Пример #1
 public static void PersistCorpus(CdmCorpusDefinition cdmCorpus, AttributeResolutionDirectiveSet directives, CopyOptions options = null)
     if (cdmCorpus?.ChildFolders?.Count == 1)
         PersistCorpusFolder(cdmCorpus.RootPath, cdmCorpus.ChildFolders[0], directives, options);
Пример #2
        public async Task ResolveCorpus()
            Assert.IsTrue(Directory.Exists(Path.GetFullPath(SchemaDocsRoot)), "SchemaDocsRoot not found!!!");

            var cdmCorpus = new CdmCorpusDefinition();

            cdmCorpus.SetEventCallback(new EventCallback {
                Invoke = CommonDataModelLoader.ConsoleStatusReport
            }, CdmStatusLevel.Warning);

            Console.WriteLine("reading source files");

            var watch = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            cdmCorpus.Storage.Mount("local", new LocalAdapter(SchemaDocsRoot));
            var manifest = await cdmCorpus.FetchObjectAsync <CdmManifestDefinition>(TestHelper.CdmStandardSchemaPath);

            var directives = new AttributeResolutionDirectiveSet(new HashSet <string> {
                "normalized", "referenceOnly"
            await EntityResolutionTests.ListAllResolved(cdmCorpus, directives, manifest);

            Assert.Performance(70000, watch.ElapsedMilliseconds);
Пример #3
        public async static Task ListAllResolved(CdmCorpusDefinition cdmCorpus, AttributeResolutionDirectiveSet directives, CdmManifestDefinition manifest, StringSpewCatcher spew = null)
            ISet <string> seen = new HashSet <string>();
            Func <CdmManifestDefinition, Task> seekEntities = null;

            seekEntities = async(CdmManifestDefinition f) =>
                if (f.Entities != null)
                    if (spew != null)
                    // manifest.Entities.ForEach(async entity =>
                    foreach (CdmEntityDeclarationDefinition entity in f.Entities)
                        string corpusPath;
                        CdmEntityDeclarationDefinition ent = entity;
                        CdmObject currentFile = f;
                        while (ent is CdmReferencedEntityDeclarationDefinition)
                            corpusPath = cdmCorpus.Storage.CreateAbsoluteCorpusPath(ent.EntityPath, currentFile);
                            ent        = await cdmCorpus.FetchObjectAsync <CdmReferencedEntityDeclarationDefinition>(corpusPath);

                            currentFile = (CdmObject)ent;
                        corpusPath = cdmCorpus.Storage.CreateAbsoluteCorpusPath(((CdmLocalEntityDeclarationDefinition)ent).EntityPath, currentFile);
                        var newEnt = await cdmCorpus.FetchObjectAsync <CdmEntityDefinition>(corpusPath);

                        ResolveOptions resOpt = new ResolveOptions()
                            WrtDoc = newEnt.InDocument, Directives = directives
                        ResolvedEntity resEnt = new ResolvedEntity(resOpt, newEnt);
                        if (spew != null)
                            resEnt.Spew(resOpt, spew, " ", true);
                if (f.SubManifests != null)
                    // folder.SubManifests.ForEach(async f =>
                    foreach (CdmManifestDeclarationDefinition subManifest in f.SubManifests)
                        string corpusPath = cdmCorpus.Storage.CreateAbsoluteCorpusPath(subManifest.Definition, f);
                        await seekEntities(await cdmCorpus.FetchObjectAsync <CdmManifestDefinition>(corpusPath));
            await seekEntities(manifest);

            if (spew != null)
                File.WriteAllText(@"c:\temp\allResolved.txt", spew.GetContent(), Encoding.UTF8);
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Resolve the entities in the given manifest.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="testsSubPath">Tests sub-folder name</param>
        /// <param name="testName">The name of the test. It is used to decide the path of input / output files. </param>
        /// <parameter name="manifestName">The name of the manifest to be used. </parameter>
        /// <returns> The resolved entities. </returns>
        internal static async Task <string> ResolveEnvironment(string testsSubPath, string testName, string manifestName)
            var cdmCorpus = TestHelper.GetLocalCorpus(testsSubPath, testName);
            var manifest  = await cdmCorpus.FetchObjectAsync <CdmManifestDefinition>($"local:/{manifestName}.manifest.cdm.json");

            var directives = new AttributeResolutionDirectiveSet(new HashSet <string> {
                "normalized", "referenceOnly"

            return(await ListAllResolved(cdmCorpus, directives, manifest, new StringSpewCatcher()));
Пример #5
        public async Task ResolveEntities()
            var cdmCorpus = new CdmCorpusDefinition();

            var testInputPath = TestHelper.GetInputFolderPath(testsSubpath, "TestResolveEntities");

            cdmCorpus.RootPath = testInputPath;
            cdmCorpus.Storage.Mount("local", new LocalAdapter(testInputPath));
            cdmCorpus.Storage.DefaultNamespace = "local";
            var entities = await this.GetAllEntities(cdmCorpus);

            var entityResolutionTimes = new List <Tuple <string, long> >();

            foreach (var data in entities)
                var entity     = data.Item1;
                var doc        = data.Item2;
                var directives = new AttributeResolutionDirectiveSet(new HashSet <string> {
                    "normalized", "referenceOnly"
                var resOpt = new ResolveOptions {
                    WrtDoc = doc, Directives = directives
                var watch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
                await entity.CreateResolvedEntityAsync($"{entity.GetName()}_", resOpt); watch.Stop();
                entityResolutionTimes.Add(Tuple.Create(entity.AtCorpusPath, watch.ElapsedMilliseconds));

            entityResolutionTimes.Sort((lhs, rhs) =>
                var diff = rhs.Item2 - lhs.Item2;
                return(diff == 0 ? 0 : diff < 0 ? -1 : 1);

            foreach (var data in entityResolutionTimes)

            Assert.Performance(1000, entityResolutionTimes[0].Item2);
            var total = entityResolutionTimes.Sum(data => data.Item2);

            Assert.Performance(5000, total);
Пример #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Resolve the entities in the given manifest.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="testName">The name of the test. It is used to decide the path of input / output files. </param>
        /// <parameter name="manifestName">The name of the manifest to be used. </parameter>
        /// <returns> The resolved entities. </returns>
        private async Task <string> ResolveEnvironment(string testName, string manifestName)
            var cdmCorpus = new CdmCorpusDefinition();

            cdmCorpus.SetEventCallback(new EventCallback {
                Invoke = CommonDataModelLoader.ConsoleStatusReport
            }, CdmStatusLevel.Warning);
            var testLocalAdapter = this.CreateStorageAdapterConfigForTest(testName);

            cdmCorpus.Storage.Mount("local", testLocalAdapter);

            var manifest = await cdmCorpus.FetchObjectAsync <CdmManifestDefinition>($"local:/{manifestName}.manifest.cdm.json");

            var directives = new AttributeResolutionDirectiveSet(new HashSet <string> {
                "normalized", "referenceOnly"

            return(await ListAllResolved(cdmCorpus, directives, manifest, new StringSpewCatcher()));
Пример #7
        public async Task TestResolveTestCorpus()
            Assert.IsTrue(Directory.Exists(Path.GetFullPath(SchemaDocsPath)), "SchemaDocsRoot not found!!!");

            var cdmCorpus = new CdmCorpusDefinition();

            cdmCorpus.SetEventCallback(new EventCallback {
                Invoke = CommonDataModelLoader.ConsoleStatusReport
            }, CdmStatusLevel.Warning);

            cdmCorpus.Storage.Mount("local", new LocalAdapter(SchemaDocsPath));
            var manifest = await cdmCorpus.FetchObjectAsync <CdmManifestDefinition>(TestHelper.CdmStandardSchemaPath) as CdmManifestDefinition;

            var directives = new AttributeResolutionDirectiveSet(new HashSet <string> {
                "normalized", "referenceOnly"
            var allResolved = await ListAllResolved(cdmCorpus, directives, manifest, new StringSpewCatcher());

Пример #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a resolved copy of the manifest.
        /// newEntityDocumentNameFormat specifies a pattern to use when creating documents for resolved entites.
        /// The default is "{f}resolved/{n}.cdm.json" to avoid a document name conflict with documents in the same folder as the manifest.
        /// Every instance of the string {n} is replaced with the entity name from the source manifest.
        /// Every instance of the string {f} is replaced with the folder path from the source manifest to the source entity
        /// (if there is one that is possible as a relative location, else nothing).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="newManifestName"></param>
        /// <param name="newEntityDocumentNameFormat"></param>
        /// <param name="Directives"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task <CdmManifestDefinition> CreateResolvedManifestAsync(string newManifestName, string newEntityDocumentNameFormat, AttributeResolutionDirectiveSet Directives = null)
            using (Logger.EnterScope(nameof(CdmManifestDefinition), Ctx, nameof(CreateResolvedManifestAsync)))
                if (this.Entities == null)
                if (this.Folder == null)
                    Logger.Error(this.Ctx as ResolveContext, Tag, nameof(CreateResolvedManifestAsync), this.AtCorpusPath, CdmLogCode.ErrResolveManifestFailed, this.ManifestName);

                if (newEntityDocumentNameFormat == null)
                    newEntityDocumentNameFormat = "{f}resolved/{n}.cdm.json";
                else if (newEntityDocumentNameFormat == "") // for back compat
                    newEntityDocumentNameFormat = "{n}.cdm.json";
                else if (!newEntityDocumentNameFormat.Contains("{n}")) // for back compat
                    newEntityDocumentNameFormat = newEntityDocumentNameFormat + "/{n}.cdm.json";

                string sourceManifestPath       = this.Ctx.Corpus.Storage.CreateAbsoluteCorpusPath(this.AtCorpusPath, this);
                string sourceManifestFolderPath = this.Ctx.Corpus.Storage.CreateAbsoluteCorpusPath(this.Folder.AtCorpusPath, this);

                int resolvedManifestPathSplit = newManifestName.LastIndexOf("/") + 1;
                CdmFolderDefinition resolvedManifestFolder;
                if (resolvedManifestPathSplit > 0)
                    var resolvedManifestPath = newManifestName.Substring(0, resolvedManifestPathSplit);
                    var newFolderPath        = this.Ctx.Corpus.Storage.CreateAbsoluteCorpusPath(resolvedManifestPath, this);
                    resolvedManifestFolder = await this.Ctx.Corpus.FetchObjectAsync <CdmFolderDefinition>(newFolderPath);

                    if (resolvedManifestFolder == null)
                        Logger.Error(this.Ctx as ResolveContext, Tag, nameof(CreateResolvedManifestAsync), this.AtCorpusPath, CdmLogCode.ErrResolveFolderNotFound, newFolderPath);
                    newManifestName = newManifestName.Substring(resolvedManifestPathSplit);
                    resolvedManifestFolder = this.Owner as CdmFolderDefinition;

                Logger.Debug(this.Ctx as ResolveContext, Tag, nameof(CreateResolvedManifestAsync), this.AtCorpusPath, $"resolving manifest {sourceManifestPath}");

                // Using the references present in the resolved entities, get an entity
                // create an imports doc with all the necessary resolved entity references and then resolve it
                // sometimes they might send the docname, that makes sense a bit, don't include the suffix in the name
                if (newManifestName.ToLowerInvariant().EndsWith(".manifest.cdm.json"))
                    newManifestName = newManifestName.Substring(0, newManifestName.Length - ".manifest.cdm.json".Length);
                var resolvedManifest = new CdmManifestDefinition(this.Ctx, newManifestName);

                // bring over any imports in this document or other bobbles
                resolvedManifest.Schema          = this.Schema;
                resolvedManifest.Explanation     = this.Explanation;
                resolvedManifest.DocumentVersion = this.DocumentVersion;
                foreach (CdmImport imp in this.Imports)

                // add the new document to the folder
                if (resolvedManifestFolder.Documents.Add(resolvedManifest) == null)
                    // when would this happen?

                foreach (var entity in this.Entities)
                    var entDef = await this.GetEntityFromReference(entity, this);

                    if (entDef == null)
                        Logger.Error(this.Ctx as ResolveContext, Tag, nameof(CreateResolvedManifestAsync), this.AtCorpusPath, CdmLogCode.ErrResolveEntityRefError);

                    if (entDef.InDocument.Folder == null)
                        Logger.Error(this.Ctx as ResolveContext, Tag, nameof(CreateResolvedManifestAsync), this.AtCorpusPath, CdmLogCode.ErrDocIsNotFolder, entDef.EntityName);
                    // get the path from this manifest to the source entity. this will be the {f} replacement value
                    string sourceEntityFullPath = this.Ctx.Corpus.Storage.CreateAbsoluteCorpusPath(entDef.InDocument.Folder.AtCorpusPath, this);
                    string f = "";
                    if (sourceEntityFullPath.StartsWith(sourceManifestFolderPath))
                        f = sourceEntityFullPath.Substring(sourceManifestFolderPath.Length);

                    string newDocumentFullPath = newEntityDocumentNameFormat.Replace("{n}", entDef.EntityName);

                    newDocumentFullPath = newDocumentFullPath.Replace("{f}", f);
                    newDocumentFullPath = this.Ctx.Corpus.Storage.CreateAbsoluteCorpusPath(newDocumentFullPath, this);

                    int    newDocumentPathSplit = newDocumentFullPath.LastIndexOf("/") + 1;
                    string newDocumentPath      = newDocumentFullPath.Substring(0, newDocumentPathSplit);
                    string newDocumentName      = newDocumentFullPath.Substring(newDocumentPathSplit);

                    // make sure the new folder exists
                    var folder = await this.Ctx.Corpus.FetchObjectAsync <CdmFolderDefinition>(newDocumentPath) as CdmFolderDefinition;

                    if (folder == null)
                        Logger.Error(this.Ctx as ResolveContext, Tag, nameof(CreateResolvedManifestAsync), this.AtCorpusPath, CdmLogCode.ErrResolveFolderNotFound, newDocumentPath);

                    // Next create the resolved entity
                    AttributeResolutionDirectiveSet withDirectives = Directives != null ? Directives : this.Ctx.Corpus.DefaultResolutionDirectives;
                    var resOpt = new ResolveOptions
                        WrtDoc     = entDef.InDocument,
                        Directives = withDirectives?.Copy()

                    Logger.Debug(this.Ctx as ResolveContext, Tag, nameof(CreateResolvedManifestAsync), this.AtCorpusPath, $"resolving entity {sourceEntityFullPath} to document {newDocumentFullPath}");

                    var resolvedEntity = await entDef.CreateResolvedEntityAsync(entDef.EntityName, resOpt, folder, newDocumentName);

                    if (resolvedEntity == null)
                        // Fail all resolution, if any one entity resolution fails

                    var result = entity.Copy(resOpt) as CdmEntityDeclarationDefinition;
                    if (result.ObjectType == CdmObjectType.LocalEntityDeclarationDef)
                        result.EntityPath = this.Ctx.Corpus.Storage.CreateRelativeCorpusPath(resolvedEntity.AtCorpusPath, resolvedManifest) ?? result.AtCorpusPath;


                Logger.Debug(this.Ctx as ResolveContext, Tag, nameof(CreateResolvedManifestAsync), this.AtCorpusPath, "calculating relationships");

                // calculate the entity graph for just this manifest and any submanifests
                await this.Ctx.Corpus.CalculateEntityGraphAsync(resolvedManifest);

                // stick results into the relationships list for the manifest
                // only put in relationships that are between the entities that are used in the manifest
                await resolvedManifest.PopulateManifestRelationshipsAsync(CdmRelationshipDiscoveryStyle.Exclusive);

                // needed until Matt's changes with collections where I can propigate
                resolvedManifest.IsDirty = true;
Пример #9
        public static void PersistCorpusFolder(string rootPath, CdmFolderDefinition cdmFolder, AttributeResolutionDirectiveSet directiveSet, CopyOptions options = null)
            if (cdmFolder != null)
                string folderPath = rootPath + cdmFolder.FolderPath;

                if (cdmFolder.Documents != null)
                    cdmFolder.Documents.AllItems.ForEach(doc =>
                        ResolveOptions resOpt = new ResolveOptions {
                            WrtDoc = doc, Directives = directiveSet
                        PersistDocument(rootPath, resOpt, options);

                if (cdmFolder.ChildFolders != null)
                    cdmFolder.ChildFolders.AllItems.ForEach(f =>
                        PersistCorpusFolder(rootPath, f, directiveSet, options);
        /// Creates a resolved copy of the manifest.
        /// newEntityDocumentNameFormat specifies a pattern to use when creating documents for resolved entites.
        /// The default is "{f}resolved/{n}.cdm.json" to avoid a document name conflict with documents in the same folder as the manifest.
        /// Every instance of the string {n} is replaced with the entity name from the source manifest.
        /// Every instance of the string {f} is replaced with the folder path from the source manifest to the source entity
        /// (if there is one that is possible as a relative location, else nothing).
        public async Task <CdmManifestDefinition> CreateResolvedManifestAsync(string newManifestName, string newEntityDocumentNameFormat, AttributeResolutionDirectiveSet Directives = null)
            if (this.Entities == null)

            if (this.Folder == null)
                Logger.Error(nameof(CdmManifestDefinition), this.Ctx as ResolveContext, $"Cannot resolve the manifest '{this.ManifestName}' because it has not been added to a folder", nameof(CreateResolvedManifestAsync));

            if (newEntityDocumentNameFormat == null)
                newEntityDocumentNameFormat = "{f}resolved/{n}.cdm.json";
            else if (newEntityDocumentNameFormat == "") // for back compat
                newEntityDocumentNameFormat = "{n}.cdm.json";
            else if (!newEntityDocumentNameFormat.Contains("{n}")) // for back compat
                newEntityDocumentNameFormat = newEntityDocumentNameFormat + "/{n}.cdm.json";

            string sourceManifestPath       = this.Ctx.Corpus.Storage.CreateAbsoluteCorpusPath(this.AtCorpusPath, this);
            string sourceManifestFolderPath = this.Ctx.Corpus.Storage.CreateAbsoluteCorpusPath(this.Folder.AtCorpusPath, this);

            int resolvedManifestPathSplit = newManifestName.LastIndexOf("/") + 1;
            CdmFolderDefinition resolvedManifestFolder;

            if (resolvedManifestPathSplit > 0)
                var resolvedManifestPath = newManifestName.Substring(0, resolvedManifestPathSplit);
                var newFolderPath        = this.Ctx.Corpus.Storage.CreateAbsoluteCorpusPath(resolvedManifestPath, this);
                resolvedManifestFolder = await this.Ctx.Corpus.FetchObjectAsync <CdmFolderDefinition>(newFolderPath);

                if (resolvedManifestFolder == null)
                    Logger.Error(nameof(CdmManifestDefinition), this.Ctx as ResolveContext, $"New folder for manifest not found {newFolderPath}", nameof(CreateResolvedManifestAsync));
                newManifestName = newManifestName.Substring(resolvedManifestPathSplit);
                resolvedManifestFolder = this.Owner as CdmFolderDefinition;

            Logger.Debug(nameof(CdmManifestDefinition), this.Ctx as ResolveContext, $"resolving manifest {sourceManifestPath}", nameof(CreateResolvedManifestAsync));

            // Using the references present in the resolved entities, get an entity
            // create an imports doc with all the necessary resolved entity references and then resolve it
            var resolvedManifest = new CdmManifestDefinition(this.Ctx, newManifestName);

            // add the new document to the folder
            if (resolvedManifestFolder.Documents.Add(resolvedManifest) == null)
                // when would this happen?

            foreach (var entity in this.Entities)
                var entDef = await this.GetEntityFromReference(entity, this);

                if (entDef == null)
                    Logger.Error(nameof(CdmManifestDefinition), this.Ctx as ResolveContext, $"Unable to get entity from reference", nameof(CreateResolvedManifestAsync));

                if (entDef.InDocument.Folder == null)
                    Logger.Error(nameof(CdmManifestDefinition), this.Ctx as ResolveContext, $"The document containing the entity '{entDef.EntityName}' is not in a folder", nameof(CreateResolvedManifestAsync));
                // get the path from this manifest to the source entity. this will be the {f} replacement value
                string sourceEntityFullPath = this.Ctx.Corpus.Storage.CreateAbsoluteCorpusPath(entDef.InDocument.Folder.AtCorpusPath, this);
                string f = "";
                if (sourceEntityFullPath.StartsWith(sourceManifestFolderPath))
                    f = sourceEntityFullPath.Substring(sourceManifestFolderPath.Length);

                string newDocumentFullPath = newEntityDocumentNameFormat.Replace("{n}", entDef.EntityName);

                newDocumentFullPath = newDocumentFullPath.Replace("{f}", f);
                newDocumentFullPath = this.Ctx.Corpus.Storage.CreateAbsoluteCorpusPath(newDocumentFullPath, this);

                int    newDocumentPathSplit = newDocumentFullPath.LastIndexOf("/") + 1;
                string newDocumentPath      = newDocumentFullPath.Substring(0, newDocumentPathSplit);
                string newDocumentName      = newDocumentFullPath.Substring(newDocumentPathSplit);

                // make sure the new folder exists
                var folder = await this.Ctx.Corpus.FetchObjectAsync <CdmFolderDefinition>(newDocumentPath) as CdmFolderDefinition;

                if (folder == null)
                    Logger.Error(nameof(CdmManifestDefinition), this.Ctx as ResolveContext, $"New folder not found {newDocumentPath}", nameof(CreateResolvedManifestAsync));

                // Next create the resolved entity
                AttributeResolutionDirectiveSet withDirectives = Directives != null ? Directives : this.Ctx.Corpus.DefaultResolutionDirectives;
                var resOpt = new ResolveOptions
                    WrtDoc     = entDef.InDocument,
                    Directives = withDirectives?.Copy()

                Logger.Debug(nameof(CdmManifestDefinition), this.Ctx as ResolveContext, $"    resolving entity {sourceEntityFullPath} to document {newDocumentFullPath}", nameof(CreateResolvedManifestAsync));

                var resolvedEntity = await entDef.CreateResolvedEntityAsync(entDef.EntityName, resOpt, folder, newDocumentName);

                if (resolvedEntity == null)
                    // Fail all resolution, if any one entity resolution fails

                var result = entity.Copy(resOpt) as CdmEntityDeclarationDefinition;
                if (result.ObjectType == CdmObjectType.LocalEntityDeclarationDef)
                    result.EntityPath = this.Ctx.Corpus.Storage.CreateRelativeCorpusPath(resolvedEntity.AtCorpusPath, resolvedManifest) ?? result.AtCorpusPath;


            Logger.Debug(nameof(CdmManifestDefinition), this.Ctx as ResolveContext, $"    calculating relationships", nameof(CreateResolvedManifestAsync));

            // calculate the entity graph for just this manifest and any submanifests
            await this.Ctx.Corpus.CalculateEntityGraphAsync(resolvedManifest);

            // stick results into the relationships list for the manifest
            // only put in relationships that are between the entities that are used in the manifest
            await resolvedManifest.PopulateManifestRelationshipsAsync(CdmRelationshipDiscoveryStyle.Exclusive);

            // needed until Matt's changes with collections where I can propigate
            resolvedManifest.IsDirty = true;
Пример #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the text version of all the resolved entities.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cdmCorpus"> The CDM corpus. </param>
        /// <param name="directives"> The directives to use while getting the resolved entities. </param>
        /// <param name="manifest"> The manifest to be resolved. </param>
        /// <param name="spew"> The object used to store the text to be returned. </param>
        /// <returns> The text version of the resolved entities. (it's in a form that facilitates debugging) </returns>
        internal static async Task <string> ListAllResolved(CdmCorpusDefinition cdmCorpus, AttributeResolutionDirectiveSet directives, CdmManifestDefinition manifest, StringSpewCatcher spew = null)
            // make sure the corpus has a set of default artifact attributes
            await cdmCorpus.PrepareArtifactAttributesAsync();

            var seen = new HashSet <string>();
            Func <CdmManifestDefinition, Task> seekEntities = null;

            seekEntities = async(CdmManifestDefinition f) =>
                if (f.Entities != null)
                    if (spew != null)

                    foreach (CdmEntityDeclarationDefinition entity in f.Entities)
                        string corpusPath;
                        CdmEntityDeclarationDefinition ent = entity;
                        CdmObject currentFile = f;
                        while (ent is CdmReferencedEntityDeclarationDefinition)
                            corpusPath = cdmCorpus.Storage.CreateAbsoluteCorpusPath(ent.EntityPath, currentFile);
                            ent        = await cdmCorpus.FetchObjectAsync <CdmReferencedEntityDeclarationDefinition>(corpusPath);

                            currentFile = ent;
                        corpusPath = cdmCorpus.Storage.CreateAbsoluteCorpusPath(((CdmLocalEntityDeclarationDefinition)ent).EntityPath, currentFile);
                        ResolveOptions resOpt = new ResolveOptions()
                            ImportsLoadStrategy = ImportsLoadStrategy.Load
                        CdmEntityDefinition newEnt = await cdmCorpus.FetchObjectAsync <CdmEntityDefinition>(corpusPath, null, resOpt);

                        resOpt.WrtDoc     = newEnt.InDocument;
                        resOpt.Directives = directives;
                        ResolvedEntity resEnt = new ResolvedEntity(resOpt, newEnt);
                        if (spew != null)
                            resEnt.Spew(resOpt, spew, " ", true);
                if (f.SubManifests != null)
                    // folder.SubManifests.ForEach(async f =>
                    foreach (CdmManifestDeclarationDefinition subManifest in f.SubManifests)
                        string corpusPath = cdmCorpus.Storage.CreateAbsoluteCorpusPath(subManifest.Definition, f);
                        await seekEntities(await cdmCorpus.FetchObjectAsync <CdmManifestDefinition>(corpusPath));
            await seekEntities(manifest);

            if (spew != null)
Пример #12
        public async Task ResolveEntitiesWrt()
            var cdmCorpus = new CdmCorpusDefinition();

            var testInputPath = TestHelper.GetInputFolderPath(testsSubpath, "TestResolveEntitiesWrt");

            ((CdmCorpusDefinition)cdmCorpus).RootPath = testInputPath;
            cdmCorpus.Storage.Mount("local", new LocalAdapter(testInputPath));
            cdmCorpus.Storage.DefaultNamespace = "local";
            var entities = await this.GetAllEntities(cdmCorpus);

            var incomingReferences = new Dictionary <CdmEntityDefinition, List <CdmEntityDefinition> >();

            foreach (var data in entities)
                var entity = data.Item1;
                incomingReferences[entity] = new List <CdmEntityDefinition>();

            // Start by populating all the incoming references to the entities
            foreach (var data in entities)
                var entity     = data.Item1;
                var doc        = data.Item2;
                var directives = new AttributeResolutionDirectiveSet(new HashSet <string> {
                    "normalized", "referenceOnly"
                var resOpt = new ResolveOptions {
                    WrtDoc = doc, Directives = directives
                var resolvedEntity = await entity.CreateResolvedEntityAsync($"{entity.GetName()}_", resOpt);

                var references = await this.GetEntityReferences(resolvedEntity, resOpt, cdmCorpus);

                if (references.Count > 0)
                    foreach (var reference in references)

            // Next resolve the entity with all of it's incoming references and save the times
            var entityResolutionTimes = new List <Tuple <string, long> >();

            foreach (var data in entities)
                var entity     = data.Item1;
                var doc        = data.Item2;
                var directives = new AttributeResolutionDirectiveSet(new HashSet <string> {
                    "normalized", "referenceOnly"
                var resOpt = new ResolveOptions {
                    WrtDoc = doc, Directives = directives
                var watch      = Stopwatch.StartNew();
                var references = incomingReferences[entity];
                foreach (var entRef in references)
                    await entRef.CreateResolvedEntityAsync($"{entRef.GetName()}_", resOpt);

                entityResolutionTimes.Add(Tuple.Create(entity.AtCorpusPath, watch.ElapsedMilliseconds));

            entityResolutionTimes.Sort((lhs, rhs) =>
                var diff = rhs.Item2 - lhs.Item2;
                return(diff == 0 ? 0 : diff < 0 ? -1 : 1);

            foreach (var data in entityResolutionTimes)

            Assert.Performance(4000, entityResolutionTimes[0].Item2);
            var total = entityResolutionTimes.Sum(data => data.Item2);

            Assert.Performance(5000, total);
Пример #13
        static async Task Main(string[] args)
            string pathToDocRoot;
            string docGroup;
            CdmManifestDefinition manifest;
            string testEnt;

            bool testCorpus = false;
            bool resolveEnt = false;
            bool spewAll    = true;
            bool rePersist  = false;

            CdmCorpusDefinition cdmCorpus = new CdmCorpusDefinition();

            cdmCorpus.Storage.DefaultNamespace = "local";

            if (testCorpus)
                pathToDocRoot = "../../../../../../../../CDM.Tools.Internal/TestCorpus";
                //pathToDocRoot = "../perfTestCorpus";
                //docGroup = "E2EResolution";
                //docGroup = "POVResolution";
                //docGroup = "MiniDyn";
                //docGroup = "composites";
                //docGroup = "KnowledgeGraph";
                //docGroup = "overrides";
                docGroup = "webClicks";

                //testEnt = "/E2EResolution/E2EArrayOne.cdm.json/E2EArrayOne";
                //testEnt = "/MiniDyn/sub/Lead.cdm.json/Lead";
                // testEnt = "/POVResolution/sub1/Main.cdm.json/Main";
                testEnt = "local:/MiniDyn/Account.cdm.json/Account";
                pathToDocRoot = "../../../../../../../../schemaDocuments";
                testEnt       = "local:/core/applicationCommon/foundationCommon/crmCommon/Account.cdm.json/Account";
                docGroup      = "standards";

            cdmCorpus.Storage.Mount("local", new LocalAdapter(pathToDocRoot));
            manifest = await cdmCorpus.FetchObjectAsync <CdmManifestDefinition>($"local:/{docGroup}.manifest.cdm.json");

            string version = "";

            cdmCorpus.SetEventCallback(new EventCallback {
                Invoke = CommonDataModelLoader.ConsoleStatusReport
            }, CdmStatusLevel.Progress);
            Console.WriteLine("reading source files");

            if (resolveEnt)
                // AttributeResolutionDirectiveSet directives = new AttributeResolutionDirectiveSet(new HashSet<string> { "normalized", "xstructured", "referenceOnly" });
                AttributeResolutionDirectiveSet directives = new AttributeResolutionDirectiveSet(new HashSet <string> {
                    "normalized", "referenceOnly"
                var ent = await cdmCorpus.FetchObjectAsync <CdmEntityDefinition>(testEnt);

                ResolveOptions resOpt = new ResolveOptions {
                    WrtDoc = ent.InDocument, Directives = directives
                var x = await ent.CreateResolvedEntityAsync("RESOLVED_KILL", resOpt);

                resOpt.WrtDoc = x.InDocument;
                CommonDataModelLoader.PersistDocument(cdmCorpus.RootPath, resOpt, new CopyOptions {
                    StringRefs = false, RemoveSingleRowLocalizedTableTraits = true

            if (spewAll)
                Console.WriteLine("list all resolved");
                AttributeResolutionDirectiveSet directives = new AttributeResolutionDirectiveSet(new HashSet <string> {
                    "normalized", "xstructured", "referenceOnly"
                await ListAllResolved(cdmCorpus, directives, manifest, new StringSpewCatcher());

            if (rePersist)
                Console.WriteLine("persist corpus");
                AttributeResolutionDirectiveSet directives = new AttributeResolutionDirectiveSet(new HashSet <string> {
                    "normalized", "xstructured", "referenceOnly"


Пример #14
        public static void ListAllTraits(CdmCorpusDefinition cdmCorpus, AttributeResolutionDirectiveSet directives)
            ISet <string> seen = new HashSet <string>();
            Action <CdmFolderDefinition> seekTraits = null;

            seekTraits = (folder) =>
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(folder.Name) && folder.Documents != null && folder.Documents.Count > 0)
                    if (folder.Documents != null)
                        folder.Documents.AllItems.ForEach(doc =>
                            if (doc.Definitions?.Count > 0)
                                foreach (var def in doc.Definitions)
                                    if (def.ObjectType == CdmObjectType.EntityDef)
                                        ResolveOptions resOpt = new ResolveOptions {
                                            WrtDoc = doc, Directives = directives
                                        var ent = (def as CdmEntityDefinition);

                                        var rtsEnt = ent.FetchResolvedTraits(resOpt);
                                        rtsEnt.Set.ForEach(rt =>
                                            string rtName = rt.TraitName;
                                            if (!seen.Contains(rtName))

                                        var ras = ent.FetchResolvedAttributes(resOpt);
                                        ras.Set.ForEach(ra =>
                                            var rtsAtt = ra.ResolvedTraits;
                                            rtsAtt.Set.ForEach(rt =>
                                                string rtName = rt.TraitName;
                                                if (!seen.Contains(rtName))
                if (folder.ChildFolders != null)
                    folder.ChildFolders.AllItems.ForEach(f =>
                        if (seekTraits != null)