public Sprite GenerateSprite(string name, out Material material) { AtlasRegion region = atlas.FindRegion(name); Sprite sprite = null; material = null; if (region != null) { //sprite.rect } return(sprite); }
static AtlasAsset GetMatchingAtlas(List <string> requiredPaths, List <AtlasAsset> atlasAssets) { AtlasAsset atlasAssetMatch = null; foreach (AtlasAsset a in atlasAssets) { Atlas atlas = a.GetAtlas(); bool failed = false; foreach (string regionPath in requiredPaths) { if (atlas.FindRegion(regionPath) == null) { failed = true; break; } } if (!failed) { atlasAssetMatch = a; break; } } return(atlasAssetMatch); }
} // Allow checkbox in inspector void Apply(SkeletonRenderer skeletonRenderer) { if (!this.enabled) { return; } atlas = atlasAsset.GetAtlas(); float scale = skeletonRenderer.skeletonDataAsset.scale; foreach (var entry in attachments) { Slot slot = skeletonRenderer.Skeleton.FindSlot(entry.slot); Attachment originalAttachment = slot.Attachment; AtlasRegion region = atlas.FindRegion(entry.region); if (region == null) { slot.Attachment = null; } else if (inheritProperties && originalAttachment != null) { slot.Attachment = originalAttachment.GetRemappedClone(region, true, true, scale); } else { var newRegionAttachment = region.ToRegionAttachment(, scale); slot.Attachment = newRegionAttachment; } } }
static AtlasAsset GetMatchingAtlas(List <string> requiredPaths, List <AtlasAsset> atlasAssets) { AtlasAsset atlasAssetMatch = null; foreach (AtlasAsset a in atlasAssets) { Atlas atlas = a.GetAtlas(); bool failed = false; foreach (string regionPath in requiredPaths) { if (atlas.FindRegion(regionPath) == null) { failed = true; break; } } if (!failed) { atlasAssetMatch = a; // tsteil - default the GetMatchingAtlas so it tries to returns the 2x atlas if ("-2x_Atlas")) { break; } } } return(atlasAssetMatch); }
void Apply(SkeletonRenderer skeletonRenderer) { atlas = AtlasAsset.GetAtlas(); if (atlas == null) { return; } float scale = skeletonRenderer.skeletonDataAsset.scale; foreach (var entry in attachments) { Slot slot = skeletonRenderer.Skeleton.FindSlot(entry.slot); Attachment originalAttachment = slot.Attachment; AtlasRegion region = atlas.FindRegion(entry.region); if (region == null) { slot.Attachment = null; } else if (inheritProperties && originalAttachment != null) { slot.Attachment = originalAttachment.GetRemappedClone(region, true, true, scale); } else { var newRegionAttachment = region.ToRegionAttachment(, scale); slot.Attachment = newRegionAttachment; } if (!entry.UseOriginalData) { RegionAttachment ra = slot.Attachment as RegionAttachment; if (ra == null) { return; } ra = (RegionAttachment)ra.Copy(); //HeroAnimImgList.SlotRegionPair PAIR = SDDataManager.Instance // .GetPairBySlotAndRegion(CM.SkeletonIndex, entry.slot, entry.region); //Vector2 _pos = PAIR.PositionOffset; //Vector2 _scale = PAIR.Scale; //ra.Width = ra.RegionWidth * scale * _scale.x; //ra.Height = ra.RegionHeight * scale * _scale.y; //ra.SetPositionOffset( _pos * scale * _scale ); ra.UpdateOffset(); slot.Attachment = ra; } } }
void Apply(SkeletonRenderer skeletonRenderer) { atlas = atlasAsset.GetAtlas(); float scale = skeletonRenderer.skeletonDataAsset.scale; var enumerator = attachments.GetEnumerator(); while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { var entry = (SlotRegionPair)enumerator.Current; var slot = skeletonRenderer.skeleton.FindSlot(entry.slot); var region = atlas.FindRegion(entry.region); slot.Attachment = region.ToRegionAttachment(entry.region, scale); } }
public void ExchangeEquipmentAndMergeUI(SkeletonGraphic skeletonAnimation, List <EquipmentItem> infos) { for (int i = 0; i < infos.Count; i++) { EquipmentItem info = infos[i]; string regionName = info.equipmentImageName; string defaultSkinName = info.defaultSkinName; string spineEquipmentType = info.spineEquipmentTypeName; AssetBundlePackage assetbundle = HFResourceManager.Instance.LoadAssetBundleFromFile(info.equipmentAssetbundleName); AtlasAsset atlasAsset = assetbundle.LoadAssetWithCache <AtlasAsset>(info.equipmentAtlasAssetName); float scale = skeletonAnimation.skeletonDataAsset.scale; Atlas atlas = atlasAsset.GetAtlas(); AtlasRegion region = atlas.FindRegion(regionName); Slot slot = skeletonAnimation.Skeleton.FindSlot(info.slotName); Attachment originalAttachment = slot.Attachment; if (region == null) { HFLog.C("没有找到图集里的 : 图片 " + regionName); slot.Attachment = null; } else if (originalAttachment != null) { slot.Attachment = originalAttachment.GetRemappedClone(region, true, true, 1); } else { var newRegionAttachment = region.ToRegionAttachment(, scale); slot.Attachment = newRegionAttachment; } slot.Skeleton.Skin.SetAttachment(slot.Data.Index, info.slotPlaceholderName, slot.Attachment); } Skin repackedSkin = new Skin(RepackConst); repackedSkin.Append(skeletonAnimation.Skeleton.Data.DefaultSkin); // Include the "default" skin. (everything outside of skin placeholders) repackedSkin.Append(skeletonAnimation.Skeleton.Skin); // Include your new custom skin. Texture2D runtimeAtlas = null; Material runtimeMaterial = null; repackedSkin = repackedSkin.GetRepackedSkin(RepackConst, skeletonAnimation.SkeletonDataAsset.atlasAssets[0].materials[0], out runtimeMaterial, out runtimeAtlas); // Pack all the items in the skin. skeletonAnimation.Skeleton.SetSkin(repackedSkin); // Assign the repacked skin to your Skeleton. skeletonAnimation.Skeleton.SetSlotsToSetupPose(); // Use the pose from setup pose. skeletonAnimation.Update(0); // Use the pose in the currently active animation. skeletonAnimation.OverrideTexture = runtimeAtlas; }
public Mesh GenerateMesh(string name, Mesh mesh, out Material material, float scale = 0.01f) { AtlasRegion region = atlas.FindRegion(name); material = null; if (region != null) { if (mesh == null) { mesh = new Mesh(); = name; } Vector3[] verts = new Vector3[4]; Vector2[] uvs = new Vector2[4]; Color[] colors = { Color.white, Color.white, Color.white, Color.white }; int[] triangles = { 0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 0 }; float left, right, top, bottom; left = region.width / -2f; right = left * -1f; top = region.height / 2f; bottom = top * -1; verts[0] = new Vector3(left, bottom, 0) * scale; verts[1] = new Vector3(left, top, 0) * scale; verts[2] = new Vector3(right, top, 0) * scale; verts[3] = new Vector3(right, bottom, 0) * scale; float u, v, u2, v2; u = region.u; v = region.v; u2 = region.u2; v2 = region.v2; if (!region.rotate) { uvs[0] = new Vector2(u, v2); uvs[1] = new Vector2(u, v); uvs[2] = new Vector2(u2, v); uvs[3] = new Vector2(u2, v2); } else { uvs[0] = new Vector2(u2, v2); uvs[1] = new Vector2(u, v2); uvs[2] = new Vector2(u, v); uvs[3] = new Vector2(u2, v); } mesh.triangles = new int[0]; mesh.vertices = verts; mesh.uv = uvs; mesh.colors = colors; mesh.triangles = triangles; mesh.RecalculateNormals(); mesh.RecalculateBounds(); material = (Material); } else { mesh = null; } return(mesh); }
public Mesh GenerateMesh(string name, Mesh mesh, out Material material, float scale = 0.01f) { AtlasRegion atlasRegion = atlas.FindRegion(name); material = null; if (atlasRegion != null) { if (mesh == null) { mesh = new Mesh(); = name; } Vector3[] array = new Vector3[4]; Vector2[] array2 = new Vector2[4]; Color[] colors = new Color[4] { Color.white, Color.white, Color.white, Color.white }; int[] triangles = new int[6] { 0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 0 }; float num = (float)atlasRegion.width / -2f; float x = num * -1f; float num2 = (float)atlasRegion.height / 2f; float y = num2 * -1f; array[0] = new Vector3(num, y, 0f) * scale; array[1] = new Vector3(num, num2, 0f) * scale; array[2] = new Vector3(x, num2, 0f) * scale; array[3] = new Vector3(x, y, 0f) * scale; float u = atlasRegion.u; float v = atlasRegion.v; float u2 = atlasRegion.u2; float v2 = atlasRegion.v2; if (!atlasRegion.rotate) { array2[0] = new Vector2(u, v2); array2[1] = new Vector2(u, v); array2[2] = new Vector2(u2, v); array2[3] = new Vector2(u2, v2); } else { array2[0] = new Vector2(u2, v2); array2[1] = new Vector2(u, v2); array2[2] = new Vector2(u, v); array2[3] = new Vector2(u2, v); } mesh.triangles = new int[0]; mesh.vertices = array; mesh.uv = array2; mesh.colors = colors; mesh.triangles = triangles; mesh.RecalculateNormals(); mesh.RecalculateBounds(); material = (Material); } else { mesh = null; } return(mesh); }
// private void SetAtttachment(SkeletonAnimation skeletonrenderer, string resName, string slotStrm) public void SetAttachment(SkeletonAnimation skeletonrenderer, string atlasName, string regionStr, string slotStr, string attachName = "") { // float scale = skeletonrenderer.skeletonDataAsset.scale; Slot slot = skeletonrenderer.skeleton.FindSlot(slotStr); if (slot == null) { return; //没有slot,可能表示没有该细节 } if (atlasName.Equals("")) //直接加载texture { Sprite tex = RoleGenerateManager.instance.LoadTexture(regionStr); if (tex == null) { Debug.LogErrorFormat("<RoleGenerator> 找不到贴图{0}", regionStr); return; } Attachment originalAttachment = slot.Attachment; if (originalAttachment != null) { slot.Attachment = originalAttachment.GetRemappedClone(tex, skeletonrenderer.SkeletonDataAsset.atlasAssets[0].materials[0]); } else { slot.Attachment = tex.ToRegionAttachment(skeletonrenderer.SkeletonDataAsset.atlasAssets[0].materials[0]); } } else { AtlasRegion atlasRegion = null; Atlas atlas = RoleGenerateManager.instance.LoadPartAtlas(atlasName).GetAtlas(); atlasRegion = atlas.FindRegion(regionStr); if (atlasRegion == null) { Debug.LogErrorFormat("<RoleGenerator> 图集:{0}中没有切片{1}", atlasName, regionStr); return; } Attachment originalAttachment = slot.Attachment; if (originalAttachment != null) { slot.Attachment = originalAttachment.GetRemappedClone(atlasRegion); } else { slot.Attachment = atlasRegion.ToRegionAttachment(; } } // if (slot!=null) // { // customSkin = customSkin ?? new Skin("custom skin"); // This requires that all customizations are done with skin placeholders defined in Spine. // int slotIndex = skeletonrenderer.skeleton.FindSlotIndex(slotStr); // You can access GetAttachment and SetAttachment via string, but caching the slotIndex is faster. // Skin templateSkin = skeletonrenderer.skeleton.Data.DefaultSkin; // Attachment templateAttachment = templateSkin.GetAttachment(slotIndex, attachName); // Attachment newAttachment = templateAttachment.GetRemappedClone(sprite, sourceMaterial); // customSkin.SetAttachment(slotIndex, attachName, newAttachment); // } }