Пример #1
    public void LoadDLG(AuroraDLG dlg)
        // Clear the graph

        Dictionary <AuroraDLG.AEntry, XNode.Node> entries = new Dictionary <AuroraDLG.AEntry, XNode.Node>();
        Dictionary <AuroraDLG.AReply, XNode.Node> replies = new Dictionary <AuroraDLG.AReply, XNode.Node>();

        Dictionary <(AuroraDLG.AEntry, AuroraDLG.AEntry.AReplies), XNode.Node> entryReplies = new Dictionary <(AuroraDLG.AEntry, AuroraDLG.AEntry.AReplies), XNode.Node>();
        Dictionary <(AuroraDLG.AReply, AuroraDLG.AReply.AEntries), XNode.Node> replyEntries = new Dictionary <(AuroraDLG.AReply, AuroraDLG.AReply.AEntries), XNode.Node>();

        // Add all entry nodes
        foreach (AuroraDLG.AEntry entry in dlg.EntryList)
            entries[entry] = AddNode <EntryNode>();
            ((EntryNode)entries[entry]).entry = entry;

        // Add all reply nodes
        foreach (AuroraDLG.AReply reply in dlg.ReplyList)
            replies[reply] = AddNode <ReplyNode>();
            ((ReplyNode)replies[reply]).reply = reply;

        // Add all the edges
        foreach (AuroraDLG.AEntry entry in dlg.EntryList)
            foreach (AuroraDLG.AEntry.AReplies reply in entry.RepliesList)
                // Create a new EntryToReply node
                EntryToReply e2r = AddNode <EntryToReply>();
                e2r.e2r = reply;
                entryReplies[(entry, reply)] = e2r;
Пример #2
    public void LoadDLG(AuroraDLG dlg)
        curEntry = null;
        curReply = null;

        this.dlg = dlg;
        mode     = DialogState.STARTING;
Пример #3
 void LoadFile()
     loadLoc = EditorUtility.OpenFilePanel("Load LIP file", "", "");
     using (FileStream stream = new FileStream(loadLoc, FileMode.Open))
         dlg = (AuroraDLG) new GFFLoader(stream).GetObject().Serialize <AuroraDLG>();
Пример #4
    public void LoadDLGFromFile()
        // Ask for a filename
        string filename = EditorUtility.OpenFilePanel("Select a DLG file", "", "");

        using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Open))
            AuroraDLG dlg = (AuroraDLG) new GFFLoader(fs).GetObject().Serialize <AuroraDLG>();
Пример #5
    void StartDialog(AuroraDLG dlg, AuroraObject owner)
        // TODO: Find the appropriate starting point by running
        // the relevant NCS scripts
        dialogue = dlg;

        if (owner.GetType() == typeof(Creature))

        AuroraDLG.AStarting starter = null;
        foreach (AuroraDLG.AStarting option in dlg.StartingList)
            string scriptName = option.Active;
            if (scriptName == "")
                starter = option;
            if (stateManager.RunConditionalScript(scriptName, owner) > 0)
                starter = option;

        if (starter == null)
            // Could not find a starter
            throw new System.Exception("Failed to find a successful starting option for dialog");

        AuroraDLG.AEntry startEntry = dlg.EntryList[(int)starter.Index];

        Debug.Log("Start entry: " + startEntry);

        curEntry = startEntry;

        if (curEntry.Script != "")
            stateManager.RunScript(curEntry.Script, owner);

        curMode = DialogMode.NPC;

        this.owner = owner;
Пример #6
    public void StartDialog(string resref, AuroraObject owner)
        Debug.Log("Starting dialog " + resref);
        AuroraDLG dlg = AuroraEngine.Resources.LoadDialogue(resref);

        // Create the camera model if one exists for this dialog
        if (dlg.CameraModel != null && dlg.CameraModel != "")
            if (cameraModel != null)
            cameraModel = AuroraEngine.Resources.LoadModel(dlg.CameraModel);

        StartDialog(dlg, owner);
Пример #7
    void SaveFile()
        AuroraDLG transitionDLG = CreateTransitionDLG();
        //string transitionNSS = GenerateScript();

        string saveLoc = EditorUtility.SaveFolderPanel("Choose Output Folder", "", "");

        string filename = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(loadLoc);
        string ext      = Path.GetExtension(loadLoc);

        string new_filename = TrimPath(12) + "aivo";

        KModuleEditor.CreateGFFFile(saveLoc + "\\", new_filename, dlg, "dlg");
        KModuleEditor.CreateGFFFile(saveLoc + "\\", filename, transitionDLG, "dlg");
        //File.WriteAllText(saveLoc + "\\" + filename + "_s.nss", transitionNSS);
Пример #8
    void ConvertDLG(string filepath, string outpath)
        // Takes a DLG file and converts it to PCVO

        // Load the DLG
        loadLoc = filepath;
        using (FileStream stream = new FileStream(loadLoc, FileMode.Open))
            dlg = (AuroraDLG) new GFFLoader(stream).GetObject().Serialize <AuroraDLG>();

        // Make the conversions
        AuroraDLG transitionDLG = CreateTransitionDLG();

        string new_filename = TrimPath(12) + "aivo";

        // Save the files
        KModuleEditor.CreateGFFFile(Path.GetDirectoryName(outpath) + "/" + new_filename + ".dlg", "", dlg, "");
        KModuleEditor.CreateGFFFile(outpath, "", transitionDLG, "");
Пример #9
    AuroraDLG CreateTransitionDLG()
        // The transition DLG consists of a single entry, which
        // runs a script that starts the new dialog
        AuroraDLG transitionDLG = new AuroraDLG();

        transitionDLG.EntryList.Add(new AuroraDLG.AEntry()
            structid = 0,
            Text     = new GFFObject.CExoLocString()
                stringref = 4294967295
            Script          = "aivo_start",
            ActionParamStrA = TrimPath(12) + "aivo"
        transitionDLG.StartingList.Add(new AuroraDLG.AStarting()
            structid = 0,
            Index    = 0

Пример #10
        public static AuroraDLG LoadDialogue(string resref)
            AuroraDLG ad = data.Get <AuroraDLG>(resref, ResourceType.DLG);
