public static void AddBarChart(Group elements, float x, float y)
            AddCaptionAndRectangle(elements, "Bar Chart", x, y, 225, 225);

            // Create a chart
            Chart chart = new Chart(x + 10, y + 25, 200, 200, Font.Helvetica, 10, RgbColor.Black);

            // Create a plot area
            PlotArea plotArea = chart.PrimaryPlotArea;

            // Create header title and add it to the chart
            Title title1 = new Title("Website Visitors");


            // Create a indexed bar series and add values to it
            IndexedBarSeries barSeries1 = new IndexedBarSeries("Website A");

            barSeries1.Values.Add(new float[] { 5, 7, 9, 6 });
            IndexedBarSeries barSeries2 = new IndexedBarSeries("Website B");

            barSeries2.Values.Add(new float[] { 4, 2, 5, 8 });
            IndexedBarSeries barSeries3 = new IndexedBarSeries("Website C");

            barSeries3.Values.Add(new float[] { 2, 4, 6, 9 });

            // Create autogradient and assign it to series
            AutoGradient autogradient1 = new AutoGradient(180f, CmykColor.Red, CmykColor.IndianRed);

            barSeries1.Color = autogradient1;
            AutoGradient autogradient2 = new AutoGradient(180f, CmykColor.Green, CmykColor.YellowGreen);

            barSeries2.Color = autogradient2;
            AutoGradient autogradient3 = new AutoGradient(180f, CmykColor.Blue, CmykColor.LightBlue);

            barSeries3.Color = autogradient3;

            // Add indexed bar series to the plot area

            // Create a title and add it to the xaxis
            Title lTitle = new Title("Visitors (in millions)");


            //Adding AxisLabels to the yAxis
            barSeries1.YAxis.Labels.Add(new IndexedYAxisLabel("Q1", 0));
            barSeries1.YAxis.Labels.Add(new IndexedYAxisLabel("Q2", 1));
            barSeries1.YAxis.Labels.Add(new IndexedYAxisLabel("Q3", 2));
            barSeries1.YAxis.Labels.Add(new IndexedYAxisLabel("Q4", 3));
            chart.Legends[0].Visible = false;
        public static void AddPieChart(Group elements, float x, float y)
            AddCaptionAndRectangle(elements, "Pie Chart", x, y, 225, 225);

            // Create a chart
            Chart chart = new Chart(x + 10, y + 25, 200, 200, Font.Helvetica, 10, RgbColor.Black);

            // Add a plot area to the chart
            PlotArea plotArea = chart.PlotAreas.Add(50, 50, 300, 300);

            // Create the Header title and add it to the chart
            Title tTitle = new Title("Website Visitors (in millions)");


            // Create a scalar datalabel
            ScalarDataLabel da = new ScalarDataLabel(true, false, false);

            // Create autogradient colors
            AutoGradient autogradient1 = new AutoGradient(90f, CmykColor.Red, CmykColor.IndianRed);
            AutoGradient autogradient2 = new AutoGradient(90f, CmykColor.Green, CmykColor.YellowGreen);
            AutoGradient autogradient3 = new AutoGradient(90f, CmykColor.Blue, CmykColor.LightBlue);

            // Create a pie series
            PieSeries pieSeries = new PieSeries();

            // Set scalar datalabel to the pie series
            pieSeries.DataLabel = da;

            // Add series to the plot area

            //Add pie series elements to the pie series
            pieSeries.Elements.Add(27, "Website A");
            pieSeries.Elements.Add(19, "Website B");
            pieSeries.Elements.Add(21, "Website C");

            // Assign autogradient colors to series elements
            pieSeries.Elements[0].Color = autogradient1;
            pieSeries.Elements[1].Color = autogradient2;
            pieSeries.Elements[2].Color = autogradient3;
            chart.Legends[0].Visible    = false;
        public static void AddMultiTypeSeriesChart(Group elements, float x, float y)
            AddCaptionAndRectangle(elements, "Plot Area With Different Kinds of Series and Multiple Axis ", x, y, 650, 410);

            // Create a chart
            Chart chart = new Chart(x + 25, y + 37, 600, 350);

            // Create a Auto gradient and set it to chart back ground color
            AutoGradient autogradient = new AutoGradient(90f, CmykColor.LightYellow, CmykColor.LightSkyBlue);

            chart.BackgroundColor = autogradient;

            // Create a plot area
            PlotArea plotArea = chart.PrimaryPlotArea;

            // Create header titles and add it to the chart
            Title title1 = new Title("Company Sales and Website Visitors ");

            title1.Align = Align.Left;

            // Create a indexed line series and add values to it
            IndexedLineSeries lineSeries1 = new IndexedLineSeries("Website A Visitors");

            lineSeries1.Values.Add(new float[] { 1.5f, 8, 7.5f, 5.5f });
            lineSeries1.Color = RgbColor.DarkBlue;
            IndexedLineSeries lineSeries2 = new IndexedLineSeries("Website B Visitors");

            lineSeries2.Color = RgbColor.LimeGreen;
            lineSeries2.Values.Add(new float[] { 4, 3, 7, 7.5f });

            // Create markers and add it to the series
            Marker marker1 = Marker.GetTriangle(7);

            lineSeries1.Marker = marker1;
            Marker marker2 = Marker.GetCircle(7);

            lineSeries2.Marker = marker2;

            // Add indexed line series to the plot area

            // Create a NumericYAxis and a title to it
            NumericYAxis numericyaxis1 = new NumericYAxis();

            numericyaxis1.AnchorType = YAxisAnchorType.Right;
            numericyaxis1.Titles.Add(new Title("Sales (in $ millions)"));
            numericyaxis1.Interval = 1;

            // Create a indexed column series and add values to it
            IndexedColumnSeries columnSeries1 = new IndexedColumnSeries("Company A Sales", numericyaxis1);

            columnSeries1.Values.Add(new float[] { 2, 10, 14, 17 });
            columnSeries1.Color = RgbColor.Blue;
            IndexedColumnSeries columnSeries2 = new IndexedColumnSeries("Company B Sales", numericyaxis1);

            columnSeries2.Color = RgbColor.Lime;
            columnSeries2.Values.Add(new float[] { 7, 4, 10, 15 });

            // Create a bar column value position data label
            BarColumnValuePositionDataLabel barColumnValuePositionDataLabel = new BarColumnValuePositionDataLabel(true, true, false);

            columnSeries1.DataLabel = barColumnValuePositionDataLabel;
            barColumnValuePositionDataLabel.FontSize = 7;
            columnSeries1.DataLabel.Prefix           = "(";
            columnSeries1.DataLabel.Suffix           = ")";
            columnSeries2.DataLabel = barColumnValuePositionDataLabel;

            // Add indexed column series to the plot area
            YAxisGridLines minorGridLines = new YAxisGridLines();

            minorGridLines.LineStyle = LineStyle.Dots;
            plotArea.YAxes.DefaultNumericAxis.MajorGridLines = new YAxisGridLines();
            plotArea.YAxes.DefaultNumericAxis.MinorGridLines = minorGridLines;
            plotArea.XAxes.DefaultIndexedAxis.MajorGridLines = new XAxisGridLines();
            plotArea.YAxes.DefaultNumericAxis.MinorTickMarks = new YAxisTickMarks();
            plotArea.YAxes.DefaultNumericAxis.MajorTickMarks = new YAxisTickMarks();

            // Add title to Yaxis
            lineSeries1.YAxis.Titles.Add(new Title("Visitors (in millions)"));

            //Adding AxisLabels to the XAxis
            columnSeries1.XAxis.Labels.Add(new IndexedXAxisLabel("Q1", 0));
            columnSeries1.XAxis.Labels.Add(new IndexedXAxisLabel("Q2", 1));
            columnSeries1.XAxis.Labels.Add(new IndexedXAxisLabel("Q3", 2));
            columnSeries1.XAxis.Labels.Add(new IndexedXAxisLabel("Q4", 3));
            chart.Legends[0].BorderStyle     = LineStyle.Dots;
            chart.Legends[0].BorderColor     = RgbColor.Black;
            chart.Legends[0].BackgroundColor = CmykColor.Lavender;