Пример #1
        public virtual TokenResponse SVX_MakeTokenResponse(AccessTokenRequest req, AuthorizationCodeParams codeParamsHint)
            // We should only get here with req.grant_type ==
            // "authorization_code", so we don't have to worry about modeling
            // what IdP does in any other case.
            if (req.grant_type != "authorization_code")
                return(VProgram_API.Nondet <TokenResponse>());

            authorizationCodeGenerator.Verify(codeParamsHint, req.code);

            if (req.redirect_uri != codeParamsHint.redirect_uri)
                throw new Exception("Authorization code RP mismatch");

            var JwtTokenBody = MakeJwtTokenBody(req.client_id, codeParamsHint.userID);

            SVX.PayloadSecret <JwtTokenBody> id_token1 = getTokenGenerator().Generate(JwtTokenBody, SVX_Principal);
            TokenResponse TokenResponse = new TokenResponse
                id_token = id_token1,

Пример #2
        public AuthorizationResponse SVX_MakeAuthorizationResponse(AuthorizationRequest req, IdPAuthenticationEntry idpConc)
            // In the real CodeEndpoint, we would request an
            // IdPAuthenticationEntry for req.SVX_sender, but SVX doesn't know
            // that, so we have to do a concrete check.
            SVX.VProgram_API.Assert(req.SVX_sender == idpConc.channel);

            // Copy/paste: [With this expression inlined below, BCT silently mistranslated the code.]
            var theParams = new AuthorizationCodeParams
                redirect_uri = req.redirect_uri,
                userID       = idpConc.userID
            var authorizationCode = authorizationCodeGenerator.Generate(theParams, SVX_Principal);

            return(new AuthorizationResponse
                code = authorizationCode,
                state = req.state
            public AuthorizationCodeResponse SVX_MakeAuthorizationCodeResponse(AuthorizationCodeRequest req, IdPAuthenticationEntry idpConc)
                // In CodeEndpoint, we requested an IdPAuthenticationEntry for
                // req.SVX_sender, but SVX doesn't know that, so we have to do a
                // concrete check.
                VProgram_API.Assert(req.SVX_sender == idpConc.authenticatedClient);

                // With this expression inlined below, BCT silently mistranslated the code.
                var theParams = new AuthorizationCodeParams
                    rpPrincipal    = req.rpPrincipal,
                    googleUsername = idpConc.googleUsername
                var authorizationCode = authorizationCodeGenerator.Generate(theParams, googlePrincipal);

                return(new AuthorizationCodeResponse
                    authorizationCode = authorizationCode,
                    state = req.state
            public ValidationResponse SVX_MakeValidationResponse(ValidationRequest req, AuthorizationCodeParams paramsHint)
                // As long as we're using the interim implementation of
                // AssumeValidSecret that assumes the parameters of equal
                // secrets are reference equal, it's critical that we don't do
                // anything that will introduce a contradiction.  With paramsHint
                // as nondet, we should be OK for now.

                // Comment out these 2 lines to see the verification fail.
                if (paramsHint.rpPrincipal != req.rpPrincipal)
                    throw new Exception("Authorization code RP mismatch");
                authorizationCodeGenerator.Verify(paramsHint, req.authorizationCode);
                return(new ValidationResponse
                    googleUsername = paramsHint.googleUsername