Пример #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds the country tax rule.
 /// This method adds a tax rule associated with a particular state.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="Area">The area.</param>
 /// <param name="TaxRate">The tax rate associated with a tax rule. Tax
 /// rates are expressed as decimal values. For example, a value of 0.0825
 /// specifies a tax rate of 8.25%.</param>
 /// <example>
 /// <code>
 ///   // We assume Req is a CheckoutShoppingCartRequest object.
 ///   // Charge the 50 states 8% tax.
 ///   Req.AddCountryTaxRule(AutoGen.USAreas.FULL_50_STATES, 0.08);
 ///   // Charge the 48 continental states 5% tax.
 ///   Req.AddCountryTaxRule(AutoGen.USAreas.CONTINENTAL_48, 0.05);
 ///   // Charge all states (incl territories) 9% tax.
 ///   Req.AddCountryTaxRule(AutoGen.USAreas.ALL, 0.09);
 /// </code>
 /// </example>
 public void AddCountryTaxRule(AutoGen.USAreas Area, double TaxRate)
     AutoGen.AlternateTaxRule rule = new AutoGen.AlternateTaxRule();
     rule.rateSpecified = true;
     rule.rate          = TaxRate;
     rule.taxarea       = new AutoGen.AlternateTaxRuleTaxarea();
     AutoGen.USCountryArea ThisArea = new AutoGen.USCountryArea();
     rule.taxarea.Item    = ThisArea;
     ThisArea.countryarea = Area;
Пример #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds the country tax rule.
 /// This method adds a tax rule associated with a particular state.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="Area">The area.</param>
 /// <param name="TaxRate">The tax rate associated with a tax rule. Tax
 /// rates are expressed as decimal values. For example, a value of 0.0825
 /// specifies a tax rate of 8.25%.</param>
 /// <param name="ShippingTaxed">
 /// If this parameter has a value of <b>true</b>, then shipping costs will
 /// be taxed for items that use the associated tax rule.
 /// </param>
 /// <example>
 /// <code>
 ///   // We assume Req is a CheckoutShoppingCartRequest object.
 ///   // Charge the 50 states 8% tax and do not tax shipping.
 ///   Req.AddCountryTaxRule(AutoGen.USAreas.FULL_50_STATES, 0.08, false);
 ///   // Charge the 48 continental states 5% tax and do tax shipping.
 ///   Req.AddCountryTaxRule(AutoGen.USAreas.CONTINENTAL_48, 0.05, true);
 ///   // Charge all states (incl territories) 9% tax, don't tax shipping.
 ///   Req.AddCountryTaxRule(AutoGen.USAreas.ALL, 0.09, false);
 /// </code>
 /// </example>
 public void AddCountryTaxRule(AutoGen.USAreas Area, double TaxRate,
                               bool ShippingTaxed)
     AutoGen.DefaultTaxRule Rule = new AutoGen.DefaultTaxRule();
     Rule.rate = TaxRate;
     Rule.shippingtaxedSpecified = true;
     Rule.shippingtaxed          = ShippingTaxed;
     Rule.taxarea = new AutoGen.DefaultTaxRuleTaxarea();
     AutoGen.USCountryArea ThisArea = new AutoGen.USCountryArea();
     Rule.taxarea.Item    = ThisArea;
     ThisArea.countryarea = Area;
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds the country tax rule.
 /// This method adds a tax rule associated with a particular state.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="Area">The area.</param>
 /// <param name="TaxRate">The tax rate associated with a tax rule. Tax 
 /// rates are expressed as decimal values. For example, a value of 0.0825 
 /// specifies a tax rate of 8.25%.</param>
 /// <param name="ShippingTaxed">
 /// If this parameter has a value of <b>true</b>, then shipping costs will
 /// be taxed for items that use the associated tax rule.
 /// </param>
 /// <example>
 /// <code>
 ///   // We assume Req is a CheckoutShoppingCartRequest object.
 ///   // Charge the 50 states 8% tax and do not tax shipping.
 ///   Req.AddCountryTaxRule(AutoGen.USAreas.FULL_50_STATES, 0.08, false);
 ///   // Charge the 48 continental states 5% tax and do tax shipping.
 ///   Req.AddCountryTaxRule(AutoGen.USAreas.CONTINENTAL_48, 0.05, true);
 ///   // Charge all states (incl territories) 9% tax, don't tax shipping.
 ///   Req.AddCountryTaxRule(AutoGen.USAreas.ALL, 0.09, false);
 /// </code>
 /// </example>
 public void AddCountryTaxRule(AutoGen.USAreas Area, double TaxRate,
     bool ShippingTaxed)
     AutoGen.DefaultTaxRule Rule = new AutoGen.DefaultTaxRule();
       Rule.rateSpecified = true;
       Rule.rate = TaxRate;
       Rule.shippingtaxedSpecified = true;
       Rule.shippingtaxed = ShippingTaxed;
       Rule.taxarea = new AutoGen.DefaultTaxRuleTaxarea();
       AutoGen.USCountryArea ThisArea = new AutoGen.USCountryArea();
       Rule.taxarea.Item = ThisArea;
       ThisArea.countryarea = Area;
Пример #4
 /// <summary>
 /// This method adds an excluded U.S. country area to a
 /// &lt;us-country-area&gt; element. The &lt;us-country-area&gt; element,
 /// in turn, appears as a subelement of &lt;excluded-areas&gt;.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="CountryArea">The country area.</param>
 public void AddExcludedCountryArea(AutoGen.USAreas CountryArea)
     AutoGen.USCountryArea NewArea = new AutoGen.USCountryArea();
     NewArea.countryarea = CountryArea;
 /// <summary>
 /// This method adds an allowed U.S. country area to a 
 /// &lt;us-country-area&gt; element. The &lt;us-country-area&gt; element, 
 /// in turn, appears as a subelement of &lt;allowed-areas&gt;.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="CountryArea">The country area.</param>
 public void AddAllowedCountryArea(AutoGen.USAreas CountryArea) {
   AutoGen.USCountryArea NewArea = new AutoGen.USCountryArea();
   NewArea.countryarea = CountryArea;
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds the country tax rule.
 /// This method adds a tax rule associated with a particular state.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="Area">The area.</param>
 /// <param name="TaxRate">The tax rate associated with a tax rule. Tax 
 /// rates are expressed as decimal values. For example, a value of 0.0825 
 /// specifies a tax rate of 8.25%.</param>
 /// <example>
 /// <code>
 ///   // We assume Req is a CheckoutShoppingCartRequest object.
 ///   // Charge the 50 states 8% tax.
 ///   Req.AddCountryTaxRule(AutoGen.USAreas.FULL_50_STATES, 0.08);
 ///   // Charge the 48 continental states 5% tax.
 ///   Req.AddCountryTaxRule(AutoGen.USAreas.CONTINENTAL_48, 0.05);
 ///   // Charge all states (incl territories) 9% tax.
 ///   Req.AddCountryTaxRule(AutoGen.USAreas.ALL, 0.09);
 /// </code>
 /// </example>
 public void AddCountryTaxRule(AutoGen.USAreas Area, double TaxRate)
     AutoGen.AlternateTaxRule rule = new AutoGen.AlternateTaxRule();
       rule.rateSpecified = true;
       rule.rate = TaxRate;
       rule.taxarea = new AutoGen.AlternateTaxRuleTaxarea();
       AutoGen.USCountryArea ThisArea = new AutoGen.USCountryArea();
       rule.taxarea.Item = ThisArea;
       ThisArea.countryarea = Area;