public IActionResult AddReservation([FromServices] IEmailService emailservice, DateTime StartTime, DateTime EndTime, string Description, int RoomID, bool Force = false)
            if (StartTime == null || EndTime == null || Description == null)
                return(BadRequest("Fields missing"));
            if (StartTime > EndTime)
                return(BadRequest("StartTime is before EndTime"));
            var rooms = _context.Rooms.Where(x => x.Id == RoomID);

            if (!rooms.Any())
                return(BadRequest("Room does not exist"));
            var room  = rooms.First();
            var Owner = Models.User.FromClaims(User.Claims, _context);

            lock (_context.ReservationLock) //lock all intersection checking and reservation writing logic to prevent changes to the database during the checking phase
                var intersections = FindIntersections(StartTime, EndTime, room);
                if (intersections.Count() == 0) //No intersections with other reservations, add it
                    return(Ok(createreservation(StartTime, EndTime, Description, Owner, room).ToString()));
                if (!intersections.All(x => x.IsMutable == true)) //intersection with an immutable reservation
                    return(new ObjectResult("Conflict: Overlaps with an immutable reservation.")
                        StatusCode = 409
                if (!Force)
                    return(new ObjectResult("Conflict: There is overlap with existing reservations, please set 'Force' to true in your request if you wish to forcibly insert it.")
                        StatusCode = 409
                if (Authorization.AIsBOrHigher(Owner.Role, Role.ServiceDesk)) //service desk or higher can always forcibly add reservations
                    return(Ok(OverrideAddReservation(emailservice, intersections, StartTime, EndTime, Description, Owner, room).ToString()));
                var _intersectionowners      = (from x in intersections select x.Participants).SelectMany(x => x).Where(x => x.IsOwner).Select(x => x.UserID);
                var _intersectionownerLevels = (from x in _intersectionowners select _context.Users.Where(z => z.Id == x).First().Role);
                if (!_intersectionownerLevels.All(x => Authorization.AIsHigherThanB(Owner.Role, x))) //intersections with reservation from people of higher or equal level
                    return(new ObjectResult("Conflict: Overlaps with a reservation with owner of equal or higher level.")
                        StatusCode = 409
                return(Ok(OverrideAddReservation(emailservice, intersections, StartTime, EndTime, Description, Owner, room).ToString())); //intersections with reservations from people with lower level
Пример #2
 private bool CanEditReservation(Reservation reservation, User actor)
     if (reservation.Participants.Where(x => x.IsOwner).Where(x => x.UserID == actor.Id).Count() != 1)
         if (!Authorization.AIsBOrHigher(actor.Role, Role.ServiceDesk))
        public IActionResult AddParticipants([FromServices] IEmailService emailservice, List <int> userAsOwner, List <int> userAsParticipant, int reservationid)
            if (userAsParticipant == null)
                userAsParticipant = new List <int>();
            if (userAsOwner == null)
                userAsOwner = new List <int>();

            var UserIds = new List <Tuple <int, bool> >();

            foreach (var item in userAsOwner)
                UserIds.Add(new Tuple <int, bool>(item, true));
            foreach (var item in userAsParticipant)
                UserIds.Add(new Tuple <int, bool>(item, false));

            //Check if user is owner or service desk member or higher
            var owner        = Models.User.FromClaims(User.Claims, _context);
            var _reservation = _context.Reservations.Where(x => x.Id == reservationid).Include(x => x.Participants).Include(x => x.ParticipantChanges);

            if (_reservation.Count() != 1)
                return(BadRequest("Could not find reservation"));
            var reservation = _reservation.First();

            if (!Authorization.AIsBOrHigher(owner.Role, Role.ServiceDesk))
                if (reservation.Participants.Where(x => x.UserID == owner.Id).Where(x => x.IsOwner).Count() != 1)

            var users = from id in UserIds select new Tuple <User, bool>(_context.Users.Where(x => x.Id == id.Item1).FirstOrDefault(), id.Item2);

            if (!users.All(x => x.Item1 != null))
                return(BadRequest("A user could not be found"));

            foreach (var user in users)
                InviteUser(emailservice, owner, user.Item1, user.Item2, reservation);
            return(Ok("Succesfull added or updated users"));
Пример #4
        public IActionResult AddParticipants(List <Tuple <int, bool> > UserIds, int reservationid)
            //Check if user is owner or service desk member or higher
            var owner        = Models.User.FromClaims(User.Claims);
            var _reservation = _context.Reservations.Where(x => x.Id == reservationid).Include(x => x.Participants).Include(x => x.ParticipantChanges);

            if (_reservation.Count() != 1)
                Response.StatusCode = 400;
                return(Content("Could not find reservation"));
            var reservation = _reservation.First();

            if (reservation.Participants.Where(x => x.UserID == owner.Id).Where(x => x.IsOwner).Count() != 1 || Authorization.AIsBOrHigher(owner.Role, Role.ServiceDesk))
                Response.StatusCode = 401;
                return(Content("You are not the owner of this reservation, nor are you a service desk member or higher"));

            if (UserIds == null)
                Response.StatusCode = 400;
                return(Content("UserId's cannot be empty"));
            var users = from id in UserIds select new Tuple <User, bool>(_context.Users.Find(id.Item1), id.Item2);

            if (!users.All(x => x.Item1 != null))
                Response.StatusCode = 400;
                return(Content("A user could not be found"));

            foreach (var user in users)
                InviteUser(owner, user.Item1, user.Item2, reservation);
            return(Content("Succesfull added or updated users"));
Пример #5
        public IActionResult ChangeReservation(int ReservationID, DateTime?StartTime, DateTime?EndTime, string Description, int?RoomID, bool?isactive, bool Force = false)
            User actor = Models.User.FromClaims(User.Claims);
            Room room  = null;

            if (RoomID.HasValue)
                room = _context.Rooms.Find(RoomID.Value);
                if (room == null)
                    Response.StatusCode = 400;
                    return(Content("RoomID could not be found"));
            lock (ReservationLock)
                var         _reservation = _context.Reservations.Where(x => x.Id == ReservationID).Include(x => x.Participants);
                Reservation reservation  = null;
                if (_reservation.Count() != 0)
                    Response.StatusCode = 400;
                    return(Content("Reservation could not be found"));
                reservation = _reservation.First();

                if (reservation.Participants.Where(x => x.IsOwner).Where(x => x.UserID == actor.Id).Count() != 1)
                    if (!Authorization.AIsBOrHigher(actor.Role, Role.ServiceDesk))
                        Response.StatusCode = 401;
                        return(Content("You are not an owner of this reservation, nor are you a service desk employee or higher."));

                var reservationchange = reservation.GenerateChangeCopy(actor);

                DateTime start;
                if (StartTime.HasValue)
                    start = StartTime.Value;
                    start = reservation.StartDate;
                DateTime end;
                if (EndTime.HasValue)
                    end = EndTime.Value;
                    end = reservation.EndDate;

                if (start > end)
                    Response.StatusCode = 400;
                    return(Content("Startdate cannot come before end date"));

                var intersections = FindIntersections(start, end);
                if (intersections.Count() <= 1)
                    return(_ChangeReservation(isactive, reservation, start, end, room, Description, reservationchange));
                    intersections = intersections.Where(x => x.Id != reservation.Id); //remove self
                    if (!Force)
                        Response.StatusCode = 400;
                        return(Content("There is overlap with existing reservations, please set 'Force' to true in your request if you wish to forcibly insert it."));
                    if (Authorization.AIsBOrHigher(actor.Role, Role.ServiceDesk)) //service desk or higher can always forcibly change reservations
                        return(_ForceChangeReservation(isactive, reservation, start, end, room, Description, reservationchange, actor, intersections));
                    var _intersectionowners      = (from x in intersections select x.Participants).SelectMany(x => x).Where(x => x.IsOwner).Select(x => x.UserID);
                    var _intersectionownerLevels = (from x in _intersectionowners select _context.Users.Find(x).Role);
                    if (!_intersectionownerLevels.All(x => Authorization.AIsHigherThanB(actor.Role, x))) //intersections with reservation from people of higher or equal level
                        Response.StatusCode = 400;
                        return(Content("Overlaps with a reservation with owner of equal or higher level."));
                    return(_ForceChangeReservation(isactive, reservation, start, end, room, Description, reservationchange, actor, intersections)); //intersections with reservations from people with lower level
Пример #6
        public IActionResult RemoveParticipants(List <int> UserIds, int reservationid)
            var owner        = Models.User.FromClaims(User.Claims);
            var _reservation = _context.Reservations.Where(x => x.Id == reservationid).Include(x => x.Participants).Include(x => x.ParticipantChanges);

            if (_reservation.Count() != 1)
                Response.StatusCode = 400;
                return(Content("Could not find reservation"));
            var reservation = _reservation.First();

            if (reservation.Participants.Where(x => x.UserID == owner.Id).Where(x => x.IsOwner).Count() != 1 || Authorization.AIsBOrHigher(owner.Role, Role.ServiceDesk))
                Response.StatusCode = 401;
                return(Content("You are not the owner of this reservation, nor are you a service desk member or higher"));

            if (UserIds == null)
                Response.StatusCode = 400;
                return(Content("UserId's cannot be empty"));
            var users = from id in UserIds select _context.Users.Find(id);

            if (!users.All(x => x != null))
                Response.StatusCode = 400;
                return(Content("A user could not be found"));

            foreach (var user in users)
                RemoveUser(owner, user, reservation);
        public IActionResult ChangeReservation([FromServices] IEmailService emailservice, int ReservationID, DateTime?StartTime, DateTime?EndTime, string Description, int?RoomID, bool?isactive, bool Force = false)
            User actor = Models.User.FromClaims(User.Claims, _context);
            Room room  = null;

            if (RoomID.HasValue)
                var rooms = _context.Rooms.Where(x => x.Id == RoomID.Value);
                if (!rooms.Any())
                    return(BadRequest("RoomID could not be found"));
                room = rooms.First();
            lock (_context.ReservationLock)
                var         _reservation = _context.Reservations.Where(x => x.Id == ReservationID).Include(x => x.Participants).Include(x => x.Room);
                Reservation reservation  = null;
                if (_reservation.Count() == 0)
                    return(BadRequest("Reservation could not be found"));
                reservation = _reservation.First();
                if (room == null)
                    room = reservation.Room;

                if (reservation.Participants.Where(x => x.IsOwner).Where(x => x.UserID == actor.Id).Count() != 1)
                    if (!Authorization.AIsBOrHigher(actor.Role, Role.ServiceDesk))

                var reservationchange = reservation.GenerateChangeCopy(actor);

                DateTime start;
                if (StartTime.HasValue)
                    start = StartTime.Value;
                    start = reservation.StartDate;
                DateTime end;
                if (EndTime.HasValue)
                    end = EndTime.Value;
                    end = reservation.EndDate;

                if (start > end)
                    return(BadRequest("Startdate cannot come before end date"));

                var intersections = FindIntersections(start, end, room);
                if (intersections.Count() <= 0)
                    return(_ChangeReservation(emailservice, actor, isactive, reservation, start, end, room, Description, reservationchange));
                else if (intersections.Count() == 1 && intersections.First() == reservation)
                    return(_ChangeReservation(emailservice, actor, isactive, reservation, start, end, room, Description, reservationchange));
                    intersections = intersections.Where(x => x.Id != reservation.Id); //remove self
                    if (!Force)
                        return(new ObjectResult("Conflict: There is overlap with existing reservations, please set 'Force' to true in your request if you wish to forcibly insert it.")
                            StatusCode = 409
                    if (Authorization.AIsBOrHigher(actor.Role, Role.ServiceDesk)) //service desk or higher can always forcibly change reservations
                        return(_ForceChangeReservation(emailservice, isactive, reservation, start, end, room, Description, reservationchange, actor, intersections));
                    var isOwnerOfIntersections   = intersections.Select(x => x.Participants.Select(z => z.UserID).Contains(actor.Id)).All(x => x);
                    var _intersectionowners      = (from x in intersections select x.Participants).SelectMany(x => x).Where(x => x.IsOwner).Select(x => x.UserID);
                    var _intersectionownerLevels = (from x in _intersectionowners select _context.Users.Where(z => z.Id == x).First().Role);
                    if (isOwnerOfIntersections || _intersectionownerLevels.All(x => Authorization.AIsHigherThanB(actor.Role, x)))                                     //intersections with reservation from people of higher or equal level
                        return(_ForceChangeReservation(emailservice, isactive, reservation, start, end, room, Description, reservationchange, actor, intersections)); //intersections with reservations from people with lower level
        public IActionResult RemoveParticipants([FromServices] IEmailService emailservice, List <int> UserIds, int reservationid)
            var owner        = Models.User.FromClaims(User.Claims, _context);
            var _reservation = _context.Reservations.Where(x => x.Id == reservationid).Include(x => x.Participants).Include(x => x.ParticipantChanges);

            if (_reservation.Count() != 1)
                return(BadRequest("Could not find reservation"));
            var reservation = _reservation.First();

            if (reservation.Participants.Where(x => x.UserID == owner.Id).Where(x => x.IsOwner).Count() != 1 || Authorization.AIsBOrHigher(owner.Role, Role.ServiceDesk))

            if (UserIds == null)
                return(BadRequest("UserId's cannot be empty"));
            var users = from id in UserIds select _context.Users.Where(x => x.Id == id).FirstOrDefault();

            if (!users.All(x => x != null))
                return(BadRequest("A user could not be found"));

            foreach (var user in users)
                RemoveUser(emailservice, owner, user, reservation);