public void ClickOnBuyButton()
            // Run a copy of MatterControl
            Action <AutomationTesterHarness> testToRun = (AutomationTesterHarness resultsHarness) =>
                AutomationRunner testRunner = new AutomationRunner(MatterControlUtilities.DefaultTestImages);
                    //Make sure image does not exist before we click the buy button
                    testRunner.MatchLimit = 500000;
                    bool imageExists = testRunner.ImageExists("MatterHackersStoreImage.png");
                    resultsHarness.AddTestResult(imageExists == false, "Web page is not open");

                    //Click Buy button and test that the MatterHackers store web page is open
                    testRunner.ClickByName("Buy Materials Button", 5);
                    bool imageExists2 = testRunner.ImageExists("MatterHackersStoreImage.png", 10);
                    resultsHarness.AddTestResult(imageExists2 == true, "Web page is open");


            AutomationTesterHarness testHarness = MatterControlUtilities.RunTest(testToRun, "MC_Three_Queue_Items");

            Assert.IsTrue(testHarness.TestCount == 2);             // make sure we ran all our tests
Пример #2
        public void ClickOnBuyButton()
            // Run a copy of MatterControl
            Action <AutomationTesterHarness> testToRun = (AutomationTesterHarness resultsHarness) =>
                AutomationRunner testRunner = new AutomationRunner(MatterControlUITests.DefaultTestImages);
                    //Make sure image does not exist before we click the buy button
                    testRunner.MatchLimit = 500000;
                    bool imageExists = testRunner.ImageExists("MatterHackersStoreImage.png");
                    resultsHarness.AddTestResult(imageExists == false, "Web page is not open");

                    //Click Buy button and test that the MatterHackers store web page is open
                    testRunner.ClickByName("Buy Materials Button", secondsToWait: 5);
                    bool imageExists2 = testRunner.ImageExists("MatterHackersStoreImage.png", 10);
                    resultsHarness.AddTestResult(imageExists2 == true, "Web page is open");


#if !__ANDROID__
            // Set the static data to point to the directory of MatterControl
            StaticData.Instance = new MatterHackers.Agg.FileSystemStaticData(Path.Combine("..", "..", "..", "..", "StaticData"));
            bool showWindow;
            MatterControlApplication matterControlWindow = MatterControlApplication.CreateInstance(out showWindow);
            AutomationTesterHarness  testHarness         = AutomationTesterHarness.ShowWindowAndExectueTests(matterControlWindow, testToRun, 60);

            Assert.IsTrue(testHarness.TestCount == 2);                     // make sure we ran all our tests