Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Enters a new media navigation context by inheriting all currently available screens. This is used for
        /// presenting the contents of a media items or filter group, where the current menu should remain available.
        /// Only the currently visible screen can be exchanged to configure another presentation mode for the group to
        /// be stepped-in.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Actually, we mix two different concerns in this method:
        /// <list type="number">
        /// <item>The setting that the new navigation context will be subordinated, i.e. it will be removed/exchanged by a filter action</item>
        /// <item>The setting that all menu actions will be adopted from the parent navigation context</item>
        /// </list>
        /// But in fact, filter actions are only used together with the concept that there exist two different kind of navigation contexts;
        /// autonomous contexts and subordinated contexts.
        /// If there are no filter actions present (like in the browse media navigation modes), the only difference between the methods
        /// <see cref="StackSubordinateNavigationContext"/> and <see cref="StackAutonomousNavigationContext"/> is the inheritance of the menu.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="subViewSpecification">Specification for the sub view to be shown in the new navigation context.</param>
        /// <param name="visibleScreen">Screen which should be visible in the new navigation context.</param>
        /// <param name="navbarDisplayLabel">Display label to be shown in the navigation bar for the new navigation context.</param>
        /// <returns>Newly created navigation data.</returns>
        public NavigationData StackSubordinateNavigationContext(ViewSpecification subViewSpecification, AbstractScreenData visibleScreen,
                                                                string navbarDisplayLabel)
            WorkflowState newState = WorkflowState.CreateTransientState(
                "View: " + subViewSpecification.ViewDisplayName, subViewSpecification.ViewDisplayName,
                false, null, true, WorkflowType.Workflow, null);

            ScreenConfig nextScreenConfig;

            LoadLayoutSettings(visibleScreen.ToString(), out nextScreenConfig);

            Sorting.Sorting nextSortingMode = AvailableSortings.FirstOrDefault(
                sorting => sorting.GetType().ToString() == nextScreenConfig.Sorting && sorting.IsAvailable(visibleScreen)) ?? _currentSorting;
            Sorting.Sorting nextGroupingMode = string.IsNullOrEmpty(nextScreenConfig.Grouping) ? null : AvailableGroupings.FirstOrDefault(
                grouping => grouping.GetType().ToString() == nextScreenConfig.Grouping && grouping.IsAvailable(visibleScreen)) ?? _currentGrouping;

            NavigationData newNavigationData = new NavigationData(this, subViewSpecification.ViewDisplayName,
                                                                  _baseWorkflowStateId, newState.StateId, subViewSpecification, visibleScreen, _availableScreens, nextSortingMode, nextGroupingMode, true)
                LayoutType = nextScreenConfig.LayoutType,
                LayoutSize = nextScreenConfig.LayoutSize

            PushNewNavigationWorkflowState(newState, navbarDisplayLabel, newNavigationData);
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Enters a new media navigation context by modifying the list of available screens. This is used for
        /// presenting the result of a filter, where the menu must be changed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="subViewSpecification">Specification for the sub view to be shown in the new navigation context.</param>
        /// <param name="currentMenuItemLabel">Current menu item label needed for distinction of available screens.</param>
        /// <param name="navbarDisplayLabel">Display label to be shown in the navigation bar for the new navigation context.</param>
        /// <returns>Newly created navigation data.</returns>
        public NavigationData StackAutonomousNavigationContext(ViewSpecification subViewSpecification, string currentMenuItemLabel, string navbarDisplayLabel)
            AbstractScreenData currentScreen = AvailableScreens.FirstOrDefault(screen => screen.MenuItemLabel == currentMenuItemLabel);
            ICollection <AbstractScreenData> remainingScreens = new List <AbstractScreenData>(AvailableScreens.Where(screen => screen != currentScreen));

            WorkflowState newState = WorkflowState.CreateTransientState(
                "View: " + subViewSpecification.ViewDisplayName, subViewSpecification.ViewDisplayName,
                false, null, false, WorkflowType.Workflow, null);

            string             nextScreenName;
            AbstractScreenData nextScreen = null;

            // Try to load the prefered next screen from settings.
            if (LoadScreenHierarchy(CurrentScreenData.GetType().ToString(), out nextScreenName))
                nextScreen = remainingScreens.FirstOrDefault(s => s.GetType().ToString() == nextScreenName);

            // Default way: always take the first of the available screens.
            if (nextScreen == null)
                nextScreen = remainingScreens.First(s => s != currentScreen);

            ScreenConfig nextScreenConfig;

            LoadLayoutSettings(nextScreen.GetType().ToString(), out nextScreenConfig);

            Sorting.Sorting nextSortingMode = AvailableSortings.FirstOrDefault(
                sorting => sorting.GetType().ToString() == nextScreenConfig.Sorting && sorting.IsAvailable(nextScreen)) ?? _currentSorting;
            Sorting.Sorting nextGroupingMode = String.IsNullOrEmpty(nextScreenConfig.Grouping) ? null : AvailableGroupings.FirstOrDefault(
                grouping => grouping.GetType().ToString() == nextScreenConfig.Grouping && grouping.IsAvailable(nextScreen)) ?? _currentGrouping;

            NavigationData newNavigationData = new NavigationData(this, subViewSpecification.ViewDisplayName,
                                                                  newState.StateId, newState.StateId, subViewSpecification, nextScreen, remainingScreens,
                                                                  nextSortingMode, nextGroupingMode)
                LayoutType = nextScreenConfig.LayoutType, LayoutSize = nextScreenConfig.LayoutSize

            PushNewNavigationWorkflowState(newState, navbarDisplayLabel, newNavigationData);