Пример #1
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        //safety check
        if (ams == null)
            ams = GameObject.Find("AttackerManager").GetComponent <AttackerManagerScript>();
            Debug.Log("ams was null");
        //increment the revenue by the time dependant factor
        revenue += (Time.deltaTime * revenueGenerationFactor);
        //how many dollars will be added this frame
        int tobeAdded = (int)revenue;

        revenue -= tobeAdded;
        //with time the humans generate revenue:
        ams.balance += (int)(tobeAdded);

        //display the updated balance in dollars that the attacker has
        gameObject.GetComponent <UILabel>().text = ("Balance: $" + ams.balance);
Пример #2
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     ams = attackerManager.GetComponent <AttackerManagerScript>();
Пример #3
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     ams = GameObject.Find("AttackerManager").GetComponent <AttackerManagerScript>();
     revenueGenerationFactor = 2f;
     revenue = 0;
Пример #4
    //creates a human of type "humanType" using a raycast from the camera to the mouse and sees where it lands
    //if landed on part of the grid, then it is a legal place to spawn the human
    //Note that only the last 3 rows are allowed for spawning humans
    public void spawnHuman(string humanType)
        //make sure the player is in a room (this prevents against players trying to spawn things before joining the game)
        if (!PhotonNetwork.inRoom)
        //safety check. if attacker manager script is null, look for it
        if (ams == null)
            ams = attackerManager.GetComponent <AttackerManagerScript> ();

        //the following method will be used to ease in implementing augmented reality
        //create a ray to see where the user is pointing
        Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);

        RaycastHit hitInfo;

        //check on what the ray hits
        if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hitInfo))
            //Debug.Log("Mouse is over: " + hitInfo.collider.name);
            float x, y, z;
            //storing the location of the collision
            x = hitInfo.point.x;
            y = hitInfo.point.y;
            z = hitInfo.point.z;

            GameObject hitObject = hitInfo.transform.root.gameObject;

            //now we determine if they ray casted is on which of the cells. The details are in this comment:
            //the droppable area goes from (233,0.01,251)  till (412,0.01,366)
            //it is divided into a grid of 6 cells by 9 cells. IE along the x-z axis it looks like:
            // (233,366)                                       (412,366)
            // (233, 251)                                      (412,251)
            //if the mouse is on the grid dedicated for towers, then try to place a tower

            //ensure that the ray from the mouse collided with a droppable area
            if (hitInfo.collider.name == "Droppable Area")
                float xDifference = x - 233;                 //goes from 0 to 179
                float zDifference = z - 251;                 //goes from 0 to 115
                //adding a 5 to maximum differences as a safety margin
                const float maxXDifference = 412 - 233 + 5;  //179  --> 184
                const float maxZDifference = 366 - 251 + 5;  //115  --> 120

                //determining which cell in the 9 by 6 grid to place the human on
                int xCoordinate = (int)(xDifference * 9 / maxXDifference);                //going form 0 to 8
                int zCoordinate = (int)(zDifference * 6 / maxZDifference);                //going from 0 to 5

                //for humans the player is only allowed to spawn them on the last 3 rows (rows 6,7, and 8)
                if (xCoordinate < 6)

                //now that the location of spawning is known, check if the human is affordable and spawn it

                //TODO: ask a game designer for specific tower prices. This will do for now
                int humanSpawnCost = 70;
                //if the tower is affordable, build it
                if (ams.balance >= humanSpawnCost)
                    ams.balance -= humanSpawnCost;

                    //which will be one of three (till now) : soldier ("Soldier01"), sporty girl ("SportyGirl01"), or butcher ("TheButcher")
                    ams.spawnHuman(humanType, xCoordinate, zCoordinate);