Пример #1
        public void DaysOFTravelTest()
             * Captain Hook and his crew are currently resting at Origin Shore. They are about to embark on their next adventure to an undisclosed location (x, y) to find treasure.
             * Captain Hook's ship can only move exactly north, south, east or west. It takes exactly 1 day for the ship to travel 1 unit in one of the four cardinal directions.
             * After every 5 days, the crew will take one day of rest.
             * Given the location of the treasure, find out how long it takes for Captain Hook and his crew to find the treasure. The ship is currently at coordinate (0, 0).
             * NumberOfDays([3, 5]) => 9 days
             * // Since: 3 days east + 2 days north (5 days passed) + 1 day of rest + 3 days north
             * NumberOfDays([-4, -1]) => 5 days
             * // Since 4 days west + 1 day south
             * Examples
             * NumberOfDays([10, 10]) ➞ 23
             * NumberOfDays([3, 3]) ➞ 7
             * NumberOfDays([-10, -9]) ➞ 22
             * NumberOfDays([-1, -2]) ➞ 3

            // calculate the entire truck load
            int expected = 0;
            int total    = 0;

            int[] coordinates = { 0, 0 };

            CodilityPracticeTest.DaysOfTravelClass DaysTraveled = new DaysOfTravelClass();

            // test 1
            coordinates = new int[] { 3, 5 };
            total       = DaysTraveled.getDaysOfTravel(coordinates);
            expected    = 9;
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, total);

            // test 2
            coordinates = new int[] { -4, -1 };
            total       = DaysTraveled.getDaysOfTravel(coordinates);
            expected    = 5;
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, total);
            // test 3
            coordinates = new int[] { 10, 10 };
            total       = DaysTraveled.getDaysOfTravel(coordinates);
            expected    = 23;
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, total);
            AverageWordLenClass AverageWordLen = new AverageWordLenClass();
            float avgLen = AverageWordLen.AverageWordLength("A B C.");              // ➞ 1.00

            avgLen = AverageWordLen.AverageWordLength("What a gorgeous day.");      // ➞ 4.00

            avgLen = AverageWordLen.AverageWordLength("Dude, this is so awesome!"); // ➞ 3.80
Пример #2
        public void AverageWordLen()
            AverageWordLenClass avg = new AverageWordLenClass();
            float avglen            = avg.AverageWordLength("A B C."); // ➞ 1.00

            Assert.AreEqual(1, avglen);

            avglen = avg.AverageWordLength("What a gorgeous day."); // ➞ 4.00
            Assert.AreEqual(4, avglen);

            avglen = avg.AverageWordLength("Dude, this is so awesome!"); // ➞ 3.80
            double avg111 = 0;

            avg111 = Math.Round(Convert.ToDouble(avglen), 2);
            Assert.AreEqual(3.80, avg111);