private void BasicDatabaseInfra(IVpc vpc, string secretName, string securityId, string securityGroupId, SubnetType subnetType, string defaultSubnetDomainSeparator, string subnets, out ISecurityGroup securityGroup, out ISecret secret, out ISubnetSelection subnetSelection)                         //NOSONAR number of params
            if (vpc == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("The VPC provided to create the database is not valid");

            securityGroup = AwsSecurityGroupHandler.Locate(securityId, securityGroupId);

            if (securityGroup == null)
                throw new ArgumentException($"The Security group id {securityGroupId} provided to create the database is not valid");

            secret          = AwsCdkSecretHandler.Create(secretName);
            subnetSelection = AwsCdkVpcHandler.GetVpcSubnetSelection(vpc, subnets, defaultSubnetDomainSeparator, subnetType);