private void OnGetAir(EntityUid uid, BeingDisposedComponent component, ref AtmosExposedGetAirEvent args)
     if (TryComp <DisposalHolderComponent>(component.Holder, out var holder))
         args.Gas = holder.Air;
Пример #2
    public GasMixture?GetContainingMixture(EntityUid uid, bool ignoreExposed = false, bool excite = false, TransformComponent?transform = null)
        if (!ignoreExposed)
            // Used for things like disposals/cryo to change which air people are exposed to.
            var ev = new AtmosExposedGetAirEvent(uid, excite);

            // Give the entity itself a chance to handle this.
            RaiseLocalEvent(uid, ref ev, false);

            if (ev.Handled)

            // We need to get the parent now, so we need the transform... If the parent is invalid, we can't do much else.
            if (!Resolve(uid, ref transform) || !transform.ParentUid.IsValid() || transform.MapUid == null)
                return(GetTileMixture(null, null, Vector2i.Zero, excite));

            // Give the parent entity a chance to handle the event...
            RaiseLocalEvent(transform.ParentUid, ref ev, false);

            if (ev.Handled)
        // Oops, we did a little bit of code duplication...
        else if (!Resolve(uid, ref transform))
            return(GetTileMixture(null, null, Vector2i.Zero, excite));

        var gridUid  = transform.GridUid;
        var mapUid   = transform.MapUid;
        var position = _transformSystem.GetGridOrMapTilePosition(uid, transform);

        return(GetTileMixture(gridUid, mapUid, position, excite));