static void Main(string[] args) { Chatter bob = new TextChatter("Bob"); Chatter joe = new TextChatter("Joe"); TopicsManager gt = new TextGestTopics(); gt.CreateTopic("java"); gt.CreateTopic("UML"); gt.ListTopics(); gt.CreateTopic("jeux"); gt.ListTopics(); Chatroom cr = gt.JoinTopic("jeux"); cr.Join(bob); cr.Post("Je suis seul ou quoi ?", bob); cr.Join(joe); cr.Post("Tiens, salut Joe !", bob); cr.Post("Toi aussi tu chat sur les forums de jeux pendant les TP,Bob ? ", joe); AuthentificationManager am = new Authentification(); // users management try { am.AddUser("bob", "123"); Console.WriteLine("Bob has been added !"); am.RemoveUser("bob"); Console.WriteLine("Bob has been removed !"); am.RemoveUser("bob"); Console.WriteLine("Bob has been removes twice !"); } catch (UserUnknownException e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Login + " : user unknown (enable to remove)!"); } catch (UserExistsException e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Login + " has already been added !"); } // authentification try { am.AddUser("bob", "123"); Console.WriteLine("Bob has been added !"); am.Authentify("bob", "123"); Console.WriteLine("Authentification OK !"); am.Authentify("bob", "456"); Console.WriteLine("Invalid password !"); } catch (WrongPasswordException e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Login + " has provided an invalid password !"); } catch (UserExistsException e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Login + " has already been added !"); } catch (UserUnknownException e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Login + " : user unknown (enable to remove)!"); } // persistance try { am.Save("users.txt"); AuthentificationManager am1 = new Authentification(); am1.Load("users.txt"); am1.Authentify("bob", "123"); Console.WriteLine("Loading complete !"); } catch (UserUnknownException e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Login + " is unknown ! error during the saving / loading."); } catch (WrongPasswordException e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Login + " has provided an invalid password!error during the saving / loading."); } catch (IOException e) { Console.WriteLine(e); } Console.ReadLine(); }