Пример #1
        public void MainMethodCode()
            Uri arcgisOnlineURL = new Uri("http://services1.arcgis.com/47GG2ga246DGaLwa/arcgis/rest/services/FeatureServiceName/FeatureServer");

            ServiceConnectionProperties arcGISOnline = new ServiceConnectionProperties(arcgisOnlineURL);

            using (Geodatabase featureService = new Geodatabase(arcGISOnline))
                using (FeatureClass featureClass = featureService.OpenDataset <FeatureClass>("0"))
                    // Use the feature class opened from layer ID 0.

                using (Table table = featureService.OpenDataset <Table>("4"))
                    // Use the table opened from layer ID 4.

                using (AttributedRelationshipClass attributedRelationshipClass = featureService.OpenDataset <AttributedRelationshipClass>("5"))
                    // Use the attributed relationship class opened from layer ID 5.

                    string idOfLayerWhichIsNotTable = "3";
                    featureService.OpenDataset <Table>(idOfLayerWhichIsNotTable);
                catch (InvalidOperationException)
                    // Handle Exception.
        /// <summary>
        /// Since the LocalGovernment Geodatabase does not have AttributedRelationshipClasses, the following method illustrates the behavior
        /// if such a dataset existed.
        /// </summary>
        public void MainMethodCode()
            // Opening a Non-Versioned SQL Server instance.

            DatabaseConnectionProperties connectionProperties = new DatabaseConnectionProperties(EnterpriseDatabaseType.SQLServer)
                AuthenticationMode = AuthenticationMode.DBMS,

                // Where testMachine is the machine where the instance is running and testInstance is the name of the SqlServer instance.
                Instance = @"testMachine\testInstance",

                // Provided that a database called LocalGovernment has been created on the testInstance and geodatabase has been enabled on the database.
                Database = "LocalGovernment",

                // Provided that a login called gdb has been created and corresponding schema has been created with the required permissions.
                User     = "******",
                Password = "******",
                Version  = "dbo.DEFAULT"

            using (Geodatabase geodatabase = new Geodatabase(connectionProperties))
                using (AttributedRelationshipClass attributedRelationshipClass = geodatabase.OpenDataset <AttributedRelationshipClass>("LocalGovernment.GDB.ParcelToBuilding"))
                    using (FeatureClass parcelFeatureClass = geodatabase.OpenDataset <FeatureClass>("LocalGovernment.GDB.Parcel"))
                        using (FeatureClass buildingFeatureClass = geodatabase.OpenDataset <FeatureClass>("LocalGovernment.GDB.Building"))
                            QueryFilter parcelQueryFilter = new QueryFilter {
                                WhereClause = "APN = 1234 OR APN = 5678"
                            QueryFilter buildingQueryFilter = new QueryFilter {
                                WhereClause = "BUILDID = 4321 OR BUILDID = 8765"

                            Selection parcelsSelection  = parcelFeatureClass.Select(parcelQueryFilter, SelectionType.ObjectID, SelectionOption.Normal);
                            Selection buildingSelection = buildingFeatureClass.Select(buildingQueryFilter, SelectionType.ObjectID, SelectionOption.Normal);

                            IReadOnlyList <AttributedRelationship> relationshipsForOrigin      = null;
                            IReadOnlyList <AttributedRelationship> relationshipsForDestination = null;

                                relationshipsForOrigin      = attributedRelationshipClass.GetRelationshipsForOriginRows(parcelsSelection.GetObjectIDs());
                                relationshipsForDestination = attributedRelationshipClass.GetRelationshipsForDestinationRows(buildingSelection.GetObjectIDs());
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Since the LocalGovernment Geodatabase does not have AttributedRelationshipClasses, the following method illustrates the behavior
        /// if such a dataset existed.
        /// </summary>
        public async Task MainMethodCode()
            // Opening a Non-Versioned SQL Server instance.

            DatabaseConnectionProperties connectionProperties = new DatabaseConnectionProperties(EnterpriseDatabaseType.SQLServer)
                AuthenticationMode = AuthenticationMode.DBMS,

                // Where testMachine is the machine where the instance is running and testInstance is the name of the SqlServer instance.
                Instance = @"testMachine\testInstance",

                // Provided that a database called LocalGovernment has been created on the testInstance and geodatabase has been enabled on the database.
                Database = "LocalGovernment",

                // Provided that a login called gdb has been created and corresponding schema has been created with the required permissions.
                User     = "******",
                Password = "******",
                Version  = "dbo.DEFAULT"

            using (Geodatabase geodatabase = new Geodatabase(connectionProperties))
                using (AttributedRelationshipClass attributedRelationshipClass = geodatabase.OpenDataset <AttributedRelationshipClass>("LocalGovernment.GDB.ParcelToBuilding"))
                    using (FeatureClass parcelFeatureClass = geodatabase.OpenDataset <FeatureClass>("LocalGovernment.GDB.Parcel"))
                        using (FeatureClass buildingFeatureClass = geodatabase.OpenDataset <FeatureClass>("LocalGovernment.GDB.Building"))
                            RowCursor parcelsCursor = parcelFeatureClass.Search(new QueryFilter {
                                WhereClause = "APN = 5678"
                            }, false);
                            Row parcelFeature = parcelsCursor.Current;

                            RowCursor buildingsCursor = buildingFeatureClass.Search(new QueryFilter {
                                WhereClause = "BUILDID = 4321"
                            }, false);
                            Row buildingFeature = buildingsCursor.Current;

                                EditOperation editOperation = new EditOperation();
                                editOperation.Callback(context =>
                                    // Assuming such a relationship exists.
                                    attributedRelationshipClass.DeleteRelationship(parcelFeature, buildingFeature);
                                }, attributedRelationshipClass);

                                bool executeResult = editOperation.Execute();

                                bool saveResult = await Project.Current.SaveEditsAsync();

                                IReadOnlyList <AttributedRelationship> relationshipsForOriginRows = attributedRelationshipClass.GetRelationshipsForOriginRows(
                                    new List <long> {

                                // This will be null.
                                AttributedRelationship newlyAddedRelationship = relationshipsForOriginRows.FirstOrDefault(relationship =>
                                                                                                                          relationship.GetDestinationRow().GetObjectID() == buildingFeature.GetObjectID());

                                if (parcelFeature != null)


                                if (buildingFeature != null)