Пример #1
 public ScCaseSearchViewModel()
     //Default values
     Results             = new AvailableDatesByLocation();
     TimeSlotExpired     = false;
     CaseLocationName    = string.Empty;
     CaseRegistryId      = -1;
     BookingLocationName = string.Empty;
     BookingRegistryId   = -1;
     ContainerId         = -1;
     SelectedCaseDate    = string.Empty;
     CaseNumber          = string.Empty;
     HearingTypeId       = -1;
     HearingTypeName     = string.Empty;
Пример #2
        public void AvailableDatesByLocation()
            const int vancouver = 1;
            const int victoria  = 2;
            const int trialManagementConference = 9090;

            AvailableDatesByLocation vancouverResults = _soapClient
                                                        .AvailableDatesByLocationAsync(vancouver, trialManagementConference)


            AvailableDatesByLocation victoriaResults = _soapClient
                                                       .AvailableDatesByLocationAsync(victoria, trialManagementConference)

Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        ///     Book court case
        /// </summary>
        public async Task <ScCaseConfirmViewModel> BookCourtCase(ScCaseConfirmViewModel model,
                                                                 string userGuid, string userDisplayName)
            //if the user could not be detected return
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(userGuid))

            ScSessionBookingInfo bookingInfo = _session.ScBookingInfo;

            // check the schedule again to make sure the time slot wasn't taken by someone else
            AvailableDatesByLocation schedule =
                await _client.AvailableDatesByLocationAsync(

            //ensure time slot is still available
            if (IsTimeStillAvailable(schedule, bookingInfo.ContainerId))
                //build object to send to the API
                var bookInfo = new BookHearingInfo
                    CEIS_Physical_File_ID = bookingInfo.CaseId,
                    containerID           = bookingInfo.ContainerId,
                    dateTime      = model.FullDate,
                    hearingLength = bookingInfo.HearingLengthMinutes,
                    locationID    = bookingInfo.BookingRegistryId,
                    requestedBy   = $"{userDisplayName} {model.Phone} {model.EmailAddress}",
                    hearingTypeId = bookingInfo.HearingTypeId

                //submit booking
                BookingHearingResult result = await _client.BookingHearingAsync(bookInfo);

                //get the raw result
                bookingInfo.RawResult = result.bookingResult;

                //test to see if the booking was successful
                if (result.bookingResult.ToLower().StartsWith("success"))
                    //create database entry
                    DbSet <BookingHistory> bookingHistory = _dbContext.Set <BookingHistory>();

                    bookingHistory.Add(new BookingHistory
                        ContainerId   = bookingInfo.ContainerId,
                        SmGovUserGuid = userGuid,
                        Timestamp     = DateTime.Now

                    //save to DB
                    await _dbContext.SaveChangesAsync();

                    //update model
                    model.IsBooked       = true;
                    bookingInfo.IsBooked = true;

                    //store user info in session for next booking
                    var userInfo = new SessionUserInfo
                        Phone       = model.Phone,
                        Email       = model.EmailAddress,
                        ContactName = $"{userDisplayName}"

                    _session.UserInfo = userInfo;

                    var emailBody = await GetEmailBody();

                    //send email
                    await _mailService.SendEmail(

                    //clear booking info session
                    _session.ScBookingInfo = null;
                    model.IsBooked       = false;
                    bookingInfo.IsBooked = false;
                //The booking is not available anymore
                //user needs to choose a new time slot
                model.IsTimeSlotAvailable = false;
                model.IsBooked            = false;
                bookingInfo.IsBooked      = false;

            // save the booking info back to the session
            _session.ScBookingInfo = bookingInfo;

Пример #4
 /// <summary>
 ///     Check if a time slot is still available for a court booking
 /// </summary>
 public bool IsTimeStillAvailable(AvailableDatesByLocation schedule, int containerId)
     //check if the container ID is still available
     return(schedule.AvailableDates.Any(x => x.ContainerID == containerId));
Пример #5
        public async Task <List <ScAvailableDayViewModel> > AvailableScDatesByLocation(int locationId,
                                                                                       int hearingType)
            // call the remote API
            AvailableDatesByLocation soapResult = await _client
                                                  .AvailableDatesByLocationAsync(locationId, hearingType);

            // sort the available times chronologically
            IOrderedEnumerable <ContainerInfo> dates = soapResult
                                                       .OrderBy(d => d.Date_Time);

            // create the return object
            var result = new List <ScAvailableDayViewModel>();

            ScAvailableDayViewModel day = null;
            DateTime?lastDate           = null;

            // loop through the available times and group them by date
            foreach (ContainerInfo item in dates)
                DateTime date = item.Date_Time.Date;

                if (date != lastDate)
                    // starting a new day grouping...
                    // add the previous day grouping to the result collection
                    if (lastDate != null)

                    // create a new day grouping
                    day = new ScAvailableDayViewModel
                        Date          = date,
                        Weekday       = date.DayOfWeek.ToString(),
                        FormattedDate = date.ToString("MMMM dd, yyyy"),
                        Times         = new List <ScAvailableTimeViewModel>()

                // add the timeslot to the day grouping
                day.Times.Add(new ScAvailableTimeViewModel
                    ContainerId   = item.ContainerID,
                    StartDateTime = item.Date_Time,
                    Start         = item.Date_Time.ToString("hh:mmtt").ToLower(),
                    End           = item.Date_Time.AddMinutes(soapResult.BookingDetails.detailBookingLength)

                lastDate = date;

            // add the last day grouping to the result collection
            if (day != null)

            // return the list of day groupings
        /// <summary>
        ///     Search for available times
        /// </summary>
        public async Task <ScCaseSearchViewModel> GetSearchResults(ScCaseSearchViewModel model)
            // Load locations from cache
            var retval = new ScCaseSearchViewModel
                HearingTypeId      = model.HearingTypeId,
                CaseRegistryId     = model.CaseRegistryId,
                CaseNumber         = model.CaseNumber,
                TimeSlotExpired    = model.TimeSlotExpired,
                SelectedCourtClass = model.SelectedCourtClass

            //set hearing type name
            if (retval.HearingTypeId > 0 && ScHearingType.HearingTypeNameMap.ContainsKey(retval.HearingTypeId))
                retval.HearingTypeName = ScHearingType.HearingTypeNameMap[retval.HearingTypeId];

            //set selected registry name
            retval.CaseLocationName = await _cache.GetLocationNameAsync(retval.CaseRegistryId);

            // set booking location information
            retval.BookingRegistryId = await _cache.GetBookingLocationIdAsync(
                ) ?? retval.CaseRegistryId;

            retval.BookingLocationName = await _cache.GetLocationNameAsync(retval.BookingRegistryId);

            //search the current case number
            string caseNumber = await BuildCaseNumber(model.CaseNumber, model.CaseRegistryId);

            int caseId = await _client.caseNumberValidAsync(caseNumber);

            if (caseId == 0)
                //case could not be found
                retval.IsValidCaseNumber = false;

                //empty result set
                retval.Results = new AvailableDatesByLocation();

                //get contact information
                retval.RegistryContactNumber = GetRegistryContactNumber(model.CaseRegistryId);
                //valid case number
                retval.IsValidCaseNumber = true;

                AvailableDatesByLocation schedule = await _client.AvailableDatesByLocationAsync(

                int hearingLength = schedule.BookingDetails.detailBookingLength;

                retval.Results = schedule;
                string   bookingTime = "";
                DateTime?dt          = null;

                //check for valid date
                if (model.ContainerId > 0)
                    if (!IsTimeStillAvailable(schedule, model.ContainerId))
                        retval.TimeSlotExpired = true;

                    //convert JS ticks to .Net date
                    dt = new DateTime(Convert.ToInt64(model.SelectedCaseDate));

                    //set date properties
                    retval.ContainerId      = model.ContainerId;
                    retval.SelectedCaseDate = model.SelectedCaseDate;

                    bookingTime = $"{dt.Value:hh:mm tt} to {dt.Value.AddMinutes(hearingLength):hh:mm tt}";

                    retval.TimeSlotFriendlyName = $"{dt.Value:MMMM dd} from {bookingTime}";

                _session.ScBookingInfo = new ScSessionBookingInfo
                    ContainerId          = model.ContainerId,
                    CaseNumber           = model.CaseNumber.ToUpper().Trim(),
                    FullCaseNumber       = caseNumber,
                    CaseId               = caseId,
                    HearingTypeId        = model.HearingTypeId,
                    HearingTypeName      = retval.HearingTypeName,
                    HearingLengthMinutes = hearingLength,
                    CaseRegistryId       = model.CaseRegistryId,
                    CaseLocationName     = retval.CaseLocationName,
                    BookingRegistryId    = retval.BookingRegistryId,
                    BookingLocationName  = retval.BookingLocationName,
                    TimeSlotFriendlyName = bookingTime,
                    SelectedCaseDate     = model.SelectedCaseDate,
                    DateFriendlyName     = dt?.ToString("dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy") ?? ""
