString(); browsetime.Text = itembll.Model.HitTimes.ToString(); replaytimes.Text = itembll.Model.ReplyTimes.ToString(); itemcontent.InnerHtml = FormatTxt(BBS_ForumItemDAL.txtMessage(itembll.Model.Content.ToString())); if (itembll.Model["IsTop"] == "Y") { cbx_Tpp.Checked = true; } if (itembll.Model["IsPith"] == "Y") { cbx_IsPith.Checked = true; } BindGrid(); }
protected void btn_Delete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { for (int i = 0; i < dgrd_Result.Rows.Count; i++) { CheckBox chb = dgrd_Result.Rows[i].FindControl("chk_ID") as CheckBox; if (chb.Checked) { int id = int.Parse(dgrd_Result.DataKeys[i]["BBS_ForumItem_ID"].ToString()); BBS_ForumItemBLL forumbll = new BBS_ForumItemBLL(id); forumbll.DeleteForumItem(id); } } BindGrid(); }
protected void DelReplay(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { //删除论坛文章的回复 BBS_ForumReplyBLL replybll = new BBS_ForumReplyBLL(); replybll.Model.ID = Int32.Parse(((LinkButton)sender).CommandArgument.ToString()); replybll.Delete(replybll.Model.ID); //修改论坛文章的评论数量 BBS_ForumItemBLL itembll = new BBS_ForumItemBLL(Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["ItemID"])); itembll.UpdateRemoveReplyTimes(Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["ItemID"])); BindData(); }
protected string GetTypeIsPith(int id) { BBS_ForumItemBLL forumItembll = new BBS_ForumItemBLL(id); if (forumItembll.Model.ExtPropertys != null) { if (forumItembll.Model["IsPith"] == "Y") return "<img src='../../../images/pith.jpg'>"; else return ""; } else { return ""; } }
protected string GetType(int id) { BBS_ForumItemBLL forumItembll = new BBS_ForumItemBLL(id); //if (forumItembll.Model.IsBoardNotice == "Y" || forumItembll.Model.IsPublicNotice == "Y") //{ // if (forumItembll.Model.IsBoardNotice == "Y") // return "<img src='../../../../images/bulletin.gif'>"; // else // return "<img src='../../../../images/sysbulletin.gif'>"; //} if(forumItembll.Model.HitTimes > 5) return "<img src='../../../../images/hotfolder.gif'>"; else return "<img src='../../../../images/folder.gif'>"; }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // 在此处放置用户代码以初始化页面 int itemid = (Request.QueryString["ItemID"] == null) ? 0 : Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["ItemID"].ToString()); int boardid = (Request.QueryString["BoardID"] == null) ? 0 : Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["BoardID"].ToString()); try { BBS_ForumItemBLL itembll = new BBS_ForumItemBLL(itemid); itembll.DeleteForumItem(itemid); MessageBox.ShowAndRedirect(this,"删除成功", "listview.aspx?Board=" + boardid.ToString()); } catch (Exception) { Server.Transfer("../Mail/Error.aspx"); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // 在此处放置用户代码以初始化页面 int itemid = (Request.QueryString["ItemID"] == null) ? 0 : Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["ItemID"].ToString()); int boardid = (Request.QueryString["BoardID"] == null) ? 0 : Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["BoardID"].ToString()); try { BBS_ForumItemBLL itembll = new BBS_ForumItemBLL(itemid); itembll.DeleteForumItem(itemid); MessageBox.ShowAndRedirect(this, "删除成功", "listview.aspx?Board=" + boardid.ToString()); } catch (Exception) { Server.Transfer("../Mail/Error.aspx"); } }
protected void cbx_IsPith_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { BBS_ForumItemBLL itembll = new BBS_ForumItemBLL(Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["ItemID"])); if (itembll.Model["IsPith"] == "N") { itembll.Model["IsPith"] = "Y"; itembll.Update(); MessageBox.Show(this.Page, "帖子已经设置为精华贴!"); } else { itembll.Model["IsPith"] = "N"; itembll.Update(); MessageBox.Show(this.Page, "帖已经不是精华贴!"); } }
protected void cmdOK_ServerClick(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { int BoardID = Int32.Parse(ddlBoardList.SelectedItem.Value); BBS_ForumItemBLL itembll = new BBS_ForumItemBLL(Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["itemid"])); itembll.Model.Board = BoardID; try { itembll.Update(); ddlBoardList.Visible = false; cmdOK.Visible = false; ltMessage.Visible = true; ltMessage.Text = "移动成功!"; } catch (Exception) { Server.Transfer("../Mail/Error.aspx"); } }
protected string GetTypeIsPith(int id) { BBS_ForumItemBLL forumItembll = new BBS_ForumItemBLL(id); if (forumItembll.Model.ExtPropertys != null) { if (forumItembll.Model["IsPith"] == "Y") { return("<img src='../../../../images/pith.jpg'>"); } else { return(""); } } else { return(""); } }
protected string GetType(int id) { BBS_ForumItemBLL forumItembll = new BBS_ForumItemBLL(id); //if (forumItembll.Model.IsBoardNotice == "Y" || forumItembll.Model.IsPublicNotice == "Y") //{ // if (forumItembll.Model.IsBoardNotice == "Y") // return "<img src='../../../../images/bulletin.gif'>"; // else // return "<img src='../../../../images/sysbulletin.gif'>"; //} if (forumItembll.Model.HitTimes > 5) { return("<img src='../../../../images/hotfolder.gif'>"); } else { return("<img src='../../../../images/folder.gif'>"); } }
protected void ModeratorInfo() { BBS_ForumItemBLL itembll = new BBS_ForumItemBLL(Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["ItemID"])); itembll.UpdateHitTimes(Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["ItemID"])); author = itembll.Model.Sender.ToString(); IList <BBS_BoardUserMember> memberList = BBS_BoardUserMemberBLL.GetModelList(" Board=" + (int)ViewState["BoardID"]); bool flag = itembll.Model.Sender == Session["UserName"].ToString(); foreach (BBS_BoardUserMember member in memberList) { if (member.Role == 1 && member.UserName == (string)ViewState["username"]) { flag = true; } } if (Roles.IsUserInRole("论坛管理员") || flag) { itemcontent.InnerHtml += "<b>操 作:</b><a'deleteitem.aspx?ItemID=" + Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["ItemID"]) + "&BoardID=" + Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["BoardID"]) + "','_self','');>删除此贴</a>|<a href='MoveItem.aspx?ItemID=" + Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["ItemID"]) + "'>移动帖子</a><br><hr color='#C0C0C0' size='1'>"; cbx_IsPith.Visible = true; cbx_Tpp.Visible = true; right = true; } }
protected void btn_OK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { #region 帖子的回复 #region 添加帖子的回复 BBS_ForumReplyBLL replybll = new BBS_ForumReplyBLL(); replybll.Model.ItemID = Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["ItemID"]); replybll.Model.Title = Title.Value; replybll.Model.Content = ckedit_content.Text; replybll.Model.Replyer = Session["UserName"].ToString(); replybll.Model.ReplyTime = DateTime.Now; replybll.Model.IPAddress = Request.ServerVariables.Get("REMOTE_ADDR").ToString(); int replyid = replybll.Add(); // 返回已经回复的帖子的ID //修改论坛文章的留言量 BBS_ForumItemBLL itembll = new BBS_ForumItemBLL(Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["ItemID"])); itembll.UpdateAddReplyTimes(Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["ItemID"])); #endregion #region 添加留言的附件 ArrayList upattlist = (ArrayList)ViewState["UpattList"]; if (upattlist != null && upattlist.Count > 0) { foreach (BBS_ForumAttachment att in upattlist) { string path = att.Path; if (path.StartsWith("~")) { path = Server.MapPath(path); } FileStream stream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open); byte[] buff = new byte[stream.Length]; stream.Read(buff, 0, buff.Length); stream.Close(); att.Path = ""; att.ItemID = (int)ViewState["ItemID"]; #region 自动压缩上传的图片 if (ATMT_AttachmentBLL.IsImage(att.ExtName)) { try { MemoryStream s = new MemoryStream(buff); System.Drawing.Image originalImage = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(s); s.Close(); int width = originalImage.Width; if (width > 1024 || att.ExtName == "bmp") { if (width > 1024) { width = 1024; } System.Drawing.Image thumbnailimage = ImageProcess.MakeThumbnail(originalImage, width, 0, "W"); MemoryStream thumbnailstream = new MemoryStream(); thumbnailimage.Save(thumbnailstream, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg); thumbnailstream.Position = 0; att.FileSize = (int)(thumbnailstream.Length / 1024); att.ExtName = "jpg"; byte[] b = new byte[thumbnailstream.Length]; thumbnailstream.Read(b, 0, b.Length); thumbnailstream.Close(); buff = b; } } catch { } } #endregion att.Reply = replyid; BBS_ForumAttachmentBLL bll = new BBS_ForumAttachmentBLL(); bll.Model = att; bll.Add(buff); BBS_ForumAttachment m = bll.Model; string uploadcontent = ""; //插入主表中 switch (att.ExtName.ToLower()) { case "jpg": case "gif": case "bmp": case "png": uploadcontent = " [IMG]DownloadAttachfile.aspx?GUID=" + m.GUID.ToString() + "[/IMG]<br/>"; break; case "mp3": uploadcontent = " [MP=320,70]DownloadAttachfile.aspx?GUID=" + m.GUID.ToString() + "[/MP]<br/>"; break; case "avi": uploadcontent = " [MP=320,240]DownloadAttachfile.aspx?GUID=" + m.GUID.ToString() + "[/MP]<br/>"; break; case "swf": uploadcontent = " [FLASH]DownloadAttachfile.aspx?GUID=" + m.GUID.ToString() + "[/FLASH]<br/>"; break; default: uploadcontent = "<a href=DownloadAttachfile.aspx?GUID=" + m.GUID.ToString() + ">" + att.Name + "." + att.ExtName + "</a><br/>"; break; } ViewState["Content"] += uploadcontent + "<br/>"; } if (ViewState["SavePath"] != null) { try { string path = (string)ViewState["SavePath"]; path = path.Substring(0, path.LastIndexOf("\\")); Directory.Delete(path, true); ViewState["SavePath"] = null; } catch { } } //将附件的路径添加到回复主表中去 replybll.Model.Content += "<br/><font color=red><b>附件列表:</b></font><br/>" + ViewState["Content"].ToString(); replybll.Update(); //清空附件的列表 for (int i = upattlist.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { this.lbx_AttList.Items.RemoveAt(i); upattlist.RemoveAt(i); } ViewState["UpattList"] = upattlist; } #endregion #endregion Response.Redirect("display.aspx?ID=" + ViewState["ItemID"].ToString() + "&BoardID=" + ViewState["BoardID"].ToString()); }
protected void cbx_Tpp_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { BBS_ForumItemBLL itembll = new BBS_ForumItemBLL(Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["ItemID"])); if (itembll.Model["IsTop"] == "N") { itembll.Model["IsTop"] = "Y"; itembll.Update(); MessageBox.Show(this.Page, "帖子已置顶!"); } else { itembll.Model["IsTop"] = "N"; itembll.Update(); MessageBox.Show(this.Page, "帖子已取消置顶!"); } }
protected void btn_OK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { #region 帖子的回复 #region 添加帖子的回复 BBS_ForumReplyBLL replybll = new BBS_ForumReplyBLL(); replybll.Model.ItemID = Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["ItemID"]); replybll.Model.Title = Title.Value; replybll.Model.Content =ckedit_content.Text; replybll.Model.Replyer = Session["UserName"].ToString(); replybll.Model.ReplyTime = DateTime.Now; replybll.Model.IPAddress = Request.ServerVariables.Get("REMOTE_ADDR").ToString(); int replyid = replybll.Add(); // 返回已经回复的帖子的ID //修改论坛文章的留言量 BBS_ForumItemBLL itembll = new BBS_ForumItemBLL(Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["ItemID"])); itembll.UpdateAddReplyTimes(Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["ItemID"])); #endregion #region 添加留言的附件 ArrayList upattlist = (ArrayList)ViewState["UpattList"]; if (upattlist != null && upattlist.Count > 0) { foreach (BBS_ForumAttachment att in upattlist) { string path = att.Path; if (path.StartsWith("~")) path = Server.MapPath(path); FileStream stream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open); byte[] buff = new byte[stream.Length]; stream.Read(buff, 0, buff.Length); stream.Close(); att.Path = ""; att.ItemID = (int)ViewState["ItemID"]; #region 自动压缩上传的图片 if (ATMT_AttachmentBLL.IsImage(att.ExtName)) { try { MemoryStream s = new MemoryStream(buff); System.Drawing.Image originalImage = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(s); s.Close(); int width = originalImage.Width; if (width > 1024 || att.ExtName == "bmp") { if (width > 1024) width = 1024; System.Drawing.Image thumbnailimage = ImageProcess.MakeThumbnail(originalImage, width, 0, "W"); MemoryStream thumbnailstream = new MemoryStream(); thumbnailimage.Save(thumbnailstream, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg); thumbnailstream.Position = 0; att.FileSize = (int)(thumbnailstream.Length / 1024); att.ExtName = "jpg"; byte[] b = new byte[thumbnailstream.Length]; thumbnailstream.Read(b, 0, b.Length); thumbnailstream.Close(); buff = b; } } catch { } } #endregion att.Reply = replyid; BBS_ForumAttachmentBLL bll = new BBS_ForumAttachmentBLL(); bll.Model = att; bll.Add(buff); BBS_ForumAttachment m = bll.Model; string uploadcontent = ""; //插入主表中 switch (att.ExtName.ToLower()) { case "jpg": case "gif": case "bmp": case "png": uploadcontent = " [IMG]DownloadAttachfile.aspx?GUID=" + m.GUID.ToString() + "[/IMG]<br/>"; break; case "mp3": uploadcontent = " [MP=320,70]DownloadAttachfile.aspx?GUID=" + m.GUID.ToString() + "[/MP]<br/>"; break; case "avi": uploadcontent = " [MP=320,240]DownloadAttachfile.aspx?GUID=" + m.GUID.ToString() + "[/MP]<br/>"; break; case "swf": uploadcontent = " [FLASH]DownloadAttachfile.aspx?GUID=" + m.GUID.ToString() + "[/FLASH]<br/>"; break; default: uploadcontent = "<a href=DownloadAttachfile.aspx?GUID=" + m.GUID.ToString() + ">" + att.Name + "." + att.ExtName + "</a><br/>"; break; } ViewState["Content"] += uploadcontent + "<br/>"; } if (ViewState["SavePath"] != null) { try { string path = (string)ViewState["SavePath"]; path = path.Substring(0, path.LastIndexOf("\\")); Directory.Delete(path, true); ViewState["SavePath"] = null; } catch { } } //将附件的路径添加到回复主表中去 replybll.Model.Content += "<br/><font color=red><b>附件列表:</b></font><br/>" + ViewState["Content"].ToString(); replybll.Update(); //清空附件的列表 for (int i = upattlist.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { this.lbx_AttList.Items.RemoveAt(i); upattlist.RemoveAt(i); } ViewState["UpattList"] = upattlist; } #endregion #endregion Response.Redirect("display.aspx?ID=" + ViewState["ItemID"].ToString() + "&BoardID=" + ViewState["BoardID"].ToString()); }
protected void ModeratorInfo() { BBS_ForumItemBLL itembll = new BBS_ForumItemBLL(Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["ItemID"])); itembll.UpdateHitTimes(Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["ItemID"])); author = itembll.Model.Sender.ToString(); IList<BBS_BoardUserMember> memberList = BBS_BoardUserMemberBLL.GetModelList(" Board=" + (int)ViewState["BoardID"]); bool flag = itembll.Model.Sender==Session["UserName"].ToString(); foreach (BBS_BoardUserMember member in memberList) { if (member.Role == 1 && member.UserName == (string)ViewState["username"]) flag = true; } if (Roles.IsUserInRole("论坛管理员") || flag) { itemcontent.InnerHtml += "<b>操 作:</b><a'deleteitem.aspx?ItemID=" + Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["ItemID"]) + "&BoardID=" + Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["BoardID"]) + "','_self','');>删除此贴</a>|<a href='MoveItem.aspx?ItemID=" + Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["ItemID"]) + "'>移动帖子</a><br><hr color='#C0C0C0' size='1'>"; cbx_IsPith.Visible = true; cbx_Tpp.Visible = true; right = true; } }
protected void cmdOK_ServerClick(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { #region 添加论文的主题内容 BBS_ForumItemBLL itembll = new BBS_ForumItemBLL(); itembll.Model.Board = Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["BoardID"]); itembll.Model.Title = Title.Value; itembll.Model.Content = ckedit_content.Text; itembll.Model.Sender = Session["UserName"].ToString(); itembll.Model.SendTime = DateTime.Now; itembll.Model.HitTimes = 0; //点击次数默认的设置为0 itembll.Model.ReplyTimes = 0; //回复次数默认的设置为0 itembll.Model.LastReplyer = Session["UserName"].ToString(); //默认的设置为本人 itembll.Model.LastReplyTime = DateTime.Now; itembll.Model.IPAddr = Request.ServerVariables.Get("REMOTE_ADDR").ToString(); itembll.Model["IsTop"] = "N"; //是否置顶 itembll.Model["IsPith"] = "N"; //是否是精贴 int itemid = itembll.Add(); // 返回已经发布的论文的ID #endregion #region 添加论文的附件 ArrayList upattlist = (ArrayList)ViewState["UpattList"]; if (upattlist != null && upattlist.Count > 0) { string _content = "<br/><font color=red><b>附件列表:</b></font><br/>"; foreach (BBS_ForumAttachment att in upattlist) { string path = att.Path; if (path.StartsWith("~")) { path = Server.MapPath(path); } FileStream stream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open); byte[] buff = new byte[stream.Length]; stream.Read(buff, 0, buff.Length); stream.Close(); att.Path = ""; att.ItemID = itemid; #region 自动压缩上传的图片 if (ATMT_AttachmentBLL.IsImage(att.ExtName)) { try { MemoryStream s = new MemoryStream(buff); System.Drawing.Image originalImage = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(s); s.Close(); int width = originalImage.Width; if (width > 1024 || att.ExtName == "bmp") { if (width > 1024) { width = 1024; } System.Drawing.Image thumbnailimage = ImageProcess.MakeThumbnail(originalImage, width, 0, "W"); MemoryStream thumbnailstream = new MemoryStream(); thumbnailimage.Save(thumbnailstream, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg); thumbnailstream.Position = 0; att.FileSize = (int)(thumbnailstream.Length / 1024); att.ExtName = "jpg"; byte[] b = new byte[thumbnailstream.Length]; thumbnailstream.Read(b, 0, b.Length); thumbnailstream.Close(); buff = b; } } catch { } } #endregion BBS_ForumAttachmentBLL bll = new BBS_ForumAttachmentBLL(); bll.Model = att; bll.Add(buff); BBS_ForumAttachment m = bll.Model; string _uploadcontent = ""; //插入主表中 switch (att.ExtName.ToLower()) { case "jpg": case "gif": case "bmp": case "png": _uploadcontent = " [IMG]DownloadAttachfile.aspx?GUID=" + m.GUID.ToString() + "[/IMG]<br/>"; break; case "mp3": _uploadcontent = " [MP=320,70]DownloadAttachfile.aspx?GUID=" + m.GUID.ToString() + "[/MP]<br/>"; break; case "avi": _uploadcontent = " [MP=320,240]DownloadAttachfile.aspx?GUID=" + m.GUID.ToString() + "[/MP]<br/>"; break; case "swf": _uploadcontent = " [FLASH]DownloadAttachfile.aspx?GUID=" + m.GUID.ToString() + "[/FLASH]<br/>"; break; default: _uploadcontent = "<a href=DownloadAttachfile.aspx?GUID=" + m.GUID.ToString() + ">" + att.Name + "." + att.ExtName + "</a><br/>"; break; } _content += _uploadcontent + "<br/>"; } if (ViewState["SavePath"] != null) { try { string path = (string)ViewState["SavePath"]; path = path.Substring(0, path.LastIndexOf("\\")); Directory.Delete(path, true); ViewState["SavePath"] = null; } catch { } } //将附件的路径添加到发帖主表中去 itembll.Model.Content += _content; itembll.Update(); //清空附件的列表 for (int i = upattlist.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { upattlist.RemoveAt(i); } ViewState["UpattList"] = upattlist; } #endregion Server.Transfer("listview.aspx?Board=" + ViewState["BoardID"].ToString()); }
protected void cmdOK_ServerClick(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { #region 添加论文的主题内容 BBS_ForumItemBLL itembll = new BBS_ForumItemBLL(); itembll.Model.Board = Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["BoardID"]); itembll.Model.Title = Title.Value; itembll.Model.Content = ckedit_content.Text; itembll.Model.Sender = Session["UserName"].ToString(); itembll.Model.SendTime = DateTime.Now; itembll.Model.HitTimes = 0; //点击次数默认的设置为0 itembll.Model.ReplyTimes = 0; //回复次数默认的设置为0 itembll.Model.LastReplyer = Session["UserName"].ToString(); //默认的设置为本人 itembll.Model.LastReplyTime = DateTime.Now; itembll.Model.IPAddr = Request.ServerVariables.Get("REMOTE_ADDR").ToString(); itembll.Model["IsTop"] = "N"; //是否置顶 itembll.Model["IsPith"] = "N"; //是否是精贴 int itemid = itembll.Add();// 返回已经发布的论文的ID #endregion #region 添加论文的附件 ArrayList upattlist = (ArrayList)ViewState["UpattList"]; if (upattlist != null && upattlist.Count > 0) { string _content = "<br/><font color=red><b>附件列表:</b></font><br/>"; foreach (BBS_ForumAttachment att in upattlist) { string path = att.Path; if (path.StartsWith("~")) path = Server.MapPath(path); FileStream stream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open); byte[] buff = new byte[stream.Length]; stream.Read(buff, 0, buff.Length); stream.Close(); att.Path = ""; att.ItemID = itemid; #region 自动压缩上传的图片 if (ATMT_AttachmentBLL.IsImage(att.ExtName)) { try { MemoryStream s = new MemoryStream(buff); System.Drawing.Image originalImage = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(s); s.Close(); int width = originalImage.Width; if (width > 1024 || att.ExtName == "bmp") { if (width > 1024) width = 1024; System.Drawing.Image thumbnailimage = ImageProcess.MakeThumbnail(originalImage, width, 0, "W"); MemoryStream thumbnailstream = new MemoryStream(); thumbnailimage.Save(thumbnailstream, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg); thumbnailstream.Position = 0; att.FileSize = (int)(thumbnailstream.Length / 1024); att.ExtName = "jpg"; byte[] b = new byte[thumbnailstream.Length]; thumbnailstream.Read(b, 0, b.Length); thumbnailstream.Close(); buff = b; } } catch { } } #endregion BBS_ForumAttachmentBLL bll = new BBS_ForumAttachmentBLL(); bll.Model = att; bll.Add(buff); BBS_ForumAttachment m = bll.Model; string _uploadcontent = ""; //插入主表中 switch (att.ExtName.ToLower()) { case "jpg": case "gif": case "bmp": case "png": _uploadcontent = " [IMG]DownloadAttachfile.aspx?GUID=" + m.GUID.ToString() + "[/IMG]<br/>"; break; case "mp3": _uploadcontent = " [MP=320,70]DownloadAttachfile.aspx?GUID=" + m.GUID.ToString() + "[/MP]<br/>"; break; case "avi": _uploadcontent = " [MP=320,240]DownloadAttachfile.aspx?GUID=" + m.GUID.ToString() + "[/MP]<br/>"; break; case "swf": _uploadcontent = " [FLASH]DownloadAttachfile.aspx?GUID=" + m.GUID.ToString() + "[/FLASH]<br/>"; break; default: _uploadcontent = "<a href=DownloadAttachfile.aspx?GUID=" + m.GUID.ToString() + ">" + att.Name + "." + att.ExtName + "</a><br/>"; break; } _content += _uploadcontent + "<br/>"; } if (ViewState["SavePath"] != null) { try { string path = (string)ViewState["SavePath"]; path = path.Substring(0, path.LastIndexOf("\\")); Directory.Delete(path, true); ViewState["SavePath"] = null; } catch { } } //将附件的路径添加到发帖主表中去 itembll.Model.Content += _content; itembll.Update(); //清空附件的列表 for (int i = upattlist.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { upattlist.RemoveAt(i); } ViewState["UpattList"] = upattlist; } #endregion Server.Transfer("listview.aspx?Board=" + ViewState["BoardID"].ToString()); }