Пример #1
        /* Sets the
         *  _proportionofworldtoshow parameter, and, if _perspective,
         *  adjusts the _fieldofviewangle and possibly the position if the _proportionofworldtoshow
         *  would make _fieldofviewangle exceed WIDESTANGLE. Return tells if you had
         *  to move to achieve your effect. */

        //Special methods

        public void loadViewMatrix()
            /* What we do here is a bit tricky.  It involves matching two "trihedrons" (where a trihedron is a set
             * of three mutually perpendicular vectors used as the basis of a coordinate system).
             * (a) On the one hand, the standard OpenGL-style graphics pipeline
             * sets up its projection matrix with the expectation that the viewer is situated so that the points
             * of interest are on the negative z-axis of the viewer's coordinates.  The viewers x and y axes are
             * thought of as situated with x pointing right and y pointing up.
             * (b) We plan to sometimes let our
             * viewer either "fly around" or "ride the back of the player."  In this case, we expect to have the
             * viewer's attitudeTangent pointing towards the thing it is looking at, with its attitudeNormal in the plane
             * it's turning in, and its attitudeBinormal pointing up.  Note that the attitudeNormal will seem to
             * point to the left, so that the attiudeTangent * attitudeNormal = attitudeBinormal points up.
             * In the constructor, we set up a standard view by these three replacements:  x = -z, y = -x, z = y.
             * (c) In order to match the trihedron of (b) to the expectation of (a), we want to essentially relabel
             * the axes of (b), so that the attitudeTangent is now the -z axis we look towards, the attitudeBinormal
             * is the y axis of "up", and the attitudeNormal is the positinve x-axis. So that's how we get the
             * formula in the line below.  Essentially we undo what the constructor does, by setting
             * z = -x, x = -y, y = z.
             * (note to b) By the way, if setAttitudeToMotoinLock(TRUE) has been called,
             * as we will do when riding a critter, then the attitude vectors will match, respetively,
             * the critterviwer's _tangent, _normal and _binormal. */
            cMatrix3 viewmatrix = new cMatrix3(AttitudeNormal.neg(), AttitudeBinormal,
                                               AttitudeTangent.neg(), Position);

            /* The next thing to realize is that transforming a world position into the coordinates of a viewer
             * means pre-multiplying the world by the inverse of the viewer's position in world coordinates.  Here's
             * why.  If the viewer attitude is matrix V in world coordinates, and an object attitude is matrix W in
             * world coordinates, then our task is to find the matrix W' of the object in viewer coordiantes.  Well,
             * if the matrix T transforms attitude V into the standard origin trihedron of the world --- which is the
             * identity matrix --- then T should transform W into W'.  But if T * V = I, then T is V.inverse().  So
             * W' = V.inverse() * W. */
Пример #2
 /// <summary>
 /// You can override this for possibly locking the gun to the sprite direction.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="dt">The change in time since the last animate.</param>
 public override void animate(float dt)
     base.animate(dt); //Calls updateAttitude(dt) and _psprite->animate(dt)
     if (_aimtoattitudelock)
         AimVector = AttitudeTangent.roundOff();