Пример #1
        public void Update()
            if (!isCompatible)
            if (counter < 5)
                counter += TimeWarp.fixedDeltaTime;
            if (cams == null)
                cams = new List <CameraWrapper>();

                Camera[] cameras = Camera.allCameras;

                foreach (Camera cam in cameras)
                        CameraWrapper thisCam = new CameraWrapper();
                        thisCam.camName        = cam.name.ToString();
                        thisCam.depth          = cam.depth.ToString();
                        thisCam.farClipPlane  += cam.farClipPlane.ToString();
                        thisCam.nearClipPlane += cam.nearClipPlane.ToString();
                        // layer cull appears unused by relevant cameras.

                        /*for (int i = 0; i < cam.layerCullDistances.Length; i++)
                         *  thisCam.layerCullDistances.Add("" + cam.layerCullDistances[i]);*/

                    catch (Exception e)
                        Debug.Log("*RSSGUI* Exception getting camera " + cam.name + "\n" + e);
            if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.G) && Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftAlt))
                GUIOpen = !GUIOpen;
                if (GUIOpen)
                    afg = findAFG();
                    if (afg != null)
                        rt     = afg.waveLength.r.ToString();
                        gt     = afg.waveLength.g.ToString();
                        bt     = afg.waveLength.b.ToString();
                        at     = afg.waveLength.a.ToString();
                        ESunt  = afg.ESun.ToString();
                        Krt    = afg.Kr.ToString();
                        Kmt    = afg.Km.ToString();
                        innert = (afg.innerRadius * ScaledSpace.ScaleFactor).ToString();
                        outert = (afg.outerRadius * ScaledSpace.ScaleFactor).ToString();
Пример #2
        public static void UpdateAFG(CelestialBody body, AtmosphereFromGround afg, ConfigNode modNode = null)
            // the defaults -- don't support the full RSS panoply
            afg.outerRadius = (float)body.Radius * 1.025f * ScaledSpace.InverseScaleFactor;
            afg.innerRadius = afg.outerRadius * 0.975f;

            // the stuff Start and UpdateAtmosphere(true) does
            afg.KrESun              = afg.Kr * afg.ESun;
            afg.KmESun              = afg.Km * afg.ESun;
            afg.Kr4PI               = afg.Kr * 4f * (float)Math.PI;
            afg.Km4PI               = afg.Km * 4f * (float)Math.PI;
            afg.g2                  = afg.g * afg.g;
            afg.outerRadius2        = afg.outerRadius * afg.outerRadius;
            afg.innerRadius2        = afg.innerRadius * afg.innerRadius;
            afg.scale               = 1f / (afg.outerRadius - afg.innerRadius);
            afg.scaleDepth          = -0.25f;
            afg.scaleOverScaleDepth = afg.scale / afg.scaleDepth;
                afgSetMaterial.Invoke(afg, new object[] { true });
            catch (Exception e)
                print("**ERROR setting AtmosphereFromGround " + afg.name + " for body " + body.name + ": " + e);
Пример #3
        public static void RecursiveFixAtmo(CelestialBody Planet, string SunName)
            if (Planet.name != SunName)
                //Utils.FindScaled( input.celestialBody.name ).layer = 1024;
                MaterialSetDirection msd = Utils.FindScaled(Planet.name).GetComponentInChildren <MaterialSetDirection>();
                if (msd != null)
                    msd.target = GameObject.Find(SunName + "Sun").transform;

                var atmo = Utils.FindScaled(Planet.name).transform.FindChild("Atmosphere");
                if (atmo != null)
                    AtmosphereFromGround afg = atmo.GetComponent <AtmosphereFromGround>();
                    afg.sunLight = GameObject.Find(SunName + "Sun");

                var atmoL = Utils.FindLocal(Planet.name).transform.FindChild("Atmosphere");
                if (atmoL != null)
                    AtmosphereFromGround afgL = atmo.GetComponent <AtmosphereFromGround>();
                    afgL.sunLight = GameObject.Find(SunName + "Sun");
            foreach (CelestialBody child in Planet.orbitingBodies)
                RecursiveFixAtmo(child, SunName);
Пример #4
        public static void UpdateAFG(CelestialBody body, AtmosphereFromGround afg, ConfigNode modNode = null)
            // the defaults -- don't support the full RSS panoply
            afg.outerRadius = (float)body.Radius * 1.025f * ScaledSpace.InverseScaleFactor;
            afg.innerRadius = afg.outerRadius * 0.975f;

            // the stuff Start and UpdateAtmosphere(true) does
            afg.KrESun = afg.Kr * afg.ESun;
            afg.KmESun = afg.Km * afg.ESun;
            afg.Kr4PI = afg.Kr * 4f * (float)Math.PI;
            afg.Km4PI = afg.Km * 4f * (float)Math.PI;
            afg.g2 = afg.g * afg.g;
            afg.outerRadius2 = afg.outerRadius * afg.outerRadius;
            afg.innerRadius2 = afg.innerRadius * afg.innerRadius;
            afg.scale = 1f / (afg.outerRadius - afg.innerRadius);
            afg.scaleDepth = -0.25f;
            afg.scaleOverScaleDepth = afg.scale / afg.scaleDepth;
                afgSetMaterial.Invoke(afg, new object[] { true });
            catch (Exception e)
                print("**ERROR setting AtmosphereFromGround " + afg.name + " for body " + body.name + ": " + e);
Пример #5
 public void Start()
     if (afg == null)
         afg = findAFG();
     //print("[AFGEditor] Start()");
     windowStyle = new GUIStyle(HighLogic.Skin.window);
     windowStyle.stretchHeight = true;
Пример #6
 public static void StoreAfg(AtmosphereFromGround afg)
     if (afg.planet == null)
         Debug.Log("[Kopernicus] Trying to store AFG, but planet null!");
     Atmospheres[afg.planet.transform.name] = new AtmosphereInfo(afg);
Пример #7
 public void Start()
     if (afg == null)
         afg = findAFG();
     //print("[AFGEditor] Start()");
     windowStyle = new GUIStyle(HighLogic.Skin.window);
     windowStyle.stretchHeight = true;
Пример #8
 public static bool StoreAFG(AtmosphereFromGround afg)
     if (afg.planet == null)
         Debug.Log("[Kopernicus] Trying to store AFG, but planet null!");
     atmospheres[afg.planet.bodyName] = new AFGInfo(afg);
Пример #9
 public static bool StoreAFG(AtmosphereFromGround afg)
     if (afg.planet == null)
         Debug.Log("[Kopernicus]: Trying to store AFG, but planet null!");
         return false;
     atmospheres[afg.planet.bodyName] = new AFGInfo(afg);
     return true;
        void CheckAtmosphere()
            targetAtmoColour = new Color32( (byte)AtmoRedColour, (byte)AtmoGreenColour, (byte)AtmoBlueColour, 255);
            AtmosphereFromGround atmo = Utils.FindScaled( vessel.mainBody.name ).GetComponentInChildren<AtmosphereFromGround>();
            if( atmo == null )
                PlanetUtils.AddAtmoFX( vessel.mainBody.name, 1, new Color( 1, 1, 1, 0 ), 0 );
                atmo = Utils.FindScaled( vessel.mainBody.name ).GetComponentInChildren<AtmosphereFromGround>();

            targetAtmo = atmo;
        void CheckAtmosphere()
            targetAtmoColour = new Color32((byte)AtmoRedColour, (byte)AtmoGreenColour, (byte)AtmoBlueColour, 255);
            AtmosphereFromGround atmo = Utils.FindScaled(vessel.mainBody.name).GetComponentInChildren <AtmosphereFromGround>();

            if (atmo == null)
                PlanetUtils.AddAtmoFX(vessel.mainBody.name, 1, new Color(1, 1, 1, 0), 0);
                atmo = Utils.FindScaled(vessel.mainBody.name).GetComponentInChildren <AtmosphereFromGround>();

            targetAtmo = atmo;
Пример #12
 public void Start()
     if (!CompatibilityChecker.IsCompatible())
         isCompatible = false;
     if (afg == null)
         afg = findAFG();
     //print("[AFGEditor] Start()");
     windowStyle = new GUIStyle(HighLogic.Skin.window);
     windowStyle.stretchHeight = true;
Пример #13
            // Post apply event
            void IParserEventSubscriber.PostApply(ConfigNode node)
                // Should we remove the atmosphere
                if (body.celestialBody.atmosphere && removeAtmosphere.value)
                    // Find atmosphere from ground and destroy the game object
                    AtmosphereFromGround atmosphere = body.scaledVersion.GetComponentsInChildren <AtmosphereFromGround>(true)[0];
                    atmosphere.transform.parent = null;

                    // Destroy the light controller
                    MaterialSetDirection light = body.scaledVersion.GetComponentsInChildren <MaterialSetDirection>(true)[0];

                    // No more atmosphere :(
                    body.celestialBody.atmosphere = false;

                // Should we remove the ocean?
                if (body.celestialBody.ocean && removeOcean.value)
                    // Find atmosphere the ocean PQS
                    PQS ocean = body.pqsVersion.GetComponentsInChildren <PQS>(true).Where(pqs => pqs != body.pqsVersion).First();
                    PQSMod_CelestialBodyTransform cbt = body.pqsVersion.GetComponentsInChildren <PQSMod_CelestialBodyTransform>(true).First();

                    // Destroy the ocean PQS (this could be bad - destroying the secondary fades...)
                    cbt.secondaryFades     = null;
                    ocean.transform.parent = null;

                    // No more ocean :(
                    body.celestialBody.ocean = false;

                // Figure out what kind of body we are
                if (body.scaledVersion.GetComponentsInChildren(typeof(ScaledSun), true).Length > 0)
                    type = BodyType.Star;
                else if (body.celestialBody.atmosphere)
                    type = BodyType.Atmospheric;
                    type = BodyType.Vacuum;

                Debug.Log("[Kopernicus]: Configuration.Template: Using Template \"" + body.celestialBody.bodyName + "\"");
Пример #14
 public AtmosphereFromGround findAFG()
     CelestialBody mainBody = FlightGlobals.getMainBody();
     //AtmosphereFromGround afg = null;
     foreach (AtmosphereFromGround afgt in Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll(typeof(AtmosphereFromGround)))
         if (afgt.planet == mainBody)
             afg = afgt;
             //print("[AFG Editor] Found Atmosphere");
     return afg;
Пример #15
 public void Start()
     if (!CompatibilityChecker.IsCompatible())
         isCompatible = false;
     if (afg == null)
         afg = findAFG();
     //print("[AFGEditor] Start()");
     windowStyle = new GUIStyle(HighLogic.Skin.window);
     windowStyle.stretchHeight = true;
Пример #16
        public AtmosphereFromGround findAFG()
            CelestialBody mainBody = FlightGlobals.getMainBody();

            //AtmosphereFromGround afg = null;
            foreach (AtmosphereFromGround afgt in Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll(typeof(AtmosphereFromGround)))
                if (afgt.planet == mainBody)
                    afg = afgt;
                    //print("[AFG Editor] Found Atmosphere");
Пример #17
 public static void UpdateAFG(CelestialBody body, AtmosphereFromGround afg)
     afg.outerRadius         = (float)body.Radius * 1.025f;
     afg.innerRadius         = afg.outerRadius * 0.975f;
     afg.KrESun              = afg.Kr * afg.ESun;
     afg.KmESun              = afg.Km * afg.ESun;
     afg.Kr4PI               = afg.Kr * 4f * (float)Math.PI;
     afg.Km4PI               = afg.Km * 4f * (float)Math.PI;
     afg.g2                  = afg.g * afg.g;
     afg.outerRadius2        = afg.outerRadius * afg.outerRadius;
     afg.innerRadius2        = afg.innerRadius * afg.innerRadius;
     afg.scale               = 1f / (afg.outerRadius - afg.innerRadius);
     afg.scaleDepth          = -0.25f;
     afg.scaleOverScaleDepth = afg.scale / afg.scaleDepth;
Пример #18
 public AFGInfo(AtmosphereFromGround afg)
     DEBUG_alwaysUpdateAll = afg.DEBUG_alwaysUpdateAll;
     doScale        = afg.doScale;
     ESun           = afg.ESun;
     Kr             = afg.Kr;
     Km             = afg.Km;
     transformScale = afg.transform.localScale;
     scaleDepth     = afg.scaleDepth;
     samples        = afg.samples;
     g             = afg.g;
     waveLength    = afg.waveLength;
     invWaveLength = afg.invWaveLength;
     outerRadius   = afg.outerRadius;
     innerRadius   = afg.innerRadius;
Пример #19
 public static Boolean PatchAfg(AtmosphereFromGround afg)
     if (!Atmospheres.TryGetValue(afg.planet.transform.name, out AtmosphereInfo info))
Пример #20
 private AFGInfo(AtmosphereFromGround afg)
     DEBUG_alwaysUpdateAll = afg.DEBUG_alwaysUpdateAll;
     doScale = afg.doScale;
     ESun = afg.ESun;
     Kr = afg.Kr;
     Km = afg.Km;
     transformScale = afg.transform.localScale;
     scaleDepth = afg.scaleDepth;
     samples = afg.samples;
     g = afg.g;
     waveLength = afg.waveLength;
     invWaveLength = afg.invWaveLength;
     outerRadius = afg.outerRadius; Debug.Log(outerRadius);
     innerRadius = afg.innerRadius; Debug.Log(innerRadius);
Пример #21
 private AtmosphereInfo(AtmosphereFromGround afg)
     _debugAlwaysUpdateAll = afg.DEBUG_alwaysUpdateAll;
     _doScale        = afg.doScale;
     _eSun           = afg.ESun;
     _kr             = afg.Kr;
     _km             = afg.Km;
     _transformScale = afg.transform.localScale;
     _scaleDepth     = afg.scaleDepth;
     _samples        = afg.samples;
     _g             = afg.g;
     _waveLength    = afg.waveLength;
     _invWaveLength = afg.invWaveLength;
     _outerRadius   = afg.outerRadius;
     _innerRadius   = afg.innerRadius;
Пример #22
 public static bool PatchAFG(AtmosphereFromGround afg)
     AFGInfo info = null;
     if (atmospheres.TryGetValue(afg.planet.bodyName, out info))
             return false;
         return true;
     return false;
            // Calculates the default members for the AFG
            public static void CalculatedMembers(AtmosphereFromGround atmo)
                atmo.g2                  = atmo.g * atmo.g;
                atmo.KrESun              = atmo.Kr * atmo.ESun;
                atmo.KmESun              = atmo.Km * atmo.ESun;
                atmo.Kr4PI               = atmo.Kr * 4f * Mathf.PI;
                atmo.Km4PI               = atmo.Km * 4f * Mathf.PI;
                atmo.outerRadius2        = atmo.outerRadius * atmo.outerRadius;
                atmo.innerRadius2        = atmo.innerRadius * atmo.innerRadius;
                atmo.scale               = 1f / (atmo.outerRadius - atmo.innerRadius);
                atmo.scaleOverScaleDepth = atmo.scale / atmo.scaleDepth;

                if (atmo.doScale)
                    atmo.transform.localScale = Vector3.one * 1.025f;
Пример #24
        public static bool PatchAFG(AtmosphereFromGround afg)
            AFGInfo info = null;

            if (atmospheres.TryGetValue(afg.planet.bodyName, out info))
Пример #25
        public void Apply(AtmosphereFromGround afg)
            afg.DEBUG_alwaysUpdateAll = DEBUG_alwaysUpdateAll;
            afg.doScale = doScale;
            afg.ESun    = ESun;
            afg.Kr      = Kr;
            afg.Km      = Km;
            afg.transform.localScale = transformScale;
            afg.scaleDepth           = scaleDepth;
            afg.samples                 = samples;
            afg.g                       = g;
            afg.waveLength              = waveLength;
            afg.invWaveLength           = invWaveLength;
            afg.outerRadius             = outerRadius;
            afg.innerRadius             = innerRadius;
            afg.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;

Пример #26
        public void UpdateAFG(AtmosphereFromGround ag)
            Log("Updating atmosphere visuals");

            var body = Target;

            ag.outerRadius          = ((float)body.Radius * 1.025f) * ScaledSpace.InverseScaleFactor;
            ag.innerRadius          = ag.outerRadius * 0.975f;
            ag.outerRadius2         = ag.outerRadius * ag.outerRadius;
            ag.innerRadius2         = ag.innerRadius * ag.innerRadius;
            ag.scale                = 1f / (ag.outerRadius - ag.innerRadius);
            ag.scaleDepth           = -0.25f;
            ag.scaleOverScaleDepth  = ag.scale / ag.scaleDepth;
            ag.invWaveLength        = new Color(1f / Mathf.Pow(ag.waveLength[0], 4), 1f / Mathf.Pow(ag.waveLength[1], 4), 1f / Mathf.Pow(ag.waveLength[2], 4), 0.5f);
            ag.transform.localScale = Vector3.one * ((float)(body.Radius + body.maxAtmosphereAltitude) / (float)body.Radius);
            ag.doScale              = false;
            //stupid private methods
            MethodInfo start = ag.GetType().GetMethod("Start", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);

            start.Invoke(ag, new object[] {});

            Log("Atmosphere visual update complete!");
            // Default Constructor
            public AtmosphereFromGroundLoader()
                body = generatedBody.celestialBody;
                afg  = generatedBody.scaledVersion.GetComponentsInChildren <AtmosphereFromGround>(true)[0];

                // Set Defaults
                afg.planet = body;
                afg.ESun   = 30f;
                afg.Kr     = 0.00125f;
                afg.Km     = 0.00015f;

                afg.samples = 4f;
                afg.g       = -0.85f;
                if (afg.waveLength == new Color(0f, 0f, 0f, 0f))
                    afg.waveLength = new Color(0.65f, 0.57f, 0.475f, 0.5f);
                afg.outerRadius   = (((float)body.Radius) * 1.025f) * INVSCALEFACTOR;
                afg.innerRadius   = afg.outerRadius * 0.975f;
                afg.scaleDepth    = -0.25f;
                afg.invWaveLength = new Color((float)(1d / Math.Pow(afg.waveLength[0], 4)), (float)(1d / Math.Pow(afg.waveLength[1], 4)), (float)(1d / Math.Pow(afg.waveLength[2], 4)), 0.5f);

            // Runtime constructor
            public AtmosphereFromGroundLoader(CelestialBody body)
                this.body = body;
                afg       = body.afg;

                // Set Defaults
                afg.planet = body;
                afg.ESun   = 30f;
                afg.Kr     = 0.00125f;
                afg.Km     = 0.00015f;

                afg.samples = 4f;
                afg.g       = -0.85f;
                if (afg.waveLength == new Color(0f, 0f, 0f, 0f))
                    afg.waveLength = new Color(0.65f, 0.57f, 0.475f, 0.5f);
                afg.outerRadius   = (((float)body.Radius) * 1.025f) * INVSCALEFACTOR;
                afg.innerRadius   = afg.outerRadius * 0.975f;
                afg.scaleDepth    = -0.25f;
                afg.invWaveLength = new Color((float)(1d / Math.Pow(afg.waveLength[0], 4)), (float)(1d / Math.Pow(afg.waveLength[1], 4)), (float)(1d / Math.Pow(afg.waveLength[2], 4)), 0.5f);

Пример #29
        private void Apply(AtmosphereFromGround afg)
            Transform transform = afg.transform;

            afg.DEBUG_alwaysUpdateAll = _debugAlwaysUpdateAll;
            afg.doScale          = _doScale;
            afg.ESun             = _eSun;
            afg.Kr               = _kr;
            afg.Km               = _km;
            transform.localScale = _transformScale;
            afg.scaleDepth       = _scaleDepth;
            afg.samples          = _samples;
            afg.g                   = _g;
            afg.waveLength          = _waveLength;
            afg.invWaveLength       = _invWaveLength;
            afg.outerRadius         = _outerRadius;
            afg.innerRadius         = _innerRadius;
            transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;


            // Default Constructor
            public AtmosphereFromGroundLoader()
                body = generatedBody.celestialBody;
                afg = generatedBody.scaledVersion.GetComponentsInChildren<AtmosphereFromGround>(true)[0];

                // Set Defaults
                afg.planet = body;
                afg.ESun = 30f;
                afg.Kr = 0.00125f;
                afg.Km = 0.00015f;

                afg.samples = 4f;
                afg.g = -0.85f;
                if (afg.waveLength == new Color(0f, 0f, 0f, 0f))
                    afg.waveLength = new Color(0.65f, 0.57f, 0.475f, 0.5f);
                afg.outerRadius = (((float)body.Radius) * 1.025f) * INVSCALEFACTOR;
                afg.innerRadius = afg.outerRadius * 0.975f;
                afg.scaleDepth = -0.25f;
                afg.invWaveLength = new Color((float)(1d / Math.Pow(afg.waveLength[0], 4)), (float)(1d / Math.Pow(afg.waveLength[1], 4)), (float)(1d / Math.Pow(afg.waveLength[2], 4)), 0.5f);

            // Calculates the default members for the AFG
            public static void CalculatedMembers(AtmosphereFromGround atmo)
                atmo.g2 = atmo.g * atmo.g;
                atmo.KrESun = atmo.Kr * atmo.ESun;
                atmo.KmESun = atmo.Km * atmo.ESun;
                atmo.Kr4PI = atmo.Kr * 4f * Mathf.PI;
                atmo.Km4PI = atmo.Km * 4f * Mathf.PI;
                atmo.outerRadius2 = atmo.outerRadius * atmo.outerRadius;
                atmo.innerRadius2 = atmo.innerRadius * atmo.innerRadius;
                atmo.scale = 1f / (atmo.outerRadius - atmo.innerRadius);
                atmo.scaleOverScaleDepth = atmo.scale / atmo.scaleDepth;

                if (atmo.doScale)
                    atmo.transform.localScale = Vector3.one * 1.025f;
 // Runtime constructor
 public AtmosphereFromGroundLoader(CelestialBody body)
     this.body = body;
     afg = body.scaledBody.GetComponentInChildren<AtmosphereFromGround>();
 // Runtime constructor
 public AtmosphereFromGroundLoader(CelestialBody body) : this()
     this.body = body;
     afg       = body.scaledBody.GetComponentInChildren <AtmosphereFromGround>();
Пример #34
        public void Apply(AtmosphereFromGround afg)
            afg.DEBUG_alwaysUpdateAll = DEBUG_alwaysUpdateAll;
            afg.doScale = doScale;
            afg.ESun = ESun;
            afg.Kr = Kr;
            afg.Km = Km;
            afg.transform.localScale = transformScale;
            afg.scaleDepth = scaleDepth;
            afg.samples = samples;
            afg.g = g;
            afg.waveLength = waveLength;
            afg.invWaveLength = invWaveLength;
            afg.outerRadius = outerRadius;
            afg.innerRadius = innerRadius;
            afg.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;

Пример #35
        /// <summary>
        /// Disables an existing atmosphere, or adds a new one if there is none
        /// </summary>
        private void ToggleAtmosphere(CelestialBody body)
            // Disable an existing atmosphere
            if (body.atmosphere)
                // Disable the Atmosphere from Ground
                AtmosphereFromGround[] afgs = body.GetComponentsInChildren <AtmosphereFromGround>();
                foreach (AtmosphereFromGround afg in afgs)

                // Disable the Light controller
                MaterialSetDirection[] msds = body.GetComponentsInChildren <MaterialSetDirection>();
                foreach (MaterialSetDirection msd in msds)

                // No Atmosphere :(
                body.atmosphere = false;

                // Get the material
                Renderer  renderer   = body.scaledBody.GetComponent <Renderer>();
                Material  material   = renderer.sharedMaterial;
                Texture2D diffuseMap = (Texture2D)material.GetTexture("_MainTex");
                Texture2D bumpMap    = (Texture2D)material.GetTexture("_BumpMap");

                // Create a new scaled material
                Material newMaterial = new Material(Shader.Find("Terrain/Scaled Planet (Simple)"));
                newMaterial.SetTexture("_MainTex", diffuseMap);
                newMaterial.SetTexture("_BumpMap", bumpMap);
                newMaterial.SetFloat("_Shininess", material.GetFloat("_Shininess")); // TODO: Investigate
                newMaterial.SetColor("_SpecColor", material.GetColor("_SpecColor")); // TODO: Investigate

                // Apply the material
                renderer.sharedMaterial = newMaterial;

                // Backup the old material
                GameObject backupGameObject = new GameObject("Backup");
                backupGameObject.AddComponent <MeshRenderer>().material = material;
                backupGameObject.transform.parent = body.scaledBody.transform;

                // Update state
                // Add a new atmosphere, this could get funny
                // We will just copy Laythe for the most parts
                body.atmosphere = true;
                body.atmosphereContainsOxygen = GetRandom(HighLogic.CurrentGame.Seed, 0, 99) < 10; // Oxygen is rare
                body.atmosphereDepth          = (body.pqsController.radiusMax / 10) * GetRandomDouble(HighLogic.CurrentGame.Seed, 0.8, 1.2);
                body.atmosphereAdiabaticIndex =
                    1.39999997615814 * GetRandomDouble(HighLogic.CurrentGame.Seed, 0.8, 1.2);
                body.atmosphereGasMassLapseRate =
                    4.84741125702493 * GetRandomDouble(HighLogic.CurrentGame.Seed, 0.8, 1.2);
                body.atmosphereMolarMass = 0.0289644002914429 * GetRandomDouble(HighLogic.CurrentGame.Seed, 0.8, 1.2);
                Double multiplier = GetRandomDouble(HighLogic.CurrentGame.Seed, 0, 1);
                body.atmospherePressureSeaLevel    = (595 * multiplier) + 5;
                body.atmosphereTemperatureSeaLevel = (270 * multiplier) + 240;
                body.atmDensityASL = (6.9 * multiplier) + 0.1;
                body.atmosphereTemperatureLapseRate         = GetRandomDouble(HighLogic.CurrentGame.Seed, 0.004, 0.005);
                body.atmospherePressureCurveIsNormalized    = true;
                body.atmosphereTemperatureCurveIsNormalized = true;
                body.atmosphereUsePressureCurve             = true;
                body.atmosphereUseTemperatureCurve          = true;

                // Select a curve template
                KeyValuePair <FloatCurve, FloatCurve> template =
                    GetRandomElement(HighLogic.CurrentGame.Seed, CurveTemplates.Atmospheres);
                body.atmospherePressureCurve    = template.Key;
                body.atmosphereTemperatureCurve = template.Value;

                // Now add the visuals
                GameObject scaledVersion = body.scaledBody;

                // Add the material light direction behavior
                MaterialSetDirection materialLightDirection = scaledVersion.AddComponent <MaterialSetDirection>();
                materialLightDirection.valueName = "_localLightDirection";

                // Create the atmosphere shell game object
                GameObject scaledAtmosphere = new GameObject("Atmosphere");
                scaledAtmosphere.transform.parent        = scaledVersion.transform;
                scaledAtmosphere.transform.position      = scaledVersion.transform.position;
                scaledAtmosphere.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
                scaledAtmosphere.layer = 9;
                MeshRenderer mrenderer = scaledAtmosphere.AddComponent <MeshRenderer>();
                mrenderer.sharedMaterial = new Material(Shader.Find("AtmosphereFromGround"));
                MeshFilter meshFilter = scaledAtmosphere.AddComponent <MeshFilter>();
                meshFilter.sharedMesh = Templates.ReferenceGeosphere;
                AtmosphereFromGround atmosphereFromGround = scaledAtmosphere.AddComponent <AtmosphereFromGround>();

                // Get the average color of the current texture
                Renderer  renderer    = body.scaledBody.GetComponent <Renderer>();
                Material  material    = renderer.sharedMaterial;
                Texture2D diffuseMap  = Utility.CreateReadable((Texture2D)material.GetTexture("_MainTex"));
                Texture2D bumpMap     = (Texture2D)material.GetTexture("_BumpMap");
                Color     average     = Utility.GetAverageColor(diffuseMap);
                Color     altered     = AlterColor(average);
                Color     darkAltered = Utility.Dark(altered);

                body.afg = atmosphereFromGround;
                atmosphereFromGround.planet     = body;
                atmosphereFromGround.sunLight   = Planetarium.fetch.Sun.gameObject;
                atmosphereFromGround.mainCamera = PlanetariumCamera.fetch.transform;
                atmosphereFromGround.waveLength = new Color(1 - darkAltered.r, 1 - darkAltered.g, 1 - darkAltered.b, 0.5f);

                // Ambient Light
                body.atmosphericAmbientColor = altered;

                // Scaled Material
                Material newMaterial = new Material(Shader.Find("Terrain/Scaled Planet (RimAerial)"));
                newMaterial.SetTexture("_MainTex", diffuseMap);
                newMaterial.SetTexture("_BumpMap", bumpMap);
                newMaterial.SetFloat("_Shininess", material.GetFloat("_Shininess")); // TODO: Investigate
                newMaterial.SetColor("_SpecColor", material.GetColor("_SpecColor")); // TODO: Investigate
                newMaterial.SetFloat("_rimPower", (Single)GetRandomDouble(HighLogic.CurrentGame.Seed, 3.8, 5));
                newMaterial.SetFloat("_rimBlend", 1f);

                // Generate the atmosphere rim texture
                Gradient gradient = new Gradient();
                gradient.Add(0f, altered);
                gradient.Add(0.2f, new Color(0.0549f, 0.0784f, 0.141f, 1f));
                gradient.Add(1f, new Color(0.0196f, 0.0196f, 0.0196f, 1f));

                // Generate the ramp from a gradient
                Texture2D ramp   = new Texture2D(512, 1);
                Color[]   colors = ramp.GetPixels(0);
                for (Int32 i = 0; i < colors.Length; i++)
                    // Compute the position in the gradient
                    Single k = (Single)i / colors.Length;
                    colors[i] = gradient.ColorAt(k);
                ramp.SetPixels(colors, 0);
                ramp.Apply(true, false);
                ramp.wrapMode   = TextureWrapMode.Clamp;
                ramp.mipMapBias = 0.0f;

                // Set the color ramp
                newMaterial.SetTexture("_rimColorRamp", ramp);

                // Apply the material
                renderer.sharedMaterial = newMaterial;

                // Backup the old material
                GameObject backupGameObject = new GameObject("Backup");
                backupGameObject.AddComponent <MeshRenderer>().material = material;
                backupGameObject.transform.parent = scaledVersion.transform;

                // Update state
Пример #36
        public void Update()
            if (counter < 5)
                counter += TimeWarp.fixedDeltaTime;
            if (cams == null)
                cams = new List<CameraWrapper>();

                Camera[] cameras = Camera.allCameras;

                foreach (Camera cam in cameras)
                        CameraWrapper thisCam = new CameraWrapper();
                        thisCam.camName = cam.name.ToString();
                        thisCam.depth = cam.depth.ToString();
                        thisCam.farClipPlane += cam.farClipPlane.ToString();
                        thisCam.nearClipPlane += cam.nearClipPlane.ToString();
                        // layer cull appears unused by relevant cameras.
                        /*for (int i = 0; i < cam.layerCullDistances.Length; i++)
                            thisCam.layerCullDistances.Add("" + cam.layerCullDistances[i]);*/

                    catch (Exception e)
                        Debug.Log("*RSSGUI* Exception getting camera " + cam.name + "\n" + e);
            if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.G) && Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftAlt))
                GUIOpen = !GUIOpen;
                if (GUIOpen)
                    afg = findAFG();
                    if (afg != null)
                        rt = afg.waveLength.r.ToString();
                        gt = afg.waveLength.g.ToString();
                        bt = afg.waveLength.b.ToString();
                        at = afg.waveLength.a.ToString();
                        ESunt = afg.ESun.ToString();
                        Krt = afg.Kr.ToString();
                        Kmt = afg.Km.ToString();
                        innert = (afg.innerRadius * ScaledSpace.ScaleFactor).ToString();
                        outert = (afg.outerRadius * ScaledSpace.ScaleFactor).ToString();
Пример #37
        private void Apply(AtmosphereFromGround afg)
            afg.DEBUG_alwaysUpdateAll = DEBUG_alwaysUpdateAll;
            afg.doScale = doScale;
            afg.ESun = ESun;
            afg.Kr = Kr;
            afg.Km = Km;
            afg.transform.localScale = transformScale;
            afg.scaleDepth = scaleDepth;
            afg.samples = samples;
            afg.g = g;
            afg.waveLength = waveLength;
            afg.invWaveLength = invWaveLength;
            afg.outerRadius = outerRadius;
            afg.innerRadius = innerRadius;


                MethodInfo afgSetMaterial = typeof(AtmosphereFromGround).GetMethod("SetMaterial", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
                afgSetMaterial.Invoke(afg, new object[] { true });
                Debug.Log("[Kopernicus]: ERROR AtmosphereFixer => Material-resetting for AtmosphereFromGround on " + afg.planet.bodyName + " failed!");
Пример #38
        public static PSystemBody GenerateSystemBody(PSystem system, PSystemBody parent, String name, Orbit orbit = null)
            PSystemBody Jool   = Utility.FindBody(system.rootBody, "Jool");             // Need the geosphere for scaled version
            PSystemBody Laythe = Utility.FindBody(system.rootBody, "Laythe");           // Need pqs and ocean definitions

            //Utility.DumpObject (Laythe.celestialBody, " Laythe Celestial Body ");
            //Utility.DumpObject (Laythe.pqsVersion, " Laythe PQS ");
            //Transform laytheOcean = Utility.FindInChildren (Laythe.pqsVersion.transform, "LaytheOcean");
            //Utility.DumpObject (laytheOcean.GetComponent<PQS> (), " Laythe Ocean PQS ");

            // AddBody makes the GameObject and stuff. It also attaches it to the system and parent.
            PSystemBody body = system.AddBody(parent);

            // set up the various parameters
            body.name = name;
            body.flightGlobalsIndex = 100;

            // Some parameters of the celestialBody, which represents the actual planet...
            // PSystemBody is more of a container that associates the planet with its orbit
            // and position in the planetary system, etc.
            body.celestialBody.bodyName        = name;
            body.celestialBody.bodyDescription = "Merciful Kod, this thing just APPEARED! And unlike last time, it wasn't bird droppings on the telescope.";
            body.celestialBody.Radius          = 320000;
            //body.celestialBody.Radius                 = 3380100;
            body.celestialBody.GeeASL = 0.3;
            //body.celestialBody.Mass                   = 6.4185E+23;
            body.celestialBody.Mass = 4.5154812E+21;
            body.celestialBody.timeWarpAltitudeLimits = (float[])Laythe.celestialBody.timeWarpAltitudeLimits.Clone();
            body.celestialBody.rotationPeriod         = 88642.6848;
            body.celestialBody.rotates       = true;
            body.celestialBody.BiomeMap      = GenerateCBAttributeMapSO(name);                     //Dres.celestialBody.BiomeMap;//
            body.celestialBody.scienceValues = Laythe.celestialBody.scienceValues;
            body.celestialBody.ocean         = false;

            // Presumably true of Kerbin. I do not know what the consequences are of messing with this exactly.
            // I think this just affects where the Planetarium/Tracking station starts.
            body.celestialBody.isHomeWorld = false;

            // Setup the orbit of "Kopernicus."  The "Orbit" class actually is built to support serialization straight
            // from Squad, so storing these to files (and loading them) will be pretty easy.
            body.orbitRenderer.orbitColor  = Color.magenta;
            body.orbitDriver.celestialBody = body.celestialBody;
            body.orbitDriver.updateMode    = OrbitDriver.UpdateMode.UPDATE;
            if (orbit == null)
                body.orbitDriver.orbit = new Orbit(0.0, 0.0, 47500000000, 0, 0, 0, 0, system.rootBody.celestialBody);
                body.orbitDriver.orbit = orbit;

            #region PSystemBody.pqsVersion generation

            // Create the PQS controller game object for Kopernicus
            GameObject controllerRoot = new GameObject(name);
            controllerRoot.layer            = Constants.GameLayers.LocalSpace;
            controllerRoot.transform.parent = Utility.Deactivator;

            // Create the PQS object and pull all the values from Dres (has some future proofing i guess? adapts to PQS changes)
            body.pqsVersion = controllerRoot.AddComponent <PQS>();
            Utility.CopyObjectFields(Laythe.pqsVersion, body.pqsVersion);
            //body.pqsVersion.surfaceMaterial = new PQSProjectionSurfaceQuad();
            //body.pqsVersion.fallbackMaterial = new PQSProjectionFallback();
            body.pqsVersion.surfaceMaterial  = new PQSProjectionAerialQuadRelative(Laythe.pqsVersion.surfaceMaterial);            // use until we determine all the functions of the shader textures
            body.pqsVersion.fallbackMaterial = new PQSProjectionFallback(Laythe.pqsVersion.fallbackMaterial);
            body.pqsVersion.radius           = body.celestialBody.Radius;
            body.pqsVersion.mapOcean         = false;

            // Debug
            Utility.DumpObjectProperties(body.pqsVersion.surfaceMaterial, " Surface Material ");
            Utility.DumpObjectProperties(body.pqsVersion.fallbackMaterial, " Fallback Material ");

            // Detail defaults
            body.pqsVersion.maxQuadLenghtsPerFrame = 0.03f;
            body.pqsVersion.minLevel          = 1;
            body.pqsVersion.maxLevel          = 10;
            body.pqsVersion.minDetailDistance = 8;

            // Create the celestial body transform
            GameObject mod = new GameObject("_CelestialBody");
            mod.transform.parent = controllerRoot.transform;
            PQSMod_CelestialBodyTransform celestialBodyTransform = mod.AddComponent <PQSMod_CelestialBodyTransform>();
            celestialBodyTransform.sphere                        = body.pqsVersion;
            celestialBodyTransform.forceActivate                 = false;
            celestialBodyTransform.deactivateAltitude            = 115000;
            celestialBodyTransform.forceRebuildOnTargetChange    = false;
            celestialBodyTransform.planetFade                    = new PQSMod_CelestialBodyTransform.AltitudeFade();
            celestialBodyTransform.planetFade.fadeFloatName      = "_PlanetOpacity";
            celestialBodyTransform.planetFade.fadeStart          = 100000.0f;
            celestialBodyTransform.planetFade.fadeEnd            = 110000.0f;
            celestialBodyTransform.planetFade.valueStart         = 0.0f;
            celestialBodyTransform.planetFade.valueEnd           = 1.0f;
            celestialBodyTransform.planetFade.secondaryRenderers = new List <GameObject>();
            celestialBodyTransform.secondaryFades                = new PQSMod_CelestialBodyTransform.AltitudeFade[0];
            celestialBodyTransform.requirements                  = PQS.ModiferRequirements.Default;
            celestialBodyTransform.modEnabled                    = true;
            celestialBodyTransform.order = 10;

            // Create the color PQS mods
            mod = new GameObject("_Color");
            mod.transform.parent = controllerRoot.transform;
            PQSMod_VertexSimplexNoiseColor vertexSimplexNoiseColor = mod.AddComponent <PQSMod_VertexSimplexNoiseColor>();
            vertexSimplexNoiseColor.sphere       = body.pqsVersion;
            vertexSimplexNoiseColor.seed         = 45;
            vertexSimplexNoiseColor.blend        = 1.0f;
            vertexSimplexNoiseColor.colorStart   = new Color(0.768656731f, 0.6996614f, 0.653089464f, 1);
            vertexSimplexNoiseColor.colorEnd     = new Color(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
            vertexSimplexNoiseColor.octaves      = 12.0;
            vertexSimplexNoiseColor.persistence  = 0.5;
            vertexSimplexNoiseColor.frequency    = 2.0;
            vertexSimplexNoiseColor.requirements = PQS.ModiferRequirements.MeshColorChannel;
            vertexSimplexNoiseColor.modEnabled   = true;
            vertexSimplexNoiseColor.order        = 200;

            PQSMod_HeightColorMap heightColorMap = mod.AddComponent <PQSMod_HeightColorMap>();
            heightColorMap.sphere = body.pqsVersion;
            List <PQSMod_HeightColorMap.LandClass> landClasses = new List <PQSMod_HeightColorMap.LandClass>();

            PQSMod_HeightColorMap.LandClass landClass = new PQSMod_HeightColorMap.LandClass("AbyPl", 0.0, 0.5, new Color(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f), Color.white, double.NaN);
            landClass.lerpToNext = true;

            landClass            = new PQSMod_HeightColorMap.LandClass("Beach", 0.5, 0.550000011920929, new Color(0.164179087f, 0.164179087f, 0.164179087f, 1.0f), Color.white, double.NaN);
            landClass.lerpToNext = true;

            landClass            = new PQSMod_HeightColorMap.LandClass("Beach", 0.550000011920929, 1.0, new Color(0.373134315f, 0.373134315f, 0.373134315f, 1.0f), Color.white, double.NaN);
            landClass.lerpToNext = false;

            // Generate an array from the land classes list
            heightColorMap.landClasses  = landClasses.ToArray();
            heightColorMap.blend        = 0.7f;
            heightColorMap.lcCount      = 3;
            heightColorMap.requirements = PQS.ModiferRequirements.MeshColorChannel;
            heightColorMap.modEnabled   = true;
            heightColorMap.order        = 201;

            // Create the alititude alpha mods
            mod = new GameObject("_Material_ModProjection");
            mod.transform.parent = controllerRoot.transform;
            PQSMod_AltitudeAlpha altitudeAlpha = mod.AddComponent <PQSMod_AltitudeAlpha>();
            altitudeAlpha.sphere          = body.pqsVersion;
            altitudeAlpha.atmosphereDepth = 4000.0;
            altitudeAlpha.invert          = false;
            altitudeAlpha.requirements    = PQS.ModiferRequirements.Default;
            altitudeAlpha.modEnabled      = false;
            altitudeAlpha.order           = 999999999;

            // Create the aerial perspective material
            mod = new GameObject("_Material_AerialPerspective");
            mod.transform.parent = controllerRoot.transform;
            PQSMod_AerialPerspectiveMaterial aerialPerspectiveMaterial = mod.AddComponent <PQSMod_AerialPerspectiveMaterial>();
            aerialPerspectiveMaterial.sphere              = body.pqsVersion;
            aerialPerspectiveMaterial.globalDensity       = -0.00001f;
            aerialPerspectiveMaterial.heightFalloff       = 6.75f;
            aerialPerspectiveMaterial.atmosphereDepth     = 150000;
            aerialPerspectiveMaterial.DEBUG_SetEveryFrame = true;
            aerialPerspectiveMaterial.cameraAlt           = 0;
            aerialPerspectiveMaterial.cameraAtmosAlt      = 0;
            aerialPerspectiveMaterial.heightDensAtViewer  = 0;
            aerialPerspectiveMaterial.requirements        = PQS.ModiferRequirements.Default;
            aerialPerspectiveMaterial.modEnabled          = true;
            aerialPerspectiveMaterial.order = 100;

            // Create the UV planet relative position
            mod = new GameObject("_Material_SurfaceQuads");
            mod.transform.parent = controllerRoot.transform;
            PQSMod_UVPlanetRelativePosition planetRelativePosition = mod.AddComponent <PQSMod_UVPlanetRelativePosition>();
            planetRelativePosition.sphere       = body.pqsVersion;
            planetRelativePosition.requirements = PQS.ModiferRequirements.Default;
            planetRelativePosition.modEnabled   = true;
            planetRelativePosition.order        = 999999;

            // Create the height noise module
            mod = new GameObject("_HeightNoise");
            mod.transform.parent = controllerRoot.transform;
            PQSMod_VertexHeightMap vertexHeightMap = mod.gameObject.AddComponent <PQSMod_VertexHeightMap>();
            vertexHeightMap.sphere = body.pqsVersion;
            //vertexHeightMap.heightMapDeformity = 29457.0;
            vertexHeightMap.heightMapDeformity     = 10000.0;
            vertexHeightMap.heightMapOffset        = -1000.0;
            vertexHeightMap.scaleDeformityByRadius = false;
            vertexHeightMap.requirements           = PQS.ModiferRequirements.MeshCustomNormals | PQS.ModiferRequirements.VertexMapCoords;
            vertexHeightMap.modEnabled             = true;
            vertexHeightMap.order = 20;

            // Load the heightmap for this planet
            Texture2D map = new Texture2D(4, 4, TextureFormat.Alpha8, false);
            map.LoadImage(System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(KSPUtil.ApplicationRootPath + PluginDirectory + "/Planets/" + name + "/Height.png"));
            vertexHeightMap.heightMap = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <MapSO>();
            vertexHeightMap.heightMap.CreateMap(MapSO.MapDepth.Greyscale, map);

            // Create the simplex height module
            PQSMod_VertexSimplexHeight vertexSimplexHeight = mod.AddComponent <PQSMod_VertexSimplexHeight>();
            vertexSimplexHeight.sphere       = body.pqsVersion;
            vertexSimplexHeight.seed         = 670000;
            vertexSimplexHeight.deformity    = 1700.0;
            vertexSimplexHeight.octaves      = 12.0;
            vertexSimplexHeight.persistence  = 0.5;
            vertexSimplexHeight.frequency    = 4.0;
            vertexSimplexHeight.requirements = PQS.ModiferRequirements.MeshCustomNormals;
            vertexSimplexHeight.modEnabled   = true;
            vertexSimplexHeight.order        = 21;

            // Create the flatten ocean module
            PQSMod_FlattenOcean flattenOcean = mod.AddComponent <PQSMod_FlattenOcean>();
            flattenOcean.sphere       = body.pqsVersion;
            flattenOcean.oceanRadius  = 1.0;
            flattenOcean.requirements = PQS.ModiferRequirements.MeshCustomNormals;
            flattenOcean.modEnabled   = true;
            flattenOcean.order        = 25;

            // Creat the vertex height noise module
            PQSMod_VertexHeightNoise vertexHeightNoise = mod.AddComponent <PQSMod_VertexHeightNoise>();
            vertexHeightNoise.sphere       = body.pqsVersion;
            vertexHeightNoise.noiseType    = PQSMod_VertexHeightNoise.NoiseType.RiggedMultifractal;
            vertexHeightNoise.deformity    = 1000.0f;
            vertexHeightNoise.seed         = 5906;
            vertexHeightNoise.frequency    = 2.0f;
            vertexHeightNoise.lacunarity   = 2.5f;
            vertexHeightNoise.persistance  = 0.5f;
            vertexHeightNoise.octaves      = 4;
            vertexHeightNoise.mode         = LibNoise.Unity.QualityMode.Low;
            vertexHeightNoise.requirements = PQS.ModiferRequirements.MeshColorChannel;
            vertexHeightNoise.modEnabled   = true;
            vertexHeightNoise.order        = 22;

            // Create the material direction
            mod = new GameObject("_Material_SunLight");
            mod.transform.parent = controllerRoot.gameObject.transform;
            PQSMod_MaterialSetDirection materialSetDirection = mod.AddComponent <PQSMod_MaterialSetDirection>();
            materialSetDirection.sphere       = body.pqsVersion;
            materialSetDirection.valueName    = "_sunLightDirection";
            materialSetDirection.requirements = PQS.ModiferRequirements.Default;
            materialSetDirection.modEnabled   = true;
            materialSetDirection.order        = 100;

            // Crete the quad mesh colliders
            mod = new GameObject("QuadMeshColliders");
            mod.transform.parent = controllerRoot.gameObject.transform;
            PQSMod_QuadMeshColliders quadMeshColliders = mod.AddComponent <PQSMod_QuadMeshColliders>();
            quadMeshColliders.sphere                             = body.pqsVersion;
            quadMeshColliders.maxLevelOffset                     = 0;
            quadMeshColliders.physicsMaterial                    = new PhysicMaterial();
            quadMeshColliders.physicsMaterial.name               = "Ground";
            quadMeshColliders.physicsMaterial.dynamicFriction    = 0.6f;
            quadMeshColliders.physicsMaterial.staticFriction     = 0.8f;
            quadMeshColliders.physicsMaterial.bounciness         = 0.0f;
            quadMeshColliders.physicsMaterial.frictionDirection2 = Vector3.zero;
            quadMeshColliders.physicsMaterial.dynamicFriction2   = 0.0f;
            quadMeshColliders.physicsMaterial.staticFriction2    = 0.0f;
            quadMeshColliders.physicsMaterial.frictionCombine    = PhysicMaterialCombine.Maximum;
            quadMeshColliders.physicsMaterial.bounceCombine      = PhysicMaterialCombine.Average;
            quadMeshColliders.requirements                       = PQS.ModiferRequirements.Default;
            quadMeshColliders.modEnabled                         = true;
            quadMeshColliders.order = 100;

            // Create the simplex height absolute
            mod = new GameObject("_FineDetail");
            mod.transform.parent = controllerRoot.gameObject.transform;
            PQSMod_VertexSimplexHeightAbsolute vertexSimplexHeightAbsolute = mod.AddComponent <PQSMod_VertexSimplexHeightAbsolute>();
            vertexSimplexHeightAbsolute.sphere       = body.pqsVersion;
            vertexSimplexHeightAbsolute.seed         = 4234;
            vertexSimplexHeightAbsolute.deformity    = 400.0;
            vertexSimplexHeightAbsolute.octaves      = 6.0;
            vertexSimplexHeightAbsolute.persistence  = 0.5;
            vertexSimplexHeightAbsolute.frequency    = 18.0;
            vertexSimplexHeightAbsolute.requirements = PQS.ModiferRequirements.Default;
            vertexSimplexHeightAbsolute.modEnabled   = true;
            vertexSimplexHeightAbsolute.order        = 30;

            // Surface color map
            mod = new GameObject("_LandClass");
            mod.transform.parent = body.pqsVersion.gameObject.transform;
            PQSMod_VertexColorMap colorMap = mod.AddComponent <PQSMod_VertexColorMap>();
            colorMap.sphere     = body.pqsVersion;
            colorMap.order      = 500;
            colorMap.modEnabled = true;

            // Decompress and load the color
            map = new Texture2D(4, 4, TextureFormat.RGB24, false);
            map.LoadImage(System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(KSPUtil.ApplicationRootPath + PluginDirectory + "/Planets/" + name + "/Color.png"));
            colorMap.vertexColorMap = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <MapSO>();
            colorMap.vertexColorMap.CreateMap(MapSO.MapDepth.RGB, map);


            #region PSystemBody.scaledVersion generation

            // Create the scaled version of the planet for use in map view
            body.scaledVersion                  = new GameObject(name);
            body.scaledVersion.layer            = Constants.GameLayers.ScaledSpace;
            body.scaledVersion.transform.parent = Utility.Deactivator;

            // DEPRECATED - USE PQSMeshWrapper
            // Make sure the scaled version cooresponds to the size of the body
            // Turns out that the localScale is directly related to the planet size.
            // Jool's local scale is {1,1,1}, Kerbin's is {0.1,0.1,0.1}.  Jool's
            // radius is 6000 km, Kerbin's is 600 km.  Notice the relation?
            float scale = (float)body.celestialBody.Radius / 6000000.0f;
            body.scaledVersion.transform.localScale = new Vector3(scale, scale, scale);

            // Generate a mesh to fit the PQS we generated (it would be cool to generate this FROM the PQS)
            Mesh mesh = new Mesh();
            Utility.CopyMesh(Jool.scaledVersion.GetComponent <MeshFilter>().sharedMesh, mesh);

            // Iterate though the UVs
            // Geosphere with a radius of 1000, cooresponds to an object 6000km in radius
            Vector3[] vertices = mesh.vertices;
            for (int i = 0; i < mesh.vertexCount; i++)
                // Get the height offset from the height map
                Vector2 uv           = mesh.uv[i];
                float   displacement = vertexHeightMap.heightMap.GetPixelFloat(uv.x, uv.y);

                // Since this is a geosphere, normalizing the vertex gives the vector to translate on
                Vector3 v = vertices[i];

                // Calculate the real height displacement (in meters), normalized vector "v" scale (1 unit = 6 km)
                displacement = (float)vertexHeightMap.heightMapOffset + (displacement * (float)vertexHeightMap.heightMapDeformity);
                Vector3 offset = v * ((displacement / 6000.0f) / scale);

                // Adjust the displacement
                vertices[i] += offset;
            mesh.vertices = vertices;

            // Create the mesh filter
            MeshFilter meshFilter = body.scaledVersion.AddComponent <MeshFilter> ();
            meshFilter.mesh = mesh;

            // Load and compress the color texture for the custom planet
            Texture2D colorTexture = new Texture2D(4, 4, TextureFormat.RGBA32, true);
            colorTexture.LoadImage(System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(KSPUtil.ApplicationRootPath + PluginDirectory + "/Planets/" + name + "/Color.png"));
            colorTexture.Apply(true, true);

            // Load and compress the color texture for the custom planet
            Texture2D normalTexture = new Texture2D(4, 4, TextureFormat.RGB24, true);
            normalTexture.LoadImage(System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(KSPUtil.ApplicationRootPath + PluginDirectory + "/Planets/" + name + "/Normals.png"));
            //normalTexture = GameDatabase.BitmapToUnityNormalMap(normalTexture);
            normalTexture.Apply(true, true);

            // Create the renderer and material for the scaled version
            MeshRenderer renderer = body.scaledVersion.AddComponent <MeshRenderer>();
            //ScaledPlanetSimple material = new ScaledPlanetSimple();   // for atmosphereless planets
            ScaledPlanetRimAerial material = new ScaledPlanetRimAerial();
            material.color       = Color.white;
            material.specColor   = Color.black;
            material.mainTexture = colorTexture;
            material.bumpMap     = normalTexture;
            renderer.material    = material;

            // Create the sphere collider
            SphereCollider collider = body.scaledVersion.AddComponent <SphereCollider> ();
            collider.center = Vector3.zero;
            collider.radius = 1000.0f;

            // Create the ScaledSpaceFader to fade the orbit out where we view it (maybe?)
            ScaledSpaceFader fader = body.scaledVersion.AddComponent <ScaledSpaceFader> ();
            fader.celestialBody = body.celestialBody;
            fader.fadeStart     = 95000.0f;
            fader.fadeEnd       = 100000.0f;
            fader.floatName     = "_Opacity";


            #region Atmosphere
            //--------------------- PROPERTIES EXCLUSIVE TO BODIES WITH ATMOSPHERE

            // Load the atmosphere gradient (compress it, does not need to be high quality)
            Texture2D atmosphereGradient = new Texture2D(4, 4, TextureFormat.RGB24, true);
            atmosphereGradient.LoadImage(System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(KSPUtil.ApplicationRootPath + PluginDirectory + "/Planets/" + name + "/AtmosphereGradient.png"));
            atmosphereGradient.wrapMode   = TextureWrapMode.Clamp;
            atmosphereGradient.mipMapBias = 0.0f;
            atmosphereGradient.Apply(true, true);

            // Set the additional settings in the scaledVersion body's shader
            material.rimPower     = 2.06f;
            material.rimBlend     = 0.3f;
            material.rimColorRamp = atmosphereGradient;

            // Atmosphere specific properties (for scaled version root) (copied from duna)
            MaterialSetDirection materialLightDirection = body.scaledVersion.AddComponent <MaterialSetDirection>();
            materialLightDirection.valueName = "_localLightDirection";

            // Create the atmosphere shell itself
            GameObject scaledAtmosphere = new GameObject("atmosphere");
            scaledAtmosphere.transform.parent = body.scaledVersion.transform;
            scaledAtmosphere.layer            = Constants.GameLayers.ScaledSpaceAtmosphere;
            meshFilter            = scaledAtmosphere.AddComponent <MeshFilter>();
            meshFilter.sharedMesh = Jool.scaledVersion.GetComponent <MeshFilter>().sharedMesh;
            renderer          = scaledAtmosphere.AddComponent <MeshRenderer>();
            renderer.material = new Kopernicus.MaterialWrapper.AtmosphereFromGround();
            AtmosphereFromGround atmosphereRenderInfo = scaledAtmosphere.AddComponent <AtmosphereFromGround>();
            atmosphereRenderInfo.waveLength = new Color(0.509f, 0.588f, 0.643f, 0.000f);

            // Technical info for atmosphere
            body.celestialBody.atmosphere = true;
            body.celestialBody.atmosphereContainsOxygen        = true;
            body.celestialBody.staticPressureASL               = 1.0;      // can't find anything that references this, especially with the equation in mind - where is this used?
            body.celestialBody.altitudeMultiplier              = 1.4285f;  // ditto
            body.celestialBody.atmosphereScaleHeight           = 4.0;      // pressure (in atm) = atmosphereMultipler * e ^ -(altitude / (atmosphereScaleHeight * 1000))
            body.celestialBody.atmosphereMultiplier            = 0.8f;
            body.celestialBody.atmoshpereTemperatureMultiplier = 1.0f;     // how does this coorespond?
            body.celestialBody.maxAtmosphereAltitude           = 55000.0f; // i guess this is so the math doesn't drag out?
            body.celestialBody.useLegacyAtmosphere             = true;
            body.celestialBody.atmosphericAmbientColor         = new Color(0.306f, 0.187f, 0.235f, 1.000f);

            #region Ocean
            // ---------------- FOR BODIES WITH OCEANS ----------

            /*body.celestialBody.ocean = true;
             * // Setup the laythe ocean info in master pqs
             * body.pqsVersion.mapOcean = true;
             * body.pqsVersion.mapOceanColor = new Color(0.117f, 0.126f, 0.157f, 1.000f);
             * body.pqsVersion.mapOceanHeight = 0.0f;
             * // Generate the PQS object
             * GameObject oceanRoot       = new GameObject(name + "Ocean");
             * oceanRoot.transform.parent = body.pqsVersion.transform;
             * oceanRoot.layer            = Constants.GameLayers.LocalSpace;
             * PQS oceanPQS               = oceanRoot.AddComponent<PQS>();
             * // Add this new PQS to the secondary renderers of the altitude fade controller
             * celestialBodyTransform.planetFade.secondaryRenderers.Add(oceanRoot);
             * // Setup the PQS object data
             * Utility.CopyObjectFields<PQS>(laytheOcean.GetComponent<PQS>(), oceanPQS);
             * oceanPQS.radius            = body.pqsVersion.radius;
             * oceanPQS.surfaceMaterial   = new PQSOceanSurfaceQuad(laytheOcean.GetComponent<PQS>().surfaceMaterial);
             * oceanPQS.fallbackMaterial  = new PQSOceanSurfaceQuadFallback(laytheOcean.GetComponent<PQS>().fallbackMaterial);
             * Utility.DumpObjectProperties(oceanPQS.surfaceMaterial, oceanPQS.surfaceMaterial.ToString());
             * Utility.DumpObjectProperties(oceanPQS.fallbackMaterial, oceanPQS.fallbackMaterial.ToString());
             * // Create the aerial perspective material
             * mod = new GameObject("_Material_AerialPerspective");
             * mod.transform.parent = oceanRoot.transform;
             * aerialPerspectiveMaterial = mod.AddComponent<PQSMod_AerialPerspectiveMaterial>();
             * aerialPerspectiveMaterial.sphere = body.pqsVersion;
             * aerialPerspectiveMaterial.globalDensity = -0.00001f;
             * aerialPerspectiveMaterial.heightFalloff = 6.75f;
             * aerialPerspectiveMaterial.atmosphereDepth = 150000;
             * aerialPerspectiveMaterial.DEBUG_SetEveryFrame = true;
             * aerialPerspectiveMaterial.cameraAlt = 0;
             * aerialPerspectiveMaterial.cameraAtmosAlt = 0;
             * aerialPerspectiveMaterial.heightDensAtViewer = 0;
             * aerialPerspectiveMaterial.requirements = PQS.ModiferRequirements.Default;
             * aerialPerspectiveMaterial.modEnabled = true;
             * aerialPerspectiveMaterial.order = 100;
             * // Create the UV planet relative position
             * mod = new GameObject("_Material_SurfaceQuads");
             * mod.transform.parent = oceanRoot.transform;
             * planetRelativePosition = mod.AddComponent<PQSMod_UVPlanetRelativePosition>();
             * planetRelativePosition.sphere = body.pqsVersion;
             * planetRelativePosition.requirements = PQS.ModiferRequirements.Default;
             * planetRelativePosition.modEnabled = true;
             * planetRelativePosition.order = 100;
             * // Create the quad map remover (da f**k?)
             * mod = new GameObject("QuadRemoveMap");
             * mod.transform.parent = oceanRoot.transform;
             * PQSMod_RemoveQuadMap removeQuadMap = mod.AddComponent<PQSMod_RemoveQuadMap>();
             * removeQuadMap.mapDeformity = 0.0f;
             * removeQuadMap.minHeight = 0.0f;
             * removeQuadMap.maxHeight = 0.5f;
             * removeQuadMap.requirements = PQS.ModiferRequirements.Default;
             * removeQuadMap.modEnabled = true;
             * removeQuadMap.order = 1000;
             * // Load the heightmap into whatever the hell this is
             * map = new Texture2D(4, 4, TextureFormat.Alpha8, false);
             * map.LoadImage(System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(KSPUtil.ApplicationRootPath + PluginDirectory + "/Planets/" + name + "/Height.png"));
             * removeQuadMap.map = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<MapSO>();
             * removeQuadMap.map.CreateMap(MapSO.MapDepth.Greyscale, map);
             * UnityEngine.Object.DestroyImmediate(map);
             * // Setup the ocean effects
             * mod = new GameObject("OceanFX");
             * mod.transform.parent = oceanRoot.transform;
             * PQSMod_OceanFX oceanFX = mod.AddComponent<PQSMod_OceanFX>();
             * oceanFX.watermain = Utility.RecursivelyGetComponent<PQSMod_OceanFX>(laytheOcean).watermain.Clone() as Texture2D[];
             * oceanFX.requirements = PQS.ModiferRequirements.Default;
             * oceanFX.modEnabled = true;
             * oceanFX.order = 100;*/


            // Return the new body
		void Start()
			//Load up all the settings crap
			#region settings
			ConfigNode AKsettings = null;
			foreach(ConfigNode node in GameDatabase.Instance.GetConfigNodes("AlternisSettings"))
				AKsettings = node;
			bool btmp;
				if(bool.TryParse(AKsettings.GetValue("Enabled"), out btmp))
					alternisEnabled = btmp;
			//Don't bother continuing, mod is disabled...
			float[] wltmp = newWarpLimits;
				if(bool.TryParse(AKsettings.GetValue("HyperWarp"), out btmp))
					if(btmp && TimeWarp.fetch != null)
					TimeWarp.fetch.warpRates = newWarps;
					wltmp = newWarpLimitsHyper;
				if(bool.TryParse(AKsettings.GetValue("EnableKerbinMoon"), out btmp))
					enableKerbinMoon = btmp;
			float ftmp;
				if(float.TryParse(AKsettings.GetValue("CometBrightness"), out ftmp))
					globalCometBright = ftmp;
			//Solar system is instantiated at the main menu and transferred to other scenes (apparantly), so it doesn't have to be loaded each time.
			//An advantage to this, too, is that Alternis is configured as soon as the game starts, and doesn't need to keep reordering itself.
			if(HighLogic.LoadedScene == GameScenes.MAINMENU && !alternisDone) //make extra sure something hasn't goofed and tried to run this elsewhere
				#region textures
				//Load scaled maps
				newJoolTexture = GameDatabase.Instance.GetTexture(path + "newjool_dif", false);
				if(newJoolTexture != null)
					print("New jool texture loaded");
				newLaytheScaledBump = GameDatabase.Instance.GetTexture(path + "newlaythe_nrm", true);
				if(newLaytheScaledBump != null)
					print("New laythe bump loaded");
				newLaytheScaledColor = GameDatabase.Instance.GetTexture(path + "newlaythe_dif", false);
				if(newLaytheScaledColor != null)
					print("New laythe texture loaded");
				newTyloScaledBump = GameDatabase.Instance.GetTexture(path + "newtylo_nrm", true);
				if(newTyloScaledBump != null)
					print("New tylo bump loaded");
				newTyloScaledColor = GameDatabase.Instance.GetTexture(path + "newtylo_dif", false);
				if(newTyloScaledColor != null)
					print("New tylo texture loaded");
				newDunaScaledColor = GameDatabase.Instance.GetTexture(path + "newduna_dif", false);
				if(newDunaScaledColor != null)
					print("New duna texture loaded");
				newDunaScaledBump = GameDatabase.Instance.GetTexture(path + "newduna_nrm", true);
				if(newDunaScaledBump != null)
					print("New duna bump loaded");
				//load height maps, these are done directly since they are ignored by GameDatabase - that way they can easily be dumped from memory
				newTyloHeight = new Texture2D(tyloHeightTexWidth, tyloHeightTexWidth / 2);
				newTyloHeight.LoadImage(System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(path3 + "tylo_newheight.png"));
				if(newTyloHeight != null)
					print("New tylo height loadeth");
				newDunaHeight = new Texture2D(dunaHeightTexWidth, dunaHeightTexWidth / 2);
				newDunaHeight.LoadImage(System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(path3 + "duna_newheight.png"));
				if(newDunaHeight != null)
					print("New duna height loadeth");
				newLaytheHeight = new Texture2D(laytheHeightTexWidth, laytheHeightTexWidth / 2);
				newLaytheHeight.LoadImage(System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(path3 + "laythe_newheight.png"));
				if(newLaytheHeight != null)
					print("New laythe height loadeth");
				//load color maps, same method as above
				newTyloColor = new Texture2D(tyloColorTexWidth, tyloColorTexWidth / 2);
				newTyloColor.LoadImage(System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(path3 + "tylo_newcolor.png"));
				if(newTyloColor != null)
					print("New tylo color loadeth");
				newDunaColor = new Texture2D(dunaColorTexWidth, dunaColorTexWidth / 2);
				newDunaColor.LoadImage(System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(path3 + "duna_newcolor.png"));
				if(newDunaColor != null)
					print("New duna color loadeth");
				//Load atmo ramps
				rampBlue = GameDatabase.Instance.GetTexture(path + "ramp_blue", false);
				if(rampBlue != null)
					rampBlue.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Clamp;
					print("Blue ramp loaded");
				rampRed = GameDatabase.Instance.GetTexture(path + "ramp_red", false);
				if(rampRed != null)
					rampRed.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Clamp;
					print("Red ramp loaded");
				#region locator
				//declare cb_sun through cb_eeloo here
				foreach(CelestialBody cb in FlightGlobals.Bodies)
					case "Sun":
					cb_sun = cb;
					case "Moho":
					cb_moho = cb;
					case "Eve":
					cb_eve = cb;
					case "Gilly":
					cb_gilly = cb;
					case "Kerbin":
					cb_kerbin = cb;
					case "Duna":
					cb_duna = cb;
					case "Ike":
					cb_ike = cb;
					case "Mun":
					cb_mun = cb;
					case "Minmus":
					cb_minmus = cb;
					case "Jool":
					cb_jool = cb;
					case "Tylo":
					cb_tylo = cb;
					case "Laythe":
					cb_laythe = cb;
					case "Vall":
					cb_vall = cb;
					case "Bop":
					cb_bop = cb;
					case "Pol":
					cb_pol = cb;
					case "Dres":
					cb_dres = cb;
					case "Eeloo":
					cb_eeloo = cb;
				// now do your stuff to each cb_ var.
				//Do things to planets, but make sure all of them are present and accounted for first...
				//This feels like a wrong way to do things but it's only done once, so...
				if(cb_sun != null && cb_moho != null && cb_eve != null && cb_gilly != null &&
				   cb_kerbin != null && cb_duna != null && cb_ike != null && cb_mun != null &&
				   cb_minmus != null && cb_jool != null && cb_tylo != null && cb_vall != null &&
				   cb_bop != null && cb_pol != null && cb_laythe != null && cb_dres != null && cb_eeloo != null)
					#region sun
					//Rescale the sun
					print("PlanetShifter: Shifting Sun");
					cb_sun.GeeASL = 21; //Let's give the sun a more realistic surface gravity...
					cb_sun.Radius = 75431100; //... and a smaller radius, so the density remains the same.
					#region moho
					//Do things to moho
					print("PlanetShifter: Shifting Moho...");
					cb_moho.orbit.semiMajorAxis = 14124215;
					cb_moho.orbit.inclination = 0.2502;
					cb_moho.orbit.eccentricity = 0.00175;
					//cb_moho.rotationPeriod = 8930;
					#region eve
					//Do things to eve
					print("PlanetShifter: Shifting Eve...");
					cb_eve.orbit.semiMajorAxis = 7985550300;
					cb_eve.orbit.inclination = 3.5;
					cb_eve.orbit.eccentricity = 0.008;
					cb_eve.atmosphericAmbientColor = new Color(0.07f, 0.055f, 0.085f);
					cb_eve.atmosphereScaleHeight = 8.2;
					cb_eve.atmosphereMultiplier = 3.303f;
					//cb_eve.Radius = 585800;
					//cb_eve.pqsController.radius = 585800;
					//cb_eve.GeeASL = 0.901;
					#region mun
					//Do things to the mun
					print("PlanetShifter: Shifting Mun");
					cb_mun.orbit.semiMajorAxis = 43152000;
					cb_mun.orbit.eccentricity = 0.002;
					cb_mun.orbit.inclination = 0.109;
					cb_mun.orbit.LAN = 180;
					cb_mun.orbit.argumentOfPeriapsis = 0;
					cb_mun.orbit.meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 1;
					cb_mun.orbitDriver.orbitColor = new Color(0.12f, 0.12f, 0.12f);
					cb_mun.Radius = 253000;
					cb_mun.pqsController.radius = 253000;
					cb_mun.GeeASL = 0.233;
					cb_mun.scienceValues.LandedDataValue = 3;
					cb_mun.scienceValues.InSpaceLowDataValue = 1;
					cb_mun.scienceValues.InSpaceHighDataValue = 1.5f;
					cb_mun.scienceValues.RecoveryValue = 2;
					PQSMod_VoronoiCraters muncraters = cb_mun.transform.GetComponentInChildren<PQSMod_VoronoiCraters>();
					if(muncraters != null)
					#region kerbin
					//Do things to kerbin
					print("PlanetShifter: Shifting Kerbin...");
					cb_kerbin.orbit.semiMajorAxis = 68506000;
					cb_kerbin.orbit.eccentricity = 0.02;
					cb_kerbin.orbit.inclination = 0.4;
					cb_kerbin.orbit.LAN = 0;
					cb_kerbin.orbit.argumentOfPeriapsis = 0;
					cb_kerbin.orbit.meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 4.14;
					cb_kerbin.initialRotation = 208;
					cb_kerbin.atmosphericAmbientColor = new Color(0.175f, 0.18f, 0.195f);
					cb_kerbin.orbitDriver.orbitColor = cb_kerbin.pqsController.mapOceanColor;
					cb_kerbin.tidallyLocked = true;
					#region duna
					//Do things to duna
					print("PlanetShifter: Shifting Duna...");
					cb_duna.orbit.semiMajorAxis = 34598850;
					cb_duna.orbit.eccentricity = 0.05;
					cb_duna.orbit.inclination = 0.7;
					cb_duna.atmosphereScaleHeight = 4.5;
					cb_duna.atmosphereMultiplier = 0.178f;
					cb_duna.atmosphericAmbientColor = new Color(0.136f, 0.135f, 0.13f);
					cb_duna.tidallyLocked = true;
					cb_duna.pqsController.surfaceMaterial = cb_tylo.pqsController.surfaceMaterial;
					print("PlanetShifter: Shifting Duna Terrain");
					GameObject dunaOldHeight = cb_duna.pqsController.transform.FindChild("_Height").gameObject;
					if(dunaOldHeight != null)
						foreach(PQSMod_VertexHeightNoiseVertHeightCurve2 c in dunaOldHeight.GetComponentsInChildren<PQSMod_VertexHeightNoiseVertHeightCurve2>())
							c.deformity = 700;
						PQSMod_VertexHeightMap cb_duna_vhm = dunaOldHeight.GetComponent<PQSMod_VertexHeightMap>();
						if(cb_duna_vhm != null && newDunaHeight != null)
							Destroy(cb_duna_vhm.heightMap); //obliterate the old heightmap
							cb_duna_vhm.heightMap = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<MapSO>(); //make a new one
							cb_duna_vhm.heightMap.CreateMap(MapSO.MapDepth.Greyscale, newDunaHeight); //turn it into something usable
							cb_duna_vhm.heightMapDeformity = 15900; //tweak deformity
							cb_duna_vhm.heightMapOffset = -200;
							Destroy(newDunaHeight); //and then nuke the texture
					//i sure am good at keeping my naming conventions
					PQSMod_VertexColorMapBlend oldDunaColor = cb_duna.transform.GetComponentInChildren<PQSMod_VertexColorMapBlend>();
					if(oldDunaColor != null && newDunaColor != null)
						oldDunaColor.vertexColorMap = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<MapSO>();
						oldDunaColor.vertexColorMap.CreateMap(MapSO.MapDepth.RGB, newDunaColor);
						oldDunaColor.blend = 1.0f;
					PQSMod_VertexSimplexNoiseColor oldDunaColorNoise = cb_duna.transform.GetComponentInChildren<PQSMod_VertexSimplexNoiseColor>();
					if(oldDunaColorNoise != null)
						oldDunaColorNoise.order = oldDunaColor.order + 1;
						oldDunaColorNoise.blend = 0.1f;
					PQSLandControl cb_duna_lc = cb_duna.pqsController.gameObject.GetComponentInChildren<PQSLandControl>();
					if(cb_duna_lc != null)
						cb_duna_lc.modEnabled = false;
					#region ike
					//Do things to ike
					print("PlanetShifter: Shifting Ike...");
					cb_ike.orbit.semiMajorAxis = 167988084550;
					cb_ike.orbit.eccentricity = 0.9585;
					cb_ike.orbit.inclination = 28.45;
					cb_ike.orbit.meanAnomalyAtEpoch = -1;
					cb_ike.tidallyLocked = false;
					cb_ike.rotationPeriod = 6983;
					cb_ike.Radius = 17500;
					cb_ike.pqsController.radius = 17500;
					cb_ike.GeeASL = 0.007;
					cb_ike.orbitDriver.orbitColor = new Color(0.15f, 0.15f, 0.19f);
					cb_ike.scienceValues.LandedDataValue = 20;
					cb_ike.scienceValues.spaceAltitudeThreshold = 150000;
					cb_ike.scienceValues.InSpaceLowDataValue = 5;
					cb_ike.scienceValues.InSpaceHighDataValue = 3;
					cb_ike.scienceValues.RecoveryValue = 8;
					#region gilly
					//Do things to gilly
					print("PlanetShifter: Shifting Gilly...");
					cb_gilly.orbit.semiMajorAxis = 58084734575;
					cb_gilly.orbit.eccentricity = 0.990504;
					cb_gilly.orbit.inclination = 225.05;
					cb_gilly.orbit.LAN = 25.3;
					cb_gilly.orbit.argumentOfPeriapsis = 79.08;
					cb_gilly.orbit.meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 4.603;
					cb_gilly.tidallyLocked = false;
					cb_gilly.rotationPeriod = 15034;
					cb_gilly.Radius = 8500;
					cb_gilly.pqsController.radius = 8500;
					cb_gilly.GeeASL = 0.003;
					cb_gilly.orbitDriver.orbitColor = new Color(0.15f, 0.15f, 0.19f);
					cb_gilly.scienceValues.LandedDataValue = 30;
					cb_gilly.scienceValues.spaceAltitudeThreshold = 50000;
					cb_gilly.scienceValues.InSpaceLowDataValue = 5;
					cb_gilly.scienceValues.InSpaceHighDataValue = 3;
					cb_gilly.scienceValues.RecoveryValue = 8;
					//string s = "Listing all components! \n";
					//foreach (Component c in cb_gilly.gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren(typeof(Component)))
					//    s += (c + " \n");
					Transform cb_gilly_height = cb_gilly.pqsController.transform.FindChild("_Height");
					if(cb_gilly_height.gameObject != null)
						if(cb_gilly_height.gameObject.GetComponentInChildren<PQSMod_VoronoiCraters>() == null)
							PQSMod_VoronoiCraters cb_gilly_craters = cb_gilly_height.gameObject.AddComponent<PQSMod_VoronoiCraters>();
							if(cb_gilly_craters != null && muncraters != null)
								print("...and giving it craters");
								cb_gilly_craters.voronoiFrequency = 7;
								cb_gilly_craters.deformation = 800;
								cb_gilly_craters.craterCurve = new AnimationCurve(muncraters.craterCurve.keys);
								cb_gilly_craters.jitter = 0.1f;
								cb_gilly_craters.jitterCurve = new AnimationCurve(muncraters.jitterCurve.keys);
								cb_gilly_craters.jitterHeight = 3;
								cb_gilly_craters.rOffset = 1;
								cb_gilly_craters.rFactor = 0.5f;
								cb_gilly_craters.voronoiDisplacement = 0.1f;
								cb_gilly_craters.order = 50;
					#region minmus
					//Do things to minmus
					print("PlanetShifter: Shifting Minmus");
					cb_minmus.orbit.semiMajorAxis = 14740300;
					cb_minmus.orbit.inclination = 0.03;
					cb_minmus.orbit.meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 0.9f;
					cb_minmus.Radius = 29000;
					cb_minmus.pqsController.radius = 29000;
					cb_minmus.tidallyLocked = false;
					cb_minmus.GeeASL = 0.022;
					cb_minmus.scienceValues.LandedDataValue = 5;
					cb_minmus.scienceValues.InSpaceLowDataValue = 2;
					cb_minmus.scienceValues.InSpaceHighDataValue = 2;
					cb_minmus.scienceValues.RecoveryValue = 4;
			#region jool
			//Do things to jool
			print("PlanetShifter: Shifting Jool...");
			cb_jool.orbit.semiMajorAxis = 13605008470;
			cb_jool.orbit.eccentricity = 0.017;
			cb_jool.orbit.inclination = 1.957;
			cb_jool.orbit.LAN = 35;
			cb_jool.orbitDriver.orbitColor = new Color(0.45f, 0.55f, 0.7f);
			cb_jool.atmosphereScaleHeight = 20.3;
			cb_jool.atmosphereMultiplier = 6.5f;
			cb_jool.atmosphericAmbientColor = new Color(0.075f, 0.08f, 0.095f);
			//foreach (Keyframe k in cb_jool.temperatureCurve.keys)
			//    print(k.time + " " + k.value);
			cb_jool.temperatureCurve = new AnimationCurve();
			cb_jool.temperatureCurve.AddKey(-0.2385731f, 700f); //these values are based off the debug printout from earlier, just with a *slightly* increased lower value
			cb_jool.temperatureCurve.AddKey(99.73615f, -86.13164f);
			cb_jool.scienceValues.InSpaceLowDataValue = 1.5f;
			cb_jool.scienceValues.InSpaceHighDataValue = 1;
			cb_jool.scienceValues.FlyingLowDataValue = 4;
			cb_jool.scienceValues.FlyingHighDataValue = 3;
			cb_jool.scienceValues.RecoveryValue = 1.5f;
			#region tylo
			//Do things to ty-- oh you get the idea
			cb_tylo.orbit.semiMajorAxis = 24708887045;
			cb_tylo.Radius = 1103000;
			cb_tylo.pqsController.radius = 1103000;
			cb_tylo.GeeASL = 4.035;
			cb_tylo.orbit.eccentricity = 0.03;
			cb_tylo.orbit.inclination = 1.22;
			cb_tylo.tidallyLocked = false;
			cb_tylo.rotationPeriod = 122805;
			cb_tylo.atmosphere = true;
			cb_tylo.atmosphereScaleHeight = 6.9;
			cb_tylo.atmosphereMultiplier = 0.554f;
			cb_tylo.staticPressureASL = 1;
			cb_tylo.atmosphericAmbientColor = new Color(0.175f, 0.15f, 0.15f);
			cb_tylo.orbitDriver.orbitColor = new Color(0.4f, 0.25f, 0.15f);
			cb_tylo.maxAtmosphereAltitude = 80000;
			cb_tylo.useLegacyAtmosphere = true;
			cb_tylo.scienceValues.FlyingLowDataValue = 9;
			cb_tylo.scienceValues.FlyingHighDataValue = 8;
			cb_tylo.scienceValues.flyingAltitudeThreshold = 25000;
			cb_tylo.scienceValues.InSpaceLowDataValue = 5;
			cb_tylo.scienceValues.InSpaceHighDataValue = 4;
			cb_tylo.scienceValues.spaceAltitudeThreshold = 1000000;
			cb_tylo.scienceValues.LandedDataValue = 18;
			//tweak LOD parameters
			cb_tylo.pqsController.maxLevel = cb_kerbin.pqsController.maxLevel + 2;
			cb_tylo.pqsController.minLevel = cb_kerbin.pqsController.minLevel + 2;
			cb_tylo.pqsController.minDetailDistance = cb_kerbin.pqsController.minDetailDistance + 2;
			cb_tylo.pqsController.maxDetailDistance = cb_kerbin.pqsController.maxDetailDistance + 2;
			PQSMod_VertexHeightMap cb_tylo_height = cb_tylo.transform.GetComponentInChildren<PQSMod_VertexHeightMap>();
			if(cb_tylo_height != null)
				print("PlanetShifter: Shifting Tylo Terrain");
				if(newTyloHeight != null)
					Destroy(cb_tylo_height.heightMap); //obliterate the old heightmap
					cb_tylo_height.heightMap = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<MapSO>(); //make a new one
					cb_tylo_height.heightMap.CreateMap(MapSO.MapDepth.Greyscale, newTyloHeight); //turn it into something usable
					cb_tylo_height.heightMapDeformity = 21500; //tweak deformity
					Destroy(newTyloHeight); //and then nuke the texture
				Transform cb_tylo_height = cb_tylo.pqsController.transform.FindChild("_Height");
				if(cb_tylo_height.gameObject != null)
				PQSMod_VoronoiCraters cb_tylo_craters = cb_tylo_height.gameObject.AddComponent<PQSMod_VoronoiCraters>();
				if(cb_tylo_craters != null && muncraters != null)
				print("...and giving it craters");
				cb_tylo_craters.voronoiFrequency = 24;
				cb_tylo_craters.deformation = 900;
				cb_tylo_craters.craterCurve = new AnimationCurve(muncraters.craterCurve.keys);
				cb_tylo_craters.craterColourRamp = FetchSolidGradient(new Color(0.58f, 0.54f, 0.4f));
				cb_tylo_craters.order = cb_tylo_height.order + 50;
				cb_tylo_craters.jitter = 0.1f;
				cb_tylo_craters.jitterCurve = new AnimationCurve(muncraters.jitterCurve.keys);
				cb_tylo_craters.jitterHeight = 3;
				cb_tylo_craters.rOffset = 1;
				cb_tylo_craters.rFactor = 1;
				cb_tylo_craters.voronoiDisplacement = muncraters.voronoiDisplacement;
			PQSMod_VertexColorMap cb_tylo_vcm = cb_tylo.pqsController.transform.GetComponentInChildren<PQSMod_VertexColorMap>();
			if(cb_tylo_vcm != null && newTyloColor)
				print("PlanetShifter: Shifting tylo color");
				cb_tylo_vcm.vertexColorMap = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<MapSO>();
				cb_tylo_vcm.vertexColorMap.CreateMap(MapSO.MapDepth.RGB, newTyloColor);
			PQSMod_VertexSimplexHeight cb_tylo_vsh = cb_tylo.pqsController.transform.GetComponentInChildren<PQSMod_VertexSimplexHeight>();
			if(cb_tylo_vsh != null)
				cb_tylo_vsh.deformity = 5500;
				cb_tylo_vsh.frequency = 5;
			PQSMod_VertexSimplexHeightAbsolute cb_tylo_vsha = cb_tylo.pqsController.transform.GetComponentInChildren<PQSMod_VertexSimplexHeightAbsolute>();
			if(cb_tylo_vsh != null)
				cb_tylo_vsh.deformity = 3100;
				cb_tylo_vsh.frequency = 6;
			#region vall
			print("Planetshifter: shifting vall");
			cb_vall.orbit.semiMajorAxis = 4995040;
			cb_vall.orbit.eccentricity = 0.011;
			cb_vall.orbit.inclination = 2.337;
			cb_vall.GeeASL = 0.0772;
			cb_vall.Radius = 99800;
			cb_vall.pqsController.radius = 99800;
			PQSMod_VertexHeightMap cb_vall_hm = cb_vall.pqsController.gameObject.GetComponentInChildren<PQSMod_VertexHeightMap>();
			if(cb_vall_hm != null)
				cb_vall_hm.heightMapDeformity = 1800;
			#region dres
			print("Planetshifter: shifting dres");
			cb_dres.orbit.semiMajorAxis = 8000025;
			cb_dres.orbit.eccentricity = 0.002;
			cb_dres.orbit.inclination = 0.000;
			cb_dres.scienceValues.LandedDataValue = 6;
			cb_dres.scienceValues.InSpaceLowDataValue = 5;
			cb_dres.scienceValues.InSpaceHighDataValue = 4;
			cb_dres.scienceValues.RecoveryValue = 5;
			#region laythe
			//Laythe is just as important in the grand scheme of things as kerbin!
			//Let's remake it completely, it deserves better.
			cb_laythe.pqsController.surfaceMaterial = new Material(cb_kerbin.pqsController.surfaceMaterial);
			cb_laythe.pqsController.maxLevel = cb_kerbin.pqsController.maxLevel;
			cb_laythe.pqsController.minLevel = cb_kerbin.pqsController.minLevel;
			cb_laythe.pqsController.minDetailDistance = cb_kerbin.pqsController.minDetailDistance;
			cb_laythe.pqsController.maxDetailDistance = cb_kerbin.pqsController.maxDetailDistance;
			cb_laythe.atmosphericAmbientColor = new Color(0.075f, 0.08f, 0.095f);
			cb_laythe.orbitDriver.orbitColor = new Color(0.15f, 0.25f, 0.05f);
			cb_laythe.orbit.LAN = 0;
			cb_laythe.orbit.argumentOfPeriapsis = 0;
			cb_laythe.orbit.meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 1;
			cb_laythe.bodyDescription = "Long known as Kerbin's sister moon, Laythe was seeded with life hundreds of millions of years ago when a large asteroid struck Kerbin - catapulting boulders with various life forms into orbit around Jool. Given its proximity to Kerbin, some of this impact debris found its way to Laythe, depositing a precious cargo of microbes and, according to some theories, whole plant seeds. This life quickly spread across the moon, until it became the lush green world we know today.\n\n(There are, however, fringe theorists who believe that life started on Laythe and was brought to Kerbin, but that's just absurd)";
			cb_laythe.scienceValues.LandedDataValue = 3;
			cb_laythe.scienceValues.SplashedDataValue = 3;
			cb_laythe.scienceValues.InSpaceLowDataValue = 1.5f;
			cb_laythe.scienceValues.InSpaceHighDataValue = 1;
			cb_laythe.scienceValues.FlyingLowDataValue = 2.5f;
			cb_laythe.scienceValues.FlyingHighDataValue = 2;
			cb_laythe.scienceValues.RecoveryValue = 3;
			print("PlanetShifter: Shifting Laythe terrain");
			PQSLandControl cb_laythe_lc = cb_laythe.pqsController.gameObject.GetComponentInChildren<PQSLandControl>();
			if(cb_laythe_lc != null)
				print("Found LandControl, spewing land classes...");
				foreach(PQSLandControl.LandClass lc in cb_laythe_lc.landClasses)
					if(lc.landClassName == "Mud")
						lc.color = new Color(0.35f, 0.25f, 0.2f);
						lc.noiseColor = new Color(0.26f, 0.27f, 0.15f);
						lc.noiseBlend = 0.8f;
						lc.noiseFrequency = 20;
					if(lc.landClassName == "BaseLand")
						lc.color = new Color(0.16f, 0.185f, 0.15f);
						lc.noiseColor = new Color(0.14f, 0.15f, 0.02f);
						lc.noiseBlend = 0.2f;
					if(lc.landClassName == "IceCaps")
						lc.latitudeRange.endStart = 0.09;
						lc.latitudeRange.endEnd = 0.1;
						//print("IceCap latitude whatsit: ss-" + lc.latitudeRange.startStart + " se-" + lc.latitudeRange.startEnd + " es-" + lc.latitudeRange.endStart + " ee-" + lc.latitudeRange.endEnd);
			PQSMod_VertexHeightMap cb_laythe_hm = cb_laythe.pqsController.gameObject.GetComponentInChildren<PQSMod_VertexHeightMap>();
			if(cb_laythe_hm != null && newLaytheHeight != null)
				Destroy(cb_laythe_hm.heightMap); //obliterate the old heightmap
				cb_laythe_hm.heightMap = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<MapSO>();
				cb_laythe_hm.heightMap.CreateMap(MapSO.MapDepth.Greyscale, newLaytheHeight); //turn it into something usable
				cb_laythe_hm.heightMapOffset = -400;
				cb_laythe_hm.heightMapDeformity = 7000; //tweak deformity
				Destroy(newLaytheHeight); //and then nuke the texture
			PQSMod_VertexHeightNoise cb_laythe_vhn = cb_laythe.pqsController.gameObject.GetComponentInChildren<PQSMod_VertexHeightNoise>();
			if(cb_laythe_vhn != null)
				cb_laythe_vhn.deformity = 250;
				cb_laythe_vhn.frequency = 8;
			#region bop
			print("pLaNeTsHiFtEr: sHiFtInG bOp");
				print("Turning bop into a COMPLETELY IMPOSSIBLE moon of a moon you should be ASHAMED");
				cb_bop.orbit.eccentricity = 0.055;
				cb_bop.orbit.inclination = 0.12;
				cb_bop.orbit.semiMajorAxis = 3250900;
				cb_bop.Radius = 4900;
				cb_bop.pqsController.radius = 4900;
				cb_bop.GeeASL = 0.0253;
				cb_bop.bodyDescription = "A worthless lump of unusually-dense rock in a hopelessly unstable orbit. Despite the apparant instability, its orbit never seems to change. This merits further investigation...";
				cb_bop.pqsController.surfaceMaterial = cb_gilly.pqsController.surfaceMaterial;
				cb_bop.scienceValues.LandedDataValue = 2;
				cb_bop.scienceValues.InSpaceLowDataValue = 1;
				cb_bop.scienceValues.InSpaceHighDataValue = 1f;
				cb_bop.scienceValues.RecoveryValue = 2;
				//This version of bop is a lot smaller, so reduce its LOD values accordingly
				cb_bop.pqsController.maxLevel = cb_gilly.pqsController.maxLevel;
				cb_bop.pqsController.minLevel = cb_gilly.pqsController.minLevel;
				PQSMod_VertexSimplexHeightAbsolute cb_bop_vsha = cb_bop.pqsController.transform.GetComponentInChildren<PQSMod_VertexSimplexHeightAbsolute>();
				if(cb_bop_vsha != null)
					cb_bop_vsha.seed = 348534534;
					cb_bop_vsha.deformity = 1700;
					cb_bop_vsha.frequency = 0.5;
				PQSMod_VertexHeightNoise cb_bop_vhn = cb_bop.pqsController.transform.GetComponentInChildren<PQSMod_VertexHeightNoise>();
				if(cb_bop_vhn != null)
					cb_bop_vhn.seed = 994574854;
					cb_bop_vhn.deformity = 250;
					cb_bop_vhn.frequency = 3;
				PQSCity kraken = cb_bop.pqsController.transform.FindChild("DeadKraken").GetComponent<PQSCity>();
				if(kraken != null)
					kraken.repositionRadiusOffset = 1000; //Temporary til I can find the damn thing again and set a proper altitude
				cb_bop.orbit.eccentricity = 0.0094;
				cb_bop.orbit.inclination = 0;
				cb_bop.orbit.semiMajorAxis = 14000543;
				cb_bop.pqsController.surfaceMaterial = cb_gilly.pqsController.surfaceMaterial;
				cb_bop.scienceValues.LandedDataValue = 3;
				cb_bop.scienceValues.InSpaceLowDataValue = 2;
				cb_bop.scienceValues.InSpaceHighDataValue = 1.5f;
				cb_bop.scienceValues.RecoveryValue = 3;
			#region pol
			print("pLaNeTsHiFtEr: sHiFtInG pOl");
			cb_pol.orbit.LAN = 120;
			cb_pol.orbit.eccentricity = 0.083;
			cb_pol.orbit.semiMajorAxis = 145500000;
			cb_pol.scienceValues.LandedDataValue = 3;
			cb_pol.scienceValues.InSpaceLowDataValue = 2;
			cb_pol.scienceValues.InSpaceHighDataValue = 1.5f;
			cb_pol.scienceValues.RecoveryValue = 3;
			#region eeloo
			print("PlanetShifter: Shifting Eeloo");
			cb_eeloo.orbit.inclination = 1.15;
			cb_eeloo.orbit.eccentricity = 0.08;
			cb_eeloo.Radius = 478000;
			cb_eeloo.pqsController.radius = 478000;
			cb_eeloo.GeeASL = 0.687;
			#region relocator
			//cb_sun.orbitingBodies.Remove(cb_kerbin); <- for some reason this really screws up everything... there don't seem to be any obvious adverse effects to commenting it out so, I guess it'll have to do.
			cb_mun.orbit.referenceBody = cb_jool;
			cb_kerbin.orbit.referenceBody = cb_jool;
			cb_duna.orbit.referenceBody = cb_tylo;
			cb_ike.orbit.referenceBody = cb_sun;
			cb_dres.orbit.referenceBody = cb_sun;
			cb_vall.orbit.referenceBody = cb_sun;
			cb_minmus.orbit.referenceBody = cb_vall;
			cb_gilly.orbit.referenceBody = cb_sun;
			cb_tylo.orbit.referenceBody = cb_sun;
			cb_moho.orbit.referenceBody = cb_eve;
				cb_bop.orbit.referenceBody = cb_kerbin;
			//finalize everything
			#region final tweaks
			foreach(CelestialBody cb2 in FlightGlobals.Bodies)
				if(cb2.gameObject.name != "Sun")
					cb2.sphereOfInfluence = GetNewSOI(cb2);
					cb2.hillSphere = GetNewHillSphere(cb2);
					//Kerbin, Laythe, and the Mun are in a Laplace resonance. To be absolutely sure that that remains the case, force the periods.
					if(cb2.gameObject.name == "Kerbin")
						cb2.orbit.period = 211926; //2 days 10 hours 52 minutes 6 seconds
					else if(cb2.gameObject.name == "Mun")
						cb2.orbit.period = 105963; //1 day 5 hours 26 minutes 3 seconds
					else if(cb2.gameObject.name == "Laythe")
						cb2.orbit.period = 52982; //14 hours 43 minutes 2 seconds
						cb2.orbit.period = GetNewPeriod(cb2); //Just calculate the rest
					cb2.timeWarpAltitudeLimits = newWarpLimits;
					//Thank you, eggrobin & NathanKell
					cb2.orbit.meanAnomaly = cb2.orbit.meanAnomalyAtEpoch; // let KSP handle epoch
					cb2.orbit.orbitPercent = cb2.orbit.meanAnomalyAtEpoch / 6.2831853071795862;
					cb2.orbit.ObTAtEpoch = cb2.orbit.orbitPercent * cb2.orbit.period;
			//god, I need to rewrite this section sometimes. I mean, it WORKS but it just feels so WRONG
			#region scaled space also known as the galaxy of terror
			GameObject kerbinAtmo = null;
			GameObject tyloAtmo = null;
			Material kerbinMat = null;
			Mesh plainSphere = null;
			Transform sun = null;
			foreach(Transform t in ScaledSpace.Instance.scaledSpaceTransforms)
				if(t.gameObject.name == "Kerbin")
					print("PlanetShifter: HACKY HACK GRABBING KERBIN ATMOSPHERE FOR DUPLICATION"); //forgive me father for i have sinned
					kerbinAtmo = t.FindChild("Atmosphere").gameObject;
					kerbinMat = t.gameObject.renderer.material;
					plainSphere = t.gameObject.GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh;
				if(t.gameObject.name == "Sun")
					sun = t;
			if(kerbinAtmo != null)
				AtmosphereFromGround atmk = kerbinAtmo.GetComponent<AtmosphereFromGround>();
				if(atmk != null)
					atmk.waveLength = new Color(0.750f, 0.670f, 0.575f);
				foreach(Transform t in ScaledSpace.Instance.scaledSpaceTransforms)
					//first do the stuff that needs new atmospheres
					if(t.gameObject.name == "Tylo" && kerbinMat != null)
						print("PlanetShifter: Shifting Tylo scaled space");
						t.localScale = new Vector3(0.1838f, 0.1838f, 0.1838f);
						tyloAtmo = Instantiate(kerbinAtmo, t.position, t.rotation) as GameObject;
						tyloAtmo.name = "Atmosphere";
						tyloAtmo.transform.parent = t;
						tyloAtmo.transform.localScale = Vector3.one;
						Material m = new Material(kerbinMat);
						t.gameObject.renderer.material = m;
						t.gameObject.renderer.material.SetTexture("_MainTex", newTyloScaledColor);
						t.gameObject.renderer.material.SetTexture("_BumpMap", newTyloScaledBump);
						t.gameObject.renderer.material.SetTexture("_rimColorRamp", rampRed);
						t.gameObject.renderer.material.SetColor("_SpecColor", Color.black);
						t.gameObject.GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh = plainSphere;
						t.gameObject.renderer.material.SetColor("_Color", Color.grey); //Default is too bright. This matches better!
						AtmosphereFromGround atm = tyloAtmo.GetComponent<AtmosphereFromGround>();
						if(atm != null)
							atm.planet = cb_tylo;
							atm.waveLength = new Color(0.8f, 0.93f, 0.95f);
					//and now the tweaks
					//if (t.gameObject.name == "Eve")
					//t.localScale = new Vector3(0.09751f, 0.09751f, 0.09751f);
					if(t.gameObject.name == "Laythe")
						t.gameObject.renderer.material.SetTexture("_rimColorRamp", rampBlue);
						t.gameObject.renderer.material.SetTexture("_MainTex", newLaytheScaledColor);
						t.gameObject.renderer.material.SetTexture("_BumpMap", newLaytheScaledBump);
						t.gameObject.renderer.material.SetColor("_Color", new Color(0.75f, 0.75f, 0.75f));
						AtmosphereFromGround atm = t.FindChild("Atmosphere").GetComponent<AtmosphereFromGround>();
						if(atm != null)
							atm.waveLength = new Color(0.730f, 0.70f, 0.640f);
					if(t.gameObject.name == "Kerbin")
						t.gameObject.renderer.material.SetTexture("_rimColorRamp", rampBlue);
						AtmosphereFromGround atm = t.FindChild("Atmosphere").GetComponent<AtmosphereFromGround>();
						if(atm != null)
							atm.waveLength = new Color(0.725f, 0.670f, 0.620f);
					if(t.gameObject.name == "Duna")
						t.gameObject.GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh = plainSphere;
						t.gameObject.renderer.material.SetTexture("_MainTex", newDunaScaledColor);
						t.gameObject.renderer.material.SetTexture("_BumpMap", newDunaScaledBump);
						AtmosphereFromGround atm = t.FindChild("Atmosphere").GetComponent<AtmosphereFromGround>();
						if(atm != null)
							atm.waveLength = new Color(0.525f, 0.570f, 0.620f);
					if(t.gameObject.name == "Ike")
						t.localScale = new Vector3(0.002917f, 0.002917f, 0.002917f);
						SpawnCometTail(t, sun, "IonTail", false, null, 2.6f, 0.5f);
						SpawnCometTail(t, sun, "DustTail", true, cb_ike.orbit, 2.75f, 0.8f);
					if(t.gameObject.name == "Gilly")
						t.localScale = new Vector3(0.01415f, 0.01415f, 0.01415f);
						SpawnCometTail(t, sun, "IonTail", false, null, 0.6f, 1.5f);
						SpawnCometTail(t, sun, "DustTail", true, cb_gilly.orbit, 1.0f, 1.0f);
					if(t.gameObject.name == "Bop" && enableKerbinMoon)
						t.localScale = new Vector3(0.0090352f, 0.0090352f, 0.0090352f);
					if(t.gameObject.name == "Jool")
						AtmosphereFromGround atm = t.FindChild("Atmosphere").GetComponent<AtmosphereFromGround>();
						if(atm != null)
							atm.waveLength = new Color(0.750f, 0.720f, 0.680f);
						if(kerbinMat != null)
							Texture oldJoolNorm = t.gameObject.renderer.material.GetTexture("_BumpMap");
							Material m = new Material(kerbinMat);
							t.gameObject.renderer.material = m;
							t.gameObject.renderer.material.SetTexture("_MainTex", newJoolTexture);
							t.gameObject.renderer.material.SetTexture("_BumpMap", oldJoolNorm);
							t.gameObject.renderer.material.SetTexture("_rimColorRamp", rampBlue);
							t.gameObject.renderer.material.SetColor("_SpecColor", Color.black);
							t.gameObject.renderer.material.SetTextureScale("_BumpMap", new Vector2(32, 16));
							t.gameObject.renderer.material.SetColor("_Color", new Color(0.75f, 0.75f, 0.75f));
					if(t.gameObject.name == "Eeloo")
						t.localScale = new Vector3(0.07968f, 0.07968f, 0.07968f);
					if(t.gameObject.name == "Vall")
						t.localScale = new Vector3(0.1663f, 0.1663f, 0.1663f);
					if(t.gameObject.name == "Mun")
						t.localScale = new Vector3(0.0421751f, 0.0421751f, 0.0421751f);
					if(t.gameObject.name == "Minmus")
						t.localScale = new Vector3(0.004834f, 0.004834f, 0.004834f);
						t.gameObject.renderer.material.SetTexture("_MainTex", newMinmusTexture);
						t.gameObject.renderer.material.SetColor("_SpecColor", Color.black);
						t.gameObject.renderer.material.SetColor("_Color", Color.grey);

					if(t.gameObject.name == "Sun")
						t.localScale = new Vector3(11.82235f, 11.82235f, 11.82235f);
								alternisDone = true;


		#region comet tails
		void SpawnCometTail(Transform target, Transform sun, string tailname, bool dustTail, Orbit targetorbit, float scale, float brightness)
			if(target != null && sun != null)
				if(target.FindChild(tailname) == null)
					print("Adding comet tail " + tailname + " to " + target.gameObject.name);
					GameObject tail = new GameObject(tailname, typeof(CometLogic));
					if(tail != null)
						tail.name = tailname;
						tail.transform.parent = target;
						tail.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
						GameObject tailVisual = null;
							tailVisual = GameDatabase.Instance.GetModel(path2 + "comet_dusttail/comet_dusttail");
							tailVisual.transform.localScale = new Vector3(250 * scale, 250 * scale, 250 * scale);
							tailVisual = GameDatabase.Instance.GetModel(path2 + "comet_iontail/comet_iontail");
							tailVisual.transform.localScale = new Vector3(220 * scale, 220 * scale, 220 * scale);
						CometLogic cl = tail.GetComponent<CometLogic>();
						if(cl != null && tailVisual != null)
							tailVisual.transform.parent = tail.transform;
							tailVisual.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
							tailVisual.transform.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(-90, 0, 0);
							cl.target = target;
							cl.sun = sun;
							cl.dustTail = dustTail;
							cl.brightness = brightness * globalCometBright;
								cl.cometOrbit = targetorbit;
							cl.visual = tailVisual.transform.GetChild(0).gameObject;
							print("Tail FX creation successful");
							print("ERROR: tail creator code SNAFU - code 2");
						print("ERROR: tail creator code SNAFU - code 1");
					print("Comet of this name already existed");
			#region map building
			/*void BuildMaps()
            if (mapBuildMode && cb_laythe.pqsController != null)
                Texture2D[] maps = cb_laythe.pqsController.CreateMaps(2048, 12000, true, 0, cb_laythe.pqsController.mapOceanColor);
                int i = 0;
                foreach (Texture2D t in maps)
                    File.WriteAllBytes(Application.dataPath + "/newlaythe" + i + ".png", t.EncodeToPNG());

Пример #40
            // Post apply event
            void IParserEventSubscriber.PostApply(ConfigNode node)
                // Should we remove the atmosphere
                if (body.celestialBody.atmosphere && removeAtmosphere.value)
                    // Find atmosphere from ground and destroy the game object
                    AtmosphereFromGround atmosphere = body.scaledVersion.GetComponentsInChildren <AtmosphereFromGround>(true)[0];
                    atmosphere.transform.parent = null;

                    // Destroy the light controller
                    MaterialSetDirection light = body.scaledVersion.GetComponentsInChildren <MaterialSetDirection>(true)[0];

                    // No more atmosphere :(
                    body.celestialBody.atmosphere = false;

                // If we have a PQS
                if (body.pqsVersion != null)
                    Logger.Active.Log("[Kopernicus]: Configuration.Template: Using Template \"" + body.celestialBody.bodyName + "\"");

                    // Should we remove the ocean?
                    if (body.celestialBody.ocean && removeOcean.value)
                        // Find atmosphere the ocean PQS
                        PQS ocean = body.pqsVersion.GetComponentsInChildren <PQS> (true).Where(pqs => pqs != body.pqsVersion).First();
                        PQSMod_CelestialBodyTransform cbt = body.pqsVersion.GetComponentsInChildren <PQSMod_CelestialBodyTransform> (true).First();

                        // Destroy the ocean PQS (this could be bad - destroying the secondary fades...)
                        cbt.secondaryFades     = null;
                        ocean.transform.parent = null;

                        // No more ocean :(
                        body.celestialBody.ocean = false;
                        body.pqsVersion.mapOcean = false;

                    // Selectively remove PQS Mods
                    if (removePQSMods != null && removePQSMods.value.LongCount() > 0)
                        // Get a list of all the PQS mods (immediate children, don't f**k the ocean)
                        List <PQSMod> mods = body.pqsVersion.transform.GetComponentsInChildren <PQSMod>(true).Where(mod => mod.transform.parent == body.pqsVersion.transform).ToList();
                        foreach (string mod in removePQSMods.value)
                            // Get the mods matching the string
                            string modName = "PQSMod_" + mod;
                            foreach (PQSMod m in mods.Where(m => m.GetType().ToString().EndsWith(modName)))
                                Logger.Active.Log("Removed PQSMod: " + m.name + " (" + m.GetType() + ")");

                // Should we remove the progress tree
                if (removeProgressTree.value)
                    body.celestialBody.progressTree = null;

                // Figure out what kind of body we are
                if (body.scaledVersion.GetComponentsInChildren <SunShaderController>(true).Length > 0)
                    type = BodyType.Star;
                else if (body.celestialBody.atmosphere)
                    type = BodyType.Atmospheric;
                    type = BodyType.Vacuum;
Пример #41
 public AtmosphereFromGroundParser(AtmosphereFromGround afg, CelestialBody body)
     this.afg = afg;
     this.body = body;
            // Runtime constructor
            public AtmosphereFromGroundLoader(CelestialBody body)
                this.body = body;
                afg = body.afg;

                // Set Defaults
                afg.planet = body;
                afg.ESun = 30f;
                afg.Kr = 0.00125f;
                afg.Km = 0.00015f;

                afg.samples = 4f;
                afg.g = -0.85f;
                if (afg.waveLength == new Color(0f, 0f, 0f, 0f))
                    afg.waveLength = new Color(0.65f, 0.57f, 0.475f, 0.5f);
                afg.outerRadius = (((float)body.Radius) * 1.025f) * INVSCALEFACTOR;
                afg.innerRadius = afg.outerRadius * 0.975f;
                afg.scaleDepth = -0.25f;
                afg.invWaveLength = new Color((float)(1d / Math.Pow(afg.waveLength[0], 4)), (float)(1d / Math.Pow(afg.waveLength[1], 4)), (float)(1d / Math.Pow(afg.waveLength[2], 4)), 0.5f);

 // Default Constructor
 public AtmosphereFromGroundLoader()
     body = generatedBody.celestialBody;
     afg = generatedBody.scaledVersion.GetComponentsInChildren<AtmosphereFromGround>(true)[0];
Пример #44
        private IEnumerator <YieldInstruction> NovaCoroutine()
            LoggingUtil.LogDebug(this, "Jool is going nova");
            state     = State.JOOL_SHRINK;
            joolScale = 1.0f;


            // Get the AtmosphereFromGround object
            AtmosphereFromGround afg = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll <AtmosphereFromGround>().
                                       Where(a => a != null && a.planet != null && a.planet.name == "Jool").First();

            // Capture original scaling info
            origScale       = jool.scaledBody.transform.localScale;
            origInnerRadius = afg.innerRadius;
            origOuterRadius = afg.outerRadius;
            origAtmoScale   = afg.transform.localScale;

            // Rescale over every iteration
            while (true)
                // Check if this will be the last scaling operation
                bool lastIteration = joolScale <= SHRUNK_SCALE;
                if (lastIteration)
                    joolScale = SHRUNK_SCALE;

                // Rescale Jool's ScaledVersion Transform
                jool.scaledBody.transform.localScale = origScale * joolScale;

                // Rescale atmosphere
                afg.innerRadius          = origInnerRadius * joolScale;
                afg.outerRadius          = origOuterRadius * joolScale;
                afg.transform.localScale = origAtmoScale * joolScale;

                afg.KrESun              = afg.Kr * afg.ESun;
                afg.KmESun              = afg.Km * afg.ESun;
                afg.Kr4PI               = afg.Kr * 4f * (float)Math.PI;
                afg.Km4PI               = afg.Km * 4f * (float)Math.PI;
                afg.g2                  = afg.g * afg.g;
                afg.outerRadius2        = afg.outerRadius * afg.outerRadius;
                afg.innerRadius2        = afg.innerRadius * afg.innerRadius;
                afg.scale               = 1f / (afg.outerRadius - afg.innerRadius);
                afg.scaleDepth          = -0.25f;
                afg.scaleOverScaleDepth = afg.scale / afg.scaleDepth;


                yield return(null);

                if (lastIteration)

            // Do the transformation

            // Add our extra stuff
            GameObject explosion = new GameObject("Explosion");

            explosion.transform.parent        = jool.scaledBody.transform;
            explosion.layer                   = jool.scaledBody.layer;
            explosion.transform.localScale    = Vector3.one * 1.01f;
            explosion.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
            explosion.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;
            MeshRenderer explosionRenderer = explosion.AddComponent <MeshRenderer>();

            foreach (FieldInfo field in typeof(MeshRenderer).GetFields(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic))
                field.SetValue(explosionRenderer, field.GetValue(jool.scaledBody.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>()));
            Texture2D explosionTex = TextureUtil.LoadTexture("ContractPacks/JoolianEncounter/Images/explosion.dds.noload");

            explosionRenderer.material.shader = Shader.Find("KSP/Alpha/Translucent");
            explosionRenderer.material.SetTexture(Shader.PropertyToID("_MainTex"), explosionTex);
            MeshFilter explosionMesh = explosion.AddComponent <MeshFilter>();

            explosionMesh.sharedMesh = jool.scaledBody.GetComponent <MeshFilter>().sharedMesh;

            // Rescale over every iteration
            joolScale = SHRUNK_SCALE;
            state     = State.SUN_GROW;
            stateTime = Time.time;
            while (true)
                // Check if this will be the last scaling operation
                bool lastIteration = joolScale >= FINAL_SCALE;
                if (lastIteration)
                    joolScale = FINAL_SCALE;

                // Rescale Jool's scaled body Transform
                jool.scaledBody.transform.localScale = origScale * joolScale;

                // Fade the alpha out as the explosion grows
                float alpha = Mathf.Lerp(1.0f, 0.0f, (explosionScale / joolScale) / 10.0f);
                explosionRenderer.material.color = new Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, alpha);

                // Rescale the explosion
                explosion.transform.localScale = Vector3.one * (explosionScale / joolScale);

                if (lastIteration)
                yield return(null);

            // Continue with the outer part of the explosion
            state          = State.EXPLOSION_GROW;
            explosionsDone = false;
            while (true)
                // Rescale the explosion
                explosion.transform.localScale = Vector3.one * (explosionScale / joolScale);

                // Stop burninating 5000 km after it has passed
                if ((explosionScale / joolScale) * 1.01f * jool.Radius >= FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.altitude + jool.Radius + 5000000)
                    burninating = false;
                // There's a big delay before the atmospheric effects kick in, so start burninating pretty early (5000 km)
                else if (!burninating && (explosionScale / joolScale) * jool.Radius >= FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.altitude + jool.Radius - 5000000)
                    burninating = true;

                // Blow up the ship! (part of it)
                if (!explosionsDone && (explosionScale / joolScale) * jool.Radius >= FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.altitude + jool.Radius)

                    // Do a camera wobble
                    LoggingUtil.LogDebug(this, "overheat event");
                    FlightCameraFX fcfx        = UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectOfType <FlightCameraFX>();
                    MethodInfo     eventMethod = typeof(FlightCameraFX).GetMethods(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic).
                                                 Where(mi => mi.Name == "OnVesselEvent").First();
                    eventMethod.Invoke(fcfx, new object[] { new EventReport(FlightEvents.OVERHEAT, FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.rootPart,
                                                                            FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.name, "Jool") });

                // Fade the alpha out as the explosion grows
                float alpha = Mathf.Lerp(1.0f, 0.0f, (explosionScale / joolScale) / 10.0f);
                explosionRenderer.material.color = new Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, alpha);

                if ((explosionScale / joolScale) >= 10.0f)
                yield return(null);

            // Remove explodey part
            burninating = false;
            explosion.transform.parent = null;
Пример #45
            // Parser Post Apply Event
            public void PostApply(ConfigNode node)
                // If an orbit is defined, we orbit something
                if (orbit != null)
                    // If this body needs orbit controllers, create them
                    if (generatedBody.orbitDriver == null)
                        generatedBody.orbitDriver   = generatedBody.celestialBody.gameObject.AddComponent <OrbitDriver> ();
                        generatedBody.orbitRenderer = generatedBody.celestialBody.gameObject.AddComponent <OrbitRenderer> ();

                    // Setup orbit
                    generatedBody.orbitDriver.updateMode = OrbitDriver.UpdateMode.UPDATE;

                // If a PQS version was definied
                if (pqs != null)
                    // Assign the generated PQS to our new world
                    generatedBody.pqsVersion = pqs.pqsVersion;

                    // Adjust the radius of the PQSs appropriately
                    foreach (PQS p in generatedBody.pqsVersion.GetComponentsInChildren(typeof(PQS), true))
                        p.radius = generatedBody.celestialBody.Radius;

                // We need to generate new scaled space meshes if
                //   a) we are using a template and we've change either the radius or type of body
                //   b) we aren't using a template
                if (((template != null) && (Math.Abs(template.radius - generatedBody.celestialBody.Radius) > 1.0 || template.type != scaledVersion.type.value)) ||
                    template == null)
                    const double rJool   = 6000000.0;
                    const float  rScaled = 1000.0f;

                    // Compute scale between Jool and this body
                    float scale = (float)(generatedBody.celestialBody.Radius / rJool);
                    generatedBody.scaledVersion.transform.localScale = new Vector3(scale, scale, scale);

                    // Attempt to load a cached version of the scale space
                    string CacheDirectory = KSPUtil.ApplicationRootPath + ScaledSpaceCacheDirectory;
                    string CacheFile      = CacheDirectory + "/" + generatedBody.name + ".bin";
                    if (File.Exists(CacheFile))
                        Debug.Log("[Kopernicus]: Body.PostApply(ConfigNode): Loading cached scaled space mesh: " + generatedBody.name);
                        generatedBody.scaledVersion.GetComponent <MeshFilter> ().sharedMesh = Utility.DeserializeMesh(CacheFile);

                    // Otherwise we have to generate the mesh
                        Debug.Log("[Kopernicus]: Body.PostApply(ConfigNode): Generating scaled space mesh: " + generatedBody.name);
                        Mesh scaledVersionMesh = ComputeScaledSpaceMesh(generatedBody);
                        generatedBody.scaledVersion.GetComponent <MeshFilter> ().sharedMesh = scaledVersionMesh;
                        Utility.SerializeMesh(scaledVersionMesh, CacheFile);

                    // Apply mesh to the body
                    SphereCollider collider = generatedBody.scaledVersion.GetComponent <SphereCollider>();
                    if (collider != null)
                        collider.radius = rScaled;

                    // If we have an atmosphere, generate that too
                    if (generatedBody.celestialBody.atmosphere)
                        // Find atmosphere from ground
                        AtmosphereFromGround[] afgs = generatedBody.scaledVersion.GetComponentsInChildren <AtmosphereFromGround>(true);
                        if (afgs.Length > 0)
                            // Get the atmosphere from ground
                            AtmosphereFromGround atmosphereFromGround = afgs[0];

                            // We need to get the body for Jool (to steal it's mesh)
                            PSystemBody Jool = Utility.FindBody(PSystemManager.Instance.systemPrefab.rootBody, "Jool");

                            // Generate mesh using Jool as a template
                            Mesh mesh = Utility.DuplicateMesh(Jool.scaledVersion.GetComponent <MeshFilter> ().sharedMesh);
                            //Utility.ScaleVerts (mesh, (float)(generatedBody.celestialBody.Radius / rJool));
                            atmosphereFromGround.GetComponent <MeshFilter>().sharedMesh = mesh;

                // Post gen celestial body
                Utility.DumpObjectFields(generatedBody.celestialBody, " Celestial Body ");
Пример #46
        // Post apply event
        void IParserEventSubscriber.PostApply(ConfigNode node)
            // Should we remove the atmosphere
            if (Body.celestialBody.atmosphere && RemoveAtmosphere.Value)
                // Find atmosphere from ground and destroy the game object
                AtmosphereFromGround atmosphere =
                    Body.scaledVersion.GetComponentsInChildren <AtmosphereFromGround>(true)[0];
                atmosphere.transform.parent = null;

                // Destroy the light controller
                MaterialSetDirection light = Body.scaledVersion.GetComponentsInChildren <MaterialSetDirection>(true)[0];

                // No more atmosphere :(
                Body.celestialBody.atmosphere = false;

            Logger.Active.Log("Using Template \"" + Body.celestialBody.bodyName + "\"");

            // If we have a PQS
            if (Body.pqsVersion != null)
#if (!KSP_VERSION_1_8)
                // We only support one surface material per body, so use the one with the highest quality available
                if (GameSettings.TERRAIN_SHADER_QUALITY == 3)
                    Material surfaceMaterial = Body.pqsVersion.ultraQualitySurfaceMaterial;
                    if (!surfaceMaterial)
                        surfaceMaterial = Body.pqsVersion.highQualitySurfaceMaterial;
                    if (!surfaceMaterial)
                        surfaceMaterial = Body.pqsVersion.mediumQualitySurfaceMaterial;
                    if (!surfaceMaterial)
                        surfaceMaterial = Body.pqsVersion.lowQualitySurfaceMaterial;
                    if (!surfaceMaterial)
                        surfaceMaterial = Body.pqsVersion.surfaceMaterial;

                    Body.pqsVersion.ultraQualitySurfaceMaterial  = surfaceMaterial;
                    Body.pqsVersion.highQualitySurfaceMaterial   = surfaceMaterial;
                    Body.pqsVersion.mediumQualitySurfaceMaterial = surfaceMaterial;
                    Body.pqsVersion.lowQualitySurfaceMaterial    = surfaceMaterial;
                    Body.pqsVersion.surfaceMaterial = surfaceMaterial;
                if (GameSettings.TERRAIN_SHADER_QUALITY == 2)
                    Material surfaceMaterial = Body.pqsVersion.highQualitySurfaceMaterial;

                    if (!surfaceMaterial)
                        surfaceMaterial = Body.pqsVersion.mediumQualitySurfaceMaterial;
                    if (!surfaceMaterial)
                        surfaceMaterial = Body.pqsVersion.lowQualitySurfaceMaterial;
                    if (!surfaceMaterial)
                        surfaceMaterial = Body.pqsVersion.surfaceMaterial;

#if (!KSP_VERSION_1_8)
                    Body.pqsVersion.ultraQualitySurfaceMaterial = surfaceMaterial;
                    Body.pqsVersion.highQualitySurfaceMaterial   = surfaceMaterial;
                    Body.pqsVersion.mediumQualitySurfaceMaterial = surfaceMaterial;
                    Body.pqsVersion.lowQualitySurfaceMaterial    = surfaceMaterial;
                    Body.pqsVersion.surfaceMaterial = surfaceMaterial;
                else if (GameSettings.TERRAIN_SHADER_QUALITY == 1)
                    Material surfaceMaterial = Body.pqsVersion.mediumQualitySurfaceMaterial;

                    if (!surfaceMaterial)
                        surfaceMaterial = Body.pqsVersion.lowQualitySurfaceMaterial;
                    if (!surfaceMaterial)
                        surfaceMaterial = Body.pqsVersion.surfaceMaterial;

#if (!KSP_VERSION_1_8)
                    Body.pqsVersion.ultraQualitySurfaceMaterial = surfaceMaterial;
                    Body.pqsVersion.highQualitySurfaceMaterial   = surfaceMaterial;
                    Body.pqsVersion.mediumQualitySurfaceMaterial = surfaceMaterial;
                    Body.pqsVersion.lowQualitySurfaceMaterial    = surfaceMaterial;
                    Body.pqsVersion.surfaceMaterial = surfaceMaterial;
                else if (GameSettings.TERRAIN_SHADER_QUALITY == 0)
                    Material surfaceMaterial = Body.pqsVersion.lowQualitySurfaceMaterial;

                    if (!surfaceMaterial)
                        surfaceMaterial = Body.pqsVersion.lowQualitySurfaceMaterial;
                    if (!surfaceMaterial)
                        surfaceMaterial = Body.pqsVersion.surfaceMaterial;

#if (!KSP_VERSION_1_8)
                    Body.pqsVersion.ultraQualitySurfaceMaterial = surfaceMaterial;
                    Body.pqsVersion.highQualitySurfaceMaterial   = surfaceMaterial;
                    Body.pqsVersion.mediumQualitySurfaceMaterial = surfaceMaterial;
                    Body.pqsVersion.lowQualitySurfaceMaterial    = surfaceMaterial;
                    Body.pqsVersion.surfaceMaterial = surfaceMaterial;

                // Should we remove the ocean?
                if (Body.celestialBody.ocean)
                    // Find atmosphere the ocean PQS
                    PQS ocean = Body.pqsVersion.GetComponentsInChildren <PQS>(true)
                                .First(pqs => pqs != Body.pqsVersion);
                    PQSMod_CelestialBodyTransform cbt = Body.pqsVersion
                                                        .GetComponentsInChildren <PQSMod_CelestialBodyTransform>(true).First();
#if (!KSP_VERSION_1_8)
                    if (GameSettings.TERRAIN_SHADER_QUALITY == 3)
                        Material surfaceMaterial = ocean.ultraQualitySurfaceMaterial;

                        if (!surfaceMaterial)
                            surfaceMaterial = ocean.highQualitySurfaceMaterial;
                        if (!surfaceMaterial)
                            surfaceMaterial = ocean.mediumQualitySurfaceMaterial;
                        if (!surfaceMaterial)
                            surfaceMaterial = ocean.lowQualitySurfaceMaterial;
                        if (!surfaceMaterial)
                            surfaceMaterial = ocean.surfaceMaterial;
                        ocean.ultraQualitySurfaceMaterial  = surfaceMaterial;
                        ocean.highQualitySurfaceMaterial   = surfaceMaterial;
                        ocean.mediumQualitySurfaceMaterial = surfaceMaterial;
                        ocean.lowQualitySurfaceMaterial    = surfaceMaterial;
                        ocean.surfaceMaterial = surfaceMaterial;
                    if (GameSettings.TERRAIN_SHADER_QUALITY == 2)
                        Material surfaceMaterial = ocean.highQualitySurfaceMaterial;

                        if (!surfaceMaterial)
                            surfaceMaterial = ocean.mediumQualitySurfaceMaterial;
                        if (!surfaceMaterial)
                            surfaceMaterial = ocean.lowQualitySurfaceMaterial;
                        if (!surfaceMaterial)
                            surfaceMaterial = ocean.surfaceMaterial;
#if (!KSP_VERSION_1_8)
                        ocean.ultraQualitySurfaceMaterial = surfaceMaterial;
                        ocean.highQualitySurfaceMaterial   = surfaceMaterial;
                        ocean.mediumQualitySurfaceMaterial = surfaceMaterial;
                        ocean.lowQualitySurfaceMaterial    = surfaceMaterial;
                        ocean.surfaceMaterial = surfaceMaterial;
                    else if (GameSettings.TERRAIN_SHADER_QUALITY == 1)
                        Material surfaceMaterial = ocean.mediumQualitySurfaceMaterial;

                        if (!surfaceMaterial)
                            surfaceMaterial = ocean.lowQualitySurfaceMaterial;
                        if (!surfaceMaterial)
                            surfaceMaterial = ocean.surfaceMaterial;
#if (!KSP_VERSION_1_8)
                        ocean.ultraQualitySurfaceMaterial = surfaceMaterial;
                        ocean.highQualitySurfaceMaterial   = surfaceMaterial;
                        ocean.mediumQualitySurfaceMaterial = surfaceMaterial;
                        ocean.lowQualitySurfaceMaterial    = surfaceMaterial;
                        ocean.surfaceMaterial = surfaceMaterial;
                    else if (GameSettings.TERRAIN_SHADER_QUALITY == 0)
                        Material surfaceMaterial = ocean.lowQualitySurfaceMaterial;

                        if (!surfaceMaterial)
                            surfaceMaterial = ocean.lowQualitySurfaceMaterial;
                        if (!surfaceMaterial)
                            surfaceMaterial = ocean.surfaceMaterial;
#if (!KSP_VERSION_1_8)
                        ocean.ultraQualitySurfaceMaterial = surfaceMaterial;
                        ocean.highQualitySurfaceMaterial   = surfaceMaterial;
                        ocean.mediumQualitySurfaceMaterial = surfaceMaterial;
                        ocean.lowQualitySurfaceMaterial    = surfaceMaterial;
                        ocean.surfaceMaterial = surfaceMaterial;

                    if (RemoveOcean.Value)
                        // Destroy the ocean PQS (this could be bad - destroying the secondary fades...)
                        cbt.secondaryFades     = null;
                        ocean.transform.parent = null;

                        // No more ocean :(
                        Body.celestialBody.ocean = false;
                        Body.pqsVersion.mapOcean = false;

                // Selectively remove PQS Mods
                if (RemovePqsMods != null && RemovePqsMods.Value.LongCount() > 0)
                    // We need a List with Types to remove
                    List <Type> mods = new List <Type>();
                    Dictionary <String, Type> modsPerName = new Dictionary <String, Type>();
                    foreach (String mod in RemovePqsMods.Value)
                        // If the definition has a name specified, grab that
                        String mType = mod;
                        String mName = "";
                        if (mType.EndsWith("]"))
                            String[] split = mType.Split('[');
                            mType = split[0];
                            mName = split[1].Remove(split[1].Length - 1);

                        // Get the mods matching the String
                        String modName = mType;
                        if (!mod.Contains("PQS"))
                            modName = "PQSMod_" + mod;

                        if (mName == "")
                            //mods.Add(Type.GetType(modName + ", Assembly-CSharp, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null"));
                            Type t = Parser.ModTypes.Find(m => m.Name == modName);
                            if (t != null)
                            //modsPerName.Add(name, Type.GetType(modName + ", Assembly-CSharp, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null"));
                            Type t = Parser.ModTypes.Find(m => m.Name == modName);
                            if (t != null)
                                modsPerName.Add(mName, t);

                    Utility.RemoveModsOfType(mods, Body.pqsVersion);
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <String, Type> kvP in modsPerName)
                        Int32  index   = 0;
                        String modName = kvP.Key;
                        if (modName.Contains(';'))
                            String[] split = modName.Split(';');
                            modName = split[0];
                            Int32.TryParse(split[1], out index);

                        PQSMod[] allMods = Body.pqsVersion.GetComponentsInChildren(kvP.Value, true)
                                           .OfType <PQSMod>().Where(m => m.name == modName).ToArray();
                        if (allMods.Length <= 0)
                        if (allMods[index] is PQSCity)
                            PQSCity city = (PQSCity)allMods[index];
                            if (city.lod != null)
                                foreach (PQSCity.LODRange range in city.lod)
                                    if (range.objects != null)
                                        foreach (GameObject o in range.objects)

                                    if (range.renderers == null)
                                        foreach (GameObject o in range.renderers)

                        if (allMods[index] is PQSCity2)
                            PQSCity2 city = (PQSCity2)allMods[index];
                            if (city.objects != null)
                                foreach (PQSCity2.LodObject range in city.objects)
                                    if (range.objects == null)
                                    foreach (GameObject o in range.objects)

                        // If no mod is left, delete the game object too
                        GameObject gameObject = allMods[index].gameObject;
                        PQSMod[] allRemainingMods = gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren <PQSMod>(true);
                        if (allRemainingMods.Length == 0)

                if (RemoveAllMods != null && RemoveAllMods.Value)
                    // Remove all mods
                    Utility.RemoveModsOfType(null, Body.pqsVersion);

            // Should we remove the progress tree
            if (RemoveProgressTree.Value)
                Body.celestialBody.progressTree = null;

            // Figure out what kind of body we are
            Boolean isStar = Body.scaledVersion.GetComponentsInChildren <SunShaderController>(true).Length > 0;

            // remove coronas
            if (isStar && RemoveCoronas)
                foreach (SunCoronas corona in Body.scaledVersion.GetComponentsInChildren <SunCoronas>(true))
                    // RnD hard refs Coronas, so we need to disable them
                    corona.GetComponent <Renderer>().enabled = false;

            // Event
            Events.OnTemplateLoaderPostApply.Fire(this, node);
Пример #47
        public static void UpdateAFG(CelestialBody body, AtmosphereFromGround afg)
            afg.outerRadius = (float)body.Radius * 1.025f;
            afg.innerRadius = afg.outerRadius * 0.975f;
            afg.KrESun = afg.Kr * afg.ESun;
            afg.KmESun = afg.Km * afg.ESun;
            afg.Kr4PI = afg.Kr * 4f * (float)Math.PI;
            afg.Km4PI = afg.Km * 4f * (float)Math.PI;
            afg.g2 = afg.g * afg.g;
            afg.outerRadius2 = afg.outerRadius * afg.outerRadius;
            afg.innerRadius2 = afg.innerRadius * afg.innerRadius;
            afg.scale = 1f / (afg.outerRadius - afg.innerRadius);
            afg.scaleDepth = -0.25f;
            afg.scaleOverScaleDepth = afg.scale / afg.scaleDepth;

Пример #48
            // Post apply event
            void IParserEventSubscriber.PostApply(ConfigNode node)
                // Should we remove the atmosphere
                if (body.celestialBody.atmosphere && removeAtmosphere.Value)
                    // Find atmosphere from ground and destroy the game object
                    AtmosphereFromGround atmosphere = body.scaledVersion.GetComponentsInChildren <AtmosphereFromGround>(true)[0];
                    atmosphere.transform.parent = null;

                    // Destroy the light controller
                    MaterialSetDirection light = body.scaledVersion.GetComponentsInChildren <MaterialSetDirection>(true)[0];

                    // No more atmosphere :(
                    body.celestialBody.atmosphere = false;

                // If we have a PQS
                if (body.pqsVersion != null)
                    Logger.Active.Log("[Kopernicus]: Configuration.Template: Using Template \"" + body.celestialBody.bodyName + "\"");

                    // Should we remove the ocean?
                    if (body.celestialBody.ocean && removeOcean.Value)
                        // Find atmosphere the ocean PQS
                        PQS ocean = body.pqsVersion.GetComponentsInChildren <PQS>(true).Where(pqs => pqs != body.pqsVersion).First();
                        PQSMod_CelestialBodyTransform cbt = body.pqsVersion.GetComponentsInChildren <PQSMod_CelestialBodyTransform>(true).First();

                        // Destroy the ocean PQS (this could be bad - destroying the secondary fades...)
                        cbt.secondaryFades     = null;
                        ocean.transform.parent = null;

                        // No more ocean :(
                        body.celestialBody.ocean = false;
                        body.pqsVersion.mapOcean = false;

                    // Selectively remove PQS Mods
                    if (removePQSMods != null && removePQSMods.Value.LongCount() > 0)
                        // We need a List with Types to remove
                        List <Type> mods = new List <Type>();
                        Dictionary <String, Type> modsPerName = new Dictionary <String, Type>();
                        foreach (String mod in removePQSMods.Value)
                            // If the definition has a name specified, grab that
                            String mType = mod;
                            String name  = "";
                            if (mType.EndsWith("]"))
                                String[] split = mType.Split('[');
                                mType = split[0];
                                name  = split[1].Remove(split[1].Length - 1);

                            // Get the mods matching the String
                            String modName = mType;
                            if (!mod.Contains("PQS"))
                                modName = "PQSMod_" + mod;
                            if (name == "")
                                //mods.Add(Type.GetType(modName + ", Assembly-CSharp, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null"));
                                Type t = Parser.ModTypes.Find(m => m.Name == modName);
                                if (t != null)
                                //modsPerName.Add(name, Type.GetType(modName + ", Assembly-CSharp, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null"));
                                Type t = Parser.ModTypes.Find(m => m.Name == modName);
                                if (t != null)
                                    modsPerName.Add(name, t);
                        Utility.RemoveModsOfType(mods, body.pqsVersion);
                        foreach (KeyValuePair <String, Type> kvP in modsPerName)
                            Int32  index = 0;
                            String name  = kvP.Key;
                            if (name.Contains(';'))
                                String[] split = name.Split(';');
                                name = split[0];
                                Int32.TryParse(split[1], out index);
                            PQSMod[] allMods = body.pqsVersion.GetComponentsInChildren(kvP.Value, true).Select(m => m as PQSMod).Where(m => m.name == name).ToArray();
                            if (allMods.Length > 0)
                                if (allMods[index] is PQSCity)
                                    PQSCity city = allMods[index] as PQSCity;
                                    if (city.lod != null)
                                        foreach (PQSCity.LODRange range in city.lod)
                                            if (range.objects != null)
                                                foreach (GameObject o in range.objects)
                                            if (range.renderers != null)
                                                foreach (GameObject o in range.renderers)
                                if (allMods[index] is PQSCity2)
                                    PQSCity2 city = allMods[index] as PQSCity2;
                                    if (city.objects != null)
                                        foreach (PQSCity2.LodObject range in city.objects)
                                            if (range.objects != null)
                                                foreach (GameObject o in range.objects)

                                // If no mod is left, delete the game object too
                                GameObject gameObject = allMods[index].gameObject;
                                PQSMod[] allRemainingMods = gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren <PQSMod>(true);
                                if (allRemainingMods.Length == 0)

                    if (removeAllMods != null && removeAllMods.Value)
                        // Remove all mods
                        Utility.RemoveModsOfType(null, body.pqsVersion);

                // Should we remove the progress tree
                if (removeProgressTree.Value)
                    body.celestialBody.progressTree = null;

                // Figure out what kind of body we are
                if (body.scaledVersion.GetComponentsInChildren <SunShaderController>(true).Length > 0)
                    type = BodyType.Star;
                else if (body.celestialBody.atmosphere)
                    type = BodyType.Atmospheric;
                    type = BodyType.Vacuum;

                // remove coronas
                if (type == BodyType.Star && removeCoronas)
                    foreach (SunCoronas corona in body.scaledVersion.GetComponentsInChildren <SunCoronas>(true))
                        corona.GetComponent <Renderer>().enabled = false; // RnD hard refs Coronas, so we need to disable them

                // Event
                Events.OnTemplateLoaderPostApply.Fire(this, node);
Пример #49
        public static void UpdateAFG(CelestialBody body, AtmosphereFromGround afg, ConfigNode modNode = null)
            if(modNode != null)
                float ftmp;
                // the default
                afg.outerRadius = (float)body.Radius * 1.025f * ScaledSpace.InverseScaleFactor;
                if (modNode.TryGetValue("outerRadius", ref afg.outerRadius))
                    afg.outerRadius *= ScaledSpace.InverseScaleFactor;
                else if (modNode.HasValue("outerRadiusAtmo"))
                    afg.outerRadius = ((float)body.Radius + body.maxAtmosphereAltitude) * ScaledSpace.InverseScaleFactor;
                else if (modNode.TryGetValue("outerRadiusMult", ref afg.outerRadius))
                    afg.outerRadius *= (float)body.Radius * ScaledSpace.InverseScaleFactor;

                // the default
                afg.innerRadius = afg.outerRadius * 0.975f;
                if (modNode.TryGetValue("innerRadius", ref afg.innerRadius))
                    afg.innerRadius *= ScaledSpace.InverseScaleFactor;
                else if (modNode.TryGetValue("innerRadiusMult", ref afg.innerRadius))
                    afg.innerRadius *= afg.outerRadius;

                modNode.TryGetValue("doScale", ref afg.doScale);
                if (modNode.HasValue("transformScale"))
                    if (float.TryParse(modNode.GetValue("transformScale"), out ftmp) && afg.transform != null)
                        afg.transform.localScale = new Vector3(ftmp, ftmp, ftmp);
                else if (modNode.HasValue("transformAtmo"))
                    afg.transform.localScale = Vector3.one * ((float)(body.Radius + body.maxAtmosphereAltitude) / (float)body.Radius);

                if (modNode.HasValue("invWaveLength"))
                    //will be recomputed by SQUAD anyway so no point.
                    // so instead, compute waveLength from it
                        Vector4 col = KSPUtil.ParseVector4(modNode.GetValue("invWaveLength"));
                        afg.invWaveLength = new Color(col.x, col.y, col.z, col.w);
                        afg.waveLength = new Color((float)Math.Pow(1/col.x, 0.25), (float)Math.Pow(1/col.y, 0.25), (float)Math.Pow(1/col.z, 0.25), 1f);
                    catch(Exception e)
                        print("*RSS* Error parsing as color4: original text: " + modNode.GetValue("invWaveLength") + " --- exception " + e.Message);
                if (modNode.HasValue("waveLength"))
                        Vector4 col = KSPUtil.ParseVector4(modNode.GetValue("waveLength"));
                        afg.waveLength = new Color(col.x, col.y, col.z, col.w);
                    catch(Exception e)
                        print("*RSS* Error parsing as color4: original text: " + modNode.GetValue("waveLength") + " --- exception " + e.Message);
                modNode.TryGetValue("Kr", ref afg.Kr);
                modNode.TryGetValue("Km", ref afg.Km);
                modNode.TryGetValue("ESun", ref afg.ESun);
                modNode.TryGetValue("g", ref afg.g);
                modNode.TryGetValue("samples", ref afg.samples);
                // the defaults
                afg.outerRadius = (float)body.Radius * 1.025f * ScaledSpace.InverseScaleFactor;
                afg.innerRadius = afg.outerRadius * 0.975f;
            afg.KrESun = afg.Kr * afg.ESun;
            afg.KmESun = afg.Km * afg.ESun;
            afg.Kr4PI = afg.Kr * 4f * (float)Math.PI;
            afg.Km4PI = afg.Km * 4f * (float)Math.PI;
            afg.g2 = afg.g * afg.g;
            afg.outerRadius2 = afg.outerRadius * afg.outerRadius;
            afg.innerRadius2 = afg.innerRadius * afg.innerRadius;
            afg.scale = 1f / (afg.outerRadius - afg.innerRadius);
            afg.scaleDepth = -0.25f;
            afg.scaleOverScaleDepth = afg.scale / afg.scaleDepth;
                MethodInfo setMaterial = afg.GetType().GetMethod("SetMaterial", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
                setMaterial.Invoke(afg, new object[] { true });
            catch (Exception e)
                print("*RSS* *ERROR* setting AtmosphereFromGround " + afg.name + " for body " + body.name + ": " + e);