public void TestFunctionInsideClass()
            string code = @"
class A
	x : var;
	constructor A()
		x = 10;
	def foo : int(a : int, b : int)
		return = a + b;
	def bar : int(a : int, b : int)

            AutoCompletionHelper.Compile(code, null);
            List <AutoCompletionHelper.MethodSignature> sigs  = AutoCompletionHelper.GetMethodParameterList(17, 10, "foo", null);
            List <AutoCompletionHelper.MethodSignature> sigs2 = AutoCompletionHelper.GetMethodParameterList(17, 10, "", null);

            Assert.IsTrue(sigs.Count == 1);
            Assert.IsTrue(sigs[0].MethodName == "");
            Assert.IsTrue(sigs2.Count == 1);
            Assert.IsTrue(sigs2[0].MethodName == "");
        public void TestInsideGlobalScope()
            string code = @"
class Point
    x : var;
    y : var;
    z : var;
    constructor Point()
        x = 1;
        y = 2;
        z = 3;
    def foo : sum()
        return = x + y + z;

p = Point.Point();  // This is line 20
                    // This is line 21

            List <KeyValuePair <AutoCompletionHelper.MemberType, string> > list1 = AutoCompletionHelper.GetList(22, 1, code, "p", null);
            List <KeyValuePair <AutoCompletionHelper.MemberType, string> > list2 = AutoCompletionHelper.GetList(22, 1, code, "Point", null);

            Assert.AreEqual(4, list1.Count); // x, y, z, sum
            Assert.AreEqual(1, list2.Count); // Point
            Assert.IsTrue((list2[0].Key & AutoCompletionHelper.MemberType.Constructor) != 0);
        public void TestDoubleDotCrash002()
            string code = @"a = 2..";
            List <KeyValuePair <AutoCompletionHelper.MemberType, string> > list1 = AutoCompletionHelper.GetList(1, 6, code, ".", null);

            Assert.IsTrue(list1.Count == 0);
 private void HideFunctionSignaturePopup()
     if (null != functionSignaturePopup)
         functionSignaturePopup.IsOpen = false;
        internal bool UpdateForFunctionArgument(int line, int column, string function, int argument)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(function))

            IScriptObject activeScript = Solution.Current.ActiveScript;
            string        filePath     = activeScript.GetParsedScript().GetScriptPath();

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(filePath))
                filePath = null;

            bool updateVisual = false;

            if (currentFunctionName != function)

                signatures = AutoCompletionHelper.GetMethodParameterList(
                    line, column, function, filePath);

                currentFunctionName = function;
                updateVisual        = true;

            if (null == signatures || (signatures.Count == 0))
                return(false); // Could not retrieve any function information.
            // Update visual if there's change in argument index.
            updateVisual = (updateVisual || (this.currentArgumentIndex != argument));
            this.currentArgumentIndex = argument;

            if (false == updateVisual)
                return(true); // Visual remains the same.
            if (0 == CurrentOverload || (CurrentOverload > TotalOverloads))
                CurrentOverload = 1;


            Logger.LogInfo("AutoComplete-UpdateToolTip", GetLoggingInfo());
        public void TestNameLoopupInLanguageBlock()
            string code = @"
class Point
    private x : var;
    protected static w : var;
    y : var;
    z : var;
    constructor Point()
        x = 1;
        y = 2;
        z = 3;
    def foo : sum()
        p = Point.Point();
        // This is line 18
        return = x + y + z;

p = Point.Point();

    // This is line 27

def foo : int()
    p1 = Point.Point();
        // This is line 35
    return = 10;

            List <KeyValuePair <AutoCompletionHelper.MemberType, string> > list1 = AutoCompletionHelper.GetList(18, 1, code, "p", null);
            List <KeyValuePair <AutoCompletionHelper.MemberType, string> > list2 = AutoCompletionHelper.GetList(27, 1, code, "p", null);
            List <KeyValuePair <AutoCompletionHelper.MemberType, string> > list3 = AutoCompletionHelper.GetList(35, 1, code, "p1", null);

            Assert.AreEqual(4, list1.Count); // x, y, z, sum
            Assert.AreEqual(3, list2.Count); // y, z, sum
            Assert.AreEqual(3, list3.Count); // y, z, sum
        public void TestBasicIdentifierList()
            string code = @"
class A
    public x : var;
    public static y : var;
    private z : var;
    protected static w : var;

    public constructor A()
    public def foo : int()
        return = 10;

class B
    public a : A;
    public static b : A;
    constructor B()
b = B.B();

            List <KeyValuePair <AutoCompletionHelper.MemberType, string> > list1 = AutoCompletionHelper.GetList(25, 10, code, "this.a", null);
            List <KeyValuePair <AutoCompletionHelper.MemberType, string> > list2 = AutoCompletionHelper.GetList(25, 10, code, "B.b", null);
            List <KeyValuePair <AutoCompletionHelper.MemberType, string> > list3 = AutoCompletionHelper.GetList(29, 10, code, "b.a", null);
            List <KeyValuePair <AutoCompletionHelper.MemberType, string> > list4 = AutoCompletionHelper.GetList(29, 10, code, "B.b", null);

            Assert.IsTrue(list1.Count == 2); // Only public 'x' and 'foo'.
            Assert.IsTrue(list2.Count == 2); // Only public 'x' and 'foo'.
            Assert.IsTrue(list3.Count == 2); // Only public 'x' and 'foo'.
            Assert.IsTrue(list4.Count == 2); // Only public 'x' and 'foo'.
        public void TestBasicIdentifierList()
            string code = @"
class A
    public x : var;
    public static y : var;
    private z : var;
    protected static w : var;

    public constructor A()
    public def foo : int()
        return = 10;

class B
    public a : A;
    public static b : A;
    constructor B()
b = B.B();

            AutoCompletionHelper.Compile(code, null);
            List <AutoCompletionHelper.MethodSignature> sigs  = AutoCompletionHelper.GetMethodParameterList(30, 10, "", null);
            List <AutoCompletionHelper.MethodSignature> sigs2 = AutoCompletionHelper.GetMethodParameterList(30, 10, "", null);

            Assert.IsTrue(sigs.Count == 1);
            Assert.IsTrue(sigs[0].MethodName == "");
            Assert.IsTrue(sigs2.Count == 1);
            Assert.IsTrue(sigs2[0].MethodName == "");
        public void TestDoubleDotCrash001()
            string code = @"
class Sample
    x : var;
    constructor Sample()
        x = 10;

// S = Sample..


            List <KeyValuePair <AutoCompletionHelper.MemberType, string> > list1 = AutoCompletionHelper.GetList(11, 5, code, "Sample", null);

            Assert.IsTrue(list1.Count == 1 && list1[0].Value == "Sample");
        public void TestRankedAndMixedTypeArray01()
            string code = @"
class A
    constructor A(i){        
    def foo()

class B
    constructor B()
    def faa()
    def foo()
    static def bar()

arr = { A.A(), 1, { 2, B.B() }, 5 };//line 26

            List <KeyValuePair <AutoCompletionHelper.MemberType, string> > list1 = AutoCompletionHelper.GetList(28, 1, code, "arr", null);
            List <KeyValuePair <AutoCompletionHelper.MemberType, string> > list2 = AutoCompletionHelper.GetList(28, 1, code, "arr[0]", null);
            List <KeyValuePair <AutoCompletionHelper.MemberType, string> > list3 = AutoCompletionHelper.GetList(28, 1, code, "arr[2][1]", null);
            List <KeyValuePair <AutoCompletionHelper.MemberType, string> > list4 = AutoCompletionHelper.GetList(28, 1, code, "B", null);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, list1.Count); // foo
            Assert.AreEqual(1, list2.Count); // foo
            Assert.AreEqual(2, list3.Count); // faa,foo
            Assert.AreEqual(2, list4.Count); // B,bar
        public void TestInnerBlockCrash()
            string code =
                "[Imperative]\n" +
                "{\n" +
                "    if (0 < 10)\n" +
                "    {\n" +
                "        a = foo\n" +
                "    }\n" +
                "\n" +
                "    return = 0;\n" +

            AutoCompletionHelper.Compile(code, null);

            List <AutoCompletionHelper.MethodSignature> signatures = null;

            signatures = AutoCompletionHelper.GetMethodParameterList(4, 15, "foo", null);
            Assert.AreNotEqual(null, signatures);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, signatures.Count); // "foo" is undefined!
        public void TestRangeExpression()
            string code = @"
class Range
    constructor Expression(a : int, b : int)
        return = a + b;
    def DoNothing()

a = Range.Expression(1..5..1, 2..5..1);
b = Range.Expression(1..5..1, 2..5);

// Line #20";

            List <KeyValuePair <AutoCompletionHelper.MemberType, string> > completionList = null;

            completionList = AutoCompletionHelper.GetList(20, 1, code, "a", null);

            Assert.AreNotEqual(null, completionList);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, completionList.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual("DoNothing", completionList[0].Value);

            completionList = AutoCompletionHelper.GetList(20, 1, code, "b", null);

            Assert.AreNotEqual(null, completionList);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, completionList.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual("DoNothing", completionList[0].Value);
        /// <summary>
        /// This method is called just once at the beginning when function
        /// tool-tip is about to be displayed. It generates the necessary data
        /// ready for queries by the function tool-tip control. This data stays
        /// for as long as the tool-tip stays visible, user can go from one
        /// function to the next with arrow keys, the function signature tool-
        /// tip will highlight the corresponding argument, or be refreshed with
        /// information of a new function (e.g. when user moves the cursor from
        /// one function to the next in a nested function call). Due to this
        /// reason, this method is not function-specific, it compiles the entire
        /// source code.
        /// </summary>
        private bool GenerateCompletionDataForCallContext()
            if (AutoCompletionHelper.IsHelperReset == false)
                return(true); // There's no need to recompute.
            int[]       linesToExclude = new int[] { textCore.CursorPosition.Y };
            ITextBuffer textBuffer     = textCore.CurrentTextBuffer;
            string      partialContent = textBuffer.GetPartialContent(linesToExclude, " \n");

            if (null == AutoCompletionHelper.MessageHandler)
                AutoCompletionHelper.MessageHandler = new AutoCompleteMessageHandler(textEditorControl);

            // Clear output stream messages before attempting another compilation.
            AutoCompleteMessageHandler messageHandler = null;

            messageHandler = AutoCompletionHelper.MessageHandler as AutoCompleteMessageHandler;

            IScriptObject activeScript = Solution.Current.ActiveScript;
            string        filePath     = activeScript.GetParsedScript().GetScriptPath();

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(filePath))
                filePath = null;

            if (AutoCompletionHelper.Compile(partialContent, filePath) == false)

        public void TestInsideClassMemberFunctionScopeAndThisKeyword()
            string code = @"
class Point
    private x : var;
    protected static w : var;
    y : var;
    z : var;
    constructor Point()
        x = 1;
        y = 2;
        z = 3;
    def foo : sum()
        p = Point.Point();
        // This is line 18
        return = x + y + z;

p = Point.Point();

            List <KeyValuePair <AutoCompletionHelper.MemberType, string> > list1 = AutoCompletionHelper.GetList(18, 1, code, "Point", null);
            List <KeyValuePair <AutoCompletionHelper.MemberType, string> > list2 = AutoCompletionHelper.GetList(18, 1, code, "p", null);
            List <KeyValuePair <AutoCompletionHelper.MemberType, string> > list3 = AutoCompletionHelper.GetList(18, 1, code, "this", null);

            Assert.AreEqual(2, list1.Count); // w, Point
            Assert.AreEqual(4, list2.Count); // x, y, z, foo
            Assert.AreEqual(4, list3.Count); // x, y, z, foo
        public void TestAutoCompleteInternalMethods()
            string code = @"
class A
    constructor A(i)
    def foo()

p = A.A({ 1, 2, 3 });
q = A.A();

            List <KeyValuePair <AutoCompletionHelper.MemberType, string> > list1 = AutoCompletionHelper.GetList(14, 1, code, "p", null);
            List <KeyValuePair <AutoCompletionHelper.MemberType, string> > list2 = AutoCompletionHelper.GetList(15, 1, code, "q", null);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, list1.Count); // foo
            Assert.AreEqual(1, list2.Count); // foo
Пример #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Method to retrieve AutoComplete list and bind it to visual element
        /// </summary>
        private void DoAutoComplete(string variable)
            Logger.LogInfo("DoAutoComplete", variable);


            IScriptObject activeScript = Solution.Current.ActiveScript;
            string        filePath     = activeScript.GetParsedScript().GetScriptPath();

            if (filePath == string.Empty)
                filePath = null;

            int[]       linesToExclude = new int[] { textCore.CursorPosition.Y };
            ITextBuffer textBuffer     = textCore.CurrentTextBuffer;
            string      partialContent = textBuffer.GetPartialContent(linesToExclude, " \n");

            if (null == AutoCompletionHelper.MessageHandler)
                AutoCompletionHelper.MessageHandler = new AutoCompleteMessageHandler(textEditorControl);

            // Clear output stream messages before attempting another compilation.
            AutoCompleteMessageHandler messageHandler = null;

            messageHandler = AutoCompletionHelper.MessageHandler as AutoCompleteMessageHandler;


            // Method to contact IDECodeGen.dll to retrieve the list for AutoComplete items
            List <KeyValuePair <AutoCompletionHelper.MemberType, string> > list =
                                             textCore.CursorPosition.X, partialContent, variable, filePath);

            if (list.Count == 0)

            CharPosition position = activeScript.CreateCharPosition();

            position.SetCharacterPosition(textCore.CursorPosition.X, textCore.CursorPosition.Y);

            // Add each AutoComplete Item one at a time

            autoCompletePopup.Placement       = PlacementMode.Custom;
            autoCompletePopup.PlacementTarget = textEditorCanvas;
            autoCompletePopup.CursorPosition  = textCore.CursorPosition;
            autoCompletePopup.IsOpen          = true;

            // The focus shift is important as the AutoCompleteList will
            // be re-routing events back to the main control now.
            autoCompletePopup.Width  = autoCompleteList.Width;
            autoCompletePopup.Height = autoCompleteList.Height;
        public void TestRankedAndMixedTypeArray03()
            string code = @"
class Aaah
    constructor Oooh()
    def Yeeeah : int()
        return = 23;

class Beee
    constructor Booo()
        a = { 1.0, Aaah.Oooh() };
        // Line #20

c = { 1.0, Aaah.Oooh() };

// Line #26

            List <KeyValuePair <AutoCompletionHelper.MemberType, string> > completionList = null;

            completionList = AutoCompletionHelper.GetList(20, 1, code, "a", null);

            Assert.AreNotEqual(null, completionList);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, completionList.Count);

            completionList = AutoCompletionHelper.GetList(20, 1, code, "a[0]", null);

            Assert.AreNotEqual(null, completionList);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, completionList.Count);

            completionList = AutoCompletionHelper.GetList(20, 1, code, "a[1]", null);

            Assert.AreNotEqual(null, completionList);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, completionList.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual("Yeeeah", completionList[0].Value);

            completionList = AutoCompletionHelper.GetList(20, 1, code, "a[2]", null);

            Assert.AreNotEqual(null, completionList);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, completionList.Count);

            completionList = AutoCompletionHelper.GetList(26, 1, code, "c", null);

            Assert.AreNotEqual(null, completionList);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, completionList.Count);

            completionList = AutoCompletionHelper.GetList(26, 1, code, "c[0]", null);

            Assert.AreNotEqual(null, completionList);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, completionList.Count);

            completionList = AutoCompletionHelper.GetList(26, 1, code, "c[1]", null);

            Assert.AreNotEqual(null, completionList);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, completionList.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual("Yeeeah", completionList[0].Value);

            completionList = AutoCompletionHelper.GetList(26, 1, code, "c[2]", null);

            Assert.AreNotEqual(null, completionList);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, completionList.Count);
        public void TestClassInheritance()
            string code = @"
class Base
    public x : var;
    protected y : var;
    private z : var;
    public def foo1 : int()
        return = 10;
    protected def foo2 : int()
        return = 10;
    private def foo3 : int()
        return = 10;
    public static def foo4 : int()
        return = 10;
    protected static def foo5 : int()
        return = 10;
    private static def foo6 : int()
        return = 11;
    public constructor Base()
        // This is line 39

class Derived extends Base
    public w : var;
    public constructor Derived()
        // This is line 49
    public def bar1 : int()
        return = 101;
    protected def bar2 : int()
        return = 102;
    private def bar3 : int()
        return = 103;
    public static def bar4 : int()
        return = 104;
    protected static def bar5 : int()
        return = 105;
    private static def bar6 : int()
        return = 106;
            List <KeyValuePair <AutoCompletionHelper.MemberType, string> > list1 = AutoCompletionHelper.GetList(39, 1, code, "this", null);
            List <KeyValuePair <AutoCompletionHelper.MemberType, string> > list2 = AutoCompletionHelper.GetList(39, 1, code, "Base", null);
            List <KeyValuePair <AutoCompletionHelper.MemberType, string> > list3 = AutoCompletionHelper.GetList(49, 1, code, "this", null);
            List <KeyValuePair <AutoCompletionHelper.MemberType, string> > list4 = AutoCompletionHelper.GetList(49, 1, code, "Derived", null);

            Assert.AreEqual(6, list1.Count); // x, y, z, foo1, foo2, foo3
            Assert.AreEqual(4, list2.Count); // foo4, foo5, foo6, Base
            Assert.AreEqual(8, list3.Count); // x, y, w, foo1, foo2, bar1, bar2, bar3
            Assert.AreEqual(6, list4.Count); // foo4, foo5, bar4, bar5, bar6, Derived
        public void TestRankedAndMixedTypeArray02()
            string code = @"
class ClassOne
    constructor ByValues(values : int[])
    def DoubleTheValue : double(value : double)
        return = value * 2.0;

class ClassTwo
    luckValue : int;
    constructor ByLuck(values : int[])
        luckValue = values[0];
    def GetLuckLevel : int()
        return = luckValue;

first = ClassOne.ByValues({ 1, 2 }); // Line #28
second = ClassTwo.ByLuck({ 1, 2 });  // Line #29

abracadabra = 3;

third = { first, second, { second, first } }; // Line #33

            List <KeyValuePair <AutoCompletionHelper.MemberType, string> > completionList = null;

            completionList = AutoCompletionHelper.GetList(30, 1, code, "first", null);

            Assert.AreNotEqual(null, completionList);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, completionList.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual("DoubleTheValue", completionList[0].Value);

            completionList = AutoCompletionHelper.GetList(30, 1, code, "second", null);

            Assert.AreNotEqual(null, completionList);
            Assert.AreEqual(2, completionList.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual("luckValue", completionList[0].Value);
            Assert.AreEqual("GetLuckLevel", completionList[1].Value);

            completionList = AutoCompletionHelper.GetList(35, 1, code, "third", null);

            Assert.AreNotEqual(null, completionList);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, completionList.Count); // Type defaulted to "first" ("ClassOne").
            Assert.AreEqual("DoubleTheValue", completionList[0].Value);

            completionList = AutoCompletionHelper.GetList(35, 1, code, "third[0]", null);

            Assert.AreNotEqual(null, completionList);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, completionList.Count); // Type defaulted to "first" ("ClassOne").
            Assert.AreEqual("DoubleTheValue", completionList[0].Value);

            completionList = AutoCompletionHelper.GetList(35, 1, code, "third[1]", null);

            Assert.AreNotEqual(null, completionList);
            Assert.AreEqual(2, completionList.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual("luckValue", completionList[0].Value);
            Assert.AreEqual("GetLuckLevel", completionList[1].Value);

            completionList = AutoCompletionHelper.GetList(35, 1, code, "third[100]", null);

            Assert.AreNotEqual(null, completionList);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, completionList.Count); // Out-of-bound defaulted to "first" ("ClassOne").
            Assert.AreEqual("DoubleTheValue", completionList[0].Value);

            completionList = AutoCompletionHelper.GetList(35, 1, code, "third[2][0]", null);

            Assert.AreNotEqual(null, completionList);
            Assert.AreEqual(2, completionList.Count); // Nested "ClassTwo" type.
            Assert.AreEqual("luckValue", completionList[0].Value);
            Assert.AreEqual("GetLuckLevel", completionList[1].Value);

            completionList = AutoCompletionHelper.GetList(35, 1, code, "third[2][1]", null);

            Assert.AreNotEqual(null, completionList);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, completionList.Count); // Nested "ClassOne" type.
            Assert.AreEqual("DoubleTheValue", completionList[0].Value);

            completionList = AutoCompletionHelper.GetList(35, 1, code, "third[2][100]", null);

            Assert.AreNotEqual(null, completionList);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, completionList.Count); // Nested out-of-bound defaulted to "ClassOne" type.
            Assert.AreEqual("DoubleTheValue", completionList[0].Value);