protected void SetLinks(AtomEntry e)
      LogService.Debug("AnnotateService.SetLinks entryId={0}", e.Id);
      var links = e.Links.ToList();
      var url = new UrlHelper(Container.GetInstance<RequestContext>());
      //atom threading extension
      if (e.InReplyTo != null)
        e.InReplyTo.Href = url.RouteIdUri("AtomPubResource", e.InReplyTo.Ref, AbsoluteMode.Force);
        links.Merge(new AtomLink
          Rel = "related",
          Type = "text/html",
          Href = url.RouteIdUri("AtomPubResource", e.InReplyTo.Ref, AbsoluteMode.Force)

      //atom threading extension
      links.Merge(new AtomLink
        Href = url.RouteIdUri("AnnotateEntryAnnotationsFeed", e.Id, AbsoluteMode.Force),
        Rel = "replies",
        Type = Atom.ContentType,
        Count = e.Total,
        Updated = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow
      e.Links = links;
Пример #2
 public void ContentIsCorrect(
     [Frozen]XmlAtomContent expected,
     AtomEntry sut)
     XmlAtomContent actual = sut.Content;
     Assert.Equal(expected, actual);
 public virtual ActionResult AnnotateEntry(string workspace, string collection, int? year,
   int? month, int? day, string path)
   if (HttpContext.Request.ContentType.ToUpper().StartsWith(Atom.ContentType.ToUpper()))
     AtomEntry entry = new AtomEntry();
     //note: don't dispose of incoming stream or it will close the response, still true?
     XmlReader reader = new XmlTextReader(HttpContext.Request.InputStream);
     entry.Xml = XElement.Load(reader);
     Id id = Collection.Id.AddPath(year, month, day, path);
     entry = AnnotateService.Annotate(id, entry, GetSlug());
     return new XmlWriterResult((w) => entry.Xml.WriteTo(w))
       StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.Created,
       ContentType = Atom.ContentTypeEntry,
       ETag = AtomPubService.GetEntryEtag(entry.Id),
       Location = entry.Location,
       ContentLocation = entry.Location
   else //media annotation
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Пример #4
 public void LinksIsCorrect(
     [Frozen]IEnumerable<AtomLink> expected,
     AtomEntry sut)
     IEnumerable<AtomLink> actual = sut.Links;
     Assert.Equal(expected, actual);
        public static void AssertEntriesEqual(AtomEntry entry, AtomEntry testEntry)
            Assert.AreEqual(entry.Id.ToString(), testEntry.Id.ToString());
            Assert.AreEqual(entry.Title.Text, testEntry.Title.Text);
            Assert.AreEqual(entry.Title.Lang, testEntry.Title.Lang);

            Assert.AreEqual(entry.Text.Text, testEntry.Text.Text);
            Assert.AreEqual(entry.Text.Lang, testEntry.Text.Lang);

            Assert.AreEqual(entry.Published.HasValue, testEntry.Published.HasValue, "Published");

            if (entry.Published.HasValue)
                AssertDatesApproximatelyEqual(entry.Published.Value, testEntry.Published.Value);

            Assert.AreEqual(entry.Edited.HasValue, testEntry.Edited.HasValue, "Edited");

            if (entry.Edited.HasValue)
                AssertDatesApproximatelyEqual(entry.Edited.Value, testEntry.Edited.Value);

            AssertDatesApproximatelyEqual(entry.Updated, testEntry.Updated);
    public virtual void AutoPing(AtomEntry entry)
      LogService.Info("TrackbackService.AutoPing entryId={0}", entry.Id);
      //TODO: work in separate thread (use background worker or not?)

      if (!entry.Visible)
        LogService.Info("Entry is not visible, AutoPing cancelled.");

      if (!IsEnabled(entry))
        LogService.Info("Annotations and/or trackbacks are disabled, AutoPing cancelled.");

      IEnumerable<Uri> links = entry.Content.Type != "xhtml" ?
          WebHelper.ExtractLinks(HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(entry.Content.Xml.ToString())) :

      foreach (Uri link in links)
          string page = null;
          Uri pingbackUrl = null;

          //go ahead and download page
          using (WebClient client = new WebClient())
            page = client.DownloadString(link);
            if (client.Headers["X-Pingback"] != null)
              pingbackUrl = new Uri(client.Headers["X-Pingback"]);

          //try a trackback first since it supports title's and excerpts
          Uri trackbackUrl = DiscoverTrackbackPingUrl(page, link);
          if (trackbackUrl != null)
            if (!SendTrackback(entry, trackbackUrl).Error)
              continue; //success, so move on to next link

          //next try a pingback
          if (pingbackUrl == null) pingbackUrl = DiscoverPingbackLink(page);
          if (pingbackUrl != null)
            if (!SendPingback(entry, pingbackUrl, link).FaultCode.HasValue)
              continue; //success
        catch (Exception ex)
          LogService.Error("Failed to complete ping to link {0}", link.ToString());
 public void DeleteMedia(AtomEntry mediaLinkEntry)
   //TODO: transaction
   string path = pathResolver.GetMediaPath(mediaLinkEntry.Id, mediaLinkEntry.Content.Type);
   //TODO: resource not found exception
   AtomSite.Utils.FileHelper.RemoveEmptyPaths(pathResolver.GetCollectionPath(mediaLinkEntry.Id), true);
 public AtomEntry UpdateMedia(AtomEntry mediaLinkEntry, Stream stream)
   //TODO: transaction
   string path = pathResolver.GetMediaPath(mediaLinkEntry.Id, mediaLinkEntry.Content.Type);
   //TODO: resource not found exception
   FileHelper.WriteStream(stream, path);
   return mediaLinkEntry;
        public void CreateAtomEntryWithIdTest()
            AtomEntry atomEntry = new AtomEntry
                                          Id = "tag:[email protected],2008:collection,entry"

    protected virtual bool IsEnabled(AtomEntry entry)
      BlogAppCollection coll = new BlogAppCollection(AppService.GetCollection(entry.Id));

      if (!coll.AnnotationsOn) return false; //in case they got turned off
      if (!coll.TrackbacksOn) return false;
      if (!entry.AllowAnnotate) return false;
      //TODO: check expired
      return true;
Пример #11
        public void AddLinkReturnsCorrectResult(
            AtomEntry sut,
            AtomLink newLink)
            AtomEntry actual = sut.AddLink(newLink);

            var expected = sut.AsSource().OfLikeness<AtomEntry>()
                .With(x => x.Links).EqualsWhen(
                    (s, d) => sut.Links.Concat(new[] { newLink }).SequenceEqual(d.Links));
Пример #12
        public static async Task<AtomEntry> ReadEntry(string path)
            using (var stream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
                var reader = XmlReader.Create(stream, TestAtomFeed.XmlReaderSettings);
                var entry = new AtomEntry();
                await entry.ReadXmlAsync(reader);

                return entry;
 public Stream GetMedia(AtomEntry mediaLinkEntry)
   string path = pathResolver.GetMediaPath(mediaLinkEntry.Id, mediaLinkEntry.Content.Type);
     return System.IO.File.OpenRead(path);
   catch (FileNotFoundException)
     throw new ResourceNotFoundException("media", mediaLinkEntry.Id.ToString());
        public void CreateAtomEntryWithTitleTest()
            AtomEntry atomEntry = new AtomEntry
                                          Title = new AtomTitle
                                                          Text = "aTitle"

        public void CreateAtomEntryWithRightsTest()
            AtomEntry atomEntry = new AtomEntry
                                          Rights = new AtomRights
                                                           Text = "aRights"

        public void CreateAtomEntryWithSummaryTest()
            AtomEntry atomEntry = new AtomEntry
                                          Summary = new AtomSummary
                                                            Text = "aSummary"

 public string GetMediaEtag(AtomEntry mediaLinkEntry)
   string path = pathResolver.GetMediaPath(mediaLinkEntry.Id, mediaLinkEntry.Content.Type);
     //contentLength = (int)(new FileInfo(path).Length);
     return FileHelper.ComputeMD5Sum(path);
   catch (FileNotFoundException)
     throw new ResourceNotFoundException("media", mediaLinkEntry.Id.ToString());
    private void SetLinks(AtomEntry e)
      var list = e.Links.ToList();

      //if (e.Approved) list.Merge(new AtomLink() { Rel = "admin-approve", Href = RouteService.RouteUrl("AdminRoute", new { controller = "Admin", action = "EditEntry" }) });
      //else list.Merge(new AtomLink() { Rel = "admin-approve", Href = RouteService.RouteUrl("AdminRoute", new { controller = "Admin", action = "EditEntry" }) });

      if (AuthorizeService.IsAuthorized(GetUser(), e.Id.ToScope(), AuthAction.DeleteEntryOrMedia))
        list.Merge(new AtomLink() { Rel = "delete", Href = RouteService.RouteUrl("AtomPubEntryEdit", e.Id, AbsoluteMode.Force) });

      list.Merge(new AtomLink() { Rel = "admin-edit", Href = RouteService.RouteUrl(e.Media?"AdminEditMedia":"AdminEditEntry", new { id = e.Id.ToString() }, AbsoluteMode.Force) });

      e.Links = list;
    protected void SetLinks(AtomEntry e)
        if (!new BlogAppCollection(AppService.GetCollection(e.Id)).BloggingOn) return;
      LogService.Debug("BlogService.SetLinks entryId={0}", e.Id);
      var links = e.Links.ToList();
      var url = new UrlHelper(Container.GetInstance<RequestContext>());
      if (e.InReplyTo == null)
          links.Merge(new AtomLink()
              Rel = "alternate",
              Type = "text/html",
              Href = url.RouteIdUri("BlogEntry", e.Id, AbsoluteMode.Force)
      else // annotation
          links.Merge(new AtomLink()
              Rel = "alternate",
              Type = "text/html",
              Href = new System.Uri(url.RouteIdUri("BlogEntry", e.InReplyTo.Ref, AbsoluteMode.Force).ToString() + "#" + e.Id.ToWebId())
          e.InReplyTo.Href = url.RouteIdUri("BlogEntry", e.InReplyTo.Ref, AbsoluteMode.Force);
          links.Merge(new AtomLink
              Rel = "related",
              Type = "text/html",
              Href = url.RouteIdUri("BlogEntry", e.InReplyTo.Ref, AbsoluteMode.Force)

          if (AnnotateService.GetAnnotationState(AppService.GetCollection(e.Id), e.Id) == AnnotationState.On)
              links.Merge(new AtomLink
                  Rel = "reply",
                  Type = "text/html",
                  Href = new System.Uri(url.RouteIdUri("BlogEntry", e.InReplyTo.Ref, AbsoluteMode.Force).ToString() + "#addcommentform")
      e.Links = links;
    public AtomEntry CreateMedia(AtomEntry entry, Stream stream)
      //TODO: transaction

      string path = pathResolver.GetMediaLinkEntryPath(entry.Id);
      Id id = entry.Id;
      int i = 1;
      while (System.IO.File.Exists(path))
        id = new Id(id.Owner, id.Date, id.Collection, entry.Id.EntryPath + i++);
        path = pathResolver.GetEntryPath(id);
      entry.Id = id;

      path = pathResolver.GetMediaPath(entry.Id, entry.Content.Type);
      FileHelper.WriteStream(stream, path);

      //create & return the media link entry
      return atomEntryRepository.CreateEntry(entry);
Пример #21
        public void BloggerETagTest()
            Tracing.TraceMsg("Entering BloggerETagTest");

            BloggerQuery   query   = new BloggerQuery();
            BloggerService service = new BloggerService(this.ApplicationName);

            service.ProtocolMajor = 2;

            string title = "V1" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

            service.RequestFactory = this.factory;

            query.Uri = new Uri(this.bloggerURI);

            // insert a new entry in version 1

            AtomEntry entry = ObjectModelHelper.CreateAtomEntry(1);

            entry.Title.Text = title;
            entry.IsDraft    = true;

            BloggerEntry returnedEntry = service.Insert(new Uri(this.bloggerURI), entry) as BloggerEntry;

            Assert.IsTrue(returnedEntry.ProtocolMajor == service.ProtocolMajor);
            Assert.IsTrue(returnedEntry.Etag != null);

            string etagOld = returnedEntry.Etag;

            returnedEntry.Content.Content = "This is a test";

            BloggerEntry newEntry = returnedEntry.Update() as BloggerEntry;

            Assert.IsTrue(newEntry.Etag != null);
            Assert.IsTrue(newEntry.Etag != etagOld);
Пример #22
        #region Fill(AtomEntry resource)
        /// <summary>
        /// Modifies the <see cref="AtomEntry"/> to match the data source.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="resource">The <see cref="AtomEntry"/> to be filled.</param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">The <paramref name="resource"/> is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic).</exception>
        public void Fill(AtomEntry resource)
            //	Validate parameter
            Guard.ArgumentNotNull(resource, "resource");

            //	Create namespace resolver
            XmlNamespaceManager manager = AtomUtility.CreateNamespaceManager(this.Navigator.NameTable);

            //	Attempt to fill syndication resource
            XPathNavigator entryNavigator = this.Navigator.SelectSingleNode("atom:entry", manager);

            if (entryNavigator != null)
                Atom10SyndicationResourceAdapter.FillEntry(resource, entryNavigator, manager, this.Settings);
Пример #23
        public static void AddEvent(CalendarService service, string id, string title, string contents, string location, DateTime startTime, DateTime endTime, string calendarName)
                Google.GData.Calendar.EventEntry entry = new Google.GData.Calendar.EventEntry();
                // Set the title and content of the entry.
                entry.Title.Text      = id + "-" + title;
                entry.Content.Content = contents;

                // Set a location for the event.
                Where eventLocation = new Where();
                eventLocation.ValueString = location;

                When eventTime = new When(startTime, endTime);
                GoogleCalendar ggadmin    = new GoogleCalendar(calendarName, AdminuserName, AdminuserPwd);
                string         CalendarId = ggadmin.GetCalendarId();

                Uri postUri = new Uri("" + CalendarId + "/private/full");

                GDataGAuthRequestFactory requestFactory = (GDataGAuthRequestFactory)service.RequestFactory;
                IWebProxy iProxy  = WebRequest.GetSystemWebProxy();
                WebProxy  myProxy = new WebProxy();
                // potentially, setup credentials on the proxy here
                myProxy.Credentials           = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
                myProxy.UseDefaultCredentials = false;

                requestFactory.CreateRequest(GDataRequestType.Insert, postUri);//  = myProxy;
                // Send the request and receive the response:
                AtomEntry insertedEntry = service.Insert(postUri, entry);
            catch (Exception ex)
        #region LoadFrom(AtomEntry entry)
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads the generic syndication item using the supplied <see cref="AtomEntry"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entry">The <see cref="AtomEntry"/> to build an abstraction against.</param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">The <paramref name="entry"/> is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic).</exception>
        private void LoadFrom(AtomEntry entry)
            //	Validate parameters
            Guard.ArgumentNotNull(entry, "entry");

            //	Initialize generic item
            if (entry.Title != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(entry.Title.Content))
                itemTitle = entry.Title.Content.Trim();

            if (entry.PublishedOn != DateTime.MinValue)
                itemPublishedOn = entry.PublishedOn;
            else if (entry.UpdatedOn != DateTime.MinValue)
                itemPublishedOn = entry.UpdatedOn;

            if (entry.Summary != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(entry.Summary.Content))
                itemSummary = entry.Summary.Content.Trim();
            else if (entry.Content != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(entry.Content.Content))
                itemSummary = entry.Content.Content.Trim();

            foreach (AtomCategory category in entry.Categories)
                GenericSyndicationCategory genericCategory = new GenericSyndicationCategory(category);
        /// <summary>
        /// Helper method to create either single-instance or recurring events.
        /// For simplicity, some values that might normally be passed as parameters
        /// (such as author name, email, etc.) are hard-coded.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="service">The authenticated CalendarService object.</param>
        /// <param name="entryTitle">Title of the event to create.</param>
        /// <param name="recurData">Recurrence value for the event, or null for
        ///                         single-instance events.</param>
        /// <returns>The newly-created EventEntry on the calendar.</returns>
        static EventEntry CreateEvent(CalendarService service, String entryTitle,
                                      String recurData)
            EventEntry entry = new EventEntry();

            // Set the title and content of the entry.
            entry.Title.Text      = entryTitle;
            entry.Content.Content = "Meet for a quick lesson.";

            // Set a location for the event.
            Where eventLocation = new Where();

            eventLocation.ValueString = "South Tennis Courts";

            // If a recurrence was requested, add it.  Otherwise, set the
            // time (the current date and time) and duration (30 minutes)
            // of the event.
            if (recurData == null)
                When eventTime = new When();
                eventTime.StartTime = DateTime.Now;
                eventTime.EndTime   = eventTime.StartTime.AddMinutes(30);
                Recurrence recurrence = new Recurrence();
                recurrence.Value = recurData;
                entry.Recurrence = recurrence;

            // Send the request and receive the response:
            Uri       postUri       = new Uri(feedUri);
            AtomEntry insertedEntry = service.Insert(postUri, entry);

        private static async Task AddSyndicationItemEntry(AtomEntry <SyndicationItem <Parcel> > entry, SyndicationContext context, CancellationToken ct)
            var parcelAddressMatchLatestItems =
                .Where(x => x.ParcelId == entry.Content.Object.Id)
                .Concat(context.ParcelAddressMatchLatestItems.Local.Where(x => x.ParcelId == entry.Content.Object.Id))

            var itemsToRemove = new List <ParcelAddressMatchLatestItem>();

            foreach (var parcelAddressMatchLatestItem in parcelAddressMatchLatestItems)
                if (!entry.Content.Object.AddressIds.Contains(parcelAddressMatchLatestItem.AddressId))

            foreach (var parcelAddressMatchLatestItem in itemsToRemove)
                parcelAddressMatchLatestItem.IsRemoved = true;

            foreach (var addressId in entry.Content.Object.AddressIds)
                if (parcelAddressMatchLatestItems.All(x => x.AddressId != addressId))
                    await context.ParcelAddressMatchLatestItems.AddAsync(new ParcelAddressMatchLatestItem
                        ParcelId  = entry.Content.Object.Id,
                        AddressId = addressId,
                        ParcelPersistentLocalId = entry.Content.Object.Identificator.ObjectId
                    }, ct);
Пример #27
        //	CLASS SUMMARY
        /// <summary>
        /// Provides example code for the AtomPersonConstruct class.
        /// </summary>
        public static void ClassExample()
            #region AtomPersonConstruct
            AtomFeed feed = new AtomFeed();

            feed.Id        = new AtomId(new Uri("urn:uuid:60a76c80-d399-11d9-b93C-0003939e0af6"));
            feed.Title     = new AtomTextConstruct("Example Feed");
            feed.UpdatedOn = new DateTime(2003, 12, 13, 18, 30, 2);

            feed.Links.Add(new AtomLink(new Uri("")));
            feed.Links.Add(new AtomLink(new Uri("/feed"), "self"));

            //  Identify the author of the feed
            feed.Authors.Add(new AtomPersonConstruct("John Doe"));

            //  Identify the contributors to the feed
            feed.Contributors.Add(new AtomPersonConstruct("Jane Doe"));

            AtomPersonConstruct contributor = new AtomPersonConstruct();
            contributor.EmailAddress = "*****@*****.**";
            contributor.Name         = "Some Person";
            contributor.Uri          = new Uri("");

            AtomEntry entry = new AtomEntry();

            entry.Id        = new AtomId(new Uri("urn:uuid:1225c695-cfb8-4ebb-aaaa-80da344efa6a"));
            entry.Title     = new AtomTextConstruct("Atom-Powered Robots Run Amok");
            entry.UpdatedOn = new DateTime(2003, 12, 13, 18, 30, 2);

            entry.Summary = new AtomTextConstruct("Some text.");

            //  Identify the author of the entry
            entry.Authors.Add(new AtomPersonConstruct("Jane Doe"));

Пример #28
        /// <summary>uses GData batch to batchupdate the cell feed. If the returned
        /// batch result set contained an error, it will throw a GDataRequestBatchException</summary>
        /// <returns> </returns>
        public override void Publish()
            if (this.Batch == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("This feed has no batch URI");

            AtomFeed batchFeed = CreateBatchFeed(GDataBatchOperationType.update);

            if (batchFeed != null)
                AtomFeed resultFeed = this.Service.Batch(batchFeed, new Uri(this.Batch));
                foreach (AtomEntry resultEntry in resultFeed.Entries)
                    GDataBatchEntryData data = resultEntry.BatchData;
                    if (data.Status.Code != (int)HttpStatusCode.OK)
                        throw new GDataBatchRequestException(resultFeed);

                // if we get here, everything is fine. So update the edit URIs in the original feed,
                // because those might have changed.
                foreach (AtomEntry resultEntry in resultFeed.Entries)
                    AtomEntry originalEntry = this.Entries.FindById(resultEntry.Id);
                    if (originalEntry == null)
                        throw new GDataBatchRequestException(resultFeed);
                    if (originalEntry != null)
                        originalEntry.EditUri = resultEntry.EditUri;
            this.Dirty = false;
Пример #29
        public async Task Rss(string type)
            Response.ContentType = "application/xml";
            string host = Request.Scheme + "://" + Request.Host;

            using (XmlWriter xmlWriter = XmlWriter.Create(Response.Body, new XmlWriterSettings()
                Async = true, Indent = true
                var posts = await _blog.GetPosts(10);

                var writer = await GetWriter(type, xmlWriter, posts.Max(p => p.PubDate));

                foreach (Models.Post post in posts)
                    var item = new AtomEntry
                        Title       = post.Title,
                        Description = post.Content,
                        Id          = host + post.GetLink(),
                        Published   = post.PubDate,
                        LastUpdated = post.LastModified,
                        ContentType = "html",

                    foreach (string category in post.Categories)
                        item.AddCategory(new SyndicationCategory(category));

                    item.AddContributor(new SyndicationPerson(_settings.Value.Owner, "*****@*****.**"));
                    item.AddLink(new SyndicationLink(new Uri(item.Id)));

                    await writer.Write(item);
Пример #30
        public async Task Rss(string type)
            Response.ContentType = "application/xml";
            string host = Request.Scheme + "://" + Request.Host;

            using (XmlWriter xmlWriter = XmlWriter.Create(Response.Body, new XmlWriterSettings()
                Async = true, Indent = true
                var pageViewModels = await _pageService.GetAllVisibleByRangeAsync(take : 10);

                var writer = await GetWriter(type, xmlWriter, pageViewModels.Max(p => p.CreatedDateTimeInDateTime));

                foreach (var pageViewModel in pageViewModels)
                    var item = new AtomEntry
                        Title       = pageViewModel.Title,
                        Description = pageViewModel.BriefDescription,
                        Id          = host + $@"/page/{pageViewModel.Id}/{pageViewModel.SlugUrl}",
                        Published   = pageViewModel.CreatedDateTimeInDateTime,
                        LastUpdated = pageViewModel.ModifiedDateTimeInDateTime ?? pageViewModel.CreatedDateTimeInDateTime,
                        ContentType = "html",

                    //foreach (string category in pageViewModel.Categories)
                    //    item.AddCategory(new SyndicationCategory(category));

                    item.AddContributor(new SyndicationPerson(_settings.Value.Owner, _settings.Value.Email));
                    item.AddLink(new SyndicationLink(new Uri(item.Id)));

                    await writer.Write(item);
Пример #31
        public GoogleDatabase GetDatabase(string name, ref string error)
            try {
                Google.GData.Spreadsheets.SpreadsheetQuery query = new Google.GData.Spreadsheets.SpreadsheetQuery();

                // Make a request to the API and get all spreadsheets.
                SpreadsheetsService service = spreadsheetService as SpreadsheetsService;

                SpreadsheetFeed feed = service.Query(query);

                if (feed.Entries.Count == 0)
                    error = "There are no spreadsheets found.";

                AtomEntry spreadsheet = null;
                foreach (AtomEntry sf in feed.Entries)
                    if (sf.Title.Text == name)
                        spreadsheet = sf;

                if (spreadsheet == null)
                    error = string.Format("Spreadsheet: \"{0}\" is not found.", name);

                return(new GoogleDatabase(spreadsheet));
            catch (Exception e) {
                error = e.Message;
        /// <summary>
        /// Provides example code for the AtomFeed class.
        /// </summary>
        public static void ClassExample()
            AtomFeed feed = new AtomFeed();

            feed.Id        = new AtomId(new Uri("urn:uuid:60a76c80-d399-11d9-b93C-0003939e0af6"));
            feed.Title     = new AtomTextConstruct("Example Feed");
            feed.UpdatedOn = new DateTime(2003, 12, 13, 18, 30, 2);

            feed.Links.Add(new AtomLink(new Uri("")));
            feed.Links.Add(new AtomLink(new Uri("/feed"), "self"));

            feed.Authors.Add(new AtomPersonConstruct("John Doe"));

            AtomEntry entry = new AtomEntry();

            entry.Id        = new AtomId(new Uri("urn:uuid:1225c695-cfb8-4ebb-aaaa-80da344efa6a"));
            entry.Title     = new AtomTextConstruct("Atom-Powered Robots Run Amok");
            entry.UpdatedOn = new DateTime(2003, 12, 13, 18, 30, 2);

            entry.Summary = new AtomTextConstruct("Some text.");

Пример #33
        /// <summary>
        ///		Convierte las entradas RDF en entradas Atom
        /// </summary>
        private void ConvertEntries(RDFChannel rdf, AtomChannel channel)
            foreach (RDFEntry rdfEntry in rdf.Entries)
                AtomEntry channelEntry = new AtomEntry();

                // Convierte los datos de la entrada
                channelEntry.ID            = rdfEntry.ID;
                channelEntry.Title         = ConvertText(rdfEntry.Title);
                channelEntry.Content       = ConvertText(rdfEntry.Content);
                channelEntry.DateIssued    = rdfEntry.DateCreated;
                channelEntry.DateCreated   = rdfEntry.DateCreated;
                channelEntry.DateModified  = rdfEntry.DateCreated;
                channelEntry.DateUpdated   = rdfEntry.DateCreated;
                channelEntry.DatePublished = rdfEntry.DateCreated;
                // Vínculos
                channelEntry.Links.Add(ConvertLink(rdfEntry.Link, AtomLink.AtomLinkType.Self));
                // Convierte las extensiones
                ConvertExtension(rdfEntry.Extensions, channelEntry.Extensions);
                // Añade la entrada al objeto Atom
Пример #34
        public void Typical_Entry()
            var xml   = @"<entry xmlns=""""
            var entry = new AtomEntry();

            using (var stream = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(xml)))

            var syncState = entry.GetSDataSyncState();

            Assert.That(syncState.EndPoint, Is.EqualTo(""));
            Assert.That(syncState.Tick, Is.EqualTo(5L));
            Assert.That(syncState.Stamp, Is.EqualTo(new DateTime(2008, 10, 30, 14, 55, 43)));
Пример #35
        /// <summary>
        /// Provides example code for the Load(XmlReader) method
        /// </summary>
        public static void LoadXmlReaderExample()
            #region Load(XmlReader reader)
            AtomEntry entry = new AtomEntry();

            using (Stream stream = new FileStream("AtomEntryDocument.xml", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
                XmlReaderSettings settings = new XmlReaderSettings();
                settings.IgnoreComments   = true;
                settings.IgnoreWhitespace = true;

                using (XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(stream, settings))

                    if (entry.UpdatedOn >= DateTime.Today)
                        //  Perform some processing on the entry
Пример #36
        public static async Task ParseDictionaryAsyncAtomFeed()
            // Test to verify GitHub PR #57 - handling empty key name to "Empty" for <s:key name="">
            var path = Path.Combine(Directory, "AtomFeed.EmptyDictionaryKeyNameAtomFeed.xml");

            using (var stream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
                var reader = XmlReader.Create(stream, TestAtomFeed.XmlReaderSettings);
                var feed   = new AtomFeed();
                await feed.ReadXmlAsync(reader);

                Assert.Equal(1, feed.Entries.Count);
                AtomEntry entry   = feed.Entries[0];
                dynamic   content = entry.Content;
                Assert.Equal(1, ((IDictionary <string, object>)content["Key"]["Empty"]).Count);
                Assert.Equal("num", content["Key"]["Empty"]["Type"]);
                Assert.Equal(new ReadOnlyDictionary <string, Uri>(new Dictionary <string, Uri>()), feed.Links);
                Assert.Equal(new ReadOnlyCollection <Message>(new List <Message>()), feed.Messages);
Пример #37
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates information about a syndication resource in the data source.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="request">The url from the syndication data source for the resource to be updated.</param>
        /// <param name="entry">
        ///     An object that implements the <see cref="ISyndicationResource"/> interface that represents the updated information for the resource.
        /// </param>
        public virtual AtomEntry UpdateEntry(SDataBaseRequest request, AtomEntry entry)
            Guard.ArgumentNotNull(request, "request");
            Guard.ArgumentNotNull(entry, "entry");

                var url       = request.ToString();
                var eTag      = entry.GetSDataHttpETag();
                var batchItem = new SDataBatchRequestItem
                    Url    = url,
                    Method = HttpMethod.Put,
                    Entry  = entry,
                    ETag   = eTag

                if (BatchProcess.Instance.AddToBatch(batchItem))

                var operation = new RequestOperation(HttpMethod.Put, entry)
                    ETag = eTag
                return(ExecuteEntryRequest(url, operation));
            catch (SDataClientException)
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new SDataClientException(ex.Message, ex);
Пример #38
        public AtomEntry createWebPage(String originalUrl, String path, String title, String html, String pageName, DateTime lastModified)
            String parentUrl = "" + sitename + "?path=" + path;

            if (this.debugFlag)
                printDebugMessage("Creating page " + parentUrl + "/" + pageName);
            AtomEntry    parent   = service.Get(parentUrl);
            SiteEntry    entry    = new SiteEntry();
            AtomCategory category = new AtomCategory(SitesService.WEBPAGE_TERM, SitesService.KIND_SCHEME);

            category.Label = "webpage";
            AtomLink link = new AtomLink("application/atom+xml", "");

            link.HRef = parent.EditUri;
            entry.Title.Text      = IndianBridge.Common.Utility.ConvertCaseString(title);
            entry.Content.Type    = "html";
            entry.Content.Content = html;
            AtomEntry newEntry = null;
            String    url      = "" + sitename;

            newEntry = service.Insert(new Uri(url), entry);
            lastRunTimes[originalUrl] = lastModified;

            /*TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter(m_hashTableFileName, true);
             * tw.WriteLine(originalUrl + "," + lastModified);
             * tw.Close();*/
            if (this.debugFlag)
                printDebugMessage(parentUrl + "/" + pageName + " - Created.");
        private async Task AddSyndicationItemEntry(AtomEntry <SyndicationItem <Parcel> > entry, SyndicationContext context, CancellationToken ct)
            var addressParcelLinkExtractItems =
                .Where(x => x.ParcelId == entry.Content.Object.Id)
                .Concat(context.AddressParcelLinkExtract.Local.Where(x => x.ParcelId == entry.Content.Object.Id))

            var itemsToRemove = new List <AddressParcelLinkExtractItem>();

            foreach (var addressParcelLinkExtractItem in addressParcelLinkExtractItems)
                if (!entry.Content.Object.AddressIds.Contains(addressParcelLinkExtractItem.AddressId))


            foreach (var addressId in entry.Content.Object.AddressIds)
                var addressItem = addressParcelLinkExtractItems.FirstOrDefault(x => x.AddressId == addressId);
                if (addressItem == null)
                    await context.AddressParcelLinkExtract.AddAsync(
                        await CreateAddressParcelLinkExtractItem(entry, addressId, context), ct);
                    addressItem.ParcelPersistentLocalId = entry.Content.Object.Identificator.ObjectId;
                    UpdateDbaseRecordField(addressItem, record => record.adresobjid.Value = entry.Content.Object.Identificator.ObjectId);
        public FeedItem(ISyndicationItem item, DateTimeOffset recent, Uri website)
            Title = item.Title;
            ISyndicationLink firstLink = item.Links.FirstOrDefault(x => x.RelationshipType == RssLinkTypes.Alternate);

            if (firstLink != null)
                Link = firstLink.Uri.IsAbsoluteUri ? firstLink.Uri.AbsoluteUri : new Uri(website, firstLink.Uri).AbsoluteUri;
                Link = item.Id;

            Published   = item.Published != default ? item.Published : item.LastUpdated;
            Recent      = Published > recent;
            Description = item.Description;
            Links       = item.Links
                          .Where(x => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.MediaType))
                          .GroupBy(x => x.MediaType)
                          .Select(x => x.First())
                          .ToDictionary(x => x.MediaType, x => x.Uri.ToString());

            ISyndicationPerson person = item.Contributors.FirstOrDefault(x => x.RelationshipType == "author");

            if (person != null)
                Author = person.Name ?? person.Email;

            AtomEntry atom = item as AtomEntry;

            if (atom != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(atom.Summary))
                Description = atom.Summary;
Пример #41
        private static async Task AddSyndicationItemEntry(AtomEntry <SyndicationItem <StreetName> > entry, SyndicationContext context, CancellationToken ct)
            var latestItem = await context

            if (latestItem == null)
                latestItem = new StreetNameLatestItem
                    StreetNameId      = entry.Content.Object.StreetNameId,
                    NisCode           = entry.Content.Object.NisCode,
                    Version           = entry.Content.Object.Identificator?.Versie,
                    Position          = long.Parse(entry.FeedEntry.Id),
                    PersistentLocalId = entry.Content.Object.Identificator?.ObjectId,
                    IsComplete        = entry.Content.Object.IsComplete

                UpdateNames(latestItem, entry.Content.Object.StreetNames);
                UpdateHomonymAdditions(latestItem, entry.Content.Object.HomonymAdditions);

                await context
                .AddAsync(latestItem, ct);
                latestItem.NisCode           = entry.Content.Object.NisCode;
                latestItem.Version           = entry.Content.Object.Identificator?.Versie;
                latestItem.Position          = long.Parse(entry.FeedEntry.Id);
                latestItem.PersistentLocalId = entry.Content.Object.Identificator?.ObjectId;
                latestItem.IsComplete        = entry.Content.Object.IsComplete;

                UpdateNames(latestItem, entry.Content.Object.StreetNames);
                UpdateHomonymAdditions(latestItem, entry.Content.Object.HomonymAdditions);
Пример #42
        /// <summary>
        ///		Convierte las entradas RSS en entradas Atom
        /// </summary>
        private void ConvertEntries(RSSChannel rss, AtomChannel channel)
            foreach (RSSEntry rssEntry in rss.Entries)
                AtomEntry channelEntry = new AtomEntry();

                // Convierte los datos de la entrada
                channelEntry.ID            = rssEntry.ID;
                channelEntry.Title         = ConvertText(rssEntry.Title);
                channelEntry.Content       = ConvertText(rssEntry.Content);
                channelEntry.DateIssued    = rssEntry.DateCreated;
                channelEntry.DateCreated   = rssEntry.DateCreated;
                channelEntry.DateModified  = rssEntry.DateCreated;
                channelEntry.DateUpdated   = rssEntry.DateCreated;
                channelEntry.DatePublished = rssEntry.DateCreated;
                // Vínculos
                channelEntry.Links.Add(ConvertLink(rssEntry.Link, AtomLink.AtomLinkType.Self));
                foreach (RSSEnclosure rssEnclosure in rssEntry.Enclosures)
                // Autores
                foreach (RSSAuthor rssAuthor in rssEntry.Authors)
                // Categorías
                foreach (RSSCategory rssCategory in rssEntry.Categories)
                // Convierte las extensiones
                ConvertExtension(rssEntry.Extensions, channelEntry.Extensions);
                // Añade la entrada al objeto Atom
        private void PostNoticeUrl(Notice notice, string url)
            AtomEntry entry = new AtomEntry();

            entry.Title.Text      = notice.Subject;
            entry.Content.Content = notice.Subject;
            entry.Content.Type    = notice.ContentType;

            if (notice.CareRecord != null)
                XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(ContinuityOfCareRecord));
                using (StringWriter strWriter = new StringWriter())
                    XmlTextWriter writer = new XmlTextWriter(new StringWriter());
                    serializer.Serialize(writer, notice.CareRecord);

                    XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
                    entry.ExtensionElements.Add(new XmlExtension(doc.DocumentElement));

            notice = Notice.FromAtomEntry(this.Insert(new Uri(url), entry));
    public AtomEntry GetEntry(Id entryId)
      ItemDataContext dc = new ItemDataContext();
      Item item = dc.Items.Where(i => i.Id == entryId.ToString()).SingleOrDefault();
      SyndicationItem si = new SyndicationItem()
        Id = item.Id,
        LastUpdatedTime = item.LastUpdatedTime,
        PublishDate = item.PublishDate.Value
      if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.BaseUri)) si.BaseUri = new Uri(item.BaseUri);

      LoadAttributes(si.AttributeExtensions, item.Attributes);
      LoadElements(si.ElementExtensions, item.Elements);
      LoadPersons(si.Authors, item.Persons, PersonTypeAuthor);
      LoadPersons(si.Contributors, item.Persons, PersonTypeContributor);
      si.Content = GetContent(item.Content);
      si.Title = GetTextContent(item.Title);
      si.Summary = GetTextContent(item.Summary);
      si.Copyright = GetTextContent(item.Copyright);
      LoadLinks(si.Links, item.Links);
      LoadCategories(si.Categories, item.Categories);

      using (Stream s = new MemoryStream())
        XmlWriter w = new XmlTextWriter(s, Encoding.UTF8);
        AtomEntry entry = new AtomEntry();
        s.Position = 0;
        XmlReader r = new XmlTextReader(s);
        entry.Xml = XElement.Load(r);
        return entry;
Пример #45
        /// <summary>
        /// Modifies the <see cref="AtomEntry"/> optional entities to match the supplied <see cref="XPathNavigator"/> data source.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entry">The <see cref="AtomEntry"/> to be filled.</param>
        /// <param name="source">The <see cref="XPathNavigator"/> to extract information from.</param>
        /// <param name="manager">The <see cref="XmlNamespaceManager"/> used to resolve XML namespace prefixes.</param>
        /// <param name="settings">The <see cref="SyndicationResourceLoadSettings"/> used to configure the fill operation.</param>
        /// <remarks>
        ///     This method expects the supplied <paramref name="source"/> to be positioned on the XML element that represents an Atom 0.3 element.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">The <paramref name="entry"/> is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic).</exception>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">The <paramref name="source"/> is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic).</exception>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">The <paramref name="manager"/> is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic).</exception>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">The <paramref name="settings"/> is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic).</exception>
        private static void FillEntryOptionals(AtomEntry entry, XPathNavigator source, XmlNamespaceManager manager, SyndicationResourceLoadSettings settings)
            //	Validate parameter
            Guard.ArgumentNotNull(entry, "entry");
            Guard.ArgumentNotNull(source, "source");
            Guard.ArgumentNotNull(manager, "manager");
            Guard.ArgumentNotNull(settings, "settings");

            //	Attempt to extract syndication information
            XPathNavigator contentNavigator = source.SelectSingleNode("atom:content", manager);
            XPathNavigator createdNavigator = source.SelectSingleNode("atom:created", manager);
            XPathNavigator summaryNavigator = source.SelectSingleNode("atom:summary", manager);

            if (contentNavigator != null)
                entry.Content = Atom03SyndicationResourceAdapter.CreateContent(contentNavigator, manager, settings);

            if (createdNavigator != null)
                DateTime publishedOn;
                if (SyndicationDateTimeUtility.TryParseRfc3339DateTime(createdNavigator.Value, out publishedOn))
                    entry.PublishedOn = publishedOn;

            if (summaryNavigator != null)
                entry.Summary = Atom03SyndicationResourceAdapter.CreateTextContent(summaryNavigator, manager, settings);
Пример #46
        public void addEvent(string lugar, DateTime inicio, double duracion, string asunto, string contenido, IList <Participantes> participantes)
            Where location = new Where()
                ValueString = lugar
            Reminder reminder = new Reminder()
                Hours = 1, Method =
            When time = new When(inicio, inicio.AddHours(duracion));


            CalendarService service = new CalendarService("GESAC");

            service.setUserCredentials(Correo, Contraseña);

            EventEntry entry = new EventEntry();

            entry.Title.Text      = asunto;
            entry.Content.Content = contenido;
            entry.Notifications   = true;

            foreach (Participantes p in participantes)
                entry.Participants.Add(new Who()
                    ValueString = p.Nombre, Email = p.Correo, Rel = "nofollow"

            AtomEntry insert = service.Insert(CalendarURI, entry);
Пример #47
        //	CLASS SUMMARY
        /// <summary>
        /// Provides example code for the AtomCategory class.
        /// </summary>
        public static void ClassExample()
            #region AtomCategory
            AtomFeed feed = new AtomFeed();

            feed.Id        = new AtomId(new Uri("urn:uuid:60a76c80-d399-11d9-b93C-0003939e0af6"));
            feed.Title     = new AtomTextConstruct("Example Feed");
            feed.UpdatedOn = new DateTime(2003, 12, 13, 18, 30, 2);

            feed.Links.Add(new AtomLink(new Uri("")));
            feed.Links.Add(new AtomLink(new Uri("/feed"), "self"));

            feed.Authors.Add(new AtomPersonConstruct("John Doe"));

            // Categorize the feed
            feed.Categories.Add(new AtomCategory("sports"));

            AtomEntry entry = new AtomEntry();

            entry.Id        = new AtomId(new Uri("urn:uuid:1225c695-cfb8-4ebb-aaaa-80da344efa6a"));
            entry.Title     = new AtomTextConstruct("Atom-Powered Robots Run Amok");
            entry.UpdatedOn = new DateTime(2003, 12, 13, 18, 30, 2);

            entry.Summary = new AtomTextConstruct("Some text.");

            //  Categorize the feed entry
            AtomCategory entryCategory = new AtomCategory();
            entryCategory.Label  = "Baseball";
            entryCategory.Scheme = new Uri("");
            entryCategory.Term   = "baseball";


Пример #48

        /// <summary>runs an authentication test</summary>
        [Test] public void BloggerStressTest()
            Tracing.TraceMsg("Entering Blogger GoogleStressTest");

            FeedQuery      query   = new FeedQuery();
            BloggerService service = new BloggerService(this.ApplicationName);

            if (this.bloggerURI != null)
                if (this.userName != null)
                    service.Credentials = new GDataCredentials(this.userName, this.passWord);

                service.RequestFactory = this.factory;

                query.Uri = new Uri(this.bloggerURI);
                AtomFeed blogFeed = service.Query(query);

                ObjectModelHelper.DumpAtomObject(blogFeed, CreateDumpFileName("AuthenticationTest"));

                if (blogFeed != null)
                    for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++)
                        AtomEntry entry = ObjectModelHelper.CreateAtomEntry(i);
                        entry.Title.Text      = "Title " + i;
                        entry.Content.Content = "Some text...";
                        entry.Content.Type    = "html";

 private static Task DoNothing(AtomEntry <SyndicationItem <Municipality> > entry, SyndicationContext context, CancellationToken ct) => Task.CompletedTask;
 protected void SetPerson(AtomEntry entry)
    public virtual AtomEntry UpdateEntry(Id entryId, AtomEntry entry, string slug)
      LogService.Info("AtomPubService.UpdateEntry entryId={0}", entryId);
      Auth(entryId, AuthAction.UpdateEntryOrMedia);

      //ensure existing entry exists
      AtomEntry old = AtomEntryRepository.GetEntry(entryId);

      //copy old approval setting when not authorized to approve
      if (!AuthorizeService.IsAuthorized(GetUser(), entryId.ToScope(), AuthAction.ApproveEntryOrMedia))
        if (entry.Control != null && entry.Control.Approved.HasValue)
          entry.Control.Approved = old.Control.Approved;
          entry.Control.Approved = false;

      if (!entry.Draft && !entry.Published.HasValue) entry.Published = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow;
      entry.Updated = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow;
      entry.Edited = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow;

      //if (old.Draft) //allow Id to change when old was draft mode, is this safe?
      //  AppCollection coll = AppServiceRepository.GetService().GetCollection(entryId);
      //  if (coll.Dated)
      //    entry.Id = new Id(coll.Id.Owner, entry.Date.UtcDateTime, coll.Id.Collection, entry.BuildPath(null, slug));
      //  else
      //    entry.Id = new Id(coll.Id.Owner, coll.Id.Date, coll.Id.Collection, entry.BuildPath(null, slug));
        entry.Id = entryId; //reset Id (it shouldn't change)

      if (old.Media) entry.Content = old.Content; //reset Content (it shouldn't change for media link entries)
      entry.IdChanged += (e) => SetLinks(e);// e.UpdateLinks(RouteFunc); //in case of changes during draft

      if (UpdatingEntry != null) UpdatingEntry(entryId, entry, slug);
      entry = AtomEntryRepository.UpdateEntry(entry);
      if (EntryUpdated != null) EntryUpdated(entry);

      return entry;
        /// <summary>
        /// constructor. takes the async data blob
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data">async data to constructor</param>
        internal AsyncOperationCompletedEventArgs(AsyncData data)
            : base(data.Exception, false, data.UserData)
            feedObject = data.Feed;
            stream = data.DataStream;
            AsyncSendData sData = data as AsyncSendData;
            if (sData != null)
                entryObject = sData.Entry;

 public JsonResult QuickPub(string id, string title, string content, string submit)
     if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(title) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(content)) throw new Exception("Both the title and content are required.");
     AtomEntry entry = new AtomEntry();
     entry.Title = new AtomTitle() { Text = title };
     entry.Content = new AtomContent() { Text = content, Type = "html" };
     if (submit != "Publish") entry.Control = new AppControl() { Draft = true };
     entry = AtomPubService.CreateEntry(id, entry, null);
     string message = (entry.Published.HasValue) ? "<strong>Entry Published</strong>" : "<strong>Draft Saved</strong>";
     message += string.Format(" <a href='{0}'>View entry</a> | <a href='{1}'>Edit entry</a>",
       entry.LocationWeb, Url.Action("EditEntry", "Admin", new { id = entry.Id }));
     return Json(new { message = message });
   catch (Exception ex)
     return Json(new { error = ex.Message });
    //TODO: this is complex, is there a better design?
    protected void SetCategories(AtomEntry entry)
      LogService.Info("AtomPubService.SetCategories entryId={0}", entry.Id);
      AppService service = AppServiceRepository.GetService();
      bool changed = false;
      AppCollection coll = service.GetCollection(entry.Id);
      //get all external categories
      Dictionary<AppCategories, KeyValuePair<AppCategories, bool>> external = new Dictionary<AppCategories, KeyValuePair<AppCategories, bool>>();
      foreach (AppCategories cats in coll.Categories)
        if (cats.IsExternal) external.Add(AppCategoriesRepository.GetCategories(coll.Id, cats), new KeyValuePair<AppCategories, bool>(cats, false));

      //add to either internal or external
      foreach (AtomCategory cat in entry.Categories)
        AppCategories cats = coll.Categories.Where(c => !c.IsExternal && c.Scheme == cat.Scheme).SingleOrDefault();
        if (cats != null && cats.AddCategory(cat))
          LogService.Info("Added internal category {0}", cat.Term);
          changed = true;
          //look in external
          if (external.Keys.Where(e => e.Scheme == cat.Scheme).SingleOrDefault() != null)
            KeyValuePair<AppCategories, KeyValuePair<AppCategories, bool>> ex = external.Where(e => e.Key.Scheme == cat.Scheme).Single();
            if (ex.Key.AddCategory(cat))
              external.Add(ex.Key, new KeyValuePair<AppCategories, bool>(ex.Value.Key, true));
              LogService.Info("Added external category {0}", cat.Term);

      //save when changed
      if (changed)
        LogService.Info("Saving service doc for internal category changes.");

      //save external when changed
      foreach (KeyValuePair<AppCategories, KeyValuePair<AppCategories, bool>> ex in external)
        if (ex.Value.Value)
          LogService.Info("Saving external category changes for {0}", ex.Value.Key.Href);
          AppCategoriesRepository.UpdateCategories(coll.Id, ex.Value.Key, ex.Key);
        public GoogleDatabase(AtomEntry entry)
            this.entry = entry;

    public virtual AtomEntry Annotate(Id entryId, AtomEntry entry, string slug)
      LogService.Info("AnnotateService.Annotate entryId={0} slug={1}", entryId, slug);

      if (!AuthorizeService.IsAuthorized(GetUser(), entryId.ToScope(), AuthAction.Annotate))
        throw new UserNotAuthorizedException(GetUser().Name, AuthAction.Annotate.ToString());

      AppCollection coll = AppService.GetCollection(entryId);

      //make sure type is accepted
      if (!coll.CanAccept(Atom.ContentTypeEntry))
        throw new InvalidContentTypeException(Atom.ContentTypeEntry);

      entry.SetNamespaces(); //TODO: is there a better place for this?

      //build id onto parent's id
      AtomEntry parent = AtomPubService.GetEntry(entryId);
      entry.Id = new Id(parent.Id.Owner, parent.Id.Date, parent.Id.Collection, entry.BuildPath(parent.Id.EntryPath, slug));
      var url = new UrlHelper(Container.GetInstance<RequestContext>());
      //this annotation is a reply to the parent entry, TODO: leave off href for later calc based on id?
      entry.InReplyTo = new ThreadInReplyTo()
        Ref = parent.Id,
        Href = parent.IsExternal ? parent.Content.Src : url.RouteIdUri("AtomPubEntry", entry.Id, AbsoluteMode.Force),
        Type = parent.IsExternal ? parent.Content.Type : Atom.ContentTypeEntry

      if (!entry.Published.HasValue) entry.Published = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow;
      entry.Updated = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow;
      entry.Edited = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow;

      if (entry.Authors.Count() == 0) entry.SetPerson(AuthorizeService, true);

      //entry.IdChanged += (e) => e.UpdateLinks(UrlHelper.RouteIdUri);

      //OnAnnotate(parent, entryId, entry, slug);
      if (AnnotatingEntry != null) AnnotatingEntry(entryId, entry, slug);

      if (entry.Authors.Count() == 0 || entry.Authors.First().Name == null)
        throw new AnnotationNotAllowedException(entry.Id, entry.AnnotationType, "the author cannot be determined");

      entry = AtomEntryRepository.CreateEntry(entry);
      if (EntryAnnotated != null) EntryAnnotated(entry);
      return entry;
    protected void SetLinks(AtomEntry entry)
      LogService.Debug("AtomPubService.SetLinks entryId={0}", entry.Id);
      if (entry.Links == null) entry.Links = new List<AtomLink>();
      var links = entry.Links.ToList();

      var url = new UrlHelper(Container.GetInstance<RequestContext>());
      if (AuthorizeService.IsAuthorized(GetUser(), entry.Id.ToScope(), AuthAction.UpdateEntryOrMedia))
        links.Merge(new AtomLink { Rel = "edit", Href = url.RouteIdUri("AtomPubEntryEdit", entry.Id, AbsoluteMode.Force ), });
      links.Merge(new AtomLink { Rel = "self", Href = url.RouteIdUri("AtomPubEntry", entry.Id, AbsoluteMode.Force) });

      if (entry.Media)
          if (entry.Content == null) entry.Content = new AtomContent();
          entry.Content.Src = url.RouteIdUri("AtomPubMedia", entry.Id, AbsoluteMode.Force);
          if (AuthorizeService.IsAuthorized(GetUser(), entry.Id.ToScope(), AuthAction.UpdateEntryOrMedia))
              links.Merge(new AtomLink { Rel = "edit-media", Href = url.RouteIdUri("AtomPubMediaEdit", entry.Id, AbsoluteMode.Force) });
          links.Merge(new AtomLink { Rel = "alternate", Type="text/html", Href = url.RouteIdUri("AtomPubResource", entry.Id, AbsoluteMode.Force) });

      if (AuthorizeService.IsAuthorized(GetUser(), entry.Id.ToScope(), AuthAction.ApproveEntryOrMedia))
          links.RemoveAll(l => l.Rel == "unapprove" || l.Rel == "approve");
          links.Add(new AtomLink { Rel = entry.Approved ? "unapprove" : "approve", Href = url.RouteIdUri("AtomPubApproveEntry", entry.Id, AbsoluteMode.Force) });

      entry.Links = links;
      if (SettingEntryLinks != null) SettingEntryLinks(entry);
    public virtual AtomEntry CreateMedia(Id collectionId, Stream stream, string slug, string contentType)
      LogService.Info("AtomPubService.CreateMedia collectionId={0} slug={1} contentType={2}", collectionId, slug, contentType);
      Auth(collectionId, AuthAction.CreateEntryOrMedia);
      AppCollection coll = AppServiceRepository.GetService().GetCollection(collectionId);
      if (!coll.CanAccept(contentType)) throw new InvalidContentTypeException(contentType);
      AtomEntry entry = new AtomEntry();
      entry.Media = true;
      entry.Title = new AtomText(Atom.AtomNs + "title") { Text = slug != null ? slug : collectionId.Collection };
      entry.Updated = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow;
      entry.Edited = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow;
      if (!entry.Published.HasValue) entry.Published = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow;
      if (coll.Dated)
        entry.Id = new Id(collectionId.Owner, entry.Date.UtcDateTime, collectionId.Collection, entry.BuildPath(null, slug));
        entry.Id = new Id(collectionId.Owner, collectionId.Date, collectionId.Collection, entry.BuildPath(null, slug));

      entry.Content = new AtomContent { Type = contentType };//, Src = UrlHelper.RouteIdUri("AtomPubMedia", entry.Id, AbsoluteMode.Force) };
      entry.Summary = new AtomText(Atom.AtomNs + "summary") { Text = "" };
      entry.IdChanged += (e) => SetLinks(e);// e.UpdateLinks(RouteFunc);
      if (CreatingEntry != null) CreatingEntry(collectionId, entry, slug);
      //OnCreateMedia(entry, collectionId, stream, slug, contentType);
      entry = MediaRepository.CreateMedia(entry, stream);
      if (EntryCreated != null) EntryCreated(entry);
      return entry;
Пример #59
        /// <summary>
        /// Instantiates a <see cref="ISyndicationResource"/> that conforms to the specified <see cref="SyndicationContentFormat"/> using the supplied <see cref="Stream"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stream">The <see cref="Stream"/> used to load the syndication resource.</param>
        /// <param name="format">A <see cref="SyndicationContentFormat"/> enumeration value that indicates the type syndication resource the <paramref name="stream"/> represents.</param>
        /// <returns>
        ///     An <see cref="ISyndicationResource"/> object that conforms to the specified <paramref name="format"/>, initialized using the supplied <paramref name="stream"/>.
        ///     If the <paramref name="format"/> is not supported by the provider, returns a <b>null</b> reference.
        /// </returns>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">The <paramref name="stream"/> is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic).</exception>
        private static ISyndicationResource BuildResource(SyndicationContentFormat format, Stream stream)
            Guard.ArgumentNotNull(stream, "stream");

            if (format == SyndicationContentFormat.Apml)
                ApmlDocument document = new ApmlDocument();
            else if (format == SyndicationContentFormat.Atom)
                XPathDocument  document  = new XPathDocument(stream);
                XPathNavigator navigator = document.CreateNavigator();

                if (String.Compare(navigator.LocalName, "entry", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
                    AtomEntry entry = new AtomEntry();
                else if (String.Compare(navigator.LocalName, "feed", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
                    AtomFeed feed = new AtomFeed();
            else if (format == SyndicationContentFormat.BlogML)
                BlogMLDocument document = new BlogMLDocument();
            else if (format == SyndicationContentFormat.Opml)
                OpmlDocument document = new OpmlDocument();
            else if (format == SyndicationContentFormat.Rsd)
                RsdDocument document = new RsdDocument();
            else if (format == SyndicationContentFormat.Rss)
                RssFeed feed = new RssFeed();
 protected void SetPerson(AtomEntry entry)
   if (entry.Authors.Count() == 0) entry.SetPerson(AuthorizeService);