Пример #1
    public void Init(AutoFenceCreator inAFB)
        afb = inAFB;
        tempPostColliderMode  = afb.postColliderMode;
        tempRailColliderMode  = afb.railColliderMode;
        tempExtraColliderMode = afb.extraColliderMode;

        tempAllowGaps      = afb.allowGaps;
        tempShowDebugLines = afb.showDebugGapLine;
        parent             = inAFB.finishedFoldersParent;
Пример #2
    public void Init(AutoFenceCreator inAFB, string inModeString, Transform inParentFolder)
        afb          = inAFB;
        modeString   = inModeString;
        parentFolder = inParentFolder;

        if (modeString == "FinishAndStartNew")
            fenceName = "Finished Fence";
        else if (modeString == "FinishAndDuplicate")
            fenceName = "Finished Duplicated Fence";
Пример #3
    void OnEnable()
        script = (AutoFenceCreator)target;

        gs = serializedObject.FindProperty("gs");
        scaleInterpolationAlso = serializedObject.FindProperty("scaleInterpolationAlso");

        railGaps            = serializedObject.FindProperty("railGaps");
        numRails            = serializedObject.FindProperty("numRails");
        railPositionOffset  = serializedObject.FindProperty("railPositionOffset");
        railSize            = serializedObject.FindProperty("railSize");
        railRotation        = serializedObject.FindProperty("railRotation");
        autoHideBuriedRails = serializedObject.FindProperty("autoHideBuriedRails");

        fenceHeight      = serializedObject.FindProperty("fenceHeight");
        postHeightOffset = serializedObject.FindProperty("postHeightOffset");
        postSize         = serializedObject.FindProperty("postSize");
        postRotation     = serializedObject.FindProperty("postRotation");
        randomness       = serializedObject.FindProperty("randomness");
        smooth           = serializedObject.FindProperty("smooth");
        roundingDistance = serializedObject.FindProperty("roundingDistance");
        interpolate      = serializedObject.FindProperty("interpolate");

        //subsFixedOrProportionalSpacing = serializedObject.FindProperty("subsFixedOrProportionalSpacing");
        subSpacing        = serializedObject.FindProperty("subSpacing");
        showSubs          = serializedObject.FindProperty("showSubs");
        subPositionOffset = serializedObject.FindProperty("subPositionOffset");
        subSize           = serializedObject.FindProperty("subSize");
        subRotation       = serializedObject.FindProperty("subRotation");
        showControls      = serializedObject.FindProperty("showControls");
        closeLoop         = serializedObject.FindProperty("closeLoop");
        frequency         = serializedObject.FindProperty("frequency");
        amplitude         = serializedObject.FindProperty("amplitude");
        wavePosition      = serializedObject.FindProperty("wavePosition");
        useWave           = serializedObject.FindProperty("useWave");
        useSubJoiners     = serializedObject.FindProperty("useSubJoiners");
        addColliders      = serializedObject.FindProperty("addColliders");

        allowGaps        = serializedObject.FindProperty("allowGaps");
        showDebugGapLine = serializedObject.FindProperty("showDebugGapLine");
        gs.floatValue    = 1.0f;
Пример #4
    //-- Optionally pass in a reference mesh to hint at its size (i.e. the mesh you will be replacing)
    // If so, we take it that we wnat the new user mesh to be modified to fit in witht the current fence design
    public static GameObject CreateUncombinedAFBRailFromGameObject(GameObject inGO, AutoFenceCreator afb, GameObject inRefMesh = null)
        if (inGO == null)
        //--- Instantiate a copy and zero its rotations----
        GameObject thisGO = null, copyGO = GameObject.Instantiate(inGO);         //copyGO.name = "copyGO"; //named to track during debug

        copyGO.transform.rotation = Quaternion.identity;
        //--- Get all GameObjects/MeshFilters and Meshes in the group and calculate the combined bounds ---
        List <GameObject> allMeshGameObjects = GetAllMeshGameObjectsFromGameObject(copyGO);
        List <MeshFilter> allMeshFilters     = GetAllMeshFiltersFromGameObject(copyGO);
        List <Mesh>       allMeshes          = GetAllMeshesFromGameObject(copyGO);

        if (allMeshes == null || allMeshes.Count == 0)

        Bounds      bounds, combinedBounds = GetCombinedBoundsOfAllMeshesInGameObject(copyGO, true);
        Vector3     goScale = copyGO.transform.localScale, center, max, refSize = Vector3.one;
        int         numNonLODMeshes = CountNonLODMeshes(copyGO);
        Mesh        newMesh, thisMesh;
        List <Mesh> newMeshes = new List <Mesh>();

        for (int i = 0; i < allMeshes.Count; i++)
            newMesh = DuplicateMesh(allMeshes[i]);

        //=========== Should we Rotate?  =====================
        float xRot = 0, yRot = 0, zRot = 0;

        if (afb.railBakeRotationMode == 1 || afb.railBakeRotationMode == 0)        // 0 = user custom settings, 1 = auto, 2 = don't rotate mesh
            if (afb.railBakeRotationMode == 1 && combinedBounds.size.z > combinedBounds.size.x * 1.5f)
                yRot = 90;
            else if (afb.railBakeRotationMode == 0)
                yRot = afb.railUserMeshBakeRotations.y;
            if (yRot != 0)           // its length is along z instead of x, this is the most common error, so do it first
                // The worst case scenario is when you have multiple along the z-axis. They need to be mesh-rotated and GO-rotated separately, then re-aligned
                Vector3 groupCentre = combinedBounds.center;
                for (int i = 0; i < allMeshes.Count; i++)            // need to loop each set seperately so that we get the correct new bounds size
                    RotateMesh(newMeshes[i], new Vector3(0, yRot, 0), true);
                    RecentreMeshOnAxis(newMeshes[i], "z");
                    allMeshFilters[i].sharedMesh = newMeshes[i];                    // put back in to the GO
                    afb.autoRotationResults.y    = afb.railUserMeshBakeRotations.y = yRot;
                    if (afb.railBakeRotationMode == 1)
                        Debug.Log(copyGO.name + " was Auto rotated " + yRot + " on the Y axis to suit wall/rail orientation (See 'XYZ') \n");

                    thisGO = allMeshGameObjects[i];
                    Vector3 realLocalPos = thisGO.transform.position - copyGO.transform.position;
                    Vector3 newLocalPos  = RotatePointAroundPivot(realLocalPos, Vector3.zero, new Vector3(0, yRot, 0));

                    float xTrans = (-realLocalPos.x + newLocalPos.x);
                    float zTrans = (-realLocalPos.z + newLocalPos.z);
                    float x2     = (newMeshes[i].bounds.size.x / 2) * thisGO.transform.localScale.z;
                    if (yRot == 90)
                        xTrans -= x2;
                    else if (yRot == -90)
                        xTrans += x2;

                    thisGO.transform.Translate(xTrans, 0, zTrans);
                    Vector3 newLocalScale = new Vector3(thisGO.transform.localScale.z, thisGO.transform.localScale.y, thisGO.transform.localScale.x);
                    thisGO.transform.localScale = newLocalScale;

                    bounds = newMeshes[i].bounds;
                combinedBounds = GetCombinedBoundsOfAllMeshesInGameObject(copyGO, true);
            //---------- X ---------------
            if (afb.railBakeRotationMode == 1 && combinedBounds.size.z > combinedBounds.size.y * 1.99f)
                xRot = 90;
            else if (afb.railBakeRotationMode == 0)
                xRot = afb.railUserMeshBakeRotations.x;
            if (xRot != 0)           // seems to be lying on its side
                for (int i = 0; i < allMeshes.Count; i++)
                    RotateMesh(newMeshes[i], new Vector3(xRot, 0, 0), true);
                    allMeshFilters[i].sharedMesh = newMeshes[i];
                    afb.autoRotationResults.x    = afb.railUserMeshBakeRotations.x = xRot;
                    Debug.Log(copyGO.name + " was Auto rotated " + xRot + " on the X axis to suit wall/rail orientation (See 'XYZ') \n");
                combinedBounds = GetCombinedBoundsOfAllMeshesInGameObject(copyGO, true);
            //---------- Z ---------------
            if (afb.railBakeRotationMode == 1 && combinedBounds.size.y > combinedBounds.size.x * 1.99f)
                zRot = 90;
            else if (afb.railBakeRotationMode == 0)
                zRot = afb.railUserMeshBakeRotations.z;
            if (zRot != 0)            // seems to be standing up on its end
                for (int i = 0; i < allMeshes.Count; i++)
                    RotateMesh(newMeshes[i], new Vector3(0, 0, zRot), true);
                    allMeshFilters[i].sharedMesh = newMeshes[i];
                    afb.autoRotationResults.z    = afb.railUserMeshBakeRotations.z = zRot;
                    Debug.Log(copyGO.name + " was Auto rotated " + zRot + " on the Z axis to suit wall/rail orientation (See 'XYZ') \n");
                combinedBounds = GetCombinedBoundsOfAllMeshesInGameObject(copyGO, true);

        combinedBounds             = GetCombinedBoundsOfAllMeshesInGameObject(copyGO, true);
        afb.userSubMeshRailOffsets = GetRelativePositionsOfAllGameObjects(copyGO);

        //========== Create Clones and reposition the mesh vertices so pivot is central and at base  ============
        center = combinedBounds.center;
        max    = combinedBounds.max;
        float   yMove = combinedBounds.min.y;
        Vector3 scale = Vector3.zero;
        float   scaleFactorX = 3.0f / combinedBounds.size.x;                        // Set x scaling, 3 = default rail length
        float   scaleFactorZ = scaleFactorX, scalefactorY = (1 + scaleFactorX) / 2; // scalefactorY is just an average that gives useable height, no matter what the design
        float   scaleFactorHeight = 1.0f / combinedBounds.size.y;
        float   proportionXZ      = combinedBounds.size.x / combinedBounds.size.z;  // restrict the thickness to 1/3 of the length as an initial default

        if (proportionXZ < 3)
            scaleFactorZ = scaleFactorX * proportionXZ / 3;

        for (int i = 0; i < allMeshes.Count; i++)
            newMesh = newMeshes[i];
            thisGO  = allMeshGameObjects[i];
            scale   = thisGO.transform.lossyScale;

            float xShift = -newMesh.bounds.max.x;
            thisGO.transform.position += new Vector3(-max.x, 0, 0);                   // shift the transforms, so the edges are at the correct starting position
            newMesh = TranslateMesh(newMesh, new Vector3(xShift, 0, 0));              //shift the pivot
            thisGO.transform.position += new Vector3(-xShift * scale.x, 0, 0);        // move the transform again to compensate for the pivot move
            newMesh = ScaleMesh(newMesh, new Vector3(scaleFactorX, 1, scaleFactorZ)); // scale everything
            allMeshFilters[i].sharedMesh = newMesh;                                   // put back in to the GO
            float realLocalPosX = thisGO.transform.position.x - copyGO.transform.position.x;
            float maxXScaled    = newMesh.bounds.max.x * thisGO.transform.lossyScale.x;
            float newMaxXScaledAndPositioned = maxXScaled + realLocalPosX;

        //----scale the localPosition all objects that aren't the parent, to maintain the correct relationship------
        //--- Do it in a seperate loop as we need all gos, even if they're empty folders, as they may have transform offsets ----
        Transform[] allObjects = copyGO.GetComponentsInChildren <Transform>(true);        //orig
        for (int i = 0; i < allObjects.Length; i++)
            thisGO = allObjects[i].gameObject;
            if (thisGO != copyGO)
                thisGO.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(thisGO.transform.localPosition.x * scaleFactorX, thisGO.transform.localPosition.y, thisGO.transform.localPosition.z);
        //========= Remove Colliders =======================
        UpdateAllColliders(ref allMeshGameObjects);         // replaces the colliders with the newly scaled-mesh sizes
        SetEnabledStatusAllColliders(ref allMeshGameObjects, false);
        Debug.Log("Created new user Rail:  " + copyGO.name);
Пример #5
    public static GameObject CreateAFBPostFromGameObject(GameObject inGO, AutoFenceCreator afb, GameObject inRefMesh = null)
        if (inGO == null)
        //--- Instantiate a copy and zero its rotations----
        GameObject thisGO = null, copyGO = GameObject.Instantiate(inGO);

        copyGO.transform.rotation = Quaternion.identity;

        //--- Get all GameObjects/MeshFilters and Meshes in the group and calculate the combined bounds ---
        List <GameObject> allMeshGameObjects = GetAllMeshGameObjectsFromGameObject(copyGO);
        List <MeshFilter> allMeshFilters = GetAllMeshFiltersFromGameObject(copyGO);
        List <Mesh>       allMeshes = GetAllMeshesFromGameObject(copyGO);
        Bounds            combinedBounds = GetCombinedBoundsOfAllMeshesInGameObject(copyGO, true);
        Vector3           goScale = copyGO.transform.localScale, center, max, refSize = Vector3.one;
        Mesh newMesh = null;

        List <Mesh> newMeshes = new List <Mesh>();

        for (int i = 0; i < allMeshes.Count; i++)
            newMesh = DuplicateMesh(allMeshes[i]);

        //=========== Should we Rotate?  =====================
        float xRot = 0, yRot = 0, zRot = 0;

        if (afb.postBakeRotationMode == 1 || afb.postBakeRotationMode == 0)        // 0 = user custom settings, 1 = auto, 2 = don't rotate mesh
            //---------- Z ---------------
            if (afb.postBakeRotationMode == 1 && combinedBounds.size.x > combinedBounds.size.y * 1.99f)
                zRot = 90;
            else if (afb.postBakeRotationMode == 0)
                zRot = afb.postUserMeshBakeRotations.z;
            if (zRot != 0)           // its length is along z instead of x, this is the most common error, so do it first
                for (int i = 0; i < newMeshes.Count; i++)
                    RotateMesh(newMeshes[i], new Vector3(0, 0, zRot), true);
                    allMeshFilters[i].sharedMesh = newMeshes[i];
                    afb.autoRotationResults.z    = afb.railUserMeshBakeRotations.z = zRot;
                    if (afb.postBakeRotationMode == 1)
                        Debug.Log(copyGO.name + " was Auto rotated 90 on the Z axis to suit post orientation\n");
                combinedBounds = GetCombinedBoundsOfAllMeshesInGameObject(copyGO, true);
            //---------- X ---------------
            if (afb.postBakeRotationMode == 1 && combinedBounds.size.z > combinedBounds.size.y * 1.99f)
                xRot = 90;
            else if (afb.postBakeRotationMode == 0)
                xRot = afb.postUserMeshBakeRotations.x;
            if (xRot != 0)           // its length is along z instead of x, this is the most common error, so do it first
                for (int i = 0; i < newMeshes.Count; i++)
                    RotateMesh(newMeshes[i], new Vector3(xRot, 0, 0), true);
                    allMeshFilters[i].sharedMesh = newMeshes[i];
                    afb.autoRotationResults.z    = afb.railUserMeshBakeRotations.z = xRot;
                    if (afb.postBakeRotationMode == 1)
                        Debug.Log(copyGO.name + " was Auto rotated 90 on the X axis to suit post orientation\n");
                combinedBounds = GetCombinedBoundsOfAllMeshesInGameObject(copyGO, true);
            //---------- Y ---------------
            if (afb.postBakeRotationMode == 0)            // Y is only user-rotated, never Auto
                yRot = afb.postUserMeshBakeRotations.y;
            if (yRot != 0)           // its length is along z instead of x, this is the most common error, so do it first
                for (int i = 0; i < newMeshes.Count; i++)
                    RotateMesh(newMeshes[i], new Vector3(0, yRot, 0), true);
                    allMeshFilters[i].sharedMesh = newMeshes[i];
                    afb.autoRotationResults.y    = afb.railUserMeshBakeRotations.z = yRot;
                combinedBounds = GetCombinedBoundsOfAllMeshesInGameObject(copyGO, true);
        //========== Create Clones and reposition the mesh vertices so pivot is central and at base  ============
        center = combinedBounds.center;
        max    = combinedBounds.max;
        float   yMove             = combinedBounds.min.y;
        Vector3 scale             = Vector3.zero;
        float   scaleFactorHeight = 1.0f / combinedBounds.size.y;

        for (int i = 0; i < allMeshes.Count; i++)
            thisGO  = allMeshGameObjects[i];
            scale   = thisGO.transform.lossyScale;
            newMesh = newMeshes[i];
            newMesh = TranslateMesh(newMesh, new Vector3(-center.x / scale.x, -yMove / scale.y, -center.z / scale.z));
            newMesh = ScaleMesh(newMesh, new Vector3(scaleFactorHeight, scaleFactorHeight, scaleFactorHeight));              // scale everything

            allMeshFilters[i].sharedMesh = newMesh;
        //======== scale the localPosition all objects that aren't the parent, to maintain the correct relationship =====
        //Do it in a seperate loop as we need all gos, even if they're empty folders as they may have transform offsets
        Transform[] allObjects = copyGO.GetComponentsInChildren <Transform>(true);
        for (int i = 0; i < allObjects.Length; i++)
            thisGO = allObjects[i].gameObject;
            if (thisGO != copyGO)
                thisGO.transform.localPosition *= scaleFactorHeight;
        //========= Remove Colliders =======================
        UpdateAllColliders(ref allMeshGameObjects);         // replaces the colliders with the newly scaled-mesh sizes
        SetEnabledStatusAllColliders(ref allMeshGameObjects, false);
        Debug.Log("Created new user Post:  " + copyGO.name);