public frmKhachDat(KhachDatBL KhachDat, AutoCompleteEntryCollection listDataAutoComplete, bool isUpdate)
     g_IsUpdate             = isUpdate;
     g_objKhachDat          = KhachDat.ParseToEntity();
     g_ListDataAutoComplete = listDataAutoComplete;
        /// <summary>
        /// hàm thực hiện lấy dữ liệu autocomplete
        /// </summary>
        private void LoadDuLieuForAutoComplete()
            if (g_ListDataAutoComplete == null)
                g_ListDataAutoComplete = new AutoCompleteEntryCollection();

            string address    = "";
            string streetAbbr = "";
            float  kd         = 0;
            float  vd         = 0;

            using (DataTable dt = new DiaDanh().GetRoadData_Autocomplete())
                if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                    int i = 1;
                    foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
                        address    = row["Street"].ToString();
                        streetAbbr = row["StreetAbbr"].ToString();
                        kd         = float.Parse(row["KinhDo"].ToString());
                        vd         = float.Parse(row["ViDo"].ToString());

                        g_ListDataAutoComplete.Add(new AutoCompleteEntry(address, kd, vd, streetAbbr));
        /// <summary>
        /// Contructor for Addnew Record
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="listDataAutoComplete">Dữ liệu danh sách địa chỉ</param>
        //public frmKhachDat(CuocGoi cuocGoi, AutoCompleteEntryCollection listDataAutoComplete)
        //    InitializeComponent();
        //    refreshForm();
        //    lblTGTiepNhan.Text = string.Format("{0:HH:mm dd/MM/yyyy}", cuocGoi.ThoiDiemGoi);
        //    g_IDCuocGoi = cuocGoi.IDCuocGoi;
        //    txtDiaChi.Text = cuocGoi.DiaChiDonKhach;
        //    txtDienThoai.Text = cuocGoi.PhoneNumber;
        //    txtDienThoai.Enabled = false;//không được sửa số điện thoại gọi đến
        //    //txtKenh.Enabled = false;
        //    //txtSoLuong.Enabled = false;
        //    txtKenh.Text = cuocGoi.Vung.ToString();
        //    if (cuocGoi.SoLuongXe == 0)
        //        txtSoLuong.Text = "1";
        //    else
        //        txtSoLuong.Text = cuocGoi.SoLuongXe.ToString();
        //    if (cuocGoi.LoaiXe == "")
        //        chkXeKI4.Checked = true;
        //    else
        //        SetThongTinLoaiXe(cuocGoi.LoaiXe);
        //    g_ListDataAutoComplete = listDataAutoComplete;


        /// <summary>
        /// Contructor for Update Record
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ID">ID for Update</param>
        /// <param name="listDataAutoComplete">Dữ liệu danh sách địa chỉ</param>
        public frmKhachDat(KhachDatBL KhachDat, AutoCompleteEntryCollection listDataAutoComplete)
            g_IsUpdate  = true;
            objKhachDat = KhachDat;
            g_ListDataAutoComplete = listDataAutoComplete;
 public static void ResetData()
     listDataAutoComplete = null;
     _DMVung_GPS          = null;
     vungToaDo            = null;
     dicCommandModule     = null;
     dicCommand           = null;
Пример #5
        public static AutoCompleteEntryCollection GetAutoCompleteItems(string formName, string controlName)
            AutoCompleteEntryCollection items = new AutoCompleteEntryCollection();

                if (xmlAutoComplete != null)
                    // Create an XmlNamespaceManager to resolve the default namespace.
                    XmlNamespaceManager nsmgr = new XmlNamespaceManager(xmlAutoComplete.NameTable);
                    nsmgr.AddNamespace("autocp", "urn:autocomplete-schema");

                    XmlElement root  = xmlAutoComplete.DocumentElement;
                    XmlNode    forms = root.SelectSingleNode("/autocp:application/autocp:forms", nsmgr);
                    if (forms != null && forms.ChildNodes.Count > 0)
                        XmlNodeList nodeList = forms[formName].ChildNodes;
                        if (nodeList != null)
                            for (int i = 0; i < nodeList.Count; i++)
                                XmlNode control = nodeList[i];
                                if (control.Name == controlName)
                                    foreach (XmlNode node in control.ChildNodes)
                                        items.Add(new AutoCompleteEntry(node.InnerText.Trim(), node.InnerText.Split(new char[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)));
Пример #6
        private void frmThongKeOnGoi_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (Memory.IsDesignMode)
            cbGiaoHo.SelectedValue = -1;
            DataTable tblNoiTu     = Memory.GetData("SELECT DISTINCT NoiTu FROM TanHien");
            DataTable tblDongTu    = Memory.GetData("SELECT DISTINCT DongTu FROM TanHien");
            DataTable tblNoiPhucVu = Memory.GetData("SELECT DISTINCT NoiPhucVu FROM TanHien");

            //Load auto complete for Noi Tu
            AutoCompleteEntryCollection Items = new AutoCompleteEntryCollection();

            foreach (DataRow row in tblNoiTu.Rows)
                Items.Add(new AutoCompleteEntry(row[TanHienConst.NoiTu].ToString(), row[TanHienConst.NoiTu].ToString().Split(new char[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)));
            txtNoiTu.TextBox.Items = Items;

            //Load auto complete for Dong Tu
            Items = new AutoCompleteEntryCollection();
            foreach (DataRow row in tblDongTu.Rows)
                Items.Add(new AutoCompleteEntry(row[TanHienConst.DongTu].ToString(), row[TanHienConst.DongTu].ToString().Split(new char[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)));
            txtDongTu.TextBox.Items = Items;

            //Load auto complete for Noi Phuc Vu
            Items = new AutoCompleteEntryCollection();
            foreach (DataRow row in tblNoiPhucVu.Rows)
                Items.Add(new AutoCompleteEntry(row[TanHienConst.NoiPhucVu].ToString(), row[TanHienConst.NoiPhucVu].ToString().Split(new char[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)));
            txtNoiPhucVu.TextBox.Items = Items;
 public frmKhachDat()
     g_ListDataAutoComplete = new AutoCompleteEntryCollection();
 public frmChenMoiMotCuocDienThoai(string lineCapPhep, AutoCompleteEntryCollection listDataAutoComplete)
     g_LinesDuocCapPhep     = lineCapPhep;
     g_ListDataAutoComplete = listDataAutoComplete;