public ApplicationCanvas()
			Width = DefaultWidth;
			Height = DefaultHeight;

            //this.ClipToBounds = true;

			Colors.Blue.ToGradient(Colors.Red, DefaultHeight / 4).Select(
				(c, i) =>
					new Rectangle
						Fill = new SolidColorBrush(c),
						Width = DefaultWidth,
						Height = 4,
					}.MoveTo(0, i * 4).AttachTo(this)

			//var help = new Image
			//    Source = (KnownAssets.Path.Assets + "/help.png").ToSource()

			//help.Opacity = 0;

			var img = new Avalon.Images.jsc().MoveTo(DefaultWidth - 128, DefaultHeight - 128).AttachTo(this);

			var t = new TextBox
				FontSize = 10,
				Text = "powered by jsc",
				BorderThickness = new Thickness(0),
				Foreground = 0xffffffff.ToSolidColorBrush(),
				Background = Brushes.Transparent,
				IsReadOnly = true,
				Width = DefaultWidth
			}.MoveTo(8, 8).AttachTo(this);

            this.WriteStatus = o => t.Text = o.ToString();

			var t2 = new TextBox
				FontSize = 10,
				AcceptsReturn = true,
				Text = @"
ie and opera are not supported
firefox reports after transform
chrome reports before transform
we cannot rely on mouse position currently
shall wait for improvements like touch API
				BorderThickness = new Thickness(0),
				Foreground = 0xffffffff.ToSolidColorBrush(),
				Background = Brushes.Transparent,
				IsReadOnly = true,
				Width = DefaultWidth,
				Height = 128,
			}.MoveTo(8, 32).AttachTo(this);

			//help.Opacity = 1;
			img.Opacity = 0.5;

			t.MouseEnter +=
					//help.Opacity = 0.5;

					img.Opacity = 1;
					t.Foreground = 0xffffff00.ToSolidColorBrush();

			t.MouseLeave +=
					//help.Opacity = 1;

					img.Opacity = 0.5;
					t.Foreground = 0xffffffff.ToSolidColorBrush();

			var sand = new Avalon.Images.sand()
				Width = 100,
				Height = 100,

			// structs are not that good for translations...
			// we might be able to skip them it seems
			sand.RenderTransform = new MatrixTransform(1.2, 0.5, 0.2, 1, 100, 100);

			sand.Cursor = Cursors.Hand;

			// jsc/mxmlc cannot handle property name "this" :)

			sand.Opacity = 0.7;

			sand.MouseMove +=
				(sender, args) =>
					var p1 = args.GetPosition(sand);
					var p2 = args.GetPosition(this);

					t.Text = new
						sand = new { p1.X, p1.Y },
						that = new { p2.X, p2.Y }



			var tri = new Avalon.Images._17()
				Width = 100,
				Height = 100,

            var trig = new Avalon.Images._17g()
				Width = 100,
				Height = 100,

            var tri2 = new Avalon.Images._17()
				Width = 100,
				Height = 100,

            var trig2 = new Avalon.Images._17g()
				Width = 100,
				Height = 100,

			// cursor position calculations are not ready
			// for transofrmed elements.
			// we will provide a floor for those events...
			var shadow = new Rectangle
				Width = DefaultWidth,
				Height = DefaultHeight,

				Fill = Brushes.Black,

			var shadowa = shadow.ToAnimatedOpacity();

			shadowa.Opacity = 0;

			Func<Brush, int, int, Movable> m =
				(Color, X, Y) =>
					var m0 = new Movable
						Context = this,
						Color = Color

					m0.MoveTo(X, Y);

					return m0;

			var m1 = m(Brushes.Green, 250, 50);
			var m2 = m(Brushes.Red, 250 + 100, 50);
			var m3 = m(Brushes.Blue, 250, 50 + 100);
			var m4 = m(Brushes.Yellow, 250 + 100, 50 + 100);

			var m5 = m(Brushes.Green, 250 + 200, 50);
			var m6 = m(Brushes.Blue, 250 + 200, 50 + 100);

            Movables = new[] { m1, m2, m3, m4, m5, m6};

			Action Update =

					tri.RenderTransform = new AffineTransform
						Left = 0,
						Top = 0,
						Width = 100,
						Height = 100,

						X1 = m2.X,
						Y1 = m2.Y,

						X2 = m3.X,
						Y2 = m3.Y,

						X3 = m1.X,
						Y3 = m1.Y,

					trig.RenderTransform = new AffineTransform
						Left = 0,
						Top = 0,
						Width = 100,
						Height = 100,

						X1 = m3.X,
						Y1 = m3.Y,

						X2 = m2.X,
						Y2 = m2.Y,

						X3 = m4.X,
						Y3 = m4.Y,


					tri2.RenderTransform = new AffineTransform
						Left = 0,
						Top = 0,
						Width = 100,
						Height = 100,

						X1 = m5.X,
						Y1 = m5.Y,

						X2 = m4.X,
						Y2 = m4.Y,

						X3 = m2.X,
						Y3 = m2.Y,


					trig2.RenderTransform = new AffineTransform
						Left = 0,
						Top = 0,
						Width = 100,
						Height = 100,

						X1 = m4.X,
						Y1 = m4.Y,

						X2 = m5.X,
						Y2 = m5.Y,

						X3 = m6.X,
						Y3 = m6.Y,


			foreach (var k in this.Movables)
				k.Container.MouseLeftButtonDown += delegate { shadowa.Opacity = 0.2; };
				k.Container.MouseLeftButtonUp += delegate { shadowa.Opacity = 0; };
				k.Changed += Update;


Пример #2
        public ApplicationCanvas()
            Width  = DefaultWidth;
            Height = DefaultHeight;

            //this.ClipToBounds = true;

            Colors.Blue.ToGradient(Colors.Red, DefaultHeight / 4).Select(
                (c, i) =>
                new Rectangle
                Fill   = new SolidColorBrush(c),
                Width  = DefaultWidth,
                Height = 4,
            }.MoveTo(0, i * 4).AttachTo(this)

            //var help = new Image
            //    Source = (KnownAssets.Path.Assets + "/help.png").ToSource()

            //help.Opacity = 0;

            var img = new Avalon.Images.jsc().MoveTo(DefaultWidth - 128, DefaultHeight - 128).AttachTo(this);

            var t = new TextBox
                FontSize        = 10,
                Text            = "powered by jsc",
                BorderThickness = new Thickness(0),
                Foreground      = 0xffffffff.ToSolidColorBrush(),
                Background      = Brushes.Transparent,
                IsReadOnly      = true,
                Width           = DefaultWidth
            }.MoveTo(8, 8).AttachTo(this);

            this.WriteStatus = o => t.Text = o.ToString();

            var t2 = new TextBox
                FontSize        = 10,
                AcceptsReturn   = true,
                Text            = @"
ie and opera are not supported
firefox reports after transform
chrome reports before transform
we cannot rely on mouse position currently
shall wait for improvements like touch API
                BorderThickness = new Thickness(0),
                Foreground      = 0xffffffff.ToSolidColorBrush(),
                Background      = Brushes.Transparent,
                IsReadOnly      = true,
                Width           = DefaultWidth,
                Height          = 128,
            }.MoveTo(8, 32).AttachTo(this);

            //help.Opacity = 1;
            img.Opacity = 0.5;

            t.MouseEnter +=
                //help.Opacity = 0.5;

                img.Opacity  = 1;
                t.Foreground = 0xffffff00.ToSolidColorBrush();

            t.MouseLeave +=
                //help.Opacity = 1;

                img.Opacity  = 0.5;
                t.Foreground = 0xffffffff.ToSolidColorBrush();

            var sand = new Avalon.Images.sand()
                Width  = 100,
                Height = 100,

            // structs are not that good for translations...
            // we might be able to skip them it seems
            sand.RenderTransform = new MatrixTransform(1.2, 0.5, 0.2, 1, 100, 100);

            sand.Cursor = Cursors.Hand;

            // jsc/mxmlc cannot handle property name "this" :)

            sand.Opacity = 0.7;

            sand.MouseMove +=
                (sender, args) =>
                var p1 = args.GetPosition(sand);
                var p2 = args.GetPosition(this);

                t.Text = new
                    sand = new { p1.X, p1.Y },
                    that = new { p2.X, p2.Y }

            var tri = new Avalon.Images._17()
                Width  = 100,
                Height = 100,

            var trig = new Avalon.Images._17g()
                Width  = 100,
                Height = 100,

            var tri2 = new Avalon.Images._17()
                Width  = 100,
                Height = 100,

            var trig2 = new Avalon.Images._17g()
                Width  = 100,
                Height = 100,

            // cursor position calculations are not ready
            // for transofrmed elements.
            // we will provide a floor for those events...
            var shadow = new Rectangle
                Width  = DefaultWidth,
                Height = DefaultHeight,

                Fill = Brushes.Black,

            var shadowa = shadow.ToAnimatedOpacity();

            shadowa.Opacity = 0;

            Func <Brush, int, int, Movable> m =
                (Color, X, Y) =>
                var m0 = new Movable
                    Context = this,
                    Color   = Color

                m0.MoveTo(X, Y);


            var m1 = m(Brushes.Green, 250, 50);
            var m2 = m(Brushes.Red, 250 + 100, 50);
            var m3 = m(Brushes.Blue, 250, 50 + 100);
            var m4 = m(Brushes.Yellow, 250 + 100, 50 + 100);

            var m5 = m(Brushes.Green, 250 + 200, 50);
            var m6 = m(Brushes.Blue, 250 + 200, 50 + 100);

            Movables = new[] { m1, m2, m3, m4, m5, m6 };

            Action Update =
                tri.RenderTransform = new AffineTransform
                    Left   = 0,
                    Top    = 0,
                    Width  = 100,
                    Height = 100,

                    X1 = m2.X,
                    Y1 = m2.Y,

                    X2 = m3.X,
                    Y2 = m3.Y,

                    X3 = m1.X,
                    Y3 = m1.Y,

                trig.RenderTransform = new AffineTransform
                    Left   = 0,
                    Top    = 0,
                    Width  = 100,
                    Height = 100,

                    X1 = m3.X,
                    Y1 = m3.Y,

                    X2 = m2.X,
                    Y2 = m2.Y,

                    X3 = m4.X,
                    Y3 = m4.Y,

                tri2.RenderTransform = new AffineTransform
                    Left   = 0,
                    Top    = 0,
                    Width  = 100,
                    Height = 100,

                    X1 = m5.X,
                    Y1 = m5.Y,

                    X2 = m4.X,
                    Y2 = m4.Y,

                    X3 = m2.X,
                    Y3 = m2.Y,

                trig2.RenderTransform = new AffineTransform
                    Left   = 0,
                    Top    = 0,
                    Width  = 100,
                    Height = 100,

                    X1 = m4.X,
                    Y1 = m4.Y,

                    X2 = m5.X,
                    Y2 = m5.Y,

                    X3 = m6.X,
                    Y3 = m6.Y,

            foreach (var k in this.Movables)
                k.Container.MouseLeftButtonDown += delegate { shadowa.Opacity = 0.2; };
                k.Container.MouseLeftButtonUp   += delegate { shadowa.Opacity = 0; };
                k.Changed += Update;
