public void Awake()
        canDrop = false;

        avatarController = GetComponent<AvatarController>();
        avatarNetwork = GetComponent<AvatarNetworkBehavior>();
        animator = GetComponent<RpcNetworkAnimator>();

        key = KeyCode.M;
    public void Awake()
        // ISkill SetUps
        canDrop = false;
        key = KeyCode.Space;

        avatarNetBhvr = GetComponent<AvatarNetworkBehavior>();

        // Assign interact mask, maybe not necessary
        IntrctMask =  1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("LightSwitch") |
                        1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("Door") |
                        1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("Player") |
                        1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("HideSpot") |
                        1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("Goal") ;

        // This is used to draw on the Unity Editor;
        IntrctBoxPos = GetPosForwardFromAvatar(IntrctBoxDist);
Пример #3
    public void Awake()
        canDrop = false;

        animator = GetComponentInParent<RpcNetworkAnimator>();
        avatarNetwork = GetComponent<AvatarNetworkBehavior>();
        avatarController = GetComponent<AvatarController>();

        if (FX)
            Transform oldParent = FX.parent;
            FX.parent = null;
            FX.localScale = new Vector3(AreaRadius, AreaRadius, 1);
            FX.parent = oldParent;

        // Set key code:
        key = KeyCode.Mouse0;
    public void Awake()
        canDrop = false;

        animator = GetComponentInParent<RpcNetworkAnimator>();
        avatarNetwork = GetComponent<AvatarNetworkBehavior>();
        avatarController = GetComponent<AvatarController>();

        // Set key code:
        key = KeyCode.Mouse0;

        // ToolTip text
        ToolTip.Description =       "Throws light greanade. Deal damage on impact.";

        ToolTip.FirstAttribute =    "Regular";

        ToolTip.SecondLabel =       "Knockback:";
        ToolTip.SecondAttribute =   "Low";

        ToolTip.ThirdLabel =        "Radius:";
        ToolTip.ThirdAttribute =    ExploRadius.ToString() + "m";
Пример #5
    public void Awake()
        canDrop = false;

        animator = GetComponentInParent<RpcNetworkAnimator>();
        avatarNetwork = GetComponent<AvatarNetworkBehavior>();
        avatarController = GetComponent<AvatarController>();

        if (FX == null)
           FX =  transform.FindChild("AvatarRotation").FindChild("AllAnimsInOne").FindChild("HealFX");

        if (FX)
            Transform oldParent = FX.parent;
            FX.parent = null;
            FX.localScale = new Vector3(AreaRadius, AreaRadius, 1);
            FX.parent = oldParent;

        // Set key code:
        key = KeyCode.LeftShift;

        // ToolTip text
        ToolTip.Description =       "Recovers allies health around Explorer.";

        ToolTip.FirstLabel =        "Amount:";
        ToolTip.FirstAttribute =    HealAmount.ToString() + " HP";

        ToolTip.SecondLabel =       "Radius:";
        ToolTip.SecondAttribute =   AreaRadius.ToString() + "m";

        ToolTip.ThirdLabel =        "";
        ToolTip.ThirdAttribute =    "";
    public void Awake()
        canDrop = false;

        animator = GetComponentInParent<RpcNetworkAnimator>();
        avatarNetwork = GetComponent<AvatarNetworkBehavior>();
        avatarController = GetComponent<AvatarController>();

        DisplayBox = transform.FindChild("AvatarRotation/SpriteBox").gameObject;

        // Set key code:
        key = KeyCode.Mouse0;

        // ToolTip text
        ToolTip.Description =       "Swings heavy staff and deals damage.";

        ToolTip.FirstAttribute =    "High";

        ToolTip.SecondLabel =       "Knockback:";
        ToolTip.SecondAttribute =   "High";

        ToolTip.ThirdAttribute =    "Low";
    void Awake()
        hauntEtoM = false;
        _rb = GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>();
        _health = GetComponent<Health>();

        _avatarSkillBar = GetComponentInChildren<SkillBar>();
        animator = GetComponent<RpcNetworkAnimator>();
        avatarNB = GetComponent<AvatarNetworkBehavior>();

        contanier = transform.Find("AvatarRotation");

        // Game Balance Adjust => Makes Speed number comparable to Minion Speed number.
        CalcMoveSpeed = MoveSpeed / SpeedAdjust;
        slowDownMod = 1.0f;
        isHidden = false;