Пример #1
        protected override void InitNpcData()
            Name            = "Frost Mage";
            ModelPrefab     = Resources.Load <GameObject>("Prefabs/Npcs/Elves/FrostMage");
            HealthBarOffset = 0.4f;

            Rarity  = Rarities.Rare;
            Faction = FactionNames.Elves;

            var auraAttrEffect = new AttributeEffect(-0.25f, AttributeName.AttackSpeed, AttributeEffectType.PercentMul, this);

            AuraEffects.Add(new AuraEffect(auraAttrEffect, true, false));
Пример #2
        protected override void InitNpcData()
            Name            = "Dwarf Tax Collector";
            ModelPrefab     = Resources.Load <GameObject>("Prefabs/Npcs/Dwarfs/DwarfTaxCollector");
            HealthBarOffset = 0.4f;

            Rarity  = Rarities.Rare;
            Faction = FactionNames.Dwarfs;

            var effect    = new AttributeEffect(0.5f, AttributeName.MovementSpeed, AttributeEffectType.PercentAdd, this);
            var speedAura = new AuraEffect(effect, false, true);

Пример #3
        public override void InitTowerData()
            Name     = "Frost Emitter";
            Faction  = FactionNames.Elves;
            Rarity   = Rarities.Rare;
            GoldCost = GameSettings.BaselineTowerPrice[Rarity];

            Description = "A tower that slows nearby creeps by 25% and deals continous damage to them.";

            Icon        = Resources.Load <Sprite>("UI/Icons/Towers/Elves/Emitter");
            ModelPrefab = Resources.Load <GameObject>("Prefabs/TowerModels/Banner");
            AuraEffects.Add(new AuraEffect(
                                attributeEffect: new AttributeEffect(-0.25f, AttributeName.MovementSpeed, AttributeEffectType.PercentMul, this),
                                affectsTowers: false,
                                affectsNpcs: true));

            WeaponHeight = 1;
Пример #4
        public override void InitTowerData()
            Name     = "War Banner";
            Faction  = FactionNames.Orcs;
            Rarity   = Rarities.Rare;
            GoldCost = GameSettings.BaselineTowerPrice[Rarity];

            Description = "A War Banner that increases the damage of nearby towers. This tower does not attack!";

            Icon        = Resources.Load <Sprite>("UI/Icons/Towers/Orcs/Banner");
            ModelPrefab = Resources.Load <GameObject>("Prefabs/TowerModels/Banner");
            AuraEffects.Add(new AuraEffect(
                                attributeEffect: new AttributeEffect(0.25f, AttributeName.AttackDamage, AttributeEffectType.PercentMul, this),
                                affectsTowers: true,
                                affectsNpcs: false));

            WeaponHeight = 1;